
发布时间:2020-01-25 01:31:09   来源:文档文库   



  【篇一】我的哥哥 My Brother

  I hasdfsve asdfs brother. He is four yeasdfsrs older thasdfsn me. Now he is fifteen yeasdfsrs old, asdfsnd he is asdfs student of Grasdfsde Nine. He is tasdfsll asdfsnd hasdfsndsome. His clasdfsssmasdfstes like plasdfsying with him. He works hasdfsrd in study. His teasdfschers speasdfsk highly of him. Besides, basdfssketbasdfsll asdfsnd running asdfsre his fasdfsvorites. He is good asdfst sports. He casdfsres much asdfsbout me. When I meet difficulties in study, he asdfslwasdfsys helps me. I love my brother.


  【篇二】我的同桌My Deskmasdfste

  My deskmasdfste is Nasdfsncy. She is asdfs lovely girl. We asdfsre deskmasdfstes asdfsnd friends. Nasdfsncy is asdfs new student of my clasdfsss. She comes to my clasdfsss only two weeks. My teasdfscher let her sit neasdfsr me. At first, I didn't like her, becasdfsuse she wasdfss quiet. But, asdfss time goes by, we become fasdfsmiliasdfsr to easdfsch other. I introduce my teasdfschers asdfsnd clasdfsssmasdfstes to her. I asdfsm so hasdfsppy, becasdfsuse I casdfsn help her something.


  【篇三】我最爱的人The Person I Love Most

  I love my mother most, becasdfsuse she is my mother asdfsnd she loves me, too. My mother casdfsres good casdfsre of me. Every morning, she gets up easdfsrly asdfsnd masdfskes breasdfskfasdfsst for me. Every dasdfsy, she cooks delicious measdfsls for me asdfsnd my fasdfsther. She knows us fasdfsvorites. Besides, she often tasdfslks to me, so thasdfst we like close friends. She knows everything asdfsbout me. My mother’s hoadfdsy is reasdfsding. She hasdfss much knowledge. And she encourasdfsges me to reasdfsd more books. It’s good for me.


  【篇四】我的网友My Net Friend

  My nasdfsme is Blasdfsir. My fasdfsther bought asdfs computer for me lasdfsst yeasdfsr. I leasdfsrned to seasdfsrch the Internet. I masdfsde asdfs net friend on the Internet. Her nasdfsme is Jessie. She lives in Guasdfsngzhou. We often tasdfslk to easdfsch other asdfsnd we hasdfsve masdfsny things in common. She introduces Guasdfsngzhou to me.She likes Guasdfsngzhou very much.


  【篇五】我的语文老师 My Chinese teasdfscher

  I love my Chinese teasdfscher.Her nasdfsme is Lui Xiasdfsohong. She is from Nasdfsnchasdfsng. She’s very asdfsctive asdfsnd strict. She hasdfss two big asdfsnd bright eyes. She’s very nice.She is short asdfsnd thin. She is asdfslwasdfsys smiling. I don’t know whasdfst seasdfsson is her fasdfsvourite. Becasdfsuse I don’t know her very well. Her clasdfsss is very funny, I love it very much.


  【篇六】我的笔友My Pen Pasdfsl

  Masdfsriasdfs is my pen pasdfsl. She is 12 yeasdfsrs old. She hasdfss asdfs round fasdfsce, blue eyes asdfsnd short hasdfsir. She is fromCasdfsnasdfsdasdfs. She lives in the downtown ofOttasdfswasdfs. She casdfsn speasdfsk English asdfsnd French. Chinese is her fasdfsvorite subject, becasdfsuse she is interested in the Chinese culture. Besides, movie is her fasdfsvorite asdfsnd she likes going to see the movies with her friends.


  【篇七】我的妈妈My Mother

  I hasdfsve asdfs greasdfst mother. She casdfsres much asdfsbout me in my life asdfsnd study. In the morning, she gets up easdfsrly to masdfske breasdfskfasdfsst for me. When I wasdfss little, she prepasdfsred my schoolbasdfsg. But now, she tells me to do it by myself. Becasdfsuse she thinks I hasdfsve been old enough to do it. Besides, she asdfslwasdfsys checks my homework. When I finish my homework, she checks it asdfsnd points out the mistasdfskes. She is very casdfsreful asdfsnd helps me asdfs lot. I love my mother.


  【篇八】我的好朋友 My Good Friend

  Li Huasdfs is my good friend. We asdfsre clasdfsssmasdfstes. He is tasdfsllest in our clasdfsss. He is very kind asdfsnd asdfslwasdfsys reasdfsdy to help others. We hasdfsve masdfsny in common, so thasdfst we hasdfsve masdfsny things to tasdfslk. For exasdfsmple, we both like plasdfsying basdfssketbasdfsll asdfsnd we like the sasdfsme basdfssketbasdfsll plasdfsyerKobe. Besides, we both like casdfsrtoon very much. We asdfslwasdfsys wasdfstch casdfsrtoon prograsdfsm together. At weekends, weplasdfsy basdfssketbasdfsll often. The more importasdfsnt, he studies hasdfsrd.So do I. We casdfsn masdfske progress together. He is asdfs good friend.


  【篇九】我的奶奶My Grasdfsndmother

  My grasdfsndmother is sixty-two yeasdfsrs old. She is heasdfslthy so thasdfst she wasdfslks asdfsround often. In the morning, she goes to buy food in the masdfsrket easdfsrly. There asdfsre severasdfsl old grasdfsnnies going with her. In their opinion, it’s asdfs kind of exercise, becasdfsuse wasdfslking is importasdfsnt to their heasdfslth. Besides, my grasdfsndmother is very asdfsctive asdfsnd easdfssygoing. She masdfskes masdfsny friends neasdfsr my home, from her peer to the little basdfsbies.

  She asdfslwasdfsys lasdfsughs asdfsnd masdfskes others hasdfsppy. I think my grasdfsndmother is so lovely thasdfst I wasdfsnt to stasdfsy with her.


  【篇十】我的同桌 My Desk Masdfste

  My desk masdfste is asdfs lovely girl. Her nasdfsme is Li Xiasdfsng. She tells me thasdfst the measdfsning of her nasdfsme is dreasdfsm. Her pasdfsrents hope her to be asdfs girl with dreasdfsm. She is asdfs little bit shy, but I asdfsm outgoing. So I often tasdfslk to her asdfsfter clasdfsss. I wasdfsnt to masdfske friends with her. At first, she did not tasdfslk too much, but lasdfstter, she liked tasdfslking to me. We shasdfsre our interests with easdfsch other. Of course, we help easdfsch other in study asdfsnd masdfske

  progress together.



