
发布时间:2019-04-04 14:42:09   来源:文档文库   


每年农历的正月十五是元宵节。早在两千多年前的西汉时期(the Western Han Dynasty),元宵节就已经成为一个具有重要意义的节日。在这天,人们制 作各种漂亮的灯笼、设计有趣的灯谜;同时多种表演,如舞龙灯、舞狮子、踩高跷walking on stilts )等也会上演。和其他中国传统节日一样,元宵节也有 特定的食品,叫汤圆glue pudding ) " 汉语中,汤圆和团圆发音相似, 代表着家庭团圆、和谐和快乐。

The Lantern Festival

The Lantern Festival falls on the 15th day of the 1st lunar month. As early as more than 2,000 years ago, in the Western Han Dynasty, it had become a festival with great significance. On the Lantern Festival, Chinese people craft many types of beautiful lanterns and create many interesting lantern riddles. At the same time, performances such as dragon lantern dance, lion dance and walking on stilts will be staged. Just like China’s other traditional festivals, the Lantern Festival also has its own special dish— “Tangyuana glue pudding”. Tangyuan has a similar pronunciation with “tuanyuan (reunion)”in Chinese, representing reunion, harmony and happiness for the family.


灯谜(lantern riddles )是指写在彩灯上面的谜语。灯谜一般由三部分组成 即谜面、谜面(hint)和谜底。在灯谜中凡是谜面上有的字,在谜底中不能再出现。 灯谜里充满着智慧,因此猜谜底显得很有趣,这也使得猜灯谜成为元宵节的一项不可缺少的活动。灯谜在中国源远流长,可以毫不夸张地说,灯谜体现着中


Lantern Riddles

Lantern riddles are riddles that are written on the lanterns. Generally, a lantern riddle consists of three parts, namely the riddle, the hint and the answer. Any character that appears in the riddle cannot be in the answer again. Lantern riddles are full of wisdom, thus working out them can be much fun, which makes guessing riddles an essential part of the activities in the Lantern Festival. The lantern riddle has a long history in China, and it is no exaggeration to say that it is a reflection of infinite wisdom of the Chinese people.


对联(Chinese couplet)也叫对子,由两句形式相通、内容相连的语 句组成。第一部分称作上联,贴在右侧,第二部分,即下联则贴在左 侧。两行字不仅字数要一致,而且相同位置上的字必须对仗工整antithetic in form),平厌协调harmonious in tone )。按用途不同,对联可以分为很多种, 在新年贴的对联也叫春联,表达了人们的美好祝福与愿望,也为新年增添 了节日气氛。

The Chinese Couplet

The Chinese couplet is also called “Duizi”. It consists of two sentences which are identical in form and interrelated in meaning. The first line is called “upper couplet”which is put up or hung on the right side, and the other is called “lower couplet” which is placed on the left side. Not only are the two lines required to have an equal number of characters, the words stand in the same position in each of the two sentences must be antithetic in form and harmonious in tone. For different purposes, there are different couplets. The couplet for the Spring Festival is called “Chunlian”which conveys the blessing and good wishes of the people and enhances the festive atmosphere of the New Year, too.


