
发布时间:2012-04-26 09:25:17   来源:文档文库   


每一天,我们去工作,希望做两件事情:与我们的朋友的好咖啡,让世界更好一点。 It was true when the first Starbucks opened in 1971, and it's just as true today.这是真的当第一个星巴克开业于1971年,它只是作为真正的今天。

Back then, the company was a single store in Seattle's historic Pike Place Market.当时,该公司是一个在西雅图的派克市场历史性的单店。 From just a narrow storefront, Starbucks offered some of the world's finest fresh-roasted whole bean coffees.从仅仅是一种狭隘的店面,星巴克提供世界上最好的新鲜烤全豆咖啡的。 The name, inspired by Moby Dick, evoked the romance of the high seas and the seafaring tradition of the early coffee traders.的名称,由白鲸的启发,激起了公海浪漫和早期咖啡贸易商航海传统。

In 1981, Howard Schultz (Starbucks chairman, president and chief executive officer) had first walked into a Starbucks store. 1981年,霍华德舒尔茨(星巴克董事长,总裁兼行政总裁)第一次进入了一家星巴克店走去。 From his first cup of Sumatra, Howard was drawn into Starbucks and joined a year later.从他的第一杯苏门答腊,霍华德被卷入星巴克和加入一年后。

A year later, in 1983, Howard traveled to Italy and became captivated with Italian coffee bars and the romance of the coffee experience.一年后,于1983年,霍华德前往意大利,并成为与意大利咖啡酒吧和浪漫的咖啡体验着迷。 He had a vision to bring the Italian coffeehouse tradition back to the United States.他有一个梦想,使传统的意大利咖啡馆回美国。 A place for conversation and a sense of community.一个谈话的场所和社区意识。 A third place between work and home.工作和家庭之间的第三位。 He left Starbucks for a short period of time to start his own Il Giornale coffeehouses and returned in August 1987 to purchase Starbucks with the help of local investors.他留下了很短的时间内开始了自己的星巴克咖啡馆和金正日力争不辜负回到19878月购买了本地投资者的帮助星巴克。

From the beginning, Starbucks set out to be a different kind of company.从一开始,星巴克成立了一场不同类型的公司。 One that not only celebrated coffee and the rich tradition, but that also brought a feeling of connection.其中,不仅庆祝咖啡和丰富的传统,但也带来了连接的感觉。

Our mission to inspire and nurture the human spirit – one person, one cup, and one neighborhood at a time. 我们的使命激励和培育人文精神-一人一杯茶,一时间在附近。

Today, with more than 15,000 stores in 50 countries, Starbucks is the premier roaster and retailer of specialty coffee in the world.今天,有超过50个国家的15,000店,星巴克是首屈一指的焙烧炉和世界的特种咖啡零售商。 And with every cup, we strive we bring both our heritage and an exceptional experience to life.随着时间一天天杯,我们都努力使我们的传统和卓越的体验生活。


To say Starbucks purchases and roasts high-quality whole bean coffees is very true.如果说星巴克购买和烤制高质量​​全豆咖啡是非常真实的。 That's the essence of what we do – but it hardly tells the whole story ..这就是我们所做的本质 - 但它很难道出原委..

Our coffeehouses have become a beacon for coffee lovers everywhere.我们的咖啡馆已经成为世界各地咖啡爱好者的灯塔。 Why do they insist on Starbucks?为什么他们在星巴克坚持? Because they know they can count on genuine service, an inviting atmosphere and a superb cup of expertly roasted and richly brewed coffee every time.因为他们知道他们可以依靠真诚的服务,温馨的氛围和丰富的熟练和烤煮的咖啡每一次极好杯。

Expect More Than Coffee预料有超过咖啡

We're not just passionate purveyors of coffee, but everything else that goes with a full and rewarding coffeehouse experience.我们不只是咖啡的热情传播者,但一切,与一个完整的和有意义的咖啡馆去体验。 We also offer a selection of premium Tazo® teas, fine pastries and other delectable treats to please the taste buds.我们还提供优质泰舒®茶,糕点等美味罚款选择对待取悦味蕾。 And the music you hear in store is chosen for its artistry and appeal.而音乐的你在商店听到的是选择了它的艺术性和吸引力。

It's not unusual to see people coming to Starbucks to chat, meet up or even work.这不是寻常地看到人来星巴克聊天,见面甚至不工作。 We're a neighborhood gathering place, a part of the daily routine – and we couldn't be happier about it.我们是一个社区的聚集地,是日常工作的一部分 - 我们能不能​​更快乐。 Get to know us and you'll see: we are so much more than what we brew.了解我们,你会看到:我们太远比我们酿造更多。





The Starbucks Story 星巴克的故事

Our story began in 1971. 我们的故事开始于1971年。 Back then we were a roaster and retailer of whole bean and ground coffee, tea and spices with a single 那时我们是一个焙烧炉和单豆和咖啡,茶叶和香料与零售商全

store in Seattle's Pike Place Market. 在西雅图派克店的地方市场。


Today, we are privileged to welcome millions of customers through our doors every day, in more than 17,000 locations in over 今天,我们很荣幸以百万计的天门,通过我们的每一个客户,在全球超过17,000地点,欢迎

50 countries. 50个国家。  


Folklore 民俗学

Starbucks is named after the first mate in Herman Melville's Moby Dick . 星巴克命名的 白鲸 在大副赫尔曼梅尔维尔的 Our logo is also inspired by the sea – featuring a twin‐我们的标志,也是灵感来自于海 - 设有一个双

tailed siren from Greek mythology. 从希腊神话中尾警笛。


Starbucks Mission 星巴克使命

Our mission: to inspire and nurture the human spirit – one person, one cup and one neighborhood at a time. 我们的 使命:激励和培育人文精神-一个人,一个杯子和一个邻居在一时间。


Our Coffee 我们的咖啡

We've always believed in serving the best coffee possible. 我们一直认为在服务最好的咖啡可能。 It's our goal for all of our coffee to be grown under the highest 这是我们的目标,我们对所有咖啡的种植要根据最高

standards of quality, using ethical sourcing practices. 质量标准,采用道德采购的做法。 Our coffee buyers personally travel to coffee farms in Latin America, 我们的咖啡买家亲自前往拉美咖啡农场,

Africa and Asia to select the highest quality arabica beans. 非洲和亚洲选择最高质量 的阿拉比卡咖啡豆。 Once these quality beans arrive at our roasting plants, Starbucks一旦这些品质在我们到达豆烘焙工厂,星巴克

experts bring out the balance and rich flavor of the beans through the signature Starbucks Roast™. 专家带出签名星巴克咖啡豆烤通过平衡和丰富的味道。


Our Stores 我们的商店

Our stores are a welcoming third place for meeting friends and family, enjoying a quiet moment alone with a book or simply 我们的商店是为迎接第三次会议的朋友和家人,享受一本书或者只是一个安静的时刻单独与

finding a familiar place in a new city. 发现一个新的城市熟悉的地方在一个。

Total stores: 17,009 (as of January 2, 2011) 总店:17009(截至201112日)

8,870 Company‐owned 8870公司拥有的

8,139 Licensed stores 8139持牌店


Operating in more than 50 countries 业务遍及50多个国家

Argentina, Aruba, Australia, Austria, Bahamas, Bahrain, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, China, Cyprus, Czech Republic, 阿根廷,阿鲁巴,澳大利亚,奥地利,巴哈马,巴林,比利时,巴西,保加利亚,加拿大,智利,中国,塞浦路斯,捷克共和国,

Denmark, Egypt, El Salvador, England, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, Indonesia, Ireland, Japan, Jordan, 丹麦,埃及,萨尔瓦多,英国,法国,德国,希腊,香港,匈牙利,印度尼西亚,爱尔兰,日本,约旦,

Kuwait, Lebanon, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Netherlands, Northern Ireland, Oman, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, 科威特,黎巴嫩,马来西亚,墨西哥,新西兰,荷兰,北爱尔兰,阿曼,秘鲁,菲律宾,波兰,葡萄牙,

Qatar, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Scotland, Singapore, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, 卡塔尔,罗马尼亚,俄罗斯,沙特阿拉伯,苏格兰,新加坡,韩国,西班牙,瑞典,瑞士,台湾,泰国,

Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United States and Wales. 土耳其,阿拉伯联合酋长国,美国和威尔士。


Our Partners 我们的合作伙伴

We offer the finest coffees in the world, grown, prepared and served by the finest people. 我们提供最优秀的人在世界上最好的咖啡,增加了,准备和提供。 Our employees, who we call partners, 我们的员工,谁,我们呼吁伙伴,

are at the heart of the Starbucks Experience . 体验的 核心是在 星巴克


Our store partners are committed to coffee knowledge, product expertise and customer service. 我们的商店合作伙伴致力于咖啡知识,产品知识和客户服务。


We believe in treating our partners with respect and dignity. 我们相信我们的合作伙伴和尊严的对待与尊重。 We are proud to offer two landmark programs for our partners: 我们很自豪我们的合作伙伴提供具有里程碑意义的两个方案:

comprehensive health coverage for eligible full‐ and part‐time partners and equity in the company through our Bean Stock 合作伙伴和全面的医疗保险权益为合资格的全职和兼职的公司 股票 ,通过我们bean

program. 计划。  


Starbucks Company Profile 星巴克公司简介

© 2011 © 2011



Our Products 我们的产品

Coffee: More than 30 blends and single‐origin premium arabica coffees. 咖啡:超过30混合和单一来源保费阿拉比卡咖啡。


Handcrafted Beverages: Fresh‐brewed coffee, hot and iced espresso beverages, coffee and non‐coffee blended beverages, 手工制作的饮料:鲜煮咖啡,热咖啡和冰镇饮料,咖啡和非咖啡混合饮料,

Vivanno™ smoothies and Tazo® teas. Vivanno ®™冰沙和泰舒茶。


Merchandise: Coffee‐ and tea‐brewing equipment, mugs and accessories, packaged goods, music, books and gift items. 商品:咖啡和茶冲泡 ​​设备,杯子及配件,包装品,音乐,书籍和礼品。


Fresh Food: Baked pastries, sandwiches, salads, oatmeal, yogurt parfaits and fruit cups. 新鲜食品:糕点,三明治,沙拉,燕麦,酸奶和水果parfaits杯。  


Consumer Products: Products in 13 countries (Austria, Canada, China, Denmark, Germany, Ireland, Japan, Korea, Mexico, 消费性产品:墨西哥产品在13个国家(奥地利,加拿大,中国,丹麦,德国,爱尔兰,日本,韩国,

Norway, Spain, UK and US) in three categories: 挪威,西班牙,英国和美国)在三类:  

Coffee and Tea: Whole bean and ground (Starbucks and Seattle's Best Coffee brands), Starbucks VIA 咖啡和茶:全豆和地面(星巴克和西雅图最佳咖啡品牌),星巴克威盛

® ®

Ready Brew, Tazo 准备冲泡,泰舒

® ®


tea filterbags and tea latte concentrates. 茶叶和茶拿铁精矿filterbags

Ready‐to‐Drink (RTD): Starbucks 即食即饮(RTD)的:星巴克

® ®

bottled Frappuccino 瓶装星冰乐

® ®

coffee drinks, Starbucks Discoveries 咖啡饮料,星巴克发现

® ®

chilled cup coffees, 冷冻杯咖啡,

Starbucks Doubleshot 星巴克DoubleShot

® ®

espresso drinks, Starbucks Doubleshot 咖啡饮料,星巴克DoubleShot

® ®

Energy+Coffee drinks; Seattle's Best Coffee 能源+咖啡饮料;西雅图最佳咖啡

® ®

Iced Lattes, 冰拿铁,

Tazo 泰舒

® ®

bottled iced and juiced teas. 瓶装冰茶和果汁茶。

Starbucks 星巴克

® ®

Ice Cream : Super‐premium coffee and coffee‐free flavors. 冰淇淋 :超一流的咖啡和咖啡无香味。


Brand Portfolio 品牌组合

Starbucks Coffee, Seattle's Best Coffee, Tazo Tea, and Torrefazione Italia Coffee. 星巴克咖啡,西雅图极品咖啡,泰舒茶,咖啡和意大利Torrefazione


Investor Information 投资者信息

Starbucks went public on June 26, 1992 at a price of $17 per share (or $0.53 per share, adjusted for subsequent stock splits) 星巴克上市以后的拆股)的价格26月,1992年为17美元(或每股0.53美元,每股,调整

and closed trading that first day at $21.50 per share. 并关闭交易的第一天,每股21.50美元。

Starbucks was incorporated under the laws of the State of Washington, in Olympia, Washington, on N ov. 4, 1985. 星巴克下成立的N州,华盛顿奥林匹亚,华盛顿,在法律 半岛。41985

Starbucks Corporation's common stock is listed on NASDAQ, under the trading symbol SBUX. 星巴克公司的普通股在纳斯达克,交易代码为SBUX


Being a Responsible Company 作为一个负责任的公司

We are committed to doing business responsibly and conducting ourselves in ways that earn the trust and respect of our 我们致力于做负责任的企业,进行我们自己的方式,赢得信任和尊重我们

customers, partners and neighbors. 客户,合作伙伴和邻居。 We call this Starbucks™ Shared Planet™ – our commitment to doing business responsibly. 我们称这个星球共享星巴克™™ -我们的承诺,负责任地开展业务。


Ethical Sourcing: We've developed strong, long‐term relationships with farmers all over the world that help ensure we are able 道德采购:我们已经开发的长期关系与世界各地农民的强烈,长期有助于确保我们能够

to buy the high‐quality coffee our customers expect from us. 购买高品质咖啡我们的客户从我们的期望。 It's our goal that by 2015, all of our coffee will be grown using 这是我们的目标是,到2015年,我们将所有的咖啡种植使用

ethical trading and responsible growing practices. 道德和负责任的贸易不断增长的做法。


Environmental Stewardship: We share our customers' commitment to the environment. 环境管理:我们分享我们的客户对环境的承诺。 And we believe in the importance of而且我们相信,在重要性

caring for our planet and encouraging others to do the same. 关心他人为我们的地球,并鼓励这样做。 It is our goal that by 2015, 100% of our cups will be reusable or 我们的目标是,到2015年,100%的杯子我们将可再用或

recyclable. 可回收利用。 We will also work to significantly reduce our environmental footprint through energy and water conservation, 我们也将大大减少我们的环境足迹,通过节约用水和能源,

recycling and green construction. 回收和绿色施工。  


Community Involvement: From the neighborhoods where our stores are located to the ones where our coffee is grown – we 社区参与:从生长在我们的商店街区位于是我们的咖啡的地方-我们

believe in being involved in the communities we're a part of. 相信是成为参与我们的社区的一部分。 Bringing people together, inspiring change and making a 将人们聚集在一起,鼓舞人心的变化,使一

difference in people's lives – it's all part of being a good neighbor. 在人民生活发生变化的-它的所有邻国的一部分成为一个优秀的。 By 2015, we plan to contribute one million volunteer hours 2015年,我们计划在志愿者小时贡献百点○○

each year to our communities. 每一年,我们的社区。


Website 网站

www.starbucks.com www.starbucks.com


© ©

2011 2011年



1971 Starbucks opens first store in Seattle's Pike Place Market. 1971年星巴克开第一家商店在西雅图派克地市场。


1982 Howard Schultz joins Starbucks as director of retail 1982年霍华德舒尔茨加入星巴克零售为董事

operations and marketing. 运营和市场。 Starbucks begins providing coffee 星巴克开始提供咖啡

to fine restaurants and espresso bars. 以精美的餐厅和咖啡酒吧。


1983 Howard travels to Italy , where he's impressed with the 1983年霍华德将前往意大利 ,在那里他的印象深刻

popularity of espresso bars in Milan. 在米兰的受欢迎程度咖啡酒吧。 He sees the potential to 他认为,可能

develop a similar coffeehouse culture in Seattle. 在西雅图的文化发展类似的咖啡馆。


1984 Howard convinces the founders of Starbucks to test the 1984年霍华德说服星巴克的创始人测试

coffeehouse concept in downtown Seattle, where the first 咖啡馆在西雅图市中心的概念 ,其中第一个

Starbucks® Caffè Latte is served. 星巴克咖啡连锁店Caffe Latte的供应®。 This successful experiment is 这次成功的实验

the genesis for a company that Schultz founds in 1985. 该公司的一个成因舒尔茨创建于1985年。


1985 Howard founds Il Giornale , offering brewed coffee and 1985年霍华德伊尔力争不辜负创立 ,提供的咖啡和

espresso beverages made from Starbucks® coffee beans. 星巴克咖啡饮料®制成的咖啡豆。


1987 Il Giornale acquires Starbucks assets with the backing of 1987年金正日力争不辜负资产获得的支持与星巴克

local investors and changes its name to Starbucks 本地投资者和更名为星巴克

Corporation. 公司。 Opens in Chicago and Vancouver, Canada. 打开在芝加哥和加拿大的温哥华。


Total stores*: 17 共有店*:17


1988 Offers full health benefits to eligible full‐ and part‐time 1988提供完整的医疗福利予合资格的全职和兼职

employees. 员工。


Total stores: 33 总店:33


1989 Total stores: 55 1989年总店:55


1990 Starbucks expands headquarters in Seattle. 1990年星巴克西雅图总部展开研究。


Total stores: 84 总店:84


1991 Becomes the first privately owned US company to offer a 1991年成为第一个私人拥有的美国公司提供一

stock option program that includes part‐time employees. 股票期权计划,包括兼职员工。


Opens first licensed airport store at Seattle's Sea‐Tac 首先打开西塔持牌机场店在西雅图

International Airport. 国际机场。


Total stores: 116 总店:116


1992 Completes initial public offering (IPO), with common stock 1992年完成首次公开募股(IPO),与普通股

being traded on the NASDAQ National Market under the 被交易在纳斯达克全国市场以

trading symbol SBUX. 交易代码SBUX。


Total stores : 165 总店 :165


1993 Opens roasting plant in Kent, Wash. 1993年在肯特打开焙烧厂 ,华盛顿州


Announces first two‐for‐one stock split . 宣布前两个为一股票分割


Total stores: 272 总店:272

1994 Total stores : 425 1994年总店 :425


1995 Begins serving Frappuccino® blended beverages. 1995年开始服务星冰乐®混合饮料。


Introduces Starbucks® super‐premium ice cream . 星巴克推出®超一流的冰淇淋


Announces second two‐for‐one stock split . 宣布第二二为一股票分割


Opens roasting facility in York, Pa. 打开焙烧基金在纽约,宾夕法尼亚州


Total stores: 677 总店:677


1996 Begins selling bottled Frappuccino® coffee drink through 1996年开始销售瓶装Frappuccino ®咖啡饮料通过  

North American Coffee Partnership (Starbucks and Pepsi‐ 北美咖啡伙伴(星巴克和百事可乐

Cola North America). 可口可乐北美)。


Opens stores in: Japan (first store outside of North America) 打开存储在:日本(北美以外的第一家门店)

and Singapore. 和新加坡。


Total stores: 1,015 总店:1,015


1997 Establishes The Starbucks Foundation , benefiting local 星巴克1997年建立了基金会 ,造福当地

literacy programs. 扫盲计划。


Opens stores in: the Philippines. 打开存储在:菲律宾。


Total stores : 1,412 总店 :1,412


1998 Acquires Tazo , a tea company based in Portland, Ore. 1998年收购泰舒 ,一茶叶公司总部设在俄勒冈州波特兰,  


Extends the Starbucks brand into grocery channels 杂货店的渠道扩展到星巴克品牌

across the US 全美

Launches Starbucks.com. 推出Starbucks.com。

Opens stores in: Malaysia, New Zealand, Taiwan, Thailand 打开存储在:马来西亚,新西兰,台湾,泰国

and UK 和英国

Total stores : 1,886 总店 :1,886


1999 Partners with Conservation International to promote 1999年国际合作伙伴 ,以促进与保护

sustainable coffee‐growing practices. 可持续的咖啡种植的做法。

Acquires Hear Music, a San Francisco–based music 收购听音乐,一家位于旧金山的音乐

company. 公司。

Announces third two‐for‐one stock split . 公布第三二为一股票分割

Opens stores in: China, Kuwait, Lebanon and South Korea. 打开存储在:中国,科威特,黎巴嫩和韩国。

Total stores : 2,498 总店 :2,498


2000 Howard Schultz transitions to chairman and chief global 2000年霍华德舒尔茨过渡到全球董事长兼首席

strategist, Orin Smith promoted to president and chief 战略家, 奥林史密斯升任总裁兼首席

executive officer. 首席执行官。

Establishes licensing agreement with TransFair USA to sell 建立TransFair美国与销售许可协议

Fairtrade certified coffee in US and Canada. 公平贸易认证的咖啡在美国和加拿大。

Opens stores in: Australia, Bahrain, Hong Kong, Qatar, Saudi 打开存储在:澳大利亚,巴林,香港,卡塔尔,沙特阿拉伯

Arabia and United Arab Emirates. 沙特阿拉伯和阿拉伯联合酋长国。  

Total stores : 3,501 总店 :3501


Starbucks Company Timeline 星巴克公司发展史

2001 Introduces ethical coffee‐sourcing guidelines developed in 2001年推出的道德咖啡采购中制订的准则

partnership with Conservation International. 保护国际合作伙伴关系。

Introduces the Starbucks Card , an innovative stored‐value 介绍了星巴克卡 ,创新的储值

card for customers to use and reload. 客户卡使用和重新加载。

Announces fourth two‐for‐one stock split . 宣布第四二为一股票分割

Opens stores in: Austria and Switzerland.奥地利和瑞士:打开商店英寸

Total stores : 4,709 总店 :4709


2002 Starbucks enters into licensing agreements with national 2002年星巴克进入许可协议,纳入国家

Fair Trade organizations to sell Fairtrade certified coffee in 公平贸易组织公平贸易认证的咖啡销售中

the countries where Starbucks does business. 星巴克所在国家有业务往来。

Establishes Starbucks Coffee Trading Company (SCTC) in 建立星巴克咖啡贸易公司 (SCTC)在

Lausanne, Switzerland. 洛桑,瑞士。


Opens stores in: Germany, Greece, Indonesia, Mexico 打开存储在:德国,希腊,印度尼西亚,墨西哥

Oman, Puerto Rico and Spain. 阿曼,波多黎各和西班牙。

Total stores : 5,886 总店 :5,886


2003 Acquires Seattle Coffee Company , which includes Seattle's 2003年西雅图咖啡公司收购 ,其中包括西雅图

Best Coffee and Torrefazione Italia coffee brands. 意大利最好的咖啡和Torrefazione咖啡品牌。

Opens roasting facility in Carson Valley, Nev., and 打开焙烧基金在卡森瓦利,内华达州和

Amsterdam, Netherlands. 阿姆斯特丹,荷兰。

Opens stores in: Chile, Cyprus, Peru and Turkey. 存储在打开:智利,塞浦路斯,秘鲁和土耳其。

Total stores : 7,225 总店 :7,225


2004 Opens first Farmer Support Center in San Jose, Costa Rica. 2004年开设第一个农民圣何塞支持中心 ,哥斯达黎加。

Releases Ray Charles, Genius Loves Company CD through a 发布雷查尔斯,通过公司天才爱的CD

collaboration with Concord Records. 合作与协和记录。  

Introduces Starbucks Coffee Master Program . 星巴克咖啡推出硕士班 

Opens stores in: France. 法国在商店开幕 

Total stores : 8,569 总店 :8,569


2005 Jim Donald becomes president and chief executive officer to 2005年吉姆唐纳德成为总裁兼首席执行干事

replace retiring Orin Smith. 接替即将退休的 奥林史密斯。

Acquires Ethos Water . 收购校风水

Announces fifth two‐for‐one stock split . 宣布第五二为一股票分割

Opens stores in: Bahamas, Ireland and Jordan. 打开存储在:巴哈马,爱尔兰和约旦。

Total stores: 10,241 总店:10241


2006 Launches the industry's first paper beverage cup 2006年推出了业界第一篇论文饮料杯

containing post‐consumer recycled fiber , saving 含消费后再生纤维 ,节能

more than 75,000 trees each year. 超过75,000棵树每年。

Opens stores in: Brazil and 存储在打开:巴西和   Egypt.埃及。

Total stores: 12,440 总店:1.244

2007 Eliminates all artificial trans fat and makes 2 percent milk 2007年消除了所有人工反式脂肪,使牛奶的百分之二

the new standard for espresso beverages in all US stores as 新标准的浓缩咖啡饮料在美国所有存储为

part of commitment to health and wellness. 部分对健康和保健的承诺。

Opens stores in: Romania and 存储在打开:罗马尼亚和   Russia.俄罗斯。

Total stores : 15,011 总店 :15011


2008 Chairman Howard Schultz returns as chief executive 2008年主席霍华德舒尔茨返回为行政长官

officer . 主任

Acquires Coffee Equipment Company and its Clover® 收购咖啡设备公司及其三叶草®

brewing system . 酿造系统

Launches My Starbucks Idea, Starbucks first online 星巴克推出我的思想,星巴克第一线上

community. 社区。

Announces Starbucks™ Shared Planet™, the company's 星巴克宣布星球™™共享,该公司的

long‐term commitment to conducting business responsibly. 长期致力于开展业务的责任。

Expands partnership with Conservation International for 扩大国际合作与保护

work on ethical sourcing and climate change. 工作道德采购和气候变化。

Launches Pike Place Roast 派克推出烤

TM ** 商标**

, which quickly becomes ,并迅速成为

Starbucks top‐selling coffee . 星巴克最畅销的咖啡。

Opens stores in: Argentina, Bulgaria, Czech Republic and 打开存储在:阿根廷,保加利亚,捷克共和国和

Portugal. 葡萄牙。  

Total stores : 16,680 总店 :16680


2009 Launches Starbucks VIA™ Ready Brew Coffee . 2009年推出星巴克咖啡啤酒威盛™就绪


Opens East Africa Farmer Support Center in Kigali, Rwanda. 打开东非农民在基加利支持中心 ,卢旺达。

Starbucks partners with (RED)™ to help save lives in Africa. )™星巴克伙伴(红色,以帮助拯救非洲生命研究。

Starbucks named on of the most engaged brand in social 从事社会上名为星巴克品牌的最

media . 媒体  Launches myStarbucks and Starbucks Card iPhone推出myStarbucks和星巴克卡iPhone

apps and Starbucks Card Mobile payment. 星巴克卡应用和移动支付。  

Opens stores in: Poland and Aruba.和阿鲁巴波兰:打开商店英寸

Total stores: 16,635 总店:16635


2010 Expands digital offerings for customers with free 2010年数码产品,为客户免费扩大

unlimited Wi‐Fi, Starbucks Digital Network in US 无限的无线网络,数字网络在美国的星巴克

stores. 商店。

Seattle's Best Coffee reinvents business strategy to 西雅图最佳咖啡拓展新的经营策略,

extend brand's reach. 扩大品牌的覆盖面。

Expands coffee offerings with ultra‐premium Starbucks地价星巴克咖啡产品拓展

Reserve™ line and Starbucks® Natural Fusions, the first 储备™系列和星巴克®天然融合,第一

nationally‐branded naturally‐flavored packaged coffee 国内品牌的自然风味的袋装咖啡

Announces first Asia Farmer Support Center in Yunnan 宣布第一届亚洲农民支助中心的云南

Province, China. 省,中国。

Opens stores in: Hungary and El Salvador.萨尔瓦多和匈牙利打开存储在:。

Total stores: 16,858 总店:16858  


* All store counts reflect end of fiscal year for company‐owned stores *所有商店计数反映财政为今年年底公司拥有的商店

** (Pike Place is a trademark of the Pike Place Market PDA, used under license). **(派克取而代之的是派克商标的地方市场的PDA,使用许可下)。

© ©

2011 2011年



© ©

2011 2011年




Since the beginning, Starbucks has been a different kind of company. 自年初以来,星巴克一直是公司的不同类型。 One that is dedicated to inspiring and nurturing the 一个是致力于激发和培养

human spirit. 人的精神。 Committed to serving the finest coffee, creating an exceptional customer experience, and being a great place to 致力于服务最优秀的咖啡,创造了一个特殊的客户体验,并成为一个伟大的地方

work. 工作。 We are grateful to our partners (employees) for making us the company that we are. 我们感谢我们的合作伙伴,我们(员工)为使我们的公司。 And we are honored to be 我们很荣幸地成为

acknowledged for their efforts. 承认他们的努力。


Here are some of our recent awards and recognition. 下面是最近承认我们的一些奖项和。


“No. “号 1 Best Coffee,” Fast Food and Quick Refreshment categories 1最佳咖啡,“快餐和点心类快速

Zagat's Survey of National Chain Restaurants – 2009‐2010 查格的调查的全国连锁餐厅 - 2009-2010


“No. “号 1 Most Popular Quick Refreshment Chain” 一最受欢迎快速小食链“

Zagat's Survey of National Chain Restaurants – 2009‐2010 查格的调查的全国连锁餐厅 - 2009-2010


One of the “World's Most Ethical Companies” 其中的“世界上最道德的公司”

Ethisphere – 2007‐2010 Ethisphere - 2007-2010


“Most Ethical Company, European Coffee Industry” “最道德公司,欧洲咖啡产业”

Allegra Strategies – 2009‐2010 阿莱格拉策略 - 2009-2010


“Best Coffee House, Germany” “最佳咖啡馆,德国”

Deutschland Institute for Service Quality – 2010 日本研究所的服务质量- 2010   


One of the “100 Best Corporate Citizens” 其中一个“100家最佳企业公民”

Corporate Responsibility Officer/Business Ethics – 2000‐2010 企业责任官/商业伦理 - 2000-2010


One of the “Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations in the World” 之一的“全球100家最具可持续发展世界企业中的”

Corporate Knights – 2010 公司骑士- 2010  


One of “The 100 Best Companies to Work For” 一“100家最佳雇主”

FORTUNE – 1998–2000, 2002–2010 财富 - 1998-2000年,2002-2010


One of the “Most Admired Companies in America” 一个“最受赞赏的美国公司本着”

FORTUNE – 2003–2010 财富 - 2003-2010


One of the “Best Places to Work for LGBT Equality” 一对“最适合工作的同志平等”

The Human Rights Campaign – 2009‐2010 人权运动 - 2009-2010


Our mission: to inspire and nurture the human spirit – one person, one cup and one neighborhood at a time.我们的使命:为激励和培育人文精神 - 一个人,一个杯子和一个一个社区。

Here are the principles of how we live that every day:下面是我们如何生活的原则,每一天:

Our Coffee我们的咖啡

It has always been, and will always be, about quality.它一直是,而且将永远是关于质量。 We're passionate about ethically sourcing the finest coffee beans, roasting them with great care, and improving the lives of people who grow them.我们热爱道德采购的最好的咖啡豆,烘焙他们非常谨慎,并提高人民的生活谁种这些作物。 We care deeply about all of this; our work is never done.我们深切关注这一切,我们的工作永远是做不完。

Our Partners我们的合作伙伴

We're called partners, because it's not just a job, it's our passion.我们被称为合作伙伴,因为它不仅仅是一份工作,这是我们的热情。 Together, we embrace diversity to create a place where each of us can be ourselves.总之,我们拥抱多样性,创造一个地方,我们每个人都可以做自己。 We always treat each other with respect and dignity.我们始终尊重和尊严的对待对方。 And we hold each other to that standard.而我们认为该标准的其他每个。

Our Customers我们的客户

When we are fully engaged, we connect with, laugh with, and uplift the lives of our customers – even if just for a few moments.当我们充分参与,我们就可以与,笑,及提升客户的生活 - 哪怕只是几分钟。 Sure, it starts with the promise of a perfectly made beverage, but our work goes far beyond that.当然,它首先提出了一个完美的饮料的承诺,但我们的工作远远不止于此。 It's really about human connection.这实际上是关于人的连接。

Our Stores我们的商店

When our customers feel this sense of belonging, our stores become a haven, a break from the worries outside, a place where you can meet with friends.当我们的客户感受到这种归属感,我们的商店成为一个避风港,一个从外面一个地方,你可以与朋友见面的忧虑突破。 It's about enjoyment at the speed of life – sometimes slow and savored, sometimes faster.这是关于享受在生命的速度 - 有时慢,品尝,有时快。 Always full of humanity.总是充满人性。

Our Neighborhood我们的邻居

Every store is part of a community, and we take our responsibility to be good neighbors seriously.每一个商店是一个社区的一部分,我们把我们的责任,认真做好邻居。 We want to be invited in wherever we do business.我们希望我们在哪里做生意邀请。 We can be a force for positive action – bringing together our partners, customers, and the community to contribute every day.我们可以是一个积极的行动力 - 汇集我们的合作伙伴,客户和社会作出贡献每一天。 Now we see that our responsibility – and our potential for good – is even larger.现在我们看到,我们的责任 - 以及我们对良好的潜力 - 甚至更大。 The world is looking to Starbucks to set the new standard, yet again.世界正在寻求星巴克设置新标准,再次。 We will lead.我们将领先优势。

Our Shareholders我们的股东

We know that as we deliver in each of these areas, we enjoy the kind of success that rewards our shareholders.我们知道,当我们在这些方面提供,我们对每个享受成功的一种回报我们的股东。 We are fully accountable to get each of these elements right so that Starbucks – and everyone it touches – can endure and thrive.我们完全有责任让这些元素使星巴克的每一项权利 - 每个人都触及 - 可以承受并茁壮成长


Starbucks believes that conducting business ethically and striving to do the right thing are vital to the success of the company.星巴克认为,进行商业道德,努力做正确的事情是至关重要的公司的成功。

Business Ethics and Compliance is a program that supports Our Starbucks Mission and helps protect our culture and our reputation by providing resources that help partners make ethical decisions at work.商业道德与合规是一个程序,支持我们的星巴克使命 ,并帮助保护我们的声誉,我们的文化和提供资源,帮助合作伙伴在工作中的伦理决策。

The program develops and distributes awareness materials, including the Standards of Business Conduct ; facilitates legal compliance and ethics training; investigates sensitive issues such as potential conflicts of interest; and provides additional channels for partners to voice concerns.该方案开发和销售宣传材料,包括商业行为标准 ,促进遵守法律和职业道德培训;调查敏感问题的潜在利益冲突,如;关注,并提供语音之外的渠道合作伙伴。 Partners are encouraged to report all types of issues or concerns to the program through their choice of the offered communication channels .鼓励合作伙伴报告提供给他们所选择的方案,通过各种关切的问题或沟通渠道

The majority of reports received by Business Ethics and Compliance involve employee relations issues.这多数收到的报告和遵守商业道德涉及劳资关系的问题。 This trend is consistent with other companies – retail or otherwise – that provide alternative reporting mechanisms as part of a comprehensive ethics and compliance program.这一趋势是与其他公司的一致 - 零售或以其他方式 - 即提供一个全面的道德和规范的报告机制替代方案的一部分。


除了非凡的咖啡,星巴克作出了人性化的联系,社区参与歇业和文化的庆祝活动。 We're committed to upholding a culture where diversity is valued and respected.我们致力于维护一个地方的多样性,是重视和尊重的文化。 So it's only natural that as a guiding principle, diversity is integral to everything we do.所以很自然,作为一个指导原则,多样性是我们所做的一切不可或缺的。

At Starbucks we define Diversity in the form of an equation.在星巴克,我们定义了一个方程的形式多样性。
Diversity = Inclusion + Equity + Accessibility多样性=包容+股权+无障碍

Inclusion: human connection & engagement 包容:人类的联系和接触
Equity: fairness & justice 公平:公平与正义
Accessibility: ease of use & barrier free 辅助功能:易于使用及无障碍

Our company-wide diversity strategy focuses on four areas: partners, customers, suppliers and communities.我们全公司的多元化战略的重点放在四个方面:合作伙伴,客户,供应商和社区。

Partners (our employees) - We seek out and engage partners who are as diverse as the communities we serve. 合作伙伴(员工) -我们寻求合作伙伴谁是搞多元化的服务作为我们的社区。 Focusing on partner development by educating and engaging our partners.在合作伙伴发展为重点,通过教育和参与我们的合作伙伴。

Customers - We extend the Starbucks Experience to all customers, recognizing and responding to their unique preferences and needs. 客户 -我们的星巴克体验延伸到所有客户,认识和应对其独特的喜好和需要。 Ensuring an exceptional customer experience by connecting with our customers in a culturally relevant way.确保通过与客户的连接在一个文化相关的方式出色的客户体验。

Communities - We support and invest in local neighborhoods and global communities through strategic partnerships and economic development opportunities that deepen our ties with the communities we serve. 社区 -我们支持并投资于当地社区邻里和通过战略伙伴关系和全球经济发展机会,为加深我们与社区的联系。

Suppliers - We are a trusted and welcoming company for suppliers through our supplier diversity program that works to increase our pipeline of minority and women owned suppliers. 供应商 -我们是一个值得信赖和欢迎我们的公司为供应商通过供应商多元化计划的工程,以增加我们的供应商管道少数民族和妇女拥有。

Starbucks is dedicated to creating a workplace that values and respects people from diverse backgrounds, and enables its employees to do their best work.星巴克致力于创造一个工作场所,重视并尊重来自不同背景的人,并允许其员工将工作做到最好。 We honor the unique combination of talents, experiences and perspectives of each partner, making Starbucks success possible.我们尊重人才,经验和每个合作伙伴的角度独特组合,使星巴克的成功是不可能的。

As such we expect our partners to act with a spirit of kinship, tolerance and humanity toward all customers making our brand welcoming to everyone.因此,我们期望我们的合作伙伴在行为上的血缘关系,包容精神,使我们对所有品牌客户欢迎大家人类。


