
发布时间:2021-01-09   来源:文档文库   
第一部分 交际用塔(共计2.每小题2分)
1-5胜:倒读下面的小对话.判断答话是否恰当,恰当的选A Right.不怡当的迭B WronR.并将答案写在答题纸上! 1. How do you do? ! work in insurance. A. Right 2. I low much oil do you need? h com aboul 50 pounds. A. Right B. Wrong B. Wrong 3. Excuse me where ix thr nearest bank* please? JO ulong thin street and turn right nt the first crossroad. Thai where n is A. Right 4. Are you free on Frtdfty? Yes> Friday is fine. A. Right 5Whm do you think of the invitations? Thm A good idea. A. Right B. Wrong B. Wrong B. Wrong 第二部分 词正与培构(共计30分,每小箍2分)
62()18读下面的句子.ABC三个选项中迭出一个能填入空白处的18佳选项,井在答 18纸上写出所选项的字母符号。
6. She is
A. a C. the 1.
any yoga classes in the evening、?
A- In there C Have 8. [,tn _______ list of thing* to buy
A. doing C havitiK B Are there only accountant in my son's company^ B ah

9. She han • problem _________ lhe flit •dvettmrmcnt.
A. with Gof 10. They ununlly discuss busiincH* __________ En/mh. A> by. Gin IL He can _________ Hood Englifih, A. speak C. imy 12. It often A. rain 13. Whm HHo C> doe»
li. with
B. tnlk
in nurnrner in thr miurh of Chm
R ruinx (\ raining U. (vhns worried about the prcMmintum Ifts! wcck°C Were 15. My Aunt cnjoyw ________ for her (rirndh at hnnm A. cock C. cooking 16. 1 hnvc two brothrnu One a driver. «nd A. one C. the other 17. I think the pnrkn are lovely. So ________ L A. urn C. hnvc 1S< Pnul in _________ enntren on __________ third (loor»
A< the# ii B. a a the B. do B< other n polimm Ft to cook 19. Would you like to rrrtervntion for dinner in the restAurnnt thin rvcning? A. mukc C< hold 20. I have got a poin in my chest. B# give
You _______ to see the doctor- A. have C should & need 第三部分 句型变换(共计15分,弟小逸3分)
21-25小题;根据括号里的提示改写下列句于,并将答案写在答题纸上. 2L They have enough money for this house.(改为—问句)
22. There arc some interesting books in this bookstore# (改为一般疑问句) 23. My Mon wants to watch TV after dinner every day.(改为否定句 24. She UMially goes home abcnit 5 o'clock.《用 when 对划线部分提问〉 25. The meeting will take two hours* how long 对划线部分提间
第四部分 房读理解20.每小贱4分)
2630题:阅读下列短文,ABC三个选项中选出一个正确答案,并在答赃蛾上与出所选 项的字母符号。
Let me tell you about my new job. It fs great-1 work for Centre Company^ They have an office in London. I am the Deputy Marketing Manager. I am in charge of newspaper advertisements. Currently I am writing Advertisements for the local newspapersf and 1 am visiting our customers to introduce myiielL 17. I think the parks are lovely. So _________ L jA am C hnvc 18. Pau! is in ________ canteen on _________ third floor. A, the. a a. a 19. Would you like to __________ a reservation for dinner in the restaurant this evening? A. mukc C bold 20. I have got a pain in my chest. ■You ________ to see the doctor. A. have B. need B> give R . the Bt do C. should 第三部分 句型变换(共计15分,fij小也3分)
21 25小题:根据括号里的提示改岛下列句于■弁将答察写在答题纸上. 2L They hflve enough money for thia house* (改为,tf 何句)

22. There nrr M>mct Intcrextihg books in this book^torr.(改为 般败问句) 23. My son wanti to watch TV after dinner every dny> 改为西定句) 24 She usuHlIy home nbcut 5 o'clock.《用 when 对划税部分提问〉 25. The meeting will hike two hours* how long 对切找部分捉间 KESffi 阅读理«20,督小18 4分)
26-30 18 :阙读下列MJ,A5.C三个地顼中旬出一个正碗答案.并在答18雄上写出所选 璃的字毋符号. Let me tell you about my new job. h's great. I work or Centre Compnny< They have an office in London. I arn the Deputy Marketing Mnnagert I urn in charge of newspnper AdveniscmrntK. Currently I Am writing AdverhAcrncntH for the IOCAI newspapers> and I am visiting our customers to introduce myselL I like working herd but I don* I like trnvellmg by tube. It r» too busy I We «tnrt work Al nine o^clocL There nrr nome very nice collritKuest find I often cat lunch with them in the cunicen. Lunch is Irani one o'clock to rwo o 1 clock. Then I fininh work «t 6 a' clock. My brother worku near my office. He is In inAuranect and aometimc» we have a drink in the pub in the eveningbut nt the moment he i hnving n holidny in Scotland. 26> The writer .new job. A. doesn't like his C. in luokinn for A 27. Thr writer work* in A. insiurAncc C ccimputcrs 28. The writer workn for nbour __________ on weekdays A. fl houu C. 10 hour* 29.1 he writer think> the uibe in too ____________ . A. noisy C. busy 30. The writer and hia brother ___________
. A. aomctimcA BCC each oihrr C. scr gh othrr every day H. never HCC each othrr B
B. 9 hour#
B. marketing R like hit 第五部分KitlM25分■苞小185分)
31-35 K英僵汉。将下列英文句干■律成中文,并将答案司在答IS嫌上. 3L I hnvc n tcservMlion or n single room* 32. There nrr four candidote» for this job. 33. She never goes to work by bike.
34. I prefer watching TV to listening to munic. 35. It takes tony minutes to get from the airport to the dly center by taxi. 试题答案及评分标准
第一部分 交际用18112.10分)
1.H 2. B 3.A
4. A

第二部分 谒汇与陆构(每H2,30分)
6, C 7. B 8.H 9. A 11. A 12. B 13. C H. B Jfl.C 17. B 18. H 19, A

第三部分 句必变换BH 1,15分)
21. Do they hnvr ennugh money for thin hounv? 22. Arc there any intcrc^Ttnic bookn in hi, bookstore? 23. My non dot$n*t wunt io wutch TV after dinner rvery dny. 24. When doc5 nhc* unurdly go home? 25. How loriH will thr meeting tnkc? 第四部分 阅读建分,2。分)
26. B 27. B 28. H
29. C 30. A 第五部分 ,25分)
31. 我■仃了一间单人房. 32. 这个I作职佗"4个候选人. 3&他从来不wnnr !•«.
34. 比起听A.我史闻欢看电视
35. 索出祖车从机场判巾中心需要四卜分忡. 5. B 10. C 15. C 20. B


