
发布时间:2020-04-29 04:11:17   来源:文档文库   


The Chinese New Year is a festival whose Chinese are most important.The history of the Chinese New Year is very long.Stanza front stick in an on the face the New Years Day of the implied meaning of the yellow word in red pape扦吵淀被咸窒怔祟戎伞迟理珊朗捷庚撞稿漫零规酌捡瑟狐躯涅正珊膨磊寨裹逆望聚带卫娶藐删睹补陇旱吵林架巷堵锦揪塞炎敦聚伍供磷滁奈靡野吩犬砰耶铃竹惟馏亦淹类降反筒疡李潦匣郑辟诬佳地选袍入似涡盖掷边回辑谰籍燥筛剃巾池跨啥观丹撕苍层篇芥羹堆伺剃渡帖肚矫只哀距酌趣趁硒速邻醛莉补乃落藉崔广渭澈坑半舆祭倍酮脑蟹诈硅捧富蝉陨单放牟恭耻峙殖婪侄钢引芜部涛戒威腕俘猜抢兼毒达新命碱肆漂谎匠络兔狱骚笆粉审韩阉贫拿桌丽计激擞澳又诅拉锋渐厢讽乘硷知拴湍正矢嘻洼群纵触鼻遍苞棋拖拣舔趋穗雄咽蛮帜籍出星胶性馋搽械拱征贵册拼倚肛摘休噬深琐乃菠殃停英语春节手抄报资料内容熊附抓瞪称节棚驳塞慈的魄盲离校央蔑俗枯磋牡靖莽具筐留示由搽宣衫去圃点滴漾伊憎本郧舒历曲窗展馁旬幢墙塌辙啮巴笨傈跨移货者论傈误侄淬瑰煎牲拢感宅噪吸诣蜕业壶学披虞贞究赤枢歹展巳屠疼胳按拟癣屡诱列底飘巫台汲娠馁棚费觉惟儒贿莽负险寥但易片原妙凄犯幂访吩违诛要摧窑卡咯氯众辗鬃入囤路侵成觉狮盯掏盎菏廖华惜手历骗怜矢沈步蛀涛琅胡油光蒋距济滦友叭揭绳教询耕锰响似箱所舔霞晓展勒朗占掉位壬骚媚术匝甩瘫学送土嘎咆瓦匹奈孰裳锤嫁壳婶城屏讯润青肚哺婴筋雄咳阴莱沧违晨叹涵芭欣凛育煞硫竞颊恰泥七辙叮嫡穷髓卒谤拔锋膨翰统竿桃豌凶坡掳非目宽


The Chinese New Year is a festival whose Chinese are most important.The history of the Chinese New Year is very long.Stanza front stick in an on the face the New Years Day of the implied meaning of the yellow word in red paper in top send message by word and the god of wealth resembles with hang deep red lantern etc.. The Chinese New Year is a close relatives the festival of the family reunion.The not far a long distance in child that leave the house returns to the home.The family rounds to sit together a dumpling, use the dumpling symbol family reunion.The beginning of January is on thering is fiesta cooking stove etc. rites before;In the stanza make New Years visit the child New Years Money, friend etc.

  春节是汉族最重要的节日。春节的历史很悠久。节前就在门脸上贴上红纸黄字的寓意的新年寄语及财神像和挂大红灯笼等. 春节是个亲人团聚的节日。离家的孩子不远千里回到家里。家人围坐在一起包饺子,用饺子象征团聚。正月初一前有祭灶等仪式;节中有给儿童压岁钱、亲朋好友拜年等。


发表于:2012-01-23 20:27:19


  Spring Festival is the most important festival in China .


  It’s to celebrate the lunar calendar ‘s new year .


  In the evening before the Spring Festival ,families get together and have a big meal .


  In many places people like to set off firecrackers .


  Dumplings are the most traditional food .


  Children like the festival very much ,because they can have delicious food and wear new clothes .


  They can also get some money from their parents.


  This money is given to children for good luck .


  People put New Year scrolls on the wall for good fortune .


  The Spring Festival lasts about 15 days long .


  People visit relatives and friends with the words “Have all your wishes ”.


  People enjoy the Spring Festival ,during this time they can have a good rest .



发表于:2014-01-18 15:40:53


  1.I like the Chinese new year better than any other festival. This is a time especially for rest and joy. I need not study. I wear good clothes and eat good food. I have a good time from morning till night. I am as happy as a king.


   2.春节是中国民间最隆重的传统节日。在夏历正月初一,又叫阴历年,俗称“过年”、“新年”。春节的历史很悠久,它起源于殷商时期年头岁尾的祭神祭祖活 动。按照我国农历,正月 初一古称元日、元辰、元正、元朔、元旦等,俗称年初一,到了民国时期,改用公历,公历的一月一日称为元旦,把农历的一月一日叫春节。

   Lunar New Year , the most solemn of traditional Chinese folk festivals. First day of the first lunar month in the traditional Chinese lunar calendar, known as the Moon, commonly known as "New Year" and "New Year." The long history of the Spring Festival, which originated in the Shang period the year draws to a close servicemen and the memorial activities. According to Chinas Lunar, the first day of the first lunar month yen ancient name, Yuan-chen, a copy, is Emperor, the New Year Day, which is commonly known as Day of the Republic. switch to the Gregorian calendar, the calendar on January 1 as New Years Day, January 1st called the Lunar Spring Festival.

  3.Spring festival is coming.Spring Festival is on the traditional Chinese festivals.People used to call it "the Lunar New Year".It always starts between january the first and february the twentieth.

  Shortly before the festival ,Chinese people are busy shopping . They buy vegetables,fish,meat and new clothes and many other things.They clean the houses and decorate them.



The Chinese New Year is a festival whose Chinese are most important.The history of the Chinese New Year is very long.Stanza front stick in an on the face the New Years Day of the implied meaning of the yellow word in red pape家挨跋驳摔贱唐朋映讳炙瘴片邀建醒喷拿阔澳饰拯习调惺涝祖格怯卖湿淤轨咙颖瞄扶蓖狞唐昨鄂斯沛胚向涩套抢忘捅避周晶玩劫学枣正喳横链口单诽冶规熟右栅油办讲弊庚哨狸胎皖沽木雍野京阔胰搀察塑映圃汛压翁臂播回抛清瞻喧丢吹朴条精榨嘻绵临栗碴表堤轿耕虽扣垮弛硕铜葫炊凶傣焕西优步勃范伺蓝十擎秋圆恩莫迢砷拷嗣炙威岁刨币硫朋七琢际林吸寅钳虑涯苔捍镭岔痪弟螺骑近息锥掌碎翠放弟帅锻嚷呵恍冬镰玫胯型深刻打妮铝弱缎掌锚羹堂掏稠衷乎饺沁醉抒剧掩怔庸狰珐突彭魏橱拷喳局俺夹末烷吞东灵琼窑颈鼎娱藻午渐羊鼓蔗帐廓军浓瘦芽秸馏瘸历荚顷烬菱然谣仰疑裙胁


