
发布时间:   来源:文档文库   

如果开学是一个美好的开头,那开学对我来说也就是糗事的开头。刚开学我就出了几件糗事,大家一起来听听吧! If the beginning of the school is a good beginning, it is also the beginning of a bad thing for me. Ive just started school and Ive made some mistakes. Lets listen to them together. 叮铃铃,叮铃铃!上课铃响了,我匆匆地拿了几本书奔向数学教室。还好老师没来。过了一会,老师来了,老师叫我们拿出开学时发的练习卷。我心不在焉的从书里拿出来。由于是开学的第一天,我的思想没跟上,脑子里一直浮现出拿红包的情景,也没听清老师再讲什么。突然听见老师指着我说:你,站起来读一下第2题。就那么简单,我不紧不慢得读了起来:李白是我国的诗人……”突然我发现,我在上数学课,而手上拿的却是上学期的语文练习卷。顿时,全班哈哈大笑,老师非常生气得说:认真点啊!说完,转身回到讲台。天啊!我怎么会拿错卷子呢? “Dingling bell, jingling bell!” When the bell rang, I rushed to the math classroom with some books. Fortunately, the teacher did not come. After a while, the teacher came and asked us to take out the exercise paper for the beginning of school. I took it out of the book absently. Because it was the first day of school, my mind did not
keep up with the situation, my mind has been showing the red envelope, also did not listen to what the teacher said. Suddenly I heard the teacher pointing at me and saying, “You, stand up and read Question 2.” As simple as that, I read it slowly: “Li Bai is a poet of our country...” Suddenly I found out that I was in math class, and I was holding a Chinese exercise paper from last semester. Suddenly, the whole class laughed, and the teacher was very angry and said, “Be serious!” After that, turn around and go back to the platform. God! How could I get the wrong paper? 从那次以后,我做什么事都会认认真真的啦,凡事不能马虎,三心二意总是不行的,学习永远不会抛弃你,只是你会抛弃学习,不是吗?
From that time on, I will take everything seriously. Everything cant be done carelessly. Diligence will never work. Learning will never abandon you, but you will abandon learning, wont you?


