英国留学生自我介绍英文范文 -

发布时间:2019-04-27 18:59:56   来源:文档文库   











  11 March 2010

  Personal Statement

  My name is XXX, I was born on 19,Mar,1989 in xxx City of xxx Province—a beautiful seaside city. I spent my wonderful childhood and boyhood there.

  In grade one of primary school, I was awarded to be the “Three Good Student” of the city, and was awarded the title of “Excellent Young Pioneer” of Qingdao City before graduation. All of these are great honor for a pupil. After finishing primary education, I accompanied my parents coming to the so called “Heaven of the World”—Hangzhou City. My grandfather said I was so lucky that I lived and studied in the most two beautiful cities both in the north and south of China. In fact, what made me more lucky was I studied in the best junior high school and senior high school in Hangzhou City and even in Zhejiang Province.

  I request myself ever and again self-consciously: what others can do, so can I, what others can’t do, I still must try my best to achieve.

  In study, I am serious, self-conscious; I can learn more in limit time, so many students think my efficiency is higher than them. My result is considered satisfactory.

  As I have strong ability of organizing and communicating, I have taken the post of secretary of school student union in junior high school, later, I was selected to be vice secretary of school league committee. Under the nice atmosphere of junior high school and senior high school, I can exert my strong suit well. I love computer, I have gained the first prize of “National Olympiad in Informatics in Provinces” . Because of my operation ability of website and software and nice prestige, I was successfully elected to be the minister of information network minister of school student union, being responsible for daily management and maintenance of school after class.

  Besides study, I also take part in sports actively, I am fond of tennis ball, having taken part in tennis ball match, and gained good result. I always practice long-distance running, and obtained silver cup in school sports meeting. I also like playing guitar and so on musical instrument.

  The appraisal that teachers and classmates placed on me is: lively, kind and smart, possessing certain ability of organizing, communicating.

  I hope after finished study in your school, I can successfully attend Oxbridge to study computer or other related major further. I hope, today I am proud for school, tomorrow school is proud for me. I apply your school just with this wish. I believe you will never regret for the decision of accepting me.

  My father graduated from teachers college, he taught middle school, now he is establishing a website of baby and children education. He says it will be the biggest website of early language education in China. I benefit a lot from his tolerance, patience and the steadiness to work. My mother graduated from foreign trade college. She is engaging in import and export trade. There are her clients in Africa and Europe, she is a excellent manager. They provide sufficient fund for my middle school and future university education, I will be greatly appreciated them.

  Even though I didn’t took the exam of IELTS and TOEFL, I have been studying English from primary grade one in my spare time, I received the training of the College of International Education, Oxford, England, and was issued certificate of Completion of a General English Language and Cultural Programmed in Aug,2005. In high school, we have one English oral class by foreign teacher every week, I can understand in general. So the listening and spoken English are not very difficult for me.

  I sincerely hope to be one of your students.



1、 走过春的田野,趟过夏的激流,来到秋天就是安静祥和的世界。秋天,虽没有玫瑰的芳香,却有秋菊的淡雅,没有繁花似锦,却有硕果累累。秋天,没有夏日的激情,却有浪漫的温情,没有春的奔放,却有收获的喜悦。清风落叶舞秋韵,枝头硕果醉秋容。秋天是甘美的酒,秋天是壮丽的诗,秋天是动人的歌。

2、 人的一生就是一个储蓄的过程,在奋斗的时候储存了希望;在耕耘的时候储存了一粒种子;在旅行的时候储存了风景;在微笑的时候储存了快乐。聪明的人善于储蓄,在漫长而短暂的人生旅途中,学会储蓄每一个闪光的瞬间,然后用它们酿成一杯美好的回忆,在四季的变幻与交替之间,散发浓香,珍藏一生!

3、 春天来了,我要把心灵放回萦绕柔肠的远方。让心灵长出北归大雁的翅膀,乘着吹动彩云的熏风,捧着湿润江南的霡霂,唱着荡漾晨舟的渔歌,沾着充盈夜窗的芬芳,回到久别的家乡。我翻开解冻的泥土,挖出埋藏在这里的梦,让她沐浴灿烂的阳光,期待她慢慢长出枝蔓,结下向往已久的真爱的果实。

4、 好好享受生活吧,每个人都是幸福的。人生山一程,水一程,轻握一份懂得,将牵挂折叠,将幸福尽收,带着明媚,温暖前行,只要心是温润的,再遥远的路也会走的安然,回眸处,愿阳光时时明媚,愿生活处处晴好。

5、 漂然月色,时光随风远逝,悄然又到雨季,花,依旧美;心,依旧静。月的柔情,夜懂;心的清澈,雨懂;你的深情,我懂。人生没有绝美,曾经习惯漂浮的你我,曾几何时,向往一种平实的安定,风雨共度,淡然在心,凡尘远路,彼此守护着心的旅程。沧桑不是自然,而是经历;幸福不是状态,而是感受。

6、 疏疏篱落,酒意消,惆怅多。阑珊灯火,映照旧阁。红粉朱唇,腔板欲与谁歌?画脸粉色,凝眸着世间因果;未央歌舞,轮回着缘起缘落。舞袖舒广青衣薄,何似院落寂寞。风起,谁人轻叩我柴扉小门,执我之手,听我戏说?

7、 经年,未染流殇漠漠清殇。流年为祭。琴瑟曲中倦红妆,霓裳舞中残娇靥。冗长红尘中,一曲浅吟轻诵描绘半世薄凉寂寞,清殇如水。寂寞琉璃,荒城繁心。流逝的痕迹深深印骨。如烟流年中,一抹曼妙娇羞舞尽半世清冷傲然,花祭唯美。邂逅的情劫,淡淡刻心。那些碎时光,用来祭奠流年,可好?

8、 缘分不是擦肩而过,而是彼此拥抱。你踮起脚尖,彼此的心就会贴得更近。生活总不完美,总有辛酸的泪,总有失足的悔,总有幽深的怨,总有抱憾的恨。生活亦很完美,总让我们泪中带笑,悔中顿悟,怨中藏喜,恨中生爱。

9、 海浪在沙滩上一层一层地漫涌上来,又一层一层地徐徐退去。我与你一起在海水中尽情的戏嬉,海浪翻滚,碧海蓝天,一同感受海的胸怀,一同去领略海的温情。这无边的海,就如同我们俩无尽的爱,重重的将我们包裹。

10、 寂寞的严冬里,到处是单调的枯黄色。四处一片萧瑟,连往日明净的小河也失去了光彩,黯然无神地躲在冰面下恹恹欲睡。有母女俩,在散发着丝丝暖意的阳光下,母亲在为女儿梳头。她温和的把头发理顺。又轻柔的一缕缕编织着麻花辫。她脸上写满笑意,似乎满心的慈爱永远装不下,溢到嘴边。流到眼角,纺织进长长的。麻花辫。阳光亲吻着长发,像散上了金粉,闪着飘忽的光辉。女儿乖巧地依偎在母亲怀里,不停地说着什么,不时把母亲逗出会心的微笑,甜美的亲情融化了冬的寒冷,使萧索的冬景旋转出春天的美丽。

11、 太阳终于伸出纤纤玉指,将青山的柔纱轻轻褪去。青山那坚实的肌胸,挺拔的脊梁坦露在人们的面前,沉静而坚毅。不时有云雾从它的怀中涌起,散开,成为最美丽的语言。那阳光下显得凝重的松柏,那苍茫中显现出的点点殷红,那散落在群山峰顶神秘的吻痕,却又增添了青山另外的神秘。

12、 原野里那郁郁葱葱的植物,叫我们丝毫感受不到秋天的萧索,勃勃生机与活力仍在田间高山涌动。谷子的叶是墨绿的,长而大的谷穗沉甸甸地压弯了昨日挺拔的脊梁;高粱仍旧那么苗条,满头漂亮的红缨挥洒出秋的风韵;那纵横原野的林带,编织着深绿浅黄的锦绣,抒写出比之春夏更加丰富的生命色彩。

13、 终于,心痛,心碎,心成灰。终于选择,在月光下,被遗忘。百转千回,早已物是人非;欲说还休,终于咫尺天涯;此去经年,你我终成陌路。爱你,终是一朵花开至荼糜的悲伤,一只娥飞奔扑火的悲哀。

14、 世界这么大,能遇见,不容易。心若向阳,何惧忧伤。人只要生活在这个世界上,就有很多烦恼,痛苦或是快乐,取决于你的内心。人不是战胜痛苦的强者,便是屈服于痛苦的弱者。再重的担子,笑着也是挑,哭着也是挑。再不顺的生活,微笑着撑过去了,就是胜利。

15、 孤独与喧嚣无关,摩肩接踵的人群,演绎着身外的花开花谢,没谁陪你挥别走远的流年。孤独与忙碌迥异,滚滚红尘湮没了心境,可少了终点的奔波,人生终究一样的苍白。当一个人成长以后,在他已经了解了世界不是由鲜花和掌声构成之后,还能坚持自己的梦想,多么可贵。

16、 生活除却一份过往和爱情外,还是需要几多的遐思。人生并不是单单的由过往和爱情符号所组成的,过往是人生对所有走过岁月的见证;因为简单,才深悟生命之轻,轻若飞花,轻似落霞,轻如雨丝;因为简单,才洞悉心灵之静,静若夜空,静似幽谷,静如小溪。


《英国留学生自我介绍英文范文 -.doc》
