
发布时间:2019-02-26 12:15:21   来源:文档文库   



世界上最优美的散文:冬之湖 :哦,我们正带着钦羡的目光看着这个神奇的大干世界,并试图将内心的感受表达出来。黑夜,无疑是伟大的造物主创作出的一部分;可是,当白昼来 临的时候——从地球到苍穹——它会向我们展示其伟大的杰作。 冬之湖 []梭罗

哦,我们正带着钦羡的目光看着这个神奇的大干世界,并试图将内心的感受表达出来。黑夜,无疑是伟大的造物主创作出的一部分;可是,当白昼来 临的时候——从地球到苍穹——它会向我们展示其伟大的杰作。

一个静谧的冬夜过去了。一觉醒来,仿佛觉得昨夜有许多问题围绕着我在梦里,我努力地寻找答案,却一无所获。此时,黎明已来临,万物彰显大自 然透过我大大的窗子向屋里张望着。她脸色安详,满心欣慰,她并没有向我提问。我一觉醒来便是白天,大自然就在眼前,问题也自然有了答案。土地被大雪覆盖,小松树点缀其间。我的小木屋所在的山坡好像在说:向前看吧!”大自然并没有发问,发问的是我们人类,她早就有了主意。





the pond in winter

0our eyes contemplate with admiration and transmit to the soul the wonderful and varied spectacle of this universethe night veils without doubt a part of this slorious creationbut day comes to reveal to us this great workwhich extends from earth even into the plains of the ether

after a still winter night i awoke with the impression that some question had been put to mewhich i had been endeavoring in vain to answer in my sleepbut there was dawning naturein whom all creatures livelooking in at my broad windows with serene and satisfied faceand no question on her lipsi awoke to an answered questionto nature and daylightthe snow lying deep on the earth dotted with young pinesand the very slope of the hill on which my house is placedseemed to sayforward! nature puts no question and answers none which we mortals askshe has long ago taken her resolution

every winter the liquid and trembling surface of the pond becomes solid to the depth of a foot and a halfstanding on the snow—covered plainas if in a pasture amid the hillsi cut my way first through a foot of snowand then a foot of iceand open a window under my feetwherekneeling to thinki look down into the quiet parlor of the fishespervaded9 by a softened lightwith its bright sanded floor the same as in summerthere a perennial waveless serenity reigns the surface of pond

heaven is under our feet is well as over our heads

early in the morningwhile all things are crisp”with frostmen come with fishing reels and slender”lunchand let down their fine lines through the snowy field to take pickerell3 and perchl4they sit and eat their luncheon on the dry oak leaves on the shoreas wise in natural lore as the citizen is in artificialthey never consulted with booksand know and can tell much less than they have done

ahthe pickerel of walden! when i see them lying on the iceor in the well which the fisherman cuts in the icemaking a little hole to admit the wateri am a1ways surprised by their rare beautyas if they were fabulous”fishesthey are so foreign to the streetseven to the woodsforeign as arabia to our concord lifethey possess a quite dazzlin918 and transcendent”beautythey are not green like the pinesnor gray like the stonesnor blue like the skybut they haveto my eyesif possibleyet rarer colorslike flowers and precious stonesas if they were the pearlscrystals of the walden wateri never chanced to see its kind in any marketit would be the cynosure“of all eyes there









