
发布时间:2011-03-26 10:43:09   来源:文档文库   

首先我们进入的是热带水草生态区,.First we entered into a tropical weeds, ecological zones彩裙鱼又名灯火鱼,原产于巴西。体长6厘米左右。它们最多只能活六个月,然后会慢慢地躲到角落里去等待死亡它们的颜色是天生的,五颜六色非常美丽等会儿我会去叫人来帮忙清理一下这条鱼

The colour fish is also the light fish, originally produced in brazil. The longest one only has six centimetersMost of them would only live six months, then will slowly swim into the corner to wait for deathTheir colors is very beautiful,To wait i'll send someone to help clear up the fish

巴西龟Brazil turtle

虽然"巴西龟"寿命仅为20几年,但只要达到生殖期,就能顺利交配,顺利孵化,顺利成活,近几年"巴西龟"在中华大地遍地"开花"个体已呈几何状繁衍,占据了大面积属于中国本土龟种的野外生存空间! Although "the brazilian turtle" life was a most years, but as long as we reached the stage, we can smoothly and successfully hatched, mate successfully survive in the past few years, "the tortoise in the earth of china" flower "the individual has a geometric shapes, breed a large part of china's homegrown variety in the open space of survival.

巴西龟的脖子和脚都很长,遇到危险的时候会缩到壳里去,因此人们又称它们为缩头乌龟。Brazil turtle neck and feet are very long, in danger they will shrink into its shell, so people also called them缩头乌龟Drew tortoise. 但是海龟的脑袋和脚是永远不会缩到壳里去的,这就是海龟与乌龟的天壤之别. But the sea turtle head and feet are never shrink into its shell. this is the great different between the sea turtles andThe tortoise 等一会儿我们会到达海龟池,我们可以去验证一下海龟的脑袋会不会缩到克里去.for a moment,we will go to the sea turtle pond,and we can go to the test that the sea turtle would never shrink head and feet into its shell.

红尾皇冠鱼,学名Aequidens rivulatus,英文名Green Terror它头上的大包不是生来就有的,是它性成熟之后才长出来的,而且只有雄的有,它是身份的象征,是丈夫的标志。It the large bags on the head凸起bulge are not naturally, it grow not long after it sexual maturity and only a male would have, it is a status symbol, a sign of the husband.


  英文名:osphronemus goramy

  别名:长丝鲈,大飞船,古代战舰(古代战船)the ancient ship  原产地:原产于南美洲亚马逊河,但是东南亚的越南、泰国、马来西亚等地也有。






它非常害羞It was very shy但是名字很吉祥,可以给人们带来财富But its name is so (lucky;propitious;auspicious), and can bring wealth to you .



A cat "" the large mouth, , in his Hunger, it are likely to swallow anything that is smaller than his mouth , the catfish will know you after you breed them a long time , and would swimming with its master's hand in water, very interesting. 据说,它的胡须可以给它的 主人带来财运.as pelple says its whisker beard; moustache can bring the money to his host……

清道夫Sweeper the dustman在水族箱中常吸附在石块上、玻璃上稳定身体和吸食藻类,也寻觅底栖动物(水蚯蚓),是水族箱中忠实的清洁工。属夜行性鱼类,可与健康的品种鱼混养。In the aquarium it like to adhering to stones, will eat some algae, but also for having zoobenthosbenthic animal such as water earthworm it is the faithful " dustman of the aquarium.

血鹦鹉鱼并不是一个自然的物种,它是在一个偶然的情况下,一次偶然的机遇,偶然的被人为的创造了出来,并且一下子成为极为抢手的鱼种。刚刚上市时,由于业者将血鹦鹉的来源当作商业机密看待,保密措施极为出色。一时间关于血鹦鹉的身世的谣言四处流传开来。The parrot fish is not a natural species, it is in a fortuitous circumstances,people creat them. a chance opportunity, on the creation of the artificial weakness, and suddenly become the most coveted 鱼种 on. just when the blood will be a source as commercial secrets, security measures. for a very well about the life blood of the rumor floated about.

它也叫接吻鱼It is also called a kissinggourami fish, 因为它们会用嘴巴来传递食物Because they use to deliver the food with their mouth, 但是有些人也会说那是它们在打架,抢东西吃however,some people will say that they were fighting, for food.

低等inferior low grade

所有的珊瑚都是低等的腔肠动物,他们是由无数个珊瑚虫组成的一个整体,All the coral are low grade cavity animals, they are Composed bycountless anthozoan 珊瑚虫珊瑚不能离开海水,它们主要靠触手上的小嘴巴过滤海水中的浮游生物。她们的触手是二十年才长一厘米的,它们可以活几万年,Coral couldn't live if they leave the sea, they mainly reply on the little mouth in the tentacle( n. 触角,触手)to filter the plankton in the sea water. their tentacles grow one cm long every twenty years, so they can live tens of thousands of years。它以捕食海洋里细小的浮游生物为食,在生长过程中能吸收海水中的二氧化碳,然后分泌出石灰石,变为自己生存的外壳。每一个单体的珊瑚虫只有米粒那样大小,它们一群一群地聚居在一起,一代代地新陈代谢,生长繁衍,同时不断分泌出石灰石,并粘合在一起。这些石灰石经过以后的压实、石化,形成岛屿礁石,也就是所谓的珊瑚礁。由于珊瑚虫具有附着性,许多珊瑚礁的底部常常会附着大量的珊瑚虫。The coral reef is maked up ofComposed bycorals. Coral in the sea are low grade cavity animals, which feed on plankton in the sea, during their growth process they can absorb calcium and carbon dioxide in the sea and secrete limestone which become into their extended shell. each admixture混合的 of corals only has the small size , a group of the community grew together generation by generation and metabolism代谢, and grow continuously. the limestone and secrete

最大的海龟有三百多年了,它有一米多长,170多斤重,而且海龟都是杂食polyphagianˌpɔliˈfeidʒiə]动物,我们可以投喂一下它们。记住,在投喂海龟的时候千万不要把手放到水里去,The sea turtle are over three hundred years old, it is one metre long and of 100 kilogram, and turtles are a polyphagian animal, we can feed them for a moment. remember, in the feed the do not put his hand into the water,

据说,海龟很通灵性,我们可以在这里对着海龟许愿It is said that, the turtle is very spiritual, be very intelligent you can make a wish to it as we feed it.

刺魨porcupine fish 刺魨全身长满了有毒的刺。平时它们的刺都是平铺在身上的,当遇到危险的时候它们的刺会全部立起来,因为有毒而且尖锐,别的动物都不敢靠近它porcupine fish has poisonous thorn all over his body they are usually tile on the body, when in danger of the time they will all stood up, because of its poisonous and sharp, and other animals are too afraid to approach it


蝴蝶鱼可以说是海洋当中最漂 亮的鱼类了。它们有个共同点:眼睛全部长在头部前方的黑线下边了,因为海水鱼打架的时候总是先攻击对方的眼睛,所以它们把眼睛都藏起来了,Butterfly fish is the prettiest of fish in the sea. they have a common eyes all grow in the black line of the bottom of their head, because the sea fish would first attack each other's eyes when they fight , so they hide their eyes .


