
发布时间:2018-06-26 13:23:32   来源:文档文库   


你好。我叫福尔斯,福尔斯·====Hello. My name's Forrest Forrest Gump.

要吃巧克力吗?====Do you want a chocolate?

我能吃掉上百万块巧克力====I could eat about a million and a half of these.

我妈妈常说====My mama always said

人生就像一盒各式各样的巧克力====Life was like a box of chocolates.

你永远不知道下一块将会是哪种====You never know what you're going to get.

那双鞋子一定很舒适====Those must be comfortable shoes.

穿这样的鞋子你可以走上一整天====I bet you could walk all day in shoes like that

脚都不会痛====and not feel a thing.

我希望能有一双这样的鞋子====I wish I had shoes like that.

其实我的脚很痛====My feet hurt.

妈妈常说要想知道一个人的很多事情====Mama always said there's an awful lot

只要看看他穿的鞋就能知道====you can tell about a person by their shoes.

他会往哪里走====Where they're going,

他住在哪里====where they've been.

我穿过很多双鞋子====I've worn lots of shoes.

如果我仔细想的话====I bet if I think about it real hard

我能记得我第一双鞋子的模样====I could remember my first pair of shoes.

妈妈说它会带我到任何地方====Mama said they'd take me anywhere.

她说它是双魔鞋====She said they was my magic shoes.

好的,福尔斯,张开双眼====All right,Forrest,Open your eyes now.

你走几步看看====Let's take a little walk around.

感觉如何?====How do those feel?

他的双腿很强壮,甘太太====His legs are strong,Mrs. Gump,

是我见过最强壮的====as strong as I've ever seen.

但是他的背象政客一样弯====But his back's as crooked as a politician.

但我们会让他再直起来,对吧?====But we're going to straighten him right up,aren't we,Forrest?


我刚出世时====Now,when I was a baby,

妈妈用了一位内战英雄的名字为我取名====Mama named me after the great Civil War hero

内森贝·弗福尔斯将军====General Nathan Bedford Forrest.

内森贝·弗福尔斯将军====General Nathan Bedford Forrest.

她说我们有点亲戚关系====She said we was related to him in some way.

他做过的事情是:====What he did was,

建立了一个俱乐部叫三K党====he tarted up this club called the Ku Klux Klan.

他们全披着长袍和床单====They'd all dress up in their robes and their bed sheets

看来像一群鬼====and act like a bunch of ghosts or spooks or something.

他们还在马上也披了床单四处跑====They'd even put bed sheets on their horses and ride around.

不管怎样,这就是我名字的由来:福尔斯·====And,anyway,that'show I got my name... Forrest Gump.

妈妈说这名字是提醒我====Mama said the Forrest part was to remind me

我们会经常做一些====that sometimes we all do things that,well,

并没有意义的事情====that just don't make no sense.

向这边!====This way. Hold on. Ugh!

好了====All right.

你们在看什么?====What are y'all staring at?

从来没有见过====Haven't you ever seen

小孩子戴脚撑的吗?====a little boy with braces on his legs before?

不要管其它人====Don't ever let anybody

说他们比你强,福雷斯====tell you they're better than you,Forrest.

如果上帝要让人人都一样的话====If God intended everybody to be the same,

他会给每人一双脚撑====he'd have given us all braces on our legs.

妈妈总有办法让我明白她的意思====Mama always had a way of explaining things so I could understand them.

我们住在17号公路附近====We lived about a quarter mile off Route 17,

距离亚拉巴马州绿茵镇约半哩====about a half mile from the town of Greenbow,Alabama.

这个地方属于绿茵县====That's in the county of Greenbow.

我们的房子来自妈妈的家族====Our house had been in Mama's family

从她爷爷的爷爷的爷爷传下来的====since her grandpa's grandpa's grandpa

他大概在一千年前飘洋过海来这里====had come across the ocean about a thousand years ago.

房子只有我和妈妈住====Since it was just me and Mama

我们有好多空房间====and we had all these empty rooms,

妈妈将这些空房出租====Mama decided to let those rooms out,

给路过的人住====mostly to people passing through,

比如从莫比镇、或蒙哥马利镇来的人====Like from,oh,Mobile,Montgomery,places like that.

我和妈妈靠这个挣到钱====That's how me and Mama got money.

妈妈是个很聪明的女士====Mama was a real smart lady.

记住我说的话,福雷斯====Remember what I told you,Forrest.

你和其它任何人是一样的====You're no different than anybody else is.

听清楚了没有,福雷斯?====Did you hear what I said,Forrest?

你和其它人是一样的====You're the same as everybody else.

你并没有什么不一样====You are no different.

你的孩子有点不一样,甘太太====Your boy's... different,Mrs. Gump.

他的智商只有75====His I. Q is 75.

我们都是不一样的====Well,we're all different,

汉考克先生====Mr. Hancock.

她希望我得到最好的教育====She wanted me to have the finest education

所以她带我去绿茵县中心学校====so she to ok me to the Greenbow County Central School.

我见到了校长什么的====I met the principal and all.

请你看看这个,甘太太====I want to show you something,Mrs. Gump.

这是正常水平====Now,this is normal.

福尔斯则是在这儿====Forrest is right here.

州政府要求智商起码要80====The state require s a minimum I. Q of 80

才能上公立学校====to attend public school.

甘太太====Mrs. Gump,

他应该上特殊学校====he's going to have to go to a special school.

在那里他会很好的====Now,he'll be just fine.

正常水平是什么意思?====What does normal mean anyway?

他可能…====He might be...

反应不太灵敏====a bit on the slow side,

但我儿子福尔斯====but my boy Forrest

应该和其它人一样得到机会====is going to get the same opportunities as everyone else.

他不该去特殊学校====He's not going to some special school

学怎么翻修轮胎====to learn how to retread tires.

这不过是区区5分的问题====We're talking about five little points here.

一定会有办法解决的====There must be something can be done.

我们的学校是要排名次的====We're a progressive school system.

我们不想有人拉后腿====We don't want to see anybody left behind.

甘先生在哪儿,甘太太?====Is there a Mr. Gump,Mrs. Gump?

他去度假了====He's on vacation.

你妈妈真是很关心你的教育,孩子====Well,your mama sure does care about your schooling,son.

你不太会说话,是吗?====You don't say much,do you?

最后,他必须去试一试====Finally,he had to try.

看起来容易,但是…====It looked easy,but...

发生了怪事,首先他们…====oh,what happened. First they...

妈妈,度假是什么意思?====Mama,what's vacation mean?


爸爸去哪儿了?====Where Daddy went?

度假就是你去一个地方…====Vacation's when you go somewhere...

然后就不再回来====and you don't ever come back.

总之,我想你可以说====Anyway,I guess you could say

我和妈妈无依无靠====me and Mama was on our own.

但我们不介意====But we didn't mind.

我们的房子总住满了人====Our house was never empty.

经常是人来人往的====There was always folks coming and going.


大家来吃晚饭啦!====It's supper,everyone!

这看起来很特别====That sure looks special.

有时有这么多人和我们一起住====Sometimes,we had so many people staying with us

每个房间都住满了旅客====that every room was filled,with travelers,you know,

这些人带着行李箱子====folks living out of their suitcases

还有帽子箱子,还有样品箱子====and hat cases and sample cases.

福尔斯·甘,吃晚饭了!福尔斯?====Forrest Gump,it's suppertime! Forrest?

有一次,又有位年青人和我们住一起====One time,a young man was staying with us,

他带着一个吉它箱子====and he had him a guitar case.

#你从来逮不到兔子#====Well,you ain't never caught a rabbit

#你也不是…#====And you ain't no

#我的朋友#====Friend of mine


叫你不要打扰这位叔叔====I told you not to bother this nice young man.

不,没关系,太太====No,that's all right,ma'am.

我在弹吉它给他听====I was showing him a thing or two on the guitar.

好吧,你可以来吃晚饭了====All right. Supper's ready if y'all want to eat.

行,好极了。谢谢你,太太====Yeah,that sounds good. Thank you,ma'am.

喂,兄弟,请你再表演一遍刚才那步法====Say,man,show me that crazy little walk you did there.

稍微慢一点====Slow it down some.

#你只不过是…#====You ain't nothing but...

我喜欢那吉它====I liked that guitar.

它很好听====It sounded good.

我伴着音乐移动着脚步====I started moving around to the music,

扭着我的臀部====swinging my hips.

#哭喊不停#====Cryin' all the time

那天晚上====This one night,

我和妈妈出去购物====me and Mama was out shopping,

我们路过文斯家私商店====and we walked by Vincy's Furniture and Appliance Store,

你猜怎么着?====and guess what?

#你只不过是一条猎犬#====You ain't nothin' but a hound dog

#哭喊不停#====Cryin' all the time

#你只不过是一条猎犬#====You ain't nothin' but a hound dog

小孩子不能看这个====This is not for children's eyes.

#哭喊不停#====Cryin' all the time

几年以后,====Some years later,

听说那位帅哥被人称为猫王”====that handsome young man who they called the King,

嗯,他唱的歌实在太多====well,he sung too many songs.

结果他得了心脏病什么的====Had him self a heart attack or something.

看来确实是不好当啊====It must be hard being a king.

你知道,你的记忆有时清楚得不得了====You know,it's funny how you remember some things,

有时却什么也不记得====but some things you can't.

你要开始努力学习了,福尔斯====You do your very best now,Forrest.

我一定会的,妈妈====I sure will,Mama.

我记得第一次乘校车去上学====I remember the bus ride on the first day of school

非常清楚====very well.

你上不上车?====Are you coming along?

妈妈说不要上陌生人的车子====Mama said not to be taking rides from strangers.

这是校车====This is the bus to school.

我是福尔斯福尔斯·====I'm Forrest... Forrest Gump.

我是多萝西·哈里斯====I'm Dorothy Harris.

嗯,现在我们不是陌生人了====Well,now we ain't strangers anymore.

这位子有人了====This seat's taken.

有人了====It's taken.

你不准坐这儿====You can't sit here.

你知道,孩子记事实在奇怪====You know,it's funny what a young man recollects,

我不记得我的出生===='cause I don 't remember being born.

我不记得我的第一份圣诞礼物====I don't recall what I got for my first Christmas,

我也不记得====and I don't know

我第一次去野餐====when I went on my first outdoor picnic,

但我却记得====but I do remember

我第一次听到最甜的声音====the first time I heard the sweetest voice

在整个世界上====in the wide world.

你愿意的话可以坐这儿====You can sit here if you want.

我一生再没见过如此美丽的人====I had never seen anything so beautiful in my life.

她就象一位天使====She was like an angel.

你想坐还是不想坐?====Well,are you going to sit down or aren't you?

你的腿怎么啦?====What's wrong with your legs?

没什么,谢谢你====Um,nothing at all,thank you.

我的的腿好得很====My legs are just fine and dandy.

我和她在并排坐在校车里====I just sat next to her on that bus

去学校途中我们一直在说话====and had a conversation all the way to school.

我的背象个问号那么弯====My back's crooked like a question mark.

除了妈妈,没有人和我说话====Next to Mama,no one ever talked to me

或问我问题====or asked me questions.

你是不是有点傻?====Are you stupid or something?

妈妈说,做傻事的才是傻瓜”====Mama says,"Stupid is as stupid does."

我叫珍妮====I'm Jenny.

我叫福尔斯福尔斯·====I'm Forrest... Forrest Gump.

由那天开始,我们经常在一起====From that day on,we was always together.

珍妮和我形影不离====Jenny and me was like peas and carrots.

她教我怎么爬树====She taught me how to climb.

快,福尔斯,你能做到====Come on,Forrest,you can do it.

我教她怎么摇摆====I showed her how to dangle.

“一个好小…”===="A good little..."

她帮我学怎么认字====She helped me learn how to read,

我教她怎么倒挂====and I showed her how to swing.

有时,我们就那么坐着====Sometimes,we'd just sitout

等星星出来====and wait for the stars.

妈妈会担心我的====Mama's going to worry about me.

再呆一会儿====Just stay a little longer.

不知为什么,珍妮从来不爱回家====For some reason,Jenny didn 't never want to go home.

好吧,珍妮,我再呆一会儿====O.K.,Jenny,I'll stay.

她是我最好的朋友====She was my most special friend.

我唯一的朋友====My only friend.

妈妈总是对我说====Now,my mama always told me

每天都会有奇迹====that miracles happen every day

有些人并不同意====Some people don't think so,

但这是真的====but they do.


你是哑巴,还是真的是傻瓜?====Are you dumb,or just plain stupid?

喂,我是福尔斯·====Look,I'm Forrest Gimp.

快跑,福尔斯====Just run away,Forrest.


快跑!快!====Run away! Hurry!

骑上自行车!====Get the bikes!

我们去捉他!快点!====Let's get him! Come on!

小心点,阿甘!====Look out,Gump!

我们来捉你了!====We're going to get you!



你给我回来!====Come back here,you!



你现在大概不会相信我的话…====Now,you wouldn't believe if I told you...

但我跑起来像风一样====but I could run like the wind blows.

从那天开始====From that day on,

如果我要去哪里====if I was going somewhere,

我就跑着去====I was running.

那孩子真是个能跑的傻瓜====That boy sure is a running fool.

记不记得我告诉过你====Now,remember how I told you

珍妮总是不爱回家?====that Jenny never seemed to want to go home?

她家的房子和亚拉巴马州一样老====She lived in a house that was as old as Alabama.

她五岁时她妈妈就去天堂了====Her mama had gone to heaven when she was 5,

她的爸爸好像是个农夫====and her daddy was some kind of a farmer.


他是个非常有爱心的人====He was a very loving man.

他经常亲吻抚摸她和她姐妹====He was always kissing and touching her and her sisters.

后来有一次====And then this one time,

珍妮没有来乘车去学校====Jenny wasn't on the bus to go to school.

珍妮,你今天怎么不来学校?====Jenny,why didn't you come to school today?

嘘。爸爸正在午睡====Shh. Daddy's taking a nap.


快点!====Come on!

珍妮,你往哪儿跑?====Jenny,where'd you run to?

你最好马上回来,丫头!====You better get back here,girl!

你在哪儿?====Where you at?


珍妮,你在哪儿?====Jenny,where you at?


和我一起祈祷,福雷斯====Pray with me,Forrest.

和我一起祈祷====Pray with me.


亲爱的上帝,把我变成一只会飞的鸟吧====Dear God,make me a bird so I can fly far,

飞得越远越好====far,far away from here.

亲爱的上帝,把我变成一只会飞的鸟吧====Dear God,make me a bird so I can fly far.

妈妈常说上帝是神秘的====Mama always said God is mysterious.


那天他没有把珍妮变成一只鸟====He didn 't turn Jenny in to a bird that day.


他叫来了警察====he had the police say

说珍妮再也不必住在那间房子里了====Jenny didn't have to stay in that house no more.

后来她和她祖母住在一起====She was to live with her grandma,

就是克里克大街那里====just over on Creekmore Avenue,

我很高兴,因为她那里离我家很近====which made me happy,'cause she was so close.

有时晚上====Some nights,

珍妮会溜出来====Jenny'd sneak out

跑到我的房子里====and come on over to my house,

因为她说她很害怕====just'cause she said she was scared.

害怕什么,我不知道====Scared of what,I don 't know.

我猜是怕她祖母的狗====But I think it was her grandma's dog.

他是只很凶的狗====He was a mean dog.

总之,珍妮和我是最好的朋友====Anyway,Jenny and me was best friends

一直到上中学====all the way up through high school.


住手!====Quit it!


你没听见吗,傻瓜?====didn't you hear me,stupid?


快上卡车!====Get in the truck!

快!他要跑了!快追!====Come on! He's getting away! Move it!

跑,福尔斯!跑!====Run,Forrest! Run!

快追,快追!====Move it! Move it!

你快跑吧!====You better be runnin'!

哇!快!====Whoo-hoo! Go!


一直以来====Now,it used to be

我到哪儿都跑着去====I ran to get where I was going.

我没想过要跑到什么地方====I never thought it would take me anywhere.

那究竟是什么人?====Who in the hell is that?

那人叫福尔斯·甘,教练====That there is Forrest Gump,Coach.

当地的傻瓜====Just a local idiot.

你能相信吗?====And can you believe it?

我也能上大学了====I got to go to college,too.

福尔斯,快!====Forrest,move it!




跑,你这狗娘养的傻瓜!跑!====Run,you stupid son of a bitch! Run!

跑,狗娘养的,跑!快跑!====Run,son of a bitch,run! Go! Run!

跑!跑!====Run! Run! Go!

他大概是狗娘养的最傻的傻瓜====He must be the stupidest son of a bitch alive,

但他跑得真是快====but he sure is fast.

也许只是我这样觉得====Now,maybe it's just me,

但大学生活让我非常迷惑====but college was very confusing times.

联邦军队,执行法庭的判决====Federal troops,enforcing a court order,

今天在亚拉巴马大学取缔种族隔离====integrated the University of Alabama today.

允许两名黑人进学校====Two Negroes were admitted,

但乔治华莱士州长随后====but only after Governor George Wallace

发出他的象征性威胁====had carried out his symbolic threat

站在教学楼门口====to stand in the school house door.

我对于那个声明…====I take it from that statement...

伊尔,出什么事了?====Earl,what's going on?

“熊崽想进这学校====Coons are trying to get into school.

熊崽?如果浣熊想进我家的后院====Coons? When raccoons tried getting on our back porch,

妈妈会用扫帚赶它们走====Mama just chased them off with a broom.

我不是说浣熊,傻瓜。是黑鬼====Not raccoons,you idiot. Niggers.

他们想和我们一起上学校====And they want to go to school with us.

和我们一起?他们?====With us? They do?

在华莱士州长====Shortly after Govern or Wallace

将阻塞校门的威胁付诸实施之后====had carried out his promise to block the door way,

肯尼迪下令国防部使用武力====Kennedy ordered these cretary of defense to use military force.

本台播放的录像,是当时在现场====Here,by video tape,is the encounter

国民警卫队指挥官格拉汉将军====by General Graham,commander of the National Guard,

和华莱士州长的冲突====and Governor Wallace.

因为国民警卫队====Because these National Guardsmen

今天是作为亚拉巴马州的联邦士兵====are here today as federal soldiers for Alabama,

他们住在本州境内====and they live within our borders.

他们是我们的兄弟====They are our brothers.

我们已经获得胜利====We are winning in this fight,

因为我们唤醒了美国人民====because we are awakening the American people

去面对我们谈论已久的危机====to the dangers that we have spoken about so many times

今天的事清楚地显示…====that is so evident today...

我们的国家正在走向军事独裁====A trend toward military dictatorship in this country.

就这样,当天傍晚====And so,at day's end,

在图卡卢沙的亚拉巴马大学的隔离被取缔====the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa had been desegregated,

学生杰米·胡和费文·马隆====and students Jimmy Hood and Vivian Malone

已登记参加夏季的课程学习====had been signed up for summer classes.

太太,你的书掉了====Ma'am,you dropped your book.


华莱士州长说到做到====Govern or Wallace did what he promised.

在图卡卢沙的校园里,他让人们…====By being on the Tuscaloosa campus,he kept the mob...

喂,那是阿甘吧?====Say,wasn't that Gump?

不,不会的====Naw,that couldn't be.

绝对是他====It sure as hell was.

几年之后====A few years later,

教学楼门口那位坏脾气的小个子====that angry little man at the school house door

觉得去竞选总统是个好主意====thought it'd be a good idea and ran for president.

但有人觉得不是====But somebody thought that it wasn't.

但他没有死====But he didn't die.

我的车到了====My bus is here.

这是9路车吗?====Is it the number 9?

不,这是4路车====No,it's the number 4.

很高兴和你聊天====It was nice talking to you.

我还记得那时候====I remember when that happened,

当华莱士遇刺时====when Wallace got shot.

我还在上大学====I was in college.

你上的是女子大学====Did you go to a girls' college

还是男女都有的大学?====or a girls' and boys' together college?

男女都有====It was coed.

珍妮上的大学我不能去上===='Cause Jenny went to a college I couldn't go to.

那是所女孩子读的大学====It was a college just for girls.

但我一有机会就去看她====But I'd go and visit her every chance I got.

#我不知道我为何爱你#====I don't know why I love you

#可我就是爱#====But I do

#我不知道我为何哭泣#====I don't know why I cry so

#可我就是哭#====But I do

#我只知道我知道…#====I only know I know that...

很痛...====That hurts.

#可我不知道我为何爱你#====But I don't know why I love you

#可我就是爱#====But I do



福尔斯,住手!====Forrest,stop it!

住手!====Stop it!

你干什么?====What are you doing?

他在伤害你====He was hurting you.

不,他没有!====No,he wasn't!

往那边走!====Get over there!

比利,对不起====Billy,I'm sorry.

请离我远一点====Just keep away from me.

不要这样不要走====Don't be such... Don't go.

比利,等一下====Billy,wait a second.

他不懂事====He doesn't know any better.

福尔斯,你为什么那样做?====Forrest,why'd you do that?

我给你带了巧克力来====I brought you some chocolate.

对不起====I'm sorry.

现在我要回我的学校了====I'll go back to my college now.


瞧你====Look at you.

来吧====Come on.

来吧====Come on.

这是你自己的房间吗?====Is this your own room?


你有过梦想吗,福雷斯…====Do you ever dream,Forrest...

梦想你将来要成为什么人?====about who you're going to be?

我将来要成为什么人?====Who I'm going to be?


我将来不能做我自己了吗?====Aren't I going to be me?

你永远都会是你====You'll always be you,

但会是另一种人====just another kind of you.

你明白吗?====You know?

我想成名====I want to be famous.

我想当个琼·贝兹那样的歌手====I want to be a singer like Joan Baez.

我只想…====I just want to be...

站在空旷的舞台上====on an empty stage

伴着我的吉它,我的歌声====with my guitar,my voice.

只有我自己====Just me.

我想自己去接触大众====And I want to reach people on a personal level.

我想能够谈一些事====I want to be able to say things,

只是两个人之间====just one to one.

你有和女孩子一起过吗,福尔斯?====Have you ever been with a girl,Forrest?

我和她们坐一起====I sit next to them

在家政课的课堂上====in my home economics class all the time.

啊,对不起====Oh,I'm sorry.

没关系====It's O.K.


没关系====It's all right.

没关系====It's O.K.

啊,我头晕====Oh,I'm dizzy.

我想你在家政课上没做过这个吧====I'll bet that never happened in home ec.


我想我弄脏了你室友的浴袍====I think I ruined your roommate's bathrobe.

我无所谓,反正我不喜欢她====I don't care. I don't like her anyway.

跑!跑!跑!跑!====Run! Run! Run! Run!

跑!跑!跑!跑!====Run! Run! Run! Run!

跑!跑!跑!跑!====Run! Run! Run! Run!

跑!跑!跑!跑!跑!跑!====Run! Run! Run! Run! Run! Run!

停!停!停!====Stop! Stop! Stop!

大学生活过得真快====College ran by real fast

因为我美式足球打得太多===='cause I played so much football.

他们还把我弄进一个什么东西====They even put me on a thing

叫做全美明星队====called the all-America team

那样你可以去见====where you get to meet

合众国的总统====the president of the United States.

肯尼迪总统接见了====President Kennedy met

全美大学足球队====with the collegiate all-American football team

在椭圆形办公室====at the Oval Office today.

那里最棒的一点====Now the really good thing

见合众国的总统的时候====about meeting the president of the United States

是食物====is the food.

他们让你呆在一个小房间里====They put you in this little room

里面有你爱吃或喝任何东西====with just about anything you'd want to eat or drink.

但是,因为第一:====But since,number one,

我不饿,但是口渴====I wasn 't hungry but thirsty,

第二,这全是免费的====and number two,they was free,

我大概喝了15瓶汽水====I must have drank me about 15 Dr. Peppers.

入选全美明星队感觉如何?====How does it feel to be an all-American?

很荣幸,先生====It's an honor,sir.

入选全美明星队感觉如何?====How does it feel to be an all-American?

很好,先生====Very good,sir.

入选全美明星队感觉如何?====How does it feel to be an all-American?

很好,先生====Very good,sir.

祝贺你。你感觉如何?====Congratulations. How do you feel?

我想撒尿====I got to pee.

我听着他好象说他想撒尿====I believe he said he had to pee.

不久之后,不知什么原因====Some time later,for noparticular reason,

有人枪杀了这位不错的年轻总统====somebody shot that nice young president

当时他坐着他的车====when he was riding in his car.

又过了几年====And a few years after that,

有人又枪杀了他的弟弟====somebody shot his little brother,too,

这次他是在一个酒店的厨房里====only he was in a hotel kitchen.

做兄弟可真不容易啊====Must be hard being brothers.

我不明白====I wouldn't know.

福尔斯·====Forrest Gump.

你相信不相信?====Now can you believe it?

只不过玩了五年足球====After only five years of playing football,

我得到了大学学位====I got a college degree.


妈妈骄傲极了====Mama was so proud.

福尔斯,我为你骄傲====Forrest,I'm so proud of you.

我替你拿着这个====I'll hold this for you.


你有没有考虑过你的未来?====Have you given any thought to your future?


你好。我是福尔斯,福尔斯·====Hello. I'm Forrest. Forrest Gump.

根本没人会关心====Nobody gives a horse's shit

你叫什么名字,脓包!====who you are,pus ball!

你还不如低等生物,吃屎的蛆!====You're not even a lowlife,scum-sucking maggot!

你赶快坐到座位上!====Get your maggoty ass on the bus!

你现在到部队了!====You're in the army now!

有人坐了====Seat's taken.


我开始觉得我犯了个错误====At first it seemed like I made a mistake.

入伍第一天====It was only my induction day,

我就给骂得狗血喷头====and I was getting yelled at.

你愿意的话可以坐下====Sit down if you want to.

我不知我会遇到谁====I didn't know who I might meet

或他们会问我什么====or what they might ask.

你有没有乘过真正的捕虾船?====You ever been on a real shrimp boat?


可我乘过一条真正的大捕虾船====But I been on a real big boat.

我指的是一种专门捕虾的船====I'm talking about a shrimp catching boat.

我一直都在捕虾船上干活====I been working on shrimp boats all my life.

开始是我叔叔的船====I started out on my uncle's boat

那时我大概9====when I was about maybe 9.

我刚在考虑自己去买一条船====I was just looking into buying my own boat

然后就应征入伍了====and got drafted.

我的名字叫本杰明·巴弗·布鲁====My given name is Benjamin Buford Blue.

人们都管我叫布巴====People call me Bubba,

好象个乡下佬的名字====just like one of them old red neck boys.

很难以置信吧?====Can you believe that?

我叫福尔斯·====My name's Forrest Gump.

人们都管我叫福尔斯·====People call me Forrest Gump.

布巴来自亚拉巴州拉巴特湾====So Bubba was from Bayou La Batre,Alabama,

他的妈妈是煮虾的====and his mama cooked shrimp.

她的妈妈的妈妈也是煮虾的====And her mama before her cooked shrimp,

还有她妈妈的妈妈的妈妈也是煮虾的====and her mama before her mama cooked shrimp,too.

布巴家的人了解所有====Bubba's family knew everything

跟捕虾有关的事情====there was to know about the shrimping business.

我知道所有====I know everything there is to know

跟捕虾有关的事情====about the shrimping business.

我自己也准备去捕虾====I'm going into the shrimping business for myself

等我退伍之后====after I get out of the army.



你到部队来干什么?====What's your sole purpose in this army?

干你叫我干的事,教官!====To do whatever you tell me,Drill Sergeant!

天杀的,阿甘,你他妈的真是个天才====God damn it,Gump,you're a goddamn genius.

这是我听过的最了不起的回答====That's the most outstanding answer I've ever heard.

你他妈的智商一定有一百六====You must have a goddamn I. Q Of 160.

你他妈的真有天赋,列兵阿甘====You are goddamn gifted,Private Gump.

大家都听着!====Listen up,people!

不知什么原因,我很适合当兵====Now for some reason,I fit in the army

就象一对插销那么适合====Like one of them round pegs.

真实一点都不苦====It's not really hard.

你只需把你的床铺好====You just make your bed neat,

记着要站得笔直====remember to stand up straight,

不管回答什么问题====and always answer every question

都说是,教官”====with "Yes,Drill Sergeant."

听清楚没有?====Is that clear?

是,教官!====Yes,Drill Sergeant!

你只需要沿着海底拖你的网====What you do is drag your nets along the bottom.

在一个好天气====On a good day,

你一次就能捕到上百磅的虾====you can catch over a hundred pounds of shrimp.

如果一切顺利====Everything goes all right,

两个人捕10个小时的虾====2 men shrimping 10 hours,

减去你用掉的油费====Less what you spends on gas...

完成了,教官!====Done,Drill Sergeant!


为什么你这么快就把枪装好了?====Why did you put that weapon together so quickly?

你叫我这么做的,教官====You told me to,Drill Sergeant.

耶稣基督啊====Jesus H. Christ.

这是新的连队纪录====This is a new company record.

如果不是因为====If it wasn't a waste

我们这儿兵源不足====of a fine enlisted man,

我会推荐你上军官预备学校,列兵阿甘====I'd recommend you for O.C.S.,Private Gump.

有朝一日你会当上将军!====You're going to be a general someday!

现在把你的枪拆开重装一遍!====Now disassemble your weapon and continue!

总之,就象我说过的====Anyway,like I was saying,

虾是海里最好的东西====shrimp is the fruit of the sea.

可以用来烧、煮、烤====You can barbecue it,boil it,broil it,

烘、炒====bake it,saute it.

把它做成串烧虾、克洛虾====They's,uh,shrimp kabobs,shrimp creole,

鲜虾羹、铁板虾、油炸虾====shrimp gumbo,pan fried,deep fried,

脆皮虾====stir fried.

还有菠萝虾====There's pineapple shrimp

柠檬虾、椰子虾====and lemon shrimp,coconut shrimp,

胡椒虾====pepper shrimp,

鲜虾汤、油焖虾====shrimp soup,shrimp stew,

虾肉色拉====shrimp salad,

土豆虾====shrimp in potatoes,

虾肉汉堡包====shrimp burger,

虾肉三明治====shrimp sandwich.

还有差不多就这些了====That... That's about it.

军队里晚上有点寂寞====Night time in the army is alonely time.

我们躺在床铺上====We'd lay there in our bunks,

我会想念我的妈妈====and I'd miss my mama,

我也会想念珍妮====and I'd miss Jenny.


瞧她那对奶子====Get a load of the tits on her.

看起来…====Turns out...

珍妮惹上麻烦了====Jenny had gotten in to some trouble

为了几张她穿着校服的照片====over some photos of her in her college sweater.

她被开除学籍====And she was thrown out of school.

#我的宝贝在参加女权运动#====My baby does the hanky panky

但那也不算坏事====But that wasn't a bad thing,

因为有一位剧院老板===='cause a man who owns a theater

他在田纳西州孟斐斯市====in Memphis,Tennessee,

看了那些照片====saw those photos

就给珍妮一个唱歌的工作====and offered Jenny a job singing in a show.

我一找到机会====The first chance I got,

我就乘车去孟斐斯====I took the bus up to Memphis

去看她表演节目====to see her perform in that show.

那位是安珀,安珀·弗兰====That was Amber,Amber Flame.

请再为她鼓一回掌====Give her a big hand.

接下来的节目你们一定会喜欢====And now,for your listening and viewing pleasure,

来自加州好莱坞====direct from Hollywood,California,

我们的叛逆美女====our very own beatnik beauty.

让我们用最热烈的掌声====Let's give a big round of applause

欢迎这位美丽的女鲍勃迪伦====to the luscious Bobbie Dylan.

#一个人要走多少路#====How many roads must a man walk down

#才能被称为男子汉?#====Before you can call him a man?

#一条船要出几回海…#====Yes,and how many seas must the white dove sail

她的梦想真的实现了====Her dream had come true.

#才能在沙滩上安睡?#====Before she sleeps in the sand?

她成了一位民谣歌手====She was a folk singer.

#而到底需要多少次…#====Yes,and how many times

#炮火的轰鸣#====Must the cannon balls fly

#才能结束战争?#====Before they're forever banned?

快来点刺激的====Shake it up now.

还是给她一把口琴吧====Somebody get her a harmonica.

#那答案,我的朋友…#====The answer,my friend

#…在风中飘。#====Is blowin' in the wind

这可不是儿童节目袋鼠船长====This ain't Captain Kangaroo.

嘿,甜心,我这里有东西要给你====Hey,honey,I got something here for you.

嘿!去你的!====Hey! God damn it!

嘿,你这傻瓜蛋!====Hey,you stupid jerk!

我在唱歌====I'm singing a song here.

波丽,快走!====Polly,get out here!

你闭嘴!====Shut up yourself!

闭嘴!====Just shut up!

福尔斯,你来干什么?====Forrest! What are you doing here?

你干什么?====What are you doing?

你干什么,福尔斯?====What are you doing,Forrest?

放下我!====Let me down!

你不能老是这样做,福尔斯====You can't keep doing this,Forrest.

你别老是想着要救我====You can't keep trying to rescue me.

他们刚才想抓你====They was trying to grab you.

很多人都想抓我====A lot of people try to grab me.

可是你不能老是这样做====Just... You can't keep doing this all the time.

我忍不住。我爱你====I can't help it. I love you.


你不知道什么是爱====You don't know what love is.

你还记得我们的祈祷吗,福尔斯?====You remember that time we prayed,Forrest?

我们祈祷上帝把我变成一只鸟====We prayed for God to turn me into a bird

让我能飞得远远的====so I could fly far away.

是的,我记得====Yes,I do.

你认为我能飞下这座桥吗?====You think I could fly off this bridge?

你说什么,珍妮?====What do you mean,Jenny?


我要离开这里了====I got to get out of here.


福尔斯,你离开我,好吗?====Forrest,you stay away from me,O. K?

请你离开我====You stay away from me,please.

我能搭车吗?====Can I have a ride?

你去哪里?====Where are you going?

我无所谓====I don't care.

上车吧====Get in the truck.

那么再见,珍妮====So bye-bye,Jenny.

他们要送我去越南====They sending me to Vietnam.

那是另外一个国家====It's this whole other country.

请再等一会儿====Just hang on a minute.

听着,你要答应我一件事,好吗?====Listen,you promise me something,O. K?

如果你遇到了麻烦====Just if you're ever in trouble,

不要逞能====don't be brave.

你只要跑,好吗?跑得远远的====You just run,O. K? Just run away.



我会经常写信给你====I'll write you all the time.

就是这样,她走了====And just like that,she was gone.

就是这样,她走了====And just like that,she was gone.

你要平平安安地回来====You come back safe to me.

你听明白了吗?====Do you hear?

#有的人生下来#====Some folks are born

#是为挥舞旗帜#====Made to wave the flag

#红色白色蓝色#====Ooh,they're red,white,and blue

#乐队奏起赞歌#====And when the band plays "Hail To The Chief"

#他们放着礼炮#====Ooh,they'll point the cannon at you

#那不会是我#====It ain't me

#那不会是我#====It ain't me

#我不是高官子弟#====I ain't no senator's son

#那不会是我#====It ain't me

他们告诉我们====Now they told us

越南完全不一样====that Vietnam was going to be very different

和美利坚合众国相比====from the United States of America.

除了啤酒罐和烧烤以外====Except for all the beer cans and barbecues,

的确如此====it was.

嘿,我敢打赌这水里全都是虾====Hey,I'll bet there's shrimp all in these waters.

他们告诉我越南的虾最好====They tell me these Vietnams is good shrimp.

等我们赢了这场战争====After we win this war

我们就接管所有东西====and we take over everything,

我们可以把美国捕虾船开过来====we can get American shrimpers out here

在这水里捕虾====and shrimp these waters.

一天到晚捕虾,兄弟====Just shrimp all the time,man.

你们是新兵吧====You must be my FNGs.


啊,把你们的手放下====Oh,get your hands down.

不要向我敬礼====Do not salute me.

这一带有他妈的很多狙击手====There are goddamn snipers all around this area

最喜欢打军官====who'd love to grease an officer.

我是丹·泰勒中尉,欢迎来弗特排====I'm Lieutenant Dan Taylor. Welcome to Fort Platoon.

你的嘴唇怎么啦?====What's wrong with your lip?

我天生就是厚嘴唇,长官====I was born with big gums,sir.

嗯,你最好把它吸进去点====Well,you better tuck that in.

不然会碰到地雷线====Gonna get that caught on a trip wire.

你们从哪里来?====Where are you boys from in the world?

亚拉巴马,长官! 亚拉巴马,长官!====Alabama,sir! Alabama,sir!

你们是双胞胎?====You twins?

不,我们不是亲戚,长官====No. We are not relations,sir.


这里的基本规矩====it's pretty basic here.

你们跟紧我====You stick with me

一边向其他人学习====and learn from the guys

他们来这国家有段时间了====who've been in country a while,

你们会习惯的====you'll be all right.

士兵有一样装备很重要====There is one item of G.I. gear

它关系到你的生死…====that can be the difference between life and death...


底部有衬垫,军绿色====Cushioned sole,O.D. green.

你要保持双脚干燥====Try and keep your feet dry.

我们爬山的时候,要换袜子====When we're out humpin',change your socks

否则停下来的时候====whenever we stop.

湄公河会把你的脚泡烂====The Mekong will eat a grunt's feet

整个脚会掉下来====right off his legs.

西斯中士,见鬼====Sergeant Sims. God damn it,

我叫你去领的绳子呢?====where's that sling rope I said to order?

我写到申请单上了====I put in the requisitions.

嗯,你叫那帮狗娘养的…====Well,you call those sons of bitches...

丹中尉很了解他的下属====Lieutenant Dan sure knew his stuff.

能做他的下属我觉得很幸运====I felt real lucky he was my lieutenant.

他来自一个军人世家====He was from a long,great military tradition.

他家族的人曾经分别参加…====Somebody in his family had fought

并牺牲…====and died

…====in every...


美国的战争里====American war.

见鬼,抓紧时间====God damn it,kick some ass.

快去做!====Get on it!

我想你可以说====I guess you could say

他很有荣誉感====he had a lot to live up to.

那么你们几个是堪萨斯人,是吗?====So,you boys from Arkansas,huh?


我去过那里====I been through there.

小石城是个好地方====Little Rock's a fine town.

现在放下装备====Now,shake down your gear.

去找排军需官====See the platoon sergeant.

领你要用的东西====Draw what you need for the field.

如果你们几个饿了====If you boys are hungry,

我们这儿正好在烧牛排====we got steaks burning right over here.

我们排有两条守则…====Two standing orders in this platoon...

一:保护好你的脚====1... take care of your feet,

二:别做任何傻事====2... try not to do anything stupid,

比如让你自己被打死====Like getting yourself killed.

我希望我不会令他失望====I sure hope I don't let him down.

我到了这个国家的很多地方====I got to see a lot of the country side.

我们走了很长的路====We would take these real long walks.

#总会有条路#====There must be some kind of way

#从这里出发#====Out of here

#小丑告诉贼#====Said the joker to the thief

我们总是在找====And we were always lookin'

一个叫越共的家伙====for this guy named Charlie.

#一切都令人迷惑#====There's too much confusion

#我什么都不相信#====I can't get no relief

停下!====Hold it up!

停下,兄弟们!====Hold up,boys!

也不总是很有趣====It wasn't always fun.

丹中尉总是有些奇怪的感觉====Lieutenant Dan was always getting these funny feelings

对于路上的风吹草动====about a rock or a trail or the road,

他会叫我们蹲下,安静====so he'd tell us to get down,shut up.

蹲下!====Get down!

安静!====Shut up!

我们都照做====So we did.

我对什么都不太明白====Now I don't know much about anything,

但我想美国最好的年青人====but I think some of America's best young men

都参加了这场战争====served in this war.

那是非尼克斯来的达拉斯====There was Dallas from Phoenix.

克利夫兰他来自底特律====Cleveland... he was from Detroit.



究竟出什么事了?====What the hell's going on?

泰克斯是…====And Tex was...

嗯,我不记得泰克斯是哪里人了====Well,I don't remember where Tex come from...


第四排,站起来====Fourth platoon,on your feet.

你们10分钟内赶到河边====Y'all got 10 clicks to go to that river.

出发====Move out.

一二一!====1,2! Hup!

齐步走!====Step it up!

那边好象不错====Look alive out there.

在越南最好的一点====The good thing about Vietnam

就是总有地方可去====is there was always someplace to go.

小心手雷!====Fire in the hole!

阿甘,搜一下那个洞====Gump,check out that hole.

也总有事情可做====And there was always something to do.

准备好!====Mount'em up!

散开!掩护他!====Spread out! Cover his back!

有一天忽然开始下雨了====One day it started raining,

然后一直不停的下了四个月====and it didn't quit for four months.

我们经历了各种各样的雨…====We've been through every kind of rain there is...

象小针样的雨====little bitty stinging rain

还有倾盆大雨====and big old fat rain,

从侧面下的雨====rain that flew in side ways,

有时甚至还有====and sometimes rain even seemed

从下往上的雨====to come straight up from underneath.

连晚上也下雨====Shoot,it even rained at night.



我的背靠着你的背====I'm going to lean up against you.

你的背靠着你的背====You lean up against me.

这样我们睡着的时候====This way we don't have to sleep

头就不会钻进泥里====with our heads in the mud.

你知道为何我们是好伙伴,福尔斯?====You know why we're a good partnership,Forrest?

因为我们互相照顾===='Cause we be watching out for one another,

就象兄弟一样====like brothers and stuff.


我在考虑一件事====something I been thinking about.

我有个很重要的问题要问你====I got a very important question to ask you.

你想不想====How would you like to go

和我一起去捕虾?====into the shrimping business with me?


兄弟,你听我说====Man,I tell you what.

我全计划好了====I got it all figured out,too.

我们捕到的虾多少磅====So many pounds of shrimp

拿来付买船的贷款====will pay off the boat.

多少磅拿来付油费====So many pounds for gas.

我们住在船上就行====We'll live right on the boat.

这样就不用付房租====We ain't got to pay no rent.

我们合伙来干====We can just work it together,

全部都对半分====split everything right down the middle.

兄弟,告诉你,五五分成====Man,I'm telling you,50-50.

还有,福尔斯,虾可以随便吃====Hey,Forrest,all the shrimp you can eat.

真是个好主意====That's a fine idea.

布巴的主意真得很好====Bubba did have a fine idea.

我甚至写信给珍妮====I even wrote Jenny

告诉她这件事情====and told her all about it.

我给她寄信…====I sent her letters...

差不多每天都寄====Not every day,but almost.

告诉她我在做的事====I told her what I was doing

也问她在做些什么====and asked her what she was doing

告诉她我经常想念她====and told her how I thought about her always.

和我多么希望====And how I was looking forward

能收到她一封回信====to getting a letter from her

只要她有时间====just as soon as she had the time.

我总是告诉她我很平安====I'd always let her know that I was O. K.

然后我的落款总是爱你的福尔斯·”====Then I'd sign each letter "Love,Forrest Gump."

#有事情正在发生#====There's somethin' happenin' here

那一天,我们象平常一样走着====This one day,we was out walking like always,

然后,忽然之间====and then,just like that,

就象有人关掉天上的水龙头====somebody turned off the rain,

太阳出来了====and the sun come out.

#我必须小心#====I got to beware


快找掩护!====Take cover!

快把它拿过来,见鬼====Get that pig up here,god damn it!

福尔斯,你没事吧?====Forrest! You okay?


嘿!有个人倒下了!====Hey! We got a man down!

强手,我们是第雷利六号!完毕!====Strong-arm,this is Leg Lima 6! Over!

收到,强手!我们遭到袭击====Roger,Strong-arm! Be advised we have incoming

在蓝点树林====from the tree line at point blue

从两个方向!有冲锋枪和火箭筒!====plus two! A.K. s and rockets!

我们损失惨重!====We're getting it hard!

哑火!哑火!====Misfire! Misfire!

见鬼!====God damn it!

把那玩意扔掉撤退到树林!====Get that pig unfucked and on the treeline!

他们压住我们了====They got us,and it hurt.

我们准备撤退====We're going to move back to the blue line.

撤退!撤退!====Pull back! Pull back!

福尔斯!跑,福尔斯!====Forrest! Run,Forrest!

撤退!====Pull back!

跑!跑,兄弟!====Run! Run,man!


撤退,阿甘!====Pull back,Gump!

跑,见鬼!跑!====Run,God damn it! Run!

我一直跑,就像珍妮要我做的====I ran and ran just like Jenny told me to.

我跑得这么快这么远====I ran so far so fast

很快就只剩下我一个人====that pretty soon I was all by myself,

这下糟糕了====which was a bad thing.


布巴是我最好的朋友====Bubba was my best good friend.

我要保证他没事====I had to make sure he was O.K.

你在哪儿?====Where the hell are you?


我回去找布巴途中====And on my way back to find Bubba,

发现有个人躺在地上====well,there was this boy laying on the ground.



我不能让他单独躺在那里====I couldn't let him lay there all alone,

他非常害怕====scared the way he was,

所以我扶起他====so I grabbed him up

背他逃出那里====and run him out of there.

每次我回去找布巴====Every time I went back looking for Bubba,

总有人在喊:====somebody else was saying,

“救命,福尔斯,救命!”===="Help me,Forrest,help me!"

好了,好了====O.K. Here. Here.

不要怕,兄弟,躺下,你会没事的====No sweat,man. Lay back. You'll be O.K.

我开始担心我可能永远找不到布巴====I started to get scared that I might never find Bubba.

我知道我的处境====I know my position

越来越危险!====is danger close!

这一带到处都是越共”====We got Charlie all over this area.

我这儿需要快速的支援,完毕====I got to have those fast movers in here now. Over.

丹中尉,科曼死了!====Lieutenant Dan,Coleman's dead!

我知道他死了!====I know he's dead!

我他妈的整个排全完了!====My whole goddamn platoon is wiped out!

该死的!====God damn it!

你干什么?====What are you doing?

你把我放下!====You leave me here!

走开,把我留在这里!====Get away. Just leave me here!

走开!====Get out!

啊!我说把我留在这儿,该死的!====Aah! God,I said leave me here,God damn it!

雷利,我是强手====Leg Lima,this is Strong-arm.

我们马上提供快速支援,完毕====Be advised your fast movers are in bound. Over.

突然好象有什么东西跳起来咬我====Then it felt like something just jumped up and bit me.

啊!什么东西在咬我!====Aah! Something bit me!

你这狗娘养的!====You son of a bitch!

我不能离开我的排====I can't leave the platoon.

我叫你把我留在那里,阿甘====I told you to leave me there,Gump.

丢下我,你自己逃吧!====Forget about me. Get your self out!

你听到我的话没有?====Did you hear what I said?

阿甘,见鬼,放下我====Gump,damn it,put me down.

你自己逃吧====Get your ass out of here.

我没叫你救我出去,去你妈的!====I didn't ask you to pull me out of there,God damn you!

你又要去哪里?====Where the hell do you think you're going?

去找布巴====To get Bubba.

我已经呼叫空袭了====I got an air strike in bound right now.

他们会把那里炸平====They're going to nape the whole area.

留在这里!这是命令====Stay here! That's an order.

我要找到布巴!====I gotta find Bubba!



我没事,福尔斯====I'm O.K.,Forrest.

我没事====I'm O.K.


我没事的====I'll be all right.

行了====Come on.

行了,行了====Come on. Come on.

我没事,福尔斯====Ugh. I'm O.K.,Forrest.

我没事,我很好====I'm O.K. I'm fine.

炸平那里====Top smoke. Get it up there.

如果我知道这将是====If I'd have known this was going to be

我和布巴的最后一次谈话====the last time me and Bubba was gonna talk,

我会想些更好的话来说====I'd of thought of something better to say.




出什么事了?====Why did this happen?

你中弹了====You got shot.

布巴说了一句我永远不会忘记的话====Then Bubba said something I won't ever forget.

我想回家====I want to go home.

布巴是我最好的好朋友====Bubba was my best good friend.

我还知道====And even I know

好朋友不是那么容易找到的====that ain't something you can find just around the corner.

布巴想当一个捕虾船的船长====Bubba was going to be a shrimping boat captain,

但是,他却死在越南的一条河边====but instead,he died right there by that river in Vietnam.

我要说的就是这些了====That's all I have to say about that.

那是粒子弹,是吗?====It was a bullet,wasn't it?

子弹?====A bullet?

跳起来咬你的那个东西====That jumped up and bit you.

啊,对,先生====Oh. Yes,sir.

正好咬在我屁股上====Bit me directly in the but-tocks.

他们说这样的伤口价值百万,但…====They said it was a million dollar wound,but...

那些钱大概是被军队留着了====the army must keep that money,

因为那一百万我至今连半毛钱也没看见===='cause I still ain't seen a nickel of that million dollars.

屁股受伤的唯一好处====The only good thing about being wounded in the but-tocks

是冰淇淋====is the ice cream.

我能吃多少冰淇淋他们就给我多少====They gave me all the ice cream I could eat.

你猜怎么着?====And guess what?

我的一位好朋友就在隔壁床上====A good friend of mine was in the bed right next door.

丹中尉,我给你拿冰淇淋来了====Lieutenant Dan,I got you some ice cream.

丹中尉,冰淇淋!====Lieutenant Dan,ice cream!

你该洗澡了,中尉====It's time for your bath,Lieutenant.







我是福尔斯·====I'm Forrest Gump.






阿甘,你怎么能看这种狗屎节目?====Gump,how can you watch that stupid shit?

把它关掉====Turn it off.

你正在收看美军台====You are tuned to the American forces

越南电视网====Vietnam network.

这是西贡台6频道====This is channel 6,Saigon.

接得好,阿甘====Good catch,Gump.

你知道怎么打吗?====You know how to play this?

来,我教你====Come on. Let me show you.

打乒乓球的关键就是====Now,the secret to this game is

无论发生什么事====no matter what happens,


把目光离开球====take your eye off the ball.

好吧====All right.

不知为什么====For some reason,

我天生是打乒乓的料====Ping-Pong came very natural to me.


连傻瓜也会打====Any idiot can play.

于是我开始经常打球====So I started playing it all the time.

我打乒乓球====I played Ping-Pong

甚至没人陪着也能打====even when I didn't have anyone to play Ping-Pong with.

医院里的人====The hospital's people

说我就象下了水的鸭子…====said it made me look like a duck in water...

不管那是什么意思====Whatever that means.

甚至连丹中尉也来看我打球====Even Lieutenant Dan would come and watch me play.

我打了这么多的乒乓球====I played Ping-Pong so much,

连睡觉时也在打====I even played it in my sleep.


听我说====you listen to me.

我们都有自己注定的命运====We all have a destiny.

没什么事是完全偶然的,它总有缘故====Nothing just happens. It's all part of a plan!

我应该和我的士兵一起死在那儿====I should have died out there with my men,

但现在我只是个他妈的残废人====but now... I'm nothing but a god damn cripple,

没腿的怪物!====a legless freak!

看着我!====Look. Look! Look at me!

你看见没有?====You see that?

你知不知道====Do you know what it's like

没有腿是什么感觉?====not to be able to use your legs?

是,长官。我知道====Y-Y -Yes,sir,I do.

你清楚我的话没有?====Did you hear what I said?

你害了我!====You cheated me!

我有自己的命运====I had a destiny.

我本该死在战场上====I was supposed to die in the field

带着荣誉!====with honor!

那才是我的命运====That was my destiny,

而你使我得不到它!====and you... cheated me out of it!

你听明白我的话了吗,阿甘?====You understand what I'm saying,Gump?

本来不应该是这样…====This wasn't supposed to happen...

我不应该这样====Not to me.

我有自己的命运====I had a destiny.

我曾经是…====I was...


丹泰勒====Dan Taylor.

你仍然是====Y-You still

丹中尉====Lieutenant Dan.

看着我====Look at me.

现在我能做什么?====What am I going to do now?

现在我能做什么?====What am I going to do now?

列兵阿甘?====PFC Gump?


因为你的表现====As you were.


你获得荣誉勋章====you been awarded the Medal of Honor.

你知道吗,丹中尉?====Guess what,Lieutenant Dan?

他们要给我勋…====They want to give me a med...


丹中尉怎么了?====What did they do with Lieutenant Dan?

他们送他回家了====They sent him home.

两星期后,我离开越南====Two weeks later,I left Vietnam.

典礼已经开始====The ceremony was kicked off

首先是总统的演说====with a can did speech by the president

关于扩大越南战争的必要性====regarding the need for further escalation of the war in Vietnam.

约翰逊总统给四名军人颁发了荣誉勋章====Johnson awarded 4 Medals of Honor to men from each of the armed services.

美国深深地感谢你,孩子====America owes you a debt of gratitude,son.

我知道你受过伤====I understand you were wounded.

你的伤口在哪儿?====Where were you hit?

在屁股上,先生====In the but-tocks,sir.

嗯,那一定很好看====Well,that must be a sight.

我倒想瞧一瞧====I'd kinda like to see that.

#我献歌给你,罗宾森太太#====And here's to you,Mrs. Robinson

#耶稣对你也特别垂青#====Jesus loves you more than you will know

#上帝保佑你,罗宾森太太#====God bless you,please,Mrs. Robinson

老天,这孩子!====God damn,son!

然后妈妈回酒店休息====After that,Mama went to the hotel to lay down,

我出去在我们的首都随处走走====so I went out for a walk to see our nation's capital.

希拉里!我找了兽医来====Hilary! I got the vets.

你找他们做什么?====What do you want to do with them?

妈妈就应该休息====It's a good thing Mama was resting,

因为街上人挤得要死===='cause the streets was awful crowded with people

他们来看那些雕像和纪念碑====lookin'at all the statues and monuments,

有些人吵吵嚷嚷的====and some of them people were loud and pushy.

好了,跟着我!====O.K.,follow me!

不管去哪里,我都要排队====Everywhere I went,I had to stand in line.

快点====Come on.


嘿,你这么做太对了====Hey,you're a good man for doing this.



那儿有这么个人在演讲====There was this man giving a little talk.

不知什么原因====And for some reason,

他身上穿着美国国旗====he was wearing an American flag for a shirt.

他还很爱说”…====And he liked to say the "F" word... a lot.

操这个、操那个===="F" this and "F" that.

每次他说”====And every time he said the "F" word,

人们不知什么原因就一阵欢呼====people,for some reason,well,they cheered.

对!对!====Yeah! Yeah!

来,兄弟,上来,兄弟====Come on,man. Come up here,man.

过来,过来====Come on. Come on.

对,你!过来,快!====Yeah,you! Come on. Move,move!

快,我们上去====Go on. Let's get up there.

给我们讲讲这场战争吧,兄弟====Tell us a little bit about the war,man.

越南的战争?====The war in Vietnam?

就是这场…====The war in Viet-



我能说的只有一件事====There was only one thing I could say

关于越南战争====about the war in Vietnam.

我能说的只有一件事关于…====There's only one thing I can say about...

越南战争====the war in Vietnam.

在越南…====In Vietnam...

你在干什么…====What the hell are you do...

我打死你,你这该死的猪头!====I'll beat your head in,you goddamn oinker!

天那!他究竟是怎么搞的?====Jesus Christ! What did they do with this?

听不见!====Can't hear you!

什么也听不见====Can't hear anything!

这个这个!====This... This one!

给我那个!====Give me that!

大声点!====Speak up!

我要说的就是…====And that's all I have to say

这些====about that.

说得很好,兄弟====That's so right on,man.

你说得很好====You said it all.

你叫什么名字,兄弟?====What's your name,man?

我叫福尔斯,福尔斯·====My name is Forrest. Forrest Gump.

福尔斯·====Forrest Gump.

阿甘! 阿甘!====Gump! Gump! Gump!





这是我一生中最快乐的时刻====It was the happiest moment of my life.

我和珍妮又能在一起了====Jenny and me were just like peas and carrots again.

她带我四处逛====She showed me around

介绍她的新朋友给我认识====and even in troduced me to some of her new friends.

拉帘子,兄弟!====Shut that blind,man!

不要靠近窗子====And get your white ass away from that window.

你知不知道我们正在打仗吗?====Don't you know we in a war here?

你知不知道我们正在打仗?====Don't you know we in a war here?

他很酷,他是我们自己人====He's cool. He's one of us.

让我告诉你我们的情况====Let me tell you about us.

我们在此的目的是保护我们的黑人领袖====Our purpose here is to protect our black leaders

免得他们受到白种猪的袭击====from the racial on slaught of the pig

他们想要伤害我们的黑人领袖====who wishes to brutalize our black leaders,

强奸我们的女人,摧毁我们黑人社区====rape our women,and destroy our black communities.

这怪人是谁?====Who's the baby killer?

这是我跟你提起过的好朋友====This is my good friend I told you about.

这是福尔斯·甘。福雷斯,这是威斯利====This is Forrest Gump. Forrest,this is Wesley.

威斯利和我一起住在伯克利====Wesley and I lived together in Berkeley,

他是学生民主社团伯克利分部主席====and he's the president of the Berkeley chapter of SDS.

我们是来提供保护与帮助====We are here to offer protection and help

为任何需要我们帮助的人====for all those who need our help,

因为我们,黑豹党====because we,the Black Panthers,

是反对越南战争的====are against the war in Vietnam.

我们反对任何战争====We are against any war

黑人士兵总被送往前线====where black soldiers are sent to the front line

为一个仇恨他们的国家送死====to die for a country that hates them.

我们反对任何派黑人士兵去打仗的战争====We are against any war where black soldiers go to fight

这样会毁掉他们自己的社区====and come to be brutalized and killed in their own communities.

我们反对种族主义和帝国主义行为====We are against these racist and imperial acts...

#我给她一支枪#====And I gave her the gun

#我给她一枪#====I shot her


停手!====Stop it!

停手!====Stop it!


停手!停手!====Stop it! Stop it!

我不该带你来这里====I shouldn't have brought you here.

我早该知道大家会争吵!====I should have known it was going to be some bullshit hassle!

他不该打你,珍妮====He should not be hitting you,Jenny.

走吧,福尔斯====Come on,Forrest.

对不起我在你们黑豹党聚会上打架====Sorry I had a fight in the middle of your Black Panther party.

他不是故意这么做的====He doesn't mean it when he does things like this.

我永远也不会伤害你,珍妮====I would never hurt you,Jenny.

我知道你不会,福雷斯====I know you wouldn't,Forrest.

我想成为你的男友====I wanted to be your boy friend.

这件制服不错,福雷斯====That uniform is a trip,Forrest.

你穿起来很帅====You look handsome in it.

真的====You do.

你知道吗?====You know what?


很开心我们俩能一起到首都来====I'm glad we were here together in our nation's capital.


我们整晚到处逛,我和珍妮====We walked around all night,Jenny and me,

聊天====just talkin'.

她告诉我她所有的旅行====She told me about all the traveling she'd done

她如何发现了新的思想====and how she discovered ways to expand her mind

学习怎样在和谐中生活…====and learn how to live in harmony...

和谐那地方一定是在我们西边====which must be out west somewhere,

因为她一路去到了加州===='cause she made it all the way to California.

#去爱另一个人#====Love one another right now

有人想去旧金山吗?====Anybody want to go to San Francisco?

我要去====I'll go.

走啦!====Far out!

这是很特别的一晚====It was a very special night

对于我们俩来说====for the two of us.

我真的不想今晚结束====I didn't want it to end.

希望你不走,珍妮====Wish you wouldn't go,Jenny.

我必须走,福尔斯====I have to,Forrest.


所有的事都乱套了====Things got a little out of hand.

都是因为这场战争====It's just this war

还有爱撒谎的约翰逊总统和…====and that lying son of a bitch Johnson and...

我永远不会伤害你,你知道的====I would never hurt you. You know that.

想知道我怎么想吗?====Know what I think?

我想…====I think...

你应该回绿茵镇的家====you should go home to Greenbow,



我们的人生完全不同,你知道====we have very different lives,you know.

我希望你…====I want you...

收下这个====to have this.

福尔斯,我不能接受这个====Forrest,I can't keep this.

我能得到它…====I got it...

都是因为我做了你叫我做的事====just by doing what you told me to do.

你为何对我这么好?====Why are you so good to me?

你是我的女友====You're my girl.

我永远都是你的女友====I'll always be your girl.

#什么都在改变,改变,改变#====To everything,turn,turn,turn

#这是个改变改变改变的季节#====There is a season,turn,turn,turn

#为了任何目标而开始的时刻#====And a time to every purpose

#在整个世界#====Under heaven

就是这样====And just like that,

她再次离开我的生活====she was gone out of my life again.

这是个人的一小步====That's one small step for man,

人类的一大步====one giant leap for mankind.

我以为我要回越南去====I thought I was going back to Vietnam,

但他们又觉得====but instead they decided

我对付共产党的最好办法====the best way for me to fight the Communists

是打乒乓球====was to play Ping-Pong,

于是我接受了一个特别任务====so I was in the special Services,

走遍全国====traveling around the country,

慰劳负伤的老兵,为他们表演====cheering up wounded veterans and showing'em

怎么打乒乓球====how to play Ping-Pong.

我打得很好,所以几年后====I was so good that some years later,

军队又觉得我应该====the army decided I should be

加入全美乒乓球队====on the all-American Ping-Pong team.

我们是第一批访问中国大陆的美国人====We were the first Americans to visit the land of China

大约一百万年以来====in a million years or something.

有人说世界和平就在我们手中====Somebody said world peace was in our hands,

但我所做的只不过是打乒乓球====but all I did was play Ping-Pong.

回家以后,我成了全国有名的人物====When I got home,I was a national celebrity,

比袋鼠船长还要有名====famouser even than Captain Kangaroo.

这位就是福尔斯·====Here he is,Forrest Gump.

在这儿====Right here.

阿甘,请坐====Gump,have a seat.

福尔斯·甘,这位是约翰·列侬====Forrest Gump,John Lennon.

欢迎你回国====Welcome home.

你能不能告诉我们,嗯====Can you tell us,um,

中国是怎么样的?====what was China like?

在中国大陆…====In the land of China...

人们差不多什么都没有====people hardly got nothin'at all.

没有财产?====No possessions?

在中国,他们不去教堂====And in China,they never go to church.

也没有宗教?====No religion,too?

难以想象====Hard to imagine.

嗯,只要你肯试着想象,迪克====Well,it's easy if you try,Dick.

几年以后====Some years later,

那位从英格兰来的好年青人====that nice young man from England

他回家去看他的孩子====was on his way home to see his little boy

半路上在给人签名====and was signing some autographs.

完全没什么原因====For no particular reason at all,

有人枪杀了他====Somebody shot him.

他们给你…====They gave you...

国会荣誉勋章====the congressional Medal of Honor.

啊,是丹中尉====Now,that's Lieutenant Dan.

丹中尉!====Lieutenant Dan!

他们给你…====They gave you...

国会荣誉勋章====the congressional Medal of Honor.

是的,长官。他们是给我了====Yes,sir. They surely did.

他们给你====They gave you,

你这傻瓜====an imbecile,

让你这白痴上电视====a moron who goes on television

让你去出丑====and makes a fool out of himself

在整个该死的国家面前====in front of the whole damn country,

国会荣誉勋章====the Congressional Medal of Honor.


嗯,真是真是太妙了!====Well... that... that's just perfect!

嗯,我对此只能说一句话…====Yeah,well,I just got one thing to say to that...

上帝诅咒美国====Goddamn bless America.


啊,天哪!====Ow! Oh! Oh,God!

丹中尉!====Lieutenant Dan!

丹中尉说他住在一家旅馆里====Lieutenant Dan said he was living in a hotel

因为他没有腿====and because he didn't have no legs,

他花很多时间练习他的手臂====he spent most of his time exercising his arms.

向右转,向右!====Make a right. Take a right!

你在纽约做什么,丹中尉?====What do you do here in New York,Lieutenant Dan?

我在吃政府救济====I'm living off the government tit.

嗨,你瞎眼了吗?====Hey,hey,hey,are you blind?

我正在走路!====I'm walking here!

出来!====Ah,get out!

行了,走吧!====Come on. Go,go,go!

我和丹中尉在一起====I stayed with Lieutenant Dan

庆祝假期====and celebrated the holidays.

你们过了美好的一年,快回家吧====You have a great year,and hurry home.

上帝保佑你====God bless you.

你找到耶稣了吗,阿甘?====Have you found Jesus yet,Gump?

我不知道我应该去找他,长官====I didn't know I was supposed to be looking for Him,sir.

从越南回来的残废军人====That's all these cripples down at the V. A...

他们都这么说====That's all they ever talk about.

耶稣这个耶稣那个,哈====Jesus this and Jesus that. Ha.

找到耶稣了吗?====Have I... found Jesus?

他们还叫了个牧师来和我聊天====They even had a priest come and talk to me.

他说上帝在听着====He said God is listening,

但我只能顾到自己====but I have to help myself.

如果我的心能接受耶稣====Now,if I accept Jesus into my heart,

我就可以与他在天国同行====I'll get to walk beside Him in the kingdom of heaven.

你听到我说的话了吗?====Did you hear what I said?


与他在天国同行====beside Him in the kingdom of heaven.

去你妈的====Well... kiss my crippled ass.

上帝在听着?====God is listening?

全是狗屁====What a crock of shit.

我要上天堂,丹中尉====I'm going to heaven,Lieutenant Dan.



你去以前能不能====before you go... why don't you

起身去街角====get your ass down to the corner

帮我再打点酒?====and get us more Ripple?


我们大概是在====We're at approximately

纽约市45大街温阿斯特广场====45th Street in New York City at One Astor Plaza.

这个地方就是…====This is the site of the old...

拉巴特湾有什么东西?====What the hell is in Bayou La Batre?

有捕虾船====Shrimping boats.

捕虾船?捕虾船关我什么事?====Shrimping boats? Who gives a shit about shrimping boats?

我一定要买一条====I got to buy me one

等我有了钱====soon as I have some money.

我在越南答应过布巴的====I promised Bubba in Vietnam

等战争结束,我们合伙捕虾====that as soon as the war was over,we'd be partners.

他当船长,我当大副====He'd be the captain and I'd be his first mate.

但他已经死了,我只好当船长====But now that he's dead,I got to be the captain.

捕虾船的船长====A shrimp boat captain.

是,长官。要信守诺言,丹中尉====Yes,sir. A promise is a promise,Lieutenant Dan.

你听听!====Now hear this!

列兵阿甘====Private Gump here

要当捕虾船的船长====is gonna be a shrimp boat captain.

嗯,你听着,吹牛大王====Well,I tell you what,Gilligan.

等你当上捕虾船的船长那一天====The day that you are a shrimp boat captain,

我就来当你的大副====I will come and be your first mate.

如果你能当捕虾船的船长====If you're ever a shrimp boat captain,

我就能当宇航员了!====that's the day I'm an astronaut!

阿丹,你说什么?====Danny,what are you complaining about?

阿丹,你好吗?====Danny,how you doing,huh?

轮椅先生!====Mr. Hot Wheels!

这是你的朋友吗?====Who's your friend?

我叫福尔斯,福尔斯·====My name is Forrest. Forrest Gump.

这是可爱的卡拉====This is cunning Carla

这是长腿的莱诺====and long-limbs Lenore.

你去哪儿了,宝贝?====So where you been,baby cakes,huh?

最近一直没见你====Haven't seen you around lately.

你应该在这儿过圣诞节的====You should have been here for Christmas,

汤米请大伙喝酒===='cause Tommy bought a free round

每人一块火鸡三明治====and gave everybody a turkey sandwich.

嗯,我遇见了朋友====Well,well,I had,uh... company.

嘿!我们刚刚去过那儿!====Hey! Hey,we was just there!

那好象是时代广场====That's like Times Square.

你不喜欢过新年吗?====Don't you just love New Year's?

你能够重新开始====You can start all over.

每人都有新的机会====Everybody gets a second chance.

很奇怪…====It's funny...

在这欢乐的气氛中====but in the middle of all that fun,

我想起了珍妮====I began to think about Jenny,

不知她会如何庆祝除夕夜====wondering how she was spending her New Year's night

在加州====out in California.

#你对她不再有爱了吗?#====Don't you love her ways?

#告诉我你的回答#====Tell me what you say

#你对她的爱不再疯狂?#====Don't you love her madly?

#不想去见她父亲?#====Want to meet her daddy?

#你不再爱她的脸庞了吗?#====Don't you love her face?

#你不再爱正在离开的她?#====Don't you love her as she's walkin' out the door?

......====9... 8...

......====7... 6...

......====5... 4...

......====3... 2...


新年快乐!====Happy new year!

#怎能忘记旧日朋友#====Should auld acquaintance be forgot

#心中能不怀想?#====And never brought to mind?

新年快乐,丹中尉!====Happy new year,Lieutenant Dan!

#怎能忘记旧日朋友#====Should auld acquaintance be forgot

#友谊地久天长!#====In days of auld lang syne!

#我们站到一起#====Together we stand

#分开只有失败#====Divided we fall

#大家一起来吧#====Come on now,people,let's

#一起生活#====Get on the ball

#一起工作#====And work together

#来吧,来吧#====Come on,come on

#让我们一起工作#====Let's work together

啊!你怎么搞的,你是傻瓜吗?====Oh! What are you,stupid or something?

你有什么毛病?====What's your problem?

他有什么毛病?====What's his problem?

你把你那玩意丢在战场上了吗?====Did you lose your packet in the war or something?

你朋友是不是傻瓜呀?====Is your friend stupid or something?

你说什么?====What did you say?

我说你朋友是不是傻瓜?====I said is your friend stupid or something?

不许叫他傻瓜!====Don't call him stupid!

嘿,不许推她!====Hey,don't push her!

你闭嘴!====You shut up!

绝对不许叫他傻瓜!====Don't you ever call him stupid!

得啦,宝贝,你干嘛这么生气?====Come on,baby,why you being so upset,huh?

穿让你那该死的衣服====Get your goddamned clothes

马上滚你妈的蛋!====and get the hell out of here!

你应该去马戏团====You should be in a sideshow.

瞧你这惨样!====You're so pathetic!

马上滚!====Get out of here!

你这大混蛋!====You big guy!

失败者,怪物!====Loser. You freak!

啊,不====Oh,no. No.

对不起,我毁了====I'm sorry I ruined

你的新年聚会,丹中尉====your New Year's Eve party,Lieutenant Dan.

她身上有一股烟味====She tastes like cigarettes.

我想丹中尉发现====I guess Lieutenant Dan figured

有些事你是无法改变的====there's some things you just can't change.

他不想被称为残废====He didn't want to be called crippled

就象我不想被称为傻瓜====just like I didn't want to be called stupid.

新年快乐,阿甘====Happy new year,Gump.

美国乒乓球队====The U.S. Ping-Pong team

今天与尼克松总统见面…====met with President Nixon today...

你知道吧?====Wouldn't you know it?

几个月后====A few months later,

他们邀请我和乒乓球队====they invited me and the Ping-Pong team

去白宫====to visit the White House.

所以我去了…====So I went...


并且第二次见到了合众国的总统====And I met the president of the United States again.

不过这次他们没有给我们安排====Only this time,they didn't get us rooms

酒店套房====in a real fancy hotel.

你玩得愉快吗====Are you enjoying yourself

在我们的首都,年轻人?====in our nation's capital,young man?

你住在哪儿?====where are you staying?

埃伯特酒店====It's called the Hotel Ebbott.

啊,不,不。我知道有家更好的酒店====Oh,no,no,no. I know a much nicer hotel.

是新开张的水门酒店,设备很先进====It's brand-new. Very modern.

我会叫人安排你入住的====I'll have my people take care of it.


是,先生====Yeah. Sir,

你能不能叫人维修人员====you might want to send a maintenance man

去对面办公室看看====over to that office across the way.

里面灯不亮====The lights are off

他们大概正在找保险丝盒====and they must be looking for a fuse box,

因为他们打着手电,把我都照醒了===='cause them flashlights,they're keeping me awake.

好的,先生。我去查一下====O.K.,sir. I'll check it out.

谢谢,晚安====Thank you. Good night.


我将辞去总统职位====I shall resign the presidency

从明天中午起生效====effective at noon tomorrow.

福特副总统====Vice President Ford

将宣誓就任总统====will be sworn in as president

明天此时在这间办公室====at that hour in this office.

福尔斯·====Forrest Gump.


根据条例====As you were.

我收到你的退役批文====I have your discharge papers.

服役期结束了,孩子====Service is up,son.

是不是说我不能再打乒乓球了?====Does this mean I can't play Ping-Pong no more?

对军队来说,是的====For the army,it does.

就这样====And just like that,

我在合众国军队的生活结束了====my service in the United States Army was over.

所以我回家====So I went home.

我回家了,妈妈====I'm home,Mama.

我知道,我知道====I know. I know.

露西,他来了====Louise,he's here.

当我回家时,我不知道做什么====Now,when I got home,I had no idea,

但妈妈有很多访客====but Mama had all sorts of visitors.

我们有客人来访====We've had all sorts of visitors.

每个人都想要你用他们的乒乓器材====Everybody wants you to use their Ping-Pong stuff.

有个人还留了一张两万五的支票====One man even left a check for $25,000

希望你能说:你爱用他们的球拍====if you'd be agree able to saying you like using their paddle.

我只爱用我自己的球拍====I only like using my own paddle.

嗨,露西小姐====Hi,Miss Louise.


我知道,可那是两万五啊,福尔斯====I know that,but it's $25,000,Forrest.

我想也许你可以试用一段时间====I thought maybe you could hold it for a while,

看看顺不顺手====see if it grows on you.

妈妈的确说得对====That Mama,she sure was right.

事情总是出乎意料====It's funny how things work out.

我在家没有待太久====I didn't stay home for long

因为我答应过布巴====because I'd made apromise to Bubba,

我总要信守我的诺言====and I always try to keep my promise,

所以我去了拉巴特湾====so I went on down to Bayou La Batre

去见布巴的家人====to meet Bubba's family.

你是疯子还是傻瓜?====Are you crazy or just plain stupid?

做傻事的才是傻瓜,布鲁太太====Stupid is as stupid does,Mrs. Blue.

我想也是====I guess.

当然====And,of course,

我也去看望了布巴本人====I paid my respect to Bubba himself.

嘿,布巴,是我,福雷斯·====Hey,Bubba. It's me,Forrest Gump.

我记得你说过的话====I remember everything you said,

我已经安排好了====and I got it all figured out.

我带来两万四千五百六十二块四毛七分====I'm taking $24,562.47

这是我所有的钱====that I got,that's left

其它钱用来理发和买新衣服====after a new hair cut and a new suit

还有带妈妈上街吃了一顿好饭====and took Mama out to a real fancy dinner,

还买了车票,还买了三瓶汽水====and I bought a bus ticket,then three Dr. Peppers.

告诉我====Tell me something.

你是傻瓜吗?====Are you stupid or something?

做傻事的才是傻瓜,先生====Stupid is as stupid does,sir.

我拿到这些钱是因为我说:====That's what's left after me saying,

“我和全美乒乓球队在中国时,===="When I was in China on the all-America Ping-Pong team,

“我最喜欢打乒乓球…===="I just loved playing Ping-Pong

“用我的菲利奥莱乒乓球拍”====with my Flex-O-Lite Ping-Pong paddle,"

谁都知道这不是真话====which everybody knows isn't true,

但妈妈说它只是一个善意的谎话====but Mama said it was just a little white lie,

它不会伤害任何人====so it wasn't hurting nobody.

总之,剩下的钱我全部用来====So anyway,I'm putting all that

买燃料、绳索和网具====on gas,ropes,and new nets

以及一条全新的捕虾船====and a brand-new shrimping boat.

布巴告诉过我所有和捕虾有关的事情====Now Bubba told me everything he knew about shrimping,

但你知道我有什么发现吗?====but you know what I found out?

捕虾很难的====Shrimping is tough.

我只捕到五只====I only caught five.

再来两只,你就能做串烧虾了====A couple more,you can have yourself a cocktail.

嘿,你有没有想过该为这条船命名?====Hey,you ever think about naming this old boat?

船没有名字就没有好运气====It's bad luck to have a boat without a name.

我以前从来没有给船命名====I'd never named a boat before,

我能想起的只有一个名字====but there was only one I could think of,

世界上最美丽的名字====the most beautiful name in the wide world.

#跳跳舞#====Do a little dance

#谈谈情#====Make a little love

#度过今晚#====Get down tonight

#度过今晚#====Get down tonight

#跳跳舞#====Do a little dance

#谈谈情#====Make a little love

#度过今晚#====Get down tonight

#度过今晚…#====Get down tonight...

我没听到珍妮的消息====Now,I hadn't heard from Jenny

已经很久了====in a long while,

但我仍经常想念她====but I thought about her a lot.

不管她在做什么,我希望她开心====I hoped whatever she was doing made her happy.

#你不能改变那只小鸟#====Oh,and the bird you cannot change

#你不能改变这只小鸟#====And this bird you cannot change

#上天知道我无法改变#====Lord knows I can't change

#上天保佑我无法改变#====Lord,help me,I can't change

我时刻想念着珍妮====I thought about Jenny all the time.

丹中尉,你来做什么?====Lieutenant Dan,what are you doing here?

嗯,我想到海中施展拳脚====Well,thought I'd try out my sea legs.

可是你没有脚了,丹中尉====Well,you ain't got no legs,Lieutenant Dan.

是的,我知道====Yes,I know that.

你写了封信给我,白痴====You wrote me a letter,you idiot.

好了,福尔斯·甘船长====Well,well. Captain Forrest Gump.

我要亲眼来看看…====I had to see this for myself...


我说过如果你能当捕虾船的船长====I told you if you were ever a shrimp boat captain,

我就来当你的大副====that I'd be your first mate.

所以我来了====Well,here I am.

我是信守诺言的====I'm a man of my word.


但你别以为====But don't you be thinking

我会叫你长官====that I'm going to be calling you "sir."


这是我的船====It's my boat.

我觉得如果我们向东开====I have a feeling if we head due east,

我们就会找到虾,现在左转====we'll find some shrimp,so take a left.

向左转!====Take a left!

哪边?====Which way?

那边!====Over there!

他们在那边!====They're over there!

快打舵盘向左====Get on the wheel and take a left.


阿甘,你干什么?====Gump,what are you doing?

向左转!====Take a left!


那边我们会找到虾的,兄弟!====That's where we're going to find those shrimp,my boy!

那边我们会找到它们====That's where we'll find them.

还是没有虾,丹中尉====Still no shrimp,Lieutenant Dan.

好吧,我弄错了====O.K.,so I was wrong.

嗯,我们怎么才能找到虾呢?====Well,how are we going to find them?

也许你可以去祷告====Maybe you should just pray for shrimp.

#所以我们祷告#====So pray that

#我在回家路上…#====I'm homeward bound...

所以我每个星期天都去教堂====So I went to church every Sunday.

有时丹中尉也来====Sometimes Lieutenant Dan came,too,

虽然他只让我负责祷告====though I think he left the praying up to me.

没有虾====No shrimp.

你那上帝到底在哪儿?====Where the hell's this God of yours?

奇怪的是丹中尉一说这话====It's funny Lieutenant Dan said that

上帝就来了===='cause right then God showed up.

你绝不能弄沉这条船!====You'll never sink this boat!

我当时很害怕====Now,me,I was scared,

但丹中尉,他象是发疯了====but Lieutenant Dan,he was mad.

来吧!====Come on!

你这算是风暴吗?====You call this a storm?

来吧,你这狗娘养的!====Come on,you son of a bitch!

咱们来较量一下吧!====It's time for a show down!

你和我!====You and me!

我就在这儿,来捉我吧!====I'm right here! Come and get me!

你绝不能弄沉…====You'll never sink...



卡门飓风昨天过境====Hurricane Carmen came through here yesterday,

沿途几乎摧毁了一切====destroying nearly everything in its path.

沿海的其他城镇也一样====And as in other towns up and down the coast,

拉巴特湾的捕虾业====Bayou La Batre's entire shrimping industry

成为卡门飓风的最大受害者====has fallen victim to Carmen

渔港完全成了废墟====and has been left in utter ruin.

记者被告知====This reporter has learned,

实际上只有一条捕虾船====in fact,only one shrimping boat

幸免于难====actually survived the storm.

露西,露西,这是福尔斯====Louise. Louise,there's Forrest.

从此以后,捕虾就很容易了====After that,shrimping was easy.

#将会有丰厚的回报.#====There will be great bounty

#我的上帝….#====Oh,my God...

因为人们仍然需要虾====Since people still needed them shrimps

来做虾串烧和虾烧烤什么的====for shrimp cocktails and barbecues and all

而我们的船是唯一剩下的了====and we were the only boat left standing,

他们只能来布巴·甘这里买虾====Bubba Gump shrimp's what they got.

我们购置了一大堆船====We got a whole bunch of boats.

12条珍妮号,还有一个大仓库====12 Jennys,big old warehouse.

我们还订做了帽子====We even have hats

上面写着布巴·”====that say "Bubba Gump" on them.

布巴·甘捕虾公司====Bubba Gump Shrimp.

这名字家喻户晓====It's a household name.

等等,小兄弟====Hold on there,boy.

你是说你就是…====Are you telling me you're the owner

布巴·甘捕虾公司的老板?====of the Bubba Gump Shrimp Corporation?

对,我们挣了一大堆钱====Yes. We got more money than Davy Crockett.

孩子,我听过很多牛皮====Boy,I heard some whoppers in my time,

这是最大的一个====but that tops them all.

我们身边正坐着一个百万富翁====We were sitting next to a millionaire.

嗯,我觉得那是个很有趣的故事====Well,I thought it was a very lovely story,

你讲得真好====and you tell it so well,

非常热情洋溢====with such enthusiasm.

你想看看丹中尉长什么样吗?====Would you like to see what Lieutenant Dan looks like?

是的,我想看====Yes,I would.

这个就是他====That's him right there.

我再讲点关于丹中尉的事====Let me tell you something about Lieutenant Dan.


我一直还没谢谢你救我一命====I never thanked you for saving my life.

他从来没说出来====He never actually said so,

但我想他跟上帝已经讲和了====but I think he made his peace with God.

这是17天里第二次====For the second time in 17 days,

福特总统幸免被刺杀====President Ford escaped possible assassination today.

总部呼叫珍妮一号。总部呼叫珍妮一号====Base to Jenny 1. Base to Jenny 1.

珍妮一号,请说====Jenny 1. Go,Margo.

有福尔斯的电话====Forrest has a phone call.

嗯,你跟他说他迟点再回电话====Yeah,well,you'll have to tell them to call him back.

他现在很忙====He is indisposed at the moment.

他妈妈病了====His mama's sick.

妈妈在哪儿?====Where's Mama?

她在楼上====She's upstairs.


明天见====I'll see you tomorrow.

好的====Oh,all right.

你的腿全好了,是吗,孩子?====Sure got you straightened out,didn't we,boy?

怎么了,妈妈?====What's the matter,Mama?

我快死了,福尔斯====I'm dying,Forrest.

进来,坐下====Come on in,sit down over here.

为什么你快死了,妈妈?====Why are you dying,Mama?

我的时候到了====It's my time.

因为我的时候到了====It's just my time.


你不用害怕,宝贝====don't you be afraid,sweet heart.

死亡只是生命的一部分====Death is just a part of life.

是我们注定要面对的====Something we're all destined to do.

我并不知道====I didn't know it,

但我注定要做你的妈妈====but I was destined to be your mama.

我就尽力做好====I did the best I could.

你做得很好====You did good.

我相信你能实现自己的命运====Well... I happen to believe you make your own destiny.

你要凭着上帝所给予的做到最好====You have to do the best with what God gave you.

我的命运是什么,妈妈?====What's my destiny,Mama?

你要自己去弄明白====You're going to have to figure that out for yourself.

人生就像一盒各式各样的巧克力====Life is a box of chocolates,Forrest.

你永远不知道下一块将会是哪种====You never know what you're going to get.

妈妈总有办法把事情说清楚====Mama always hada way of explaining things

让我也能听明白====so I could understand them.

我会想念你的,福雷斯====I will miss you,Forrest.

她得了癌症====She had got the cancer

在星期二去世了====and died on a Tuesday.

我给她买了顶新帽子====I bought her a new hat

上面有很多小花====with little flowers on it.

我要说的说是这么多了====And that's all I have to say about that.

你不是说你在等7路车吗?====Didn't you say you were waiting for the number 7 bus?

等一下还会有下一班车的====There'll be another one along shortly.

现在因为我成了足球明星和战争英雄====Now,because I had been a football star and war hero

以及全国知名的人物和捕虾船的船长====and national celebrity and a shrimping boat captain

以及大学毕业生====and a college graduate,

亚拉巴马州绿茵镇的父老乡亲====the city fathers of Greenbow,Alabama,

决定给我一个好工作====decided to get together and offered me a fine job.

所以我不再回去和丹中尉一起工作了====So I never went back to work for Lieutenant Dan,

但他继续打理着我们布巴·甘公司的财产====though he did take care of my Bubba Gump money.

他替我买了一家卖苹果的公司的股票====He got me invested in some kind of fruit company.

后来他又打电话给我====So then I got a call from him

说我们再也不用担心没钱花了====saying we don't have to worry about money no more,

我说:好啊,又少一件麻烦事”====and I said,"That's good. One less thing."

. 我有了新的希望….====I've got a new hope...

妈妈说过财产不用太多====Now Mama said there's only so much fortune

一个人用不了多少====a man really needs,

多余的钱只是用来炫耀====and the rest is just for showing off.

所以我拿出一大堆====So I gave a whole bunch of it

给四方福音教堂…====to the Four square Gospel Church...

又拿出一大堆给拉巴特湾渔场医院…====and I gave a whole bunch to the Bayou La Batre Fishing Hospital...

虽然布巴已经死了====and even though Bubba was dead

丹中尉也说我是笨蛋====and Lieutenant Dan said I was nuts,

我还是把布巴那一份给了布巴的妈妈====I gave Bubba's mama Bubba's share.

你猜怎么着?====You know what?

她再也不用去任何人家的厨房干活了====She didn't have to work in nobody's kitchen no more.

那感觉真不错====That smells wonderful.

因为我成了亿万富翁====And 'cause I was a gozillionaire

并且我喜欢干活====and I liked doing it so much,

我免费帮他们割草====I cut that grass for free.

但到了晚上无事可干====But at night time when there was nothing to do

房子空空荡荡的====and the house was all empty,

我会经常想念珍妮====I'd always think of Jenny.

然后她就出现了====And then... she was there.



珍妮回来与我一起住====Jenny came back and stayed with me.

也许因为她没什么别的地方可去了====Maybe it was because she had no where else to go,

也许因为她太累了====or maybe it was because she was so tired

因为她总是在睡觉===='cause she went to bed and slept and slept

好象她多年没睡觉了====like she hadn't slept in years.

有她在家真好====It was wonderful having her home.

每天我们都散步====Every day we'd take a walk,

我不停地跟她说话====and I'd jabber on like a monkey in a tree,

她听我说乒乓球和捕虾====and she'd listen about Ping-Ponging and shrimping

还有妈妈去天堂的事====and Mama making a trip up to heaven.

我不停地说====I did all the talking.

珍妮总是很安静====Jenny most of the time was real quiet.

你怎么能这么做?====How could you do this?

有时我想石头会不够用====Sometimes I guess there just aren't enough rocks.

我一直不知道她为什么回来====I never really knew why she came back,

但我不介意====but I didn't care.

就象昔日重来====It was like olden times.

我们又形影不离了====We was like peas and carrots again.

每天我都会采来好看的花====Every day,I'd pick pretty flowers

放在她的房间里====and put them in her room for her,

而她给了我所得到的最好的礼物====and she gave me the best gift anyone could ever get

在整个世界里====in the wide world.

这是最适合跑步的====They're made just for running.

#带我回家见亲朋.#====Carry me home to see my kin

他还教我如何跳舞====And she even showed me how to dance.

#我又想起老朋友.#====I miss ol'Bammy once again

#我不再对他不起.#====And I think it's a sin

#亚拉巴马我的家….#====Sweet home Alabama...

我们就象一家人,珍妮和我…====Well,we was like family,Jenny and me...

那是我一生最快乐的时光====and it was the happiest time in my life.

你看还要看吗?====You done watching it?

我要去睡了====I'm going to bed.

你能嫁给我吗?====Will you marry me?

我会做个好丈夫的,珍妮====I'd make a good husband,Jenny.

你会的,福尔斯====You would,Forrest.

但你不能嫁给我====But you won't marry me.

你不会愿意娶我====You don't want to marry me.

你为什么不爱我,珍妮?====Why don't you love me,Jenny?

我不是很聪明====I'm not a smart man,

但我知道什么是爱====but I know what love is.


福尔斯,我真的爱你====Forrest,I do love you.

那你为什么要跑?====Where are you running off to?

我没有跑====I'm not running.

那一天====That day,

不知什么原因====for no particular reason,

我决定出去跑一趟====I decided to go for a little run.

所以我跑到路的尽头====So I ran to the end of the road,

当我到达那里,我想也许我能跑到城边====and when I got there,I thought maybe I'd run to the end of town.

卡特总统因中暑病倒…====President Carter,suffering from heat exhaustion...

而当我到达那里====And when I got there,

我想也许我能跑遍绿茵县====I thought maybe I'd just run across Greenbow County.

这时我想既然我跑了那么远====Now,I figured since I'd run this far,

也许我可以跑遍亚拉巴马州====maybe I'd just run across the great state of Alabama.

我就这么做了====And that's what I did.

我横越整个亚拉巴马====I ran clear across Alabama.

不知什么原因,我继续跑====No particular reason. I just kept on going.

我一直跑到大海====I ran clear to the ocean.

当我到达那里====And when I got there,

我想既然我跑了那么远====I figured since I'd gone this far,

也许不如掉头继续跑====might as well turn around,just keep on going.

然后当我跑到另一个大海====And when I got to another ocean,

我想既然我跑了那么远…====I figured since I'd gone this far...

我也许不如掉头====I might as well just turn back

继续跑下去====and keep right on going.

当我累了,我就睡觉====when I got tired,I slept.

当我饿了,我就吃饭====when I got hungry,I ate.

当我想去…====When I had to go...

你知道…====you know...

我就去====I went.

所以…====And so...

你不停地跑?====you just ran?


#看着路在车轮下延伸#====Lookin' out at the road rushin' under my wheels

#看着一年年时光飞逝#====Lookin' back at the years gone by

#就象一片片夏日农田#====Like so many summer fields

#六五年那时我十七岁#====In '65,I was 17

#我在一刻不停地奔跑#====And runnin' up one on one

#我不知道跑到了何处#====I don't know where I'm runnin' now

#我只是在不停地奔跑#====I'm just runnin' on

#奔跑#====Runnin' on

#无缘无故地奔跑#====Runnin' on empty

#奔跑#====Runnin' on

#精疲力竭#====Runnin' dry

#奔跑…#====Runnin' on...

我想了很多事…====I'd think a lot...

关于妈妈和布巴还有丹中尉====about Mama and Bubba and Lieutenant Dan.

但最经常的====But most of all,

我在想念珍妮====I thought about Jenny.

我非常想念她====I thought about her a lot.

两年多来====For more than two years,

一位名叫福尔斯·甘的人====a man named Forrest Gump,

来自亚拉巴马绿茵县的园艺师,除了睡觉====a gardener from Greenbow,Alabama,stopping only to sleep,

就是不停跑步横越美国====has been running across America.

查尔斯·库珀为你报导====Charles Cooper brings you this report.

他这是第四次====For the fourth time

进行横越美国的旅程====on his journey across America,

福尔斯·甘,来自亚拉巴马绿茵县的园艺师====Forrest Gump,the gardener from Greenbow,Alabama,

今天将再次跑过密西西比河====is about to cross the Mississippi River again today.

天那,福尔斯?====I'll be damned. Forrest?

先生,你为什么要跑?====Sir,where are you running?

你是为了世界和平吗?====Are you doing this for world peace?

你是为了无家可者吗?====Are you doing this for the homeless?

你是为了妇女权利吗?====Are you running for women's rights?

为了保护环境吗?====The environment?

他们就是不相信====they just couldn't believe

有些人跑步====that Somebody would do all that running

什么原因都没有====for no particular reason.

你为什么这样做?====Why are you doing this?

我只是想跑====I just felt like running.

我只是想跑====I just felt like runnin'.

是你====That's you.

我不敢相信真的是你====I can't believe it's really you.

然后不知什么原因====Now... for some reason,

我所做的事好象====what I was doing seemed to...

在某些人看来有了意义====make sense to people.

我的头脑中好象响起一声警报====It was like an alarm went off in my head.

我说,他是个实干家,====I said,"Here's a guy that's got his act together.

他拥有所有问题的答案”====Here's somebody who has the answer."

我要追随你,甘先生====I'll follow you anywhere,Mr. Gump.

于是我有了伙伴====So I got company.

然后,我有了更多的伙伴====And after that,I got more company.

然后,又有更多的人加入====And then,even more people joined in.

有人后来告诉我====Somebody later told me

人们看到了希望====it gave people hope.


那时我什么也不知道====Now,I don't know anything about that,

有些人曾经问我====but some of those people asked me

我能不能帮助他们====if I could help them out.

我想你也许能够帮助我====I was wondering if you might help me.

我是做贴纸生意的====I'm in the bumper sticker business.

我需要一句好的口号====I need a good slogan,

你很有天才====and since you've been so inspirational,

我想你也许能帮助我…====I thought you might be able to help me...

啊!你刚跑过…====Whoa,man! You just ran

一大堆狗屎!====through a big pile of dog shit!

常有的事====It happens.



几年后,我听说那个家伙====And some years later,I heard that that fella

想出来一条贴纸口号====did come up with a bumper sticker slogan

赚了一大笔钱====and made a lot of money off of it.

还有一次,我一个人跑着====Another time,I was running along.

遇到个卖T恤衫赔了本的人====Somebody who'd lost all his money in the T-shirt business,

他希望把我的脸印在T恤衫上====he wanted to put my face on a T-shirt,

但他不太会画画====but he couldn't draw that well,

他也没带照相机====and he didn't have a camera.

用这个吧,反正没人喜欢这颜色====Here,use this one. Nobody likes that color anyway.

祝你过得好====Have a nice day.

几年后,我听说====Someyears later,I found out

那个人确实想出了一个T恤图案====that that man did come up with an idea for a T-shirt.

赚了一大笔钱====He made a lot of money.

总之,就象我说过的====Anyway,like I was saying,

我有了很多伙伴====I had a lot of company.

我妈妈总是说====My mama always said,

“你得丢开以往的事===="You got to put the past behind you

“才能不断继续前进”====before you can move on."

我想那就是我这次跑步的意义了====And I think that's what my running was all about.

我跑了三年…====I had run for three years...

两个月…====two months...

14天又16小时====14 days,and 16 hours.

安静,安静。他有话要说====Quiet. Quiet. He's going to say something.

我很累了====I'm pretty tired.

现在我想回家了====Think I'll go home now.

那我们该怎么办?====Now what are we supposed to do?

就这样…====And just like that...

我跑步的日子结束了====my runnin' days was over.

我回到亚拉巴马的家====So I went home to Alabama.

不久前,下午225====Moments ago,at 2:25 P.M.,

当里根总统走出…====as President Reagan was leaving the...

开了五至六枪====Five or six gunshots were fired

一个不知名的凶手====by an unknown,would-be assassin.

总统胸部中弹…====The president was shot in the chest...

我拿到邮件====I picked up the mail.

有一天,天气晴朗====And one day,out of the blue clear sky,

我收到一封珍妮的来信====I got a letter from Jenny

问我能不能来萨凡纳====wondering if I could come down to Savannah

来看她,所以我就来了====and see her,and that's what I'm doing here.

她在电视上看到我跑步====She saw me on TV... running.

我正要乘9路车去里奇蒙街====I'm supposed to go on the number 9 bus to Richmond Street

然后下车向左走====and get off and go one block left

到亨利街1947…====to 1947 Henry Street...

4单元====apartment 4.

那你不必乘公交车====Why,you don't need to take a bus.

亨利街离这儿只有五六个街区…====Henry Street is just five or six blocks...

就往那边====down that way.

往那边?====Down that way?

往那边====Down that way.

很高兴和你聊天====It was nice talking to you.

我希望你一切顺利!====I hope everything works out for you!


你好吗?====How you doin'?

进来,进来!====Come in! Come in!

我收到了你的信====I got your letter.

哦,我还正担心你收不到呢====Oh,I was wondering about that.

这是你住的地方?====This your house?

对,现在很乱====Yeah. It's messy right now.

我刚下班回来====I just got off work.

很好====It's nice.

你还买了空调====You got air-conditioning.

谢谢====Thank you.

我吃了一些====I ate some.

我,嗯保存了一本你的剪报和…====I,uh,kept... kept a scrap book of... of your clippings and...

别的东西,给你====everything. There you are.

对,我看见你跑了====Yes,I got you running.

我跑了很长的路====I ran a long way.

很长的时间====It's a long time.


听我说,福尔斯,我不知该怎么说====Listen,Forrest,I don't know how to say this.

…====I just...

我想向你道歉====I want to apologize

为我对你做的一切,因为…====for anything that I ever did to you 'cause...

我做得很糟…====I was messed up...

一直以来,而且…====for a long time,and...


这位是我从亚拉巴马来的老朋友====This is my old friend from Alabama.

你好吗?====How do you do?

下星期我的日程安排要改了,所以我…====Next week my schedule changes,so I can...

没问题,我得走了。我没停车位====No problem. Got to go. I'm double-parked.

好吧,谢谢====O.K. Thanks.

这是我很好的朋友甘先生====This is my very good friend Mr. Gump.

你能问声好吗?====Can you say hi?

你好,甘先生====Hello,Mr. Gump.


我能去看电视吗?====Can I go watch TV now?

可以,但声音轻点====Yes. Just keep it low.

你做妈妈了,珍妮====You're a mama,Jenny.

我做妈妈了====I'm a mama.

他名字叫福尔斯====His name's Forrest.

和我一样!====Like me!

他的名字和他爸爸一样====I named him after his daddy.

他的爸爸也叫福尔斯?====He got a daddy named Forrest,too?

你就是他爸爸,福尔斯====You're his daddy,Forrest.

福尔斯,看着我====Forrest,look at me.

看着我,福尔斯====Look at me,Forrest.

你不用担心====There's nothing you need to do.

你没有做错事====You didn't do anything wrong.

好吗?====O. K?

他漂亮吗?====Isn't he beautiful?

他是我见过最漂亮的====He's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.


他聪明吗?比如他能不能…====is... is he s-smart? Like,can he...

他非常聪明====He's very smart.

他是他班上最聪明的一个====He's one of the smartest in his class.

没事的,去和他聊聊吧====Yeah,it's O.K. Go talk to him.

你在看什么?====What are you watching?

伯特和埃妮====Bert and Ernie.


我生病了====I'm sick.

什么,你是不是感冒了====What,do you have a cough due to a cold?

我染上了一种病毒,医生…====I have some kind of virus,and the doctors,

他们不知道是什么病毒====they don't know what it is,

他们也不知道如何医治====and there isn't anything they can do about it.

你和我一起回家吧====You could come home with me.

珍妮,你和…====Jenny,you and...

小福尔斯====little Forrest

一起====could come stay

住到绿茵镇来====at my house in Greenbow.

要是你病了我会照顾你====I'll take care of you if you're sick.

你愿意娶我吗,福雷斯?====Would you marry me,Forrest?


请坐====Please take your seats.


快开始了====It's time to start.

你的领带====Your tie.

丹中尉====Lieutenant Dan.

丹中尉====Lieutenant Dan.


你有双新腿了====You got new legs.

新腿!====New legs!

对,我有双新腿了====Yeah. I got new legs.


钛合金的====Titanium alloy.

航天飞机也是用它造的====It's what they use on the space shuttle.

魔腿====Magic legs.


是我的未婚妻====is my fiancee.


丹中尉====Lieutenant Dan.


丹中尉…====Lieutenant Dan...

这位是我的珍妮====this is my Jenny.

很高兴能见到你====Hi. It's nice to meet you finally.

福尔斯,你愿意让珍妮====Do you,Forrest,take Jenny

做你的妻子吗?====to be your wife?

珍妮,你愿意让福雷斯====Do you,Jenny,take Forrest

做你的丈夫吗?====to be your husband?

那么我宣布你们结为夫妻====And so I pronounce you man and wife.


你在越南害怕过吗?====were you scared in Vietnam?



我不知道====I don't know.

有时当雨停的时候====Sometimes it would stop raining

能看到星星…====long enough for the stars to come out...

那感觉很好====and then it was nice.

就象太阳下山前====It was like just before the sun goes to bed

在拉巴特湾====down on the bayou.

海面的闪闪鳞光…====there was always a million sparkles on the water...

就象山间的湖水====like that mountain lake.

那样的清澈,珍妮====It was so clear,Jenny,

就象另一片天空====it looked like there were two skies

两重天空====one on top of the other.

还有在沙漠里,当太阳升起…====And then in the desert,when the sun comes up...

我分不清====I couldn't tell

哪儿是天,哪儿是地====where heaven stopped and the earth began.

真是美丽====It's so beautiful.

我但愿那时和你在一起====I wish I could've been there with you.

你确实在的====You were.

我爱你====I love you.

你在星期六清晨死去====You died on a Saturday morning.

我把你葬在我们的树下====And I had you placed here under our tree.

我把你父亲的房子====And I had that house of your father's

推成了平地====bulldozed to the ground.


总是说…====always said

死亡是生命的一部分====that dyin' was a part of life.

我真的希望不是这样====I sure wish it wasn't.

小福尔斯…====Little Forrest is...

很好====doing just fine.


就要去上学了====About to start school again so on,


我给他做早餐、午餐和晚餐====and I make his breakfast,lunch,and dinner

每天====every day.

我让他…====I make sure he...

梳头====combs his hair

让他每天刷牙====and brushes his teeth every day.

教他怎么打乒乓球====Teaching him how to play Ping-Pong.

他打得很棒====He's really good.

福尔斯,你来发球====Uh,Forrest,you go.

我们经常钓鱼====We fish a lot.

我们每天晚上读书====And every night,we read a book.

他聪明极了,珍妮====He's so smart,Jenny.

你一定会为他骄傲====You'd be so proud of him.

我会的====I am.

他还给你写了封信====He,uh,wrote you a... a letter.

他说不许我看,我不能看====And he says I can't read it. I'm not supposed to,

所以我把它放在这儿给你====so I'll just leave it here for you.


我不知道是妈妈对====I don't know if Mama was right

还是丹中尉对====or if it... it's Lieutenant Dan.

我不知道====I don't know...

是否我们每个人都有====if we each have a...


还是我们的生命中只有偶然====or if we're all just floating around accidental-like

像在风中飘…====on a breeze...

但我想…====but I... I think...

也许两者都有吧====maybe it's both.

也许两者都在同时发生着====Maybe both get happening at the same time.

我想念你,珍妮====But I miss you,Jenny.

如果你想要什么…====If there's anything you need...

我就在你身边====I won't be far away.

你的车来了====Here's your bus.



我知道====I know this.

我会在故事会上讲故事====I'm gonna share that for show-and-tell

因为奶奶曾给你读过====because Grandma used to read it to you.

我最喜欢的书====My favorite book.

好了====Here we are.


你该走了====here you go.



我想告诉你我爱你====I want to tell you I love you.

我也爱你,爸爸====I love you,too,Daddy.

我就在这儿等你回来====I'll be right here when you get back.

你知道这是校车,是吧?====You understand this is the bus to school,now,don't you?

当然,你是多萝西·哈里斯,我是福尔斯·====Of course,and you're Dorothy Harris,and I'm Forrest Gump.




