
发布时间:2020-05-18 11:55:36   来源:文档文库   


  孤港。 | 孤海。

  Solitary port. | solitary sea.

  花谢。 | 花开。

  Xie flowers. | flowers.

  久伴 | 深爱

  Long with | love

  亡魂。 | 溺海。

  The dead. | the sea.

  私爱〃Tea |偏爱〃Tea

  Self-love "Tea | preferences" of Tea

  空城° | 空心°

  Empty city ° | hollow °

  别闹 | 没闹

  Stop that now | didn't make

  意犹。 | 未尽。

  The children of judah. | unfinished.

  绿致 |菀岸

  Green to | Wan shore

  捂热我| | 深拥你|

  Wu hot I | | | deep hug you

  萌妻 ^ | 贤夫 ^

  Meng wife ^ | good ^

  、男神 |、女神

  , male | god, goddess

  ° 浅爱 | ° 深爱

  ° shallow love | ° deep love

  吃货| | 痴货|

  Sweetheart swathes | | goods |

  痞娘 | 痞爷

  The new niang | new ye

  `在暧° | `在昧°

  In dim ° ` | ` in geared °

  柠九 | 梓七

  Twist. | catalpa seven

  海枯。 | 石烂。

  The Dead Sea. | stone rotten.

  唯美。 | 唯恋。

  Only beautiful. | only love.

  伤心 | 虐心

  Sad heart | abuse

  挫败。 | 惆怅。

  Frustration. | melancholy.

  莫离。 | 莫弃。

  Mo. | don't abandon.

  杯具° |洗具°

  Cup with ° | wash °

  后觉。 | 无知。

  After sleep. | ignorance.

  敷衍。 | 肤浅。

  Perfunctory. | superficial.

  村长〃 |村嫂〃

  Village head line | village sister-in-law"

  亡心。 | 溺情。

  Dead heart. | drowned.

  时光 | 荏苒

  | time flies

  抚旅 | 伴旅

  Caresses brigade | with

  执念。 | 欲念。

  Obsession. | desires.

  困兽 | 囚奴 ?

  Animal | prisoners?


