The Giant 巨人的花园故事改写

发布时间:2020-03-25 21:39:15   来源:文档文库   

The Giants Garden

Once there was a beautiful garden. The owner was a giant. In spring, there were many colorful flowers. Birds liked to sing in the tree. Children liked to play here. But one day, the giants returned. He shouted to the children, None of you can play here. The Birds flied and the children ran away. The next spring came, but the garden is still in winter.

The giant feels regretful. One morning, he opened his door, one bird came in, and then many birds came in , they were singing in the trees. So the grass and the trees waked up and became green, the flowers started to bloom. So some children came in the garden and played in the garden. Suddenly, the children found the giant and tried to run away. This time , the giant didnt shout to them but asked them with smile Come back, come back. He told the children, This is our garden, Lets play together. The birds and the flowers heard, they are singing and laughing!


《The Giant 巨人的花园故事改写.doc》
