
发布时间:2020-09-23 07:31:18   来源:文档文库   

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Module 1 How to learn English

Unit 1 Let’s try to speak English

as much as possible.


名词:1. advice 2. dictionary 3. grammar 4. letter 5. meaning

6. mistake 7. notebook 8. pair 9. pronunciation 10.radio

11. sentence 12. spell 13. word

形容词: 1.possible 2. key 3. main 4. excellent

动词: 1. agree 2. complete 3.forget 4. match 5. practise

6. pronounce 7. understand

副词: aloud




1.(1)look it up (2)looking up

2.(1)① You should try to listen to ②are trying using

(2)as soon as possible;as soon as I can

3.(1)to buy (2)opening  (3)to take (4)seeing

4.agree with (1)A (2)D


一、1~3 ACB

二、1.radio 2.class 3.stories 4.pen friends 5.aloud

三、1.welcomes 2.ways 3.possible 4.mistakes 5.its

6.pronunciation 7.key 8.reading 9.writing 10.agrees


一、1.grammar 2.excellent 3.understood 4.dictionary

5.pronounce 6.letters 7.forgot 8.should 9.match


二、1~5 CCADC 6~10 DAADD

三、1.How/What about listening to

2.as fast/quickly as possible

3.agree with him 4.looked up

5.forgets to turn off

四、1~5 BBCCD 6~10 CBBAA

Unit 2 You should smile at her!


名词:1.vocabulary 2. time 3. conversation

动词: 1. advise 2. improve 3.suggest 4.place

形容词: 1. basic 2.shy 3. natural

副词: quickly


1.(1)ask for help (2)asks;for something

2.(1)nothing interesting (2)has nothing to do

3.(1)advised me to take/have (2)advises her not to go out

4.(1)going home (2)(should)practise


一、1~5 BBAAD

二、1.improve 2.songs 3.guess 4.talk 5.afraid

6.smile 7.vocabulary 8.quickly 9.place 10.use

三、1.understanding 2.speaking 3.vocabulary


一、1.natural 2.placed /put 3.improved 4.vocabulary

5.times 6.shy 7.quickly

二、1~5 DACDC 6~10 ABAAC

三、1.shy;am afraid to  2.smiled at

3.ask;for some advice 4.advised/advises;not to eat

5.Seeing;way to learn

四、1~5 BBBDD 6~10 AACCC

五、1~5 ACCBD

Unit 3 Language in use



1.Its a good idea to see 2.should go

3.Lets correct 4.How/What about practising

5.Why dont you have/Why not have


()1~5 BBAAA

()1.will have/is going to have 2.went 3.are playing

4.gives 5.did;buy


一、1.look up 2.make a mistake

3.welcome back 4.try to do sth.

5.as much as possible 6.write down

7.next to 8.What else?

9.need to do sth. 10.through reading

11.agree with sb. 12.ask for advice

13.several times 14.guess the meaning of

15.something new 16.advise sb.to do sth.

17.be afraid to do sth. 18.start a conversation

19.smile at 20.four or five words a day

21.on pieces of paper 22.say hello to sb.

23.make friends with 24.take/show sb.around

二、1~5 CBDCD 6~10 DAADA



一、1. They are talking about ways of learning English.

2. He thinks the best way to learn English words is to make word cards.

3. He is from Class 8.

4. Lucy/She improves her pronunciation by talking with her friends in the club.

5. Lily/She is good at grammar.

二、1.agree with sb. 2.improve English

3.be worried about 4.advise sb.to do sth.

5.be good at 6.talk with sb.

7.make sentences 8.something useful

三、advised me to eat




第三步:1.advice 2.listen to English songs

3.try to do sth. 4.talk with 5.give up


How to learn English

Learning English is not so difficult.Here is some of my advice.

First,you should often listen to the radio.Second,you can try to find some English pen friends and write to them in English as much as possible.Third,its also a good idea to spell and pronounce new words every day.

If you dont give up,youll find that its not as hard as you think to learn English.


一、1~5 CDADD 6~10 BCCAA

二、1~5 BCBAD

三、1~5 ECADG

四、1.improve 2.writing 3.for 4.also 5.interested

6.watching /seeing 7.take 8.so 9.it 10.a

Module 2 My home town and my country

Unit 1 Its taller than many other buildings.


名词:1. hill 2. population

形容词: wide

动词: get

副词: pretty




1.pretty good

2.(1)D (2)The population of;a population of;There are

3.five million;millions of

4.remember to send;remember telling


一、1~5 AABAC

二、1.Shenzhen 2.Last weekend 3.On the coast

4.village 5.important

三、1.telling 2.near 3.on 4.village 5.1980s

6.busier 7.newer 8.million 9.much 10.than


一、1.population 2.than 3.get 4.wider 5.pretty

6.Millions 7.hill(s)

二、1~5 CAADA 6~10 AAABB

三、1.In fact /As a matter of fact 2.much busier than

3.as interesting as 4.Whats the population of

5.bigger than many other

四、1~5 BADAB 6~10 CDAAB

Unit 2 Cambridge is a beautiful city

in the east of England.


名词:1. countryside 2. area 3.island 4. mountain

5. umbrella 6. university


副词: especially

兼词: 1. north 2. south 3. west


1.(1)in (2)on (3)to

2.(1)is famous for (2)is famous as


一、1~5 BABCB

二、1.east 2.population 3.famous 4.capital 5.busier

6.old 7.popular 8.north 9.never 10.umbrella

三、1.east 2.about 120,000 3.River Cam 4.south

5.about 7,500,000 6.River Thames 7.lakes

8.villages 9.hot 10.cold


一、1.especially 2.universities 3.areas 4.lower

5.south 6.countryside 7.island

二、1~5 CABBD 6~10 AADBD

三、1.is famous for 2.such as

3.come/am from;in the east of

4.on the river;any time of the day

5.has a population of

四、1~5 BADBB 6~10 DBBCC

五、1~5 DACBC

Unit 3 Language in use


一、1~5 DBDDA 6~10 ABDBB

二、1.hotter 2.earlier 3.smaller 4.busy;busier



一、1.pretty good 2.in fact 3.in the 1980s

4.get bigger and busier 5.as busy as 6.be sure

7.the population of Shenzhen 8.many other cities

9.one day /some day 10.remember to do sth.

11.Whats the population of…?

12.in the east/south /west/north of

13.on the River Cam 14.have a population of

15.be famous for 16.such as

17.80 kilometres from London 18.on the coast

19.be popular for 20.any time of the year


二、1~5 ADBDC 6~10 DABCC



一、1. The writers home town is Dalian.

2. The population of Dalian is over six million.

3. It is more than 100 years old.

4. Because they are very interesting.

5. It is warm in winter and hot in summer.

二、1.in the northeast of 2.over/more than 3.such as

4.be famous for 5.lots of 6.had better do sth.

三、has a population of




第三步: 1.population 2.fish 3.tourist 4.the second largest island 5.with a long history 6.different nationalities

7.earn/make a living 8.grow rice


Hainan Island

When you come to Hainan Island in the south of China,you will find it warm all year round.

Hainan Island is the second largest island in China and it covers an area of about 35,000 square kilometres with a long history.The population of it is over 8 million,which contains(包括)different nationalities.People there have many ways to make a living,such as growing rice and fishing.

Sanya is a city for travelling.Millions of tourists come here for a trip every year because of its beautiful coastline(海岸线).


一、1~5 BBADC 6~10 CDBAC

二、1~5 ABCCD

三、1~5 DGABF

四、1.than 2.south 3.cold 4.small 5.city 6.sheep

7.yourself 8.everywhere 9.has 10.interesting

Module 3 Sports

Unit 1 Nothing is more enjoyable than

playing tennis.


名词:1. baseball 2. matter 3. stadium 4. volleyball

5. Olympics

形容词: 1. enjoyable 2. exciting 3. boring 4. relaxing

动词: 1. mind 2. score 3.hurt 4. miss

副词: already

代词: plenty


1.(1)D  (2)B (3)A


3.(2)① plenty of water ② plenty of students


一、1~3 BAC

二、1.football 2.safer 3.relaxing 4.enjoyable


三、1.exciting 2.boring 3.scored 4.tired 5.hurt

6.safer 7.dangerous 8.enjoyable 9.Olympics 10.buying


一、1.boring 2.volleyball 3.hurt 4.matter

5.plenty 6.already 7.missed 8.relaxing

二、1~5 CDBDD 6~10 ABBAC

三、1.Are;sure about /of 2.hurt my knee

3.plenty of time 4.watching;more boring

5.Whats the matter with/Whats wrong with

四、1~5 BABDD 6~10 DCACB

Unit 2 This year we are training more carefully.


名词:1. practice 2. coach 3.pity 4. chance

形容词: 1. careless 2. usual 3. pleased 4. confident

副词: loudly

动词: 1. beat 2. train 3. warm 4.pass

介词: against



1.(1)play against (2)for;against

2.so that

3.(1)won (2)beats

4.(1)pass me the pen;pass the pen to (2)pass it to me

5.have a chance of going;have a chance to go


一、1~5 BADAC

二、1.against 2.up 3.usual 4.beat 5.weather

6.carefully 7.better 8.chance 9.cheer 10.confident

三、1.Saturday 2.more difficult 3.better 4.fans


一、1.coach 2.practice 3.careless 4.pity 5.pleased

6.loudly 7.against 8.usual

二、1~5 BBBAC 6~10 BAADC

三、1.as early as we can/as early as possible

2.a better chance of winning/a better chance to win

3.pass it to me 4.is; late for 5.warming up

四、1~5 BBADB 6~10 CCAAD

五、1~5 BCBDA

Unit 3 Language in use


一、1~5 ACABC 6~10 CBACB

二、1.faster 2.more tiring 3.earlier

4.good;better 5.quietly


一、1.watch the football match 2.on TV

3.a minute ago 4.look tired

5.Thats too bad. 6.sit down

7.play tennis 8.be not sure about

9.for all the games 10.stay at home

11.bad luck 12.never mind

13.plenty of 14.play against another school

15.as early as we can 16.so that

17.have time to do sth. 18.warm up

19.get dark 20.be late for

21.after⁃school practice 22.as a team

23.lose to sb. 24.What a pity!

25.have a better chance of winning

26.cheer…on 27.feel more confident

二、1~5 BBBBB 6~10 CAABD



一、1. He is a basketball player.

2.He was born in Pennsylvania,America/the USA.

3. He was 17/seventeen years old (when he joined the NBA).

4. He begins to train at 4:00 am every day.

5. He decided to leave the NBA in 2016.

二、1.from…to 2.not…but 3.take part in

4.for the first time 5.of course 6.at last

7.give sb.a chance of doing sth. 8.plenty of

三、gives him a chance of




第三步:1.boring 2.interesting 3.stay in hospital 4.do some sports/play sports 5.play basketball 6.much healthier and stronger 7.get better marks


I like sports more than before

I didnt like sports before.I thought it was boring.But after staying in hospital for a long time,I knew I must do some sports.

Later, I began to play basketball with my classmates after school.I find it interesting to play sports with my friends.Doing sports makes me healthier and much stronger than before.And I also get better marks now.

So its important for us to play sports in our free time.


一、1~5 DCBAC 6~10 ABBCC

二、1~5 BCBCC

三、1~5 DEFAB

四、1.has 2.from 3.fans 4.are 5.watching 6.talk

7.than 8.When /After 9.an 10.it

Module 4 Planes,ships and trains

Unit 1 He lives the farthest from school.


名词:1. road 2. accident 3. choice 4. classmate

形容词: crowded

介词: except

兼词: 1. far 2.close


1.(1)except (2)besides

2.(1)B (2)B (3)A

3.(1)so much money (2)so many people

4.(1)farther (2)further (3)furthest


一、1~3 BAC

二、1.by bus(by bike) 2.by underground

3.walking/on foot 4.by bus 5.by bike

三、1.except 2.accident 3.by 4.bike 5.dangerous

6.classmates 7.farthest 8.closest /nearest

9.same 10.crowded


一、1.farthest 2.choices 3.crowded 4.accidents

5.classmates 6.road/street 7.except 8.closest

二、1~5 ABDBB 6~10 CBDBB

三、1.the same as 2.far from 3.all the time

4.(the)most carefully 5.so much

四、1~5 AADDC 6~10 ABADC

Unit 2 What is the best way to travel?



副词: however

动词: 1. book 2. park

兼词: 1. outside 2. cost


1.(1)①However ②but

(2)①spent;paid ②took;to finish reading

2.(1)because (2)because of (3)because of

(4)because;because of

3.(1)A (2)The harder;the better


一、1~5 AACBD

二、1.four 2.relaxing 3.before 4.book 5.parking

6.outside 7.crowded 8.fly 9.second 10.wait

三、1.relaxing 2.expensive 3.comfortable 4.expensive

5.your ticket 6.coach 7.crowded 8.fastest

9.bad weather


一、1.booked 2.journey 3.However 4.park

5.outside 6.cost

二、1~5 CCAAD 6~10 ABCBA

三、1.because of 2.costs as much as

3.What is the best way 4.The higher;the thinner

5.the second tallest

四、1~5 BADBB 6~10 CCADD

五、1~5 BDABC

Unit 3 Language in use


1~5 BCAAC 6~10 DDBBC


一、1.take the bus /by bus 2.by taxi /take the taxi

3.in heavy traffic 4.Thats a good choice.

5.so much traffic 6.ride bikes/by bike

7.live the farthest from

8.take the underground /by underground

9.be the closest to 10.the same as

11.be careful 12.all the time

13.plan to do sth. 14.the best way to travel

15.tell sb. about sth. 16.a lot more expensive

17.across the North Sea 18.outside the city centre

19.cost as much as 20.the second cheapest

21.wait for hours 22.at the airport 23.because of

24.have a nice /great trip 25.get/become crowded

二、1~5 AABBB 6~10 DDCCB



一、1. The fastest way of travelling/It is by plane.

2. There are four/4.

3. They are usually in cities.

4. The writer likes travelling by train and by car.

5. It takes a little more time.

二、1.travel by plane /train/car 2.far from 3.get out of

4.on the way 5.walk around 6.a little

7.start your journey 8.get to/arrive at/arrive in

9.too many/much

三、took me two hours to do




第三步:1.however 2.from…to 3.take a train /plane

4.the safest 5.the most crowded 6.the fastest 

7.the most expensive 8.the most comfortable 9.drive a car

10.the slowest


There are three ways to travel from Guilin to Shanghai, such as by train,by plane and by car.Taking a train there is the safest way but its the most crowded.The fastest way to go to Shanghai is taking a plane.However,its the most expensive.

If you want to have the most comfortable way to travel,you can drive your car to Shanghai.But its the slowest way among the three.

I like travelling by plane,because its the fastest.Hope to help you.Have a great trip!


一、1~5 CABCB 6~10 BBAAC

二、1~5 CBBCA

三、1~5 BGFAD

四、1.more 2.from 3.get 4.ways 5.choice

6.it 7.When/If 8.However 9.cost 10.parking

Module 5 Lao She Teahouse

Unit 1 I wanted to see the Beijing Opera.


名词:1.actress 2. teahouse




1.(1)offered to buy (2)offered me;offered;to

2.(1)①plan ②planning (2)①ends ②In the end

【学以致用】①in the end ②At the end of ③At the end of


一、1~2 CB

二、1.Betty 2.Lao She Teahouse 3.words 4.excellent

5.one /an

三、1.offered 2.opera 3.planned 4.end 5.three

6.difficult 7.actresses 8.main 9.famous 10.writer


一、1.teahouse 2.actresses 3.ended 4.offered 5.idea

二、1~5 DBAAC 6~10 CDBDC

三、1.would like to stay/want to stay

2.its difficult to understand

3.offered to take 4.hope to get 5.in the end

四、1~5 BDBBC 6~10 DBABC

Unit 2 It describes the changes in Chinese society.


名词:1. act 2. society 3. college 4. novel

形容词: 1. magic 2. common


动词: 1.name 2. describe

数词: twentieth



1.(1)show me;show;to (2)three shows

2.is named /called

3.(1)If;doesnt rain (2)If,want to lose

(3)If, are not strong enough

4.(1)happened (2)will take place


一、1~5 CABCD

二、1.takes 2.twentieth 3.shows/describes 4.society

5.sent 6.head 7.Chinese 8.named /called

9.magic 10.warm

三、1.Teahouse 2.1957 3.common 4.Beijing

5.teachers 6.London 7.1929 8.traditional


一、1.acts 2.described 3.society 4.novels 5.magic

6.if 7.named/called 8.twentieth

二、1~5 BABDC 6~10 CABCA

三、1.shows;from the end;to the middle

2.told;the story of/about 3.gave us a warm welcome

4.returned to 5.took place

四、1~5 DDAAD 6~10 BDCCA

五、1~5 DBCBA

Unit 3 Language in use


一、1~5 DBACC 6~10 BCDBA

二、1.to him 2.bought;for 3.sent;to 4.to understand

5.cooked;for us


一、1.see the Beijing Opera 2.in the end/at last

3.thats the main thing 4.take sb.to

5.no idea 6.want to do sth.

7.offer to do sth. 8.hope to do sth.

9.the lives of common people 10.in Chinese society

11.over fifty years 12.be born

13.send him to a teachers school 14.at a college

15.return to China 16.five years later

17.traditional music 18.give a warm welcome to sb.

19.all over the world

二、1~5 BBCDB 6~10 CCBBD



一、1. He was born in Shaoxing,Zhejiang Province.

2. He wanted to be a doctor at first.

3. He began to try writing when he was 24/at the age of 24.

4. Because he wanted to teach people about the society.

5.Because his articles were easy to read for the people.

二、1.be born 2.at first 3.hope to do sth.

4.decide to do sth. 5.start to do sth. 6.think about

三、one of the most famous play writers




第三步:1.writer 2.win 3.works 4.novel

5.leave school 6.work on the farm 7.start writing

8.join the army 9.country life


Mo Yan

Mo Yan is the first Chinese writer to win the Nobel Prize for Literature.

Mo Yan was born on 17th February,1955 in Gaomi,Shandong Province.At the age of twelve,he left school to work on a farm and later in a factory.He started writing after he joined the army in 1976.Mo Yans works are mostly about the country life.Red Sorghum is Mo Yans most famous novel.

Mo Yan is so great,and all Chinese are proud of him.


一、1~5 CABDC 6~10 AABBC

二、1~5 BBCAD

三、1~5 BCGDF

四、1.born 2.went 3.him 4.At 5.named/called

6.the 7.But 8.It 9.later 10.play

Module 6 Animals in danger

Unit 1 It allows people to get closer to them.


名词:1. danger 2. neck 3. notice 4. peace 5. snack

形容词: 1. enough 2.interested 3.thin

动词: 1. allow 2. grow 3. protect 4. raise



1.(1)①is interested in ②am interested to see

(2)①allow me to swim ②allows me not to live

2.(1)think of (2)①in danger ②out of danger

3.(1)took away (2)take it away

4.(1)enough water (2)cheap enough


一、1~3 ACA

二、1.a safe place 2.land and forests 3.clean water

4.at school 5.Find out

三、1.interested 2.danger 3.protect 4.live 5.growing

6.away 7.notice 8.raise 9.after 10.find


一、1.snakes 2.allow 3.wild 4.protect 5.raised

6.peace 7.enough 8.interested

二、1~5 ADAAB 6~10 ACACD

三、1.At last 2.took away 3.look after/take care of

4.is interested in 5.to live in peace

四、1~5 BCDBC 6~10 ACDDA

Unit 2 The WWF is working hard to

save them all.


名词:1. baby 2. research 3. scientist 4. situation

5. government 6.nature 7. symbol

动词: 1. feed 2. develop 3.produce 4. set

兼词: southwest


1.(1)In order to be

(2)In order not to;in order that /so that

2.(1)①is feeding;to ②feed /live on (2)①C ②B


一、1~5 DADAD

二、1.danger 2.difficult/bad 3.research 4.Southwest

5.needs 6.smaller 7.protect /save 8.feed

9.up 10.symbol

三、1.1,600 2.bamboo forests 3.nature parks 4.WWF


一、1.situation 2.southwest 3.scientist 4.government

5.feed 6.babies 7.set 8.developing

二、1~5 AAAAC 6~10 CBBDC

三、1.the symbol of 2.feed on 3.is setting up

4.In order to win 5.to save animals in danger

四、1~5 BBCBB 6~10 DCABD

五、1~5 CCDBB

Unit 3 Language in use


一、1~5 CBDBD 6~10 ABDCC

二、1.to borrow 2.not to watch 3.not to see

4.in order to 5.to buy


一、1.at last 2.be more interested to do sth.

3.allow sb.to do sth. 4.get closer to

5.other animals in danger 6.need to do sth.

7.have a safe place to live(in) 8.take away

9.live in peace 10.save animals in danger

11.raise some money 12.find out

13.as many animals as possible

14.be in danger 15.in the wild

16.look after 17.do a lot of research

18.live in the forests 19.Southwest China

20.lose ones home 21.in order to do

22.set up 23.develop other plans

24.go back to=return to 25.in the nature parks

26.choose sb.to be

二、1~5 ADCBC 6~10 CABCB



一、1.WWF/It began to work to protect endangered species in 1961.

2. WWF/It protects hundreds of species around the world.

3. Yes, they are.

4. Because helping them can help many other species live in the same habitats.

5. Our wildlife trade experts at TRAFFIC work to ensure that trade in wildlife products doesnt harm a species.

二、1.endangered species 2.as well as 3.hundreds of

4.such as 5.in addition to 6.in danger

三、In addition to raising money




第三步:1.fur 2.one of 3.feed /live on

4.protect 5.such as 6.the number of

7.build nature reserves 8.so that 9.stop doing


The leopards are one of the fastest animals on land.They have yellow⁃brownish fur and mainly live in some places of America.They feed on other animals such as deer and fish.

These days,the number of leopards is getting smaller and smaller because they dont have enough food to eat or enough places to live in.Besides,people kill them for their fur.

So what should we do to protect them? First,its a good idea to build nature reserves for them.Second,we should stop selling their fur.No sale,no killing.


一、1~5 DCDAD 6~10 ABBDB

二、1~5 BDCDA

三、1~5 DACGF

四、1.in 2.busy 3.before 4.food 5.the

6.songs 7.Everyone/Everybody 8.music

9.fell 10.prize

Module 7 A famous story

Unit 1 Alice was sitting with her

sister by the river.


名词:1. hole 2. ground 3. rabbit

动词: 1. fall 2. follow


1.(1)was cleaning (2)were having dinner/supper

2.(1)D (2)A  (3)C

3.(1)①to read ②follow you to (2)①B ②B

4.(1)in the tree (2)on the tree

5.(1)at;in (2)get to/reach/arrive at

(3)reached/got to/arrived in (4)arrived /got home


一、1~5 ABCCA

二、1.sister 2.watch 3.fast /quickly 4.in the garden


三、1.called /named 2.by 3.rabbit 4.followed 5.fell

6.sitting 7.arrived 8.tea 9.game 10.everyone


一、1.falling 2.rabbits 3.holes 4.follow 


二、1~5 BADAD 6~10 DAABA

三、1.was sitting with;by 2.arrived at/got to/reached

3.was having a tea party 4.plays games

5.was smiling at

四、1~5 BACCB 6~10 CDCAB

Unit 2 She was thinking about her cat.


名词:1. field 2.pocket


形容词: 1. dry 2. deep

副词: 1. twice 2.suddenly





2.(1)something important (2)nothing difficult


4.(1)clean (2)cleaning (3)play (4)playing

5.(1)too,for me to;so,that,cant touch

(2)too,to carry; so,that,cant carry


一、1~5 CCCAB

二、1.interested 2.by/past 3.strange 4.heard

5.pocket 6.hole 7.about /of 8.deep 9.dark 10.landed

三、1.sitting 2.rabbit 3.deep


一、1.Suddenly 2.deeper 3.pink 4.pocket(s)

5.dry 6.twice 7.while 8.field(s)

二、1~5 ACCAB 6~10 BBACC

三、1.without pictures 2.too hard/difficult; to learn

3.hear her sing 4.running after 5.have anything to do

四、1~5 CCBBA 6~10 DDABA

五、1~5 ABBBC

Unit 3 Language in use


一、1~5 BDCDB 6~10 BBBCA

二、1.were playing 2.What was;doing 3.Were;talking

4.wasnt planting 5.No,they werent


一、1.a girl called 2.one day 3.by the river

4.with a watch 5.run past 6.fall down a hole

7.in the ground 8.in a tree 9.smile at

10.arrive at 11.have a tea party 12.in the garden

13.play a strange game 14.have nothing to do

15.once or twice 16.look into

17.run by 18.nothing strange

19.hear sb.do sth. 20.take…out of

21.run across the field 22.run after

23.see sb.do sth. 24.go down

25.think about 26.get out

27.too… to

二、1~5 DACCB 6~10 ABABA



一、1. It is The Three Little Pigs.

2. A wolf is the bad guy in the story.

3. It built its house with bricks.

4. It ate two/2 pigs.

5. The story/It teaches us to be hard⁃working.

二、1.love reading 2.favourite story 3.build a house

4.at last 5.teach sb.to do

三、because she teaches me how to




第三步:1.princess 2.stepmother

3.make…do a lot of work 4.love each other

5.get married


Once upon a time, there was a little girl called Snow White living in the palace.She was a princess.

Snow White was very beautiful and nice.But her mother died after she was born.Her father married again but her stepmother was a bad woman, and she wasnt friendly to her.She always made Snow White do a lot of work and gave her little food to eat.Snow White lived a hard life until she met a prince.They loved each other and soon they got married.Snow White lived a happy life in the end.

I think it is an interesting story.


一、1~5 CDDCC 6~10 BCADB

二、1~5 ADCBC

三、1~5 BDAEF

四、1.listening  2.daughter 3.But 4.any 5.hot 6.will/can 7.what 8.an 9.before 10.In

Module 8 Accidents

Unit 1 While the lights were changing to red,

a car suddenly appeared.


名词:1. side 2. risk 3.corner 4. attention

动词: 1. hit 2.appear

形容词: 1. pale 2. glad



1.(1)sounds sweet (2)feels soft

2.(1)in time to catch;on time (2)fell off /fell down from

3.(1)pay attention to (2)pay attention to(your)spelling

4.(1)side by side (2)one by one


一、1~3 CBA

二、1.attention 2.red 3.ride 4.side by side

5.listen to music

三、1.waiting 2.accident 3.listening 4.red

5.appeared 6.stop 7.talking 8.time 9.fell 10.risk


一、1.pale 2.risk 3.glad/happy/pleased 4.hit

5.corner 6.attention 7.fell 8.appeared

二、1~5 CDBAB 6~10 AABBC

三、1.waiting to cross 2.was doing;when

3.Pay attention 4.look;tired;all right/OK

5.was taking a walk;side by side

四、1~5 BDCDA 6~10 CBBDA

Unit 2 I was trying to pick it up when it

bit me again.


名词:1. pain 2. fridge 3. medicine

动词: 1.bite 2. appear 3.climb 4. throw



1.(1)①pick up ②pick them up

(2)①bit me on ②hit him in

2.(1)in great pain (2)had a pain on

3.(1)A (2)C


一、1~5 BACBD

二、1.appeared 2.bit 3.pick 4.threw 5.photo

6.hid 7.badly 8.hurried 9.sent 10.medicine

三、1.hand 2.snake 3.medicine 4.photo


一、1.bit 2.climb 3.hid 4.throw 5.fridges

6.worse 7.medicine

二、1~5 CDDAB 6~10 DCBBA

三、1.pick it up 2.climbed out of

3.When/As /While;lying;in pain

4.As you know 5.is getting more and more serious

四、1~5 CABDB 6~10 BCBAA

五、1~5 DCABA

Unit 3 Language in use


一、1~5 BACBD 6~10 BBCDA

二、1.while 2.when 3.was reading 4.What was;doing



一、1.look pale 2.see an accident 3.listen to music

4.on the road 5.wait to cross the road 6.change to red

7.round the corner 8.talk on ones mobile phone

9.fall off 10.think about the risk of

11.pay attention 12.stop at the red lights

13.in time 14.side by side 15.a few days earlier

16.pick it up 17.throw…across the kitchen

18.lie on the table 19.hurry to hospital 20.get worse

21.in great pain 22.send…to 23.as soon as

24.the next day 25.take out sth. 26.as you know

27.climb out of a box

二、1~5 BBBBB 6~10 ACBAB



一、1. He became a driver five years ago.

2. It happened at half past four yesterday afternoon.

3. It was very cold.

4. It was red.

5. He was late for work yesterday because of the accident.

二、1.get off 2.because of 3.be late for 4.wait for

5.arrive at

三、playing football




第三步:1.fish 2.dangerous 3.grateful

4.hear sb.doing sth.5.shout for help 6.fall into the water

7.jump into the water 8.try to do sth.

9.pull sb.out of the river 10.offer help


A Brave Young Man

It was a nice day last Sunday.Zhang Ming was fishing by Qinhuai River while a little boy was playing nearby.

Suddenly,Zhang Ming heard someone shouting for help.He looked around and saw the little boy fall into the water.It was very dangerous.He jumped into the river at once.He tried his best to pull the boy out of the river.At that time other people came to offer help.Finally,Zhang Ming saved the boy.

People all said Zhang Ming was very brave and helpful.We should learn from him.


一、1~5 DCABB 6~10 AACDA

二、1~5 CACAB

三、1~5 GDACE

四、1.a 2.was 3.it 4.into 5.called 6.hospital 7.stay 8.When 9.later 10.happy/glad

Module 9 Population

Unit 1 The population of China is

about 1.37 billion.


名词:1. noise 2. notes 3. birth 4. report 5. problem

动词: 1. cause 2. prepare

形容词: huge

数词: 1.fifth 2. billion

兼词: increase


1.(1)preparing dinner (2)prepared,a room;prepared,for (3)preparing for (4)preparing to go

2.(1)①noise ②a;noise (2)①noise ②sound


3.(1)five billion (2)billions of 

4.(1)D (2)A


一、1~3 BBC

二、1.Over 250 2.year 3.1.37 billion

4.one fifth  5.7 billion

三、1.population 2.preparing 3.huge 4.problems

5.noise 6.increase 7.fifth 8.But 9.smaller



一、1.noise 2.billion 3.preparing 4.caused

5.reports 6.notes 7.huge 8.problems(s)

二、1~5 CBDCC 6~10 BBCAC

三、1.increasing;the biggest problem

2.Hang on(a minute);write; down

3.such as 4.in the future

5.Two fifths; are from/come from

四、1~5 BBDCA 6~10 BCDAB

Unit 2 Arnwick was a city with 200,000 people.


名词:1. flat 2.pupil 3. rubbish 4.service 5. pollution


形容词: 1. quiet 2. local 3. public


1.closed down


3.protected her against /from


一、1~5 DBACB

二、1.with 2.quiet 3.jobs 4.expensive 5.flats

6.rubbish 7.local 8.closed 9.pollution 10.solve

三、1.Near 2.city centre 3.government 4.part

5.school 6.pollution


一、1.pupils 2.flats 3.rubbish 4.solve 5.quiet

6.pollution 7.public

二、1~5 BDBCB 6~10 ACDAC

三、1.is close to 2.needs more;to help

3.It is clear that 4.the same;as

5.to protect;from /against

四、1~5 BBDAA 6~10 AABCD

五、1~5 DBDBA

Unit 3 Language in use



1~5 DDBDA 6~10 CAABA


1. the;the;the;the 2. /;a 3. the;a

4. the;the 5. an;a /the 6. /


一、1.prepare…for 2.a report called

3.growing population 4.talk about

5.a huge city with a large population

6.cause a lot of problems 7.such as

8.too much traffic and noise

9.in the world 10.the population of China

11.in the future 12.get smaller

13.close to fields and hills

14.a city with 200,000 people

15.live in the city centre 16.outside the centre

17.become part of 18.close down

19.five years ago 20.take an hour

21.a lot of traffic 22.help solve all these problems

23.in fact 24.all over the world 25.some day

二、1~5 DCAAB 6~10 ABBAD



一、1. It is 60 and older.

2. They are 80 and older.

3. Because people in this group are more likely to have illnesses.

4. The developing countries will have more and more older population in the future.

5.It will be 21%.

二、1.keep growing 2.for the first time

3.as a result 4.in the future

三、As a result




第三步:1.serious 2.everywhere 3.the pollution of the environment 4.cut down 5.protect our environment

6.throw rubbish 7.turn off lights 8.reduce pollution

9.plant trees 10.stop…(from)doing sth.


Dear schoolmates, 

The air and water pollution is more and more serious today.People cut down a lot of trees.Plastic bags are everywhere.

In order to live a better life,we should protect our environment.First,we shouldnt throw rubbish everywhere.Second,we should turn off lights when we leave the room.Third,we must plant more trees and stop people from cutting them down.Fourth,we should use fewer plastic bags.

Lets try together now!

Li Feng 


一、1~5 DDAAC 6~10 BACCC

二、1~5 ABDBC

三、1~5 ECFAG

四、1.a 2.billion 3.problems 4.example 5.eat

6.places 7.solve 8.about /of 9.protect 10.much

Module 10 The weather

Unit 1 It might snow.


名词:1.ice 2. cloud 3.shower 4.storm 5. degree 6.temperature

动词: 1. wish 2.skate

形容词: 1. wet 2.thick 3.sunny 4. cloudy 5. rainy

6. snowy 7. windy 8. minus 9. terrible

副词: 1. neither 2. probably



兼词: 1. snow 2. joke


1.(1)are flying (2)is coming


(3)probably snowy; probably snow




6.(1)had better not go to bed (2)had better read


一、1~5 CABBC

二、1.snowed 2.wet 3.America 4.winter


三、1.skate 2.cold 3.between 4.snowy 5.although

6.weather 7.hot 8.showers 9.Neither 10.probably


一、1.skate 2.thicker 3.cloudy 4.rainy 5.probably

6.Wish 7.snows 8.terrible/bad

二、1~5 BCBAD 6~10 ABCDB

三、1.Come on /Hurry up 2.had better get going

3.am going to;swim 4.What;the temperature be

5.may snow heavily/will probably snow heavily/will probably be snowy

四、1~5 BBBAD 6~10 CCAAB

Unit 2 The weather is fine all year round.



副词: round

兼词: 1. northeast 2.southeast


1.(1)became (2)getting (3)goes (4)turned


2.Compared to/with;compared to/with

3.from time to time


一、1~5 BBACB

二、1.west 2.around 3.October 4.turn 5.photos

6.fine 7.swimming 8.umbrella 9.winter


三、1.May or October 2.September 3.all year round

4.rains 5.summer 6.warm 7.sunny


一、1.miles 2.northwest 3.southwest

4.Compared 5.round

二、1~5 CBADC 6~10 AAAAD

三、1.all year round 2.the best time to visit

3.compared to/with 4.take a photo of

5.Take/Bring;because;may/might/will probably

四、1~5 BCBBA 6~10 DDBDC

五、1~5 BACDC

Unit 3 Language in use


一、1~5 BDAAB 6~10 CCBBB

二、1.may/might it be 2.may/might know

3.it may(might) be/it is possible to be/it will probably be

4.probably go 5.may/might be

三、1.may 2.may/might 3.will 4.possible/impossible



一、1.go to the park 2.on the lake 3.between…and

4.snow quite a lot 5.come with sb. 6.as well

7.come on 8.better get going 9.get warm

10.sunny weather 11.rainy weather

12.the best time to do sth. 13.from…to

14.travel around 15.get cooler 16.turn gold

17.take photos of 18.on the Pacific coast

19.all year round 20.go doing sth.

21.rain a lot 22.had better(not) do sth.

23.bring sth.with sb. 24.compared to/with

25.from time to time

二、1~5 CDADD 6~10 ACBBA



一、1. It was built in 1872.

2. It is in the western state of Wyoming

3. There are 59.

4. It is from 5 dollars to 25 dollars.

5. They are riding horses and having river⁃rafting.

二、1.not only…but also 2.from…to 3.most of

4.be used to do sth. 5.take photos of

三、not only beautiful but also kind




第三步:1.population 2.cool 3.sunny 4.delicious

5.friendly 6.in the southeast of China 7.in autumn

8.such as 9.forget to do sth. 10.traditional food

11.be glad to help


Dear Tony, 

I am very glad to know that you will come to China.I think my home town Huizhou is a good place to visit.It is a beautiful city in the southeast of China and it has a population of over four million. 

The best time to visit Huizhou is in autumn because it is cool and sunny.There are some famous places such as West Lake,Luofu Mountain and Xunliao Bay.If you come to Huizhou,dont forget to try the traditional food and it is delicious.Whats more,people here are very kind and friendly.

I hope you will like it.  




一、1~5 BAACD 6~10 BAACA

二、1~5 DAACB

三、1~5 BGAFC

四、1.for 2.a 3.paper 4.out 5.As/When

6.harder 7.window 8.sound 9.happened 10.down

Module 11 Way of life

Unit 1 In China,we open a gift later.


名词:1. toy 2. cap 3. set 4. gift 5. chess

6. month 7. example 8. tradition 9. chopstick

10. difference


形容词: 1. video 2. serious

副词: immediately


兼词: 1. surprise 2. taste


1.(1)①surprised;surprising ②surprise ③surprised

④surprise ⑤surprised (2)①What a ②What ③What

④How ⑤How


3.(1)①for example ②such as ③for example ④for example ⑤such as (2)reading;washing;cooking;fishing;writing;shopping


一、1~2 AC

二、1.both 2.later 3.attention 4.Spring Festival


三、1.gift 2.immediately 3.traditions 4.example

5.cleaning 6.mustnt 7.red 8.luck 9.cut



一、1.differences 2.toys 3.gifts/presents 4.accept

5.must 6.surprise 7.month 8.chopsticks

二、1~5 CBCBC 6~10 DDCDD

三、1.play video games 2.For example 3.mustnt do any cleaning 4.pay much attention to 5.had better have your hair cut

四、1~5 BABDD 6~10 BCDCB

Unit 2 In England,you usually

drink tea with milk.


名词:1. stay 2. shoulder 3. sandwich 4. gentleman

5. experience



1.(1)Experience (2)experiences (3)has experienced

2.①A ②B ③A


一、1~5 ACCAB

二、1.interesting 2.first 3.better 4.first 5.meal

6.with 7.traditional 8.away 9.turn 10.onto

三、1.greetings 2.afternoon 3.traditional 4.bus


一、1.sandwiches 2.shoulders 3.experience

4.gentleman 5.push 6.stay 7.someone

二、1~5 CAAAB 6~10 DCADB

三、1.for the first time 2.need to clean

3.during my stay 4.stand in a line

5.a lot of teaching experience

四、1~5 CCDDA 6~10 BBAAC

五、1~5 CDACD

Unit 3 Language in use


一、1~5 CCBCC 6~10 BDDCB

二、1.Can /May 2.must 3.may 4.cant

5.can;mustnt 6.neednt


一、1.accept a gift 2.with both hands

3.in the West 4.pay much attention to

5.be interested to do 6.for example

7.do some cleaning

8.on the first day of the Spring Festival

9.use red paper for hongbao 10.have your hair cut

11.during the Spring Festival month

12.over a month away 13.enjoy ones stay

14.notice something interesting

15.for the first time 16.get to know each other

17.have afternoon tea 18.a light meal

19.drink tea with milk 20.on the high street

21.in special fish and chip shops 22.take it away

23.push your way onto the bus 24.need to stand in a line

25.wait ones turn 26.touch sb.on the shoulder

二、1~5 BABBB 6~10 CBABB



一、1. They throw out all the things they no longer want.

2. They eat grapes.

3. They eat noodles.

4. They hide their brooms.

5. Four/4 countries are mentioned in the passage.

二、1.at midnight 2.not…any longer 3.be filled with

4.get together 5.take photos of

三、is/was filled with




第三步:1.gift/present 2.late 3.free

4.such as/for example 5.arrive on time

6.try to do sth. 7.how to use sth.

8.the host and hostess 9.a thank⁃you note


Dear Daming, 

I know you are going to have dinner with an American family. Here is some advice for you.Its a good idea to take a small gift,such as flowers or wine.You should arrive on time or a little late.If you are there over fifteen minutes late,you should call and tell them. 

Try to be free at the dinner table.As an old saying goes,When in Rome,do as the Romans do.Watch the other people and follow them.If you like the food,say something nice.

After dinner, you should thank the host for the meal and their kindness.Its also a good idea to send a thank⁃you note the next day.




一、1~5 BBCDA 6~10 AAACD

二、1~5 CAADB

三、1~5 FCGDE

四、1.different 2.countries 3.times 4.with

5.eat/have 6.ways 7.only 8.from 9.plants


Module 12 Help

Unit 1 What should we do before help arrives?


名词:1. aid 2. glass 3. stairs 4. bottom 5. trouble

6. training

动词: 1. drop 2. cover 3. imagine

形容词: 1. broken 2. medical 3. harmful

兼词: 1. wrong 2. lift


1.(1)Whats wrong with /Whats the matter with

(2)Something is wrong with /There is something wrong with

2.harmful to;harm to

3.(1)make sure (2)make sure of

4.(1)such (2)such (3)so (4)so (5)such (6)so


一、1~5 BCCCB

二、1.first aid 2.lying 3.sound 4.help 5.warm

三、1.aid 2.medical 3.bottom 4.trouble

5.comfortable 6.lift 7.harmful 8.drop

9.sure 10.cover


一、1.broken 2.wrong 3.bottom 4.lift

5.imagine 6.dropped 7.trouble 8.stairs

二、1~5 DDDCD 6~10 BBBCA

三、1.find out 2.Whats wrong with 3.at the bottom of

4.such an interesting;that 5.First of all

四、1~5 BACDB 6~10 CABCD

Unit 2 Stay away from windows and

heavy furniture.


名词:1. power 2. window 3. earthquake

动词: 1. warn 2.keep

形容词: 1. calm 2. brave 3. helpful

介词: 1. under 2. inside

兼词: 1. inside 2. clear


1.(1)warned me about (2)warns me not to go out

2.(1)C (2)C (3)A (4)C


一、1~5 BDBCA

二、1.warn 2.idea 3.under 4.lift 5.calm

6.outside 7.power 8.careful 9.higher 10.short

三、1.4/four 2.5/five 3.be safe 4.save others


一、1.earthquake(s) 2.calm 3.warns 4.power

5.brave 6.helpful 7.under 8.window(s)

二、1~5 CBDBB 6~10 AADCB

三、1.Here is some advice/Here are some suggestions

2.stopped talking

3.be careful of 4.stay away from 

5.Dont stand, street lights

四、1~5 CCAAD 6~10 ABDBA

五、1~5 CCDBA

Unit 3 Language in use



一、1~5 BCAAC 6~10 ACADB

二、1.must 2.must;cant 3.Could 4.could


三、1.do 2.Stand 3.Dont speak;be 4.Look

5.Dont give


一、1.basic medical help 2.imagine an accident

3.at the bottom of 4.make a sound

5.first of all 6.find out

7.have trouble doing sth. 8.lift up

9.on a chair 10.do some basic medical training

11.make sure 12.cover…with

13.in /during an earthquake 14.warn sb.about sth.

15.jump out of 16.stay away from

17.keep clear of fires 18.keep calm

19.be with other people 20.move away from

21.be careful of sth. 22.run away from

23.in short 24.help(to)do sth.

二、1~5 ADADC 6~10 BCAAC



一、1.It happened on 3rd August,2014.

2.We cant stand near windows.

3.We should protect the face and head.

4. We should run out as soon as possible.

5. There are six/6.

二、1.hundreds of 2.first of all 3.keep calm 4.such as

5.protect…with 6.keep away from

三、Its;for;to learn




第三步:1.stranger 2.keep safe 3.protect oneself

4.follow the traffic rules 5.personal information

6.go out of school


Its important for us to keep safe.Try to learn how to protect ourselves.

On our way to school or home,we should follow the traffic rules.And we cant give our personal information to strangers.At school,we had better not run in the classroom,especially in wet weather.And if we go out of school,dont forget to tell the teachers. When were at home alone,dont play with fire or electricity.Its too dangerous.

  If we follow these rules,we can keep ourselves safe.


一、1~5 BDCCA 6~10 AABCC

二、1~5 BDBCA

三、1~5 ACEFD

四、1.to 2.happen 3.are 4.example 5.of

6.the 7.when 8.earthquakes 9.fall 10.it



Module 1

一、1.improve 2.forget 3.Correcting 4.advises

5.natural 6.dictionaries 7.spelling 8.match

9.pronunciation 10.aloud / loudly

二、1.Why dont; drive  2.write / put down; price

3.make a mistakemake mistakes 4.agree with you

5.as much as possible/as much as you can

Module 2

一、1.Millions 2.wide 3.south 4.north 5.area

6.especially 7.umbrella 8.university

9.countryside 10.mountain

二、1.Whats; population of 2.is famous for

3.a population of 4.Whats; weather like

5.in the 1960s

Module 3

一、1.pleased 2.careless 3.exciting 4.stadium

5.hurt 6.missed 7.relaxing 8.train 9.chance


二、1.up; so that 2.cheered; favorite / favourite; on

3.chance of winning / chance to win

4.The earlier; the sooner 5.plenty of rain

Module 4

一、1.accident 2.except 3.close 4.choice 5.crowded

6.park 7.journey 8.However 9.book 10.outside

二、1.lives far from 2.It takes me 3.all the time

4.On the / his way 5.the same as

Module 5

一、1.offered 2.teahouse 3.describe 4.novel

5.college 6.act 7.named / called 8.common

9.twentieth 10.society

二、1.head teacher of 2.in the end 3.a warm welcome

4.take me to 5.all over the world

Module 6

一、1.danger / risk 2.allows 3.enough 4.developed

5.protect 6.raise 7.wild 8.notice 9.government


二、1.think of; in danger 2.take; away 3.live in peace 4.look after yourself 5.set up



一、1~5 CBDAC 6~10 BCAAD

二、1.There are 42 million blind people in the world.

2.Its an international charitable organization.

3.Its goal is to help fight blindness all over the world.

4.It helps those developing countries by providing sight⁃saving training.

5.He can help 5 people to see.


一、1~5 BDCAC 6~10 CBAAD

二、1.He worked there for five years.

2.Because he wanted everyone to know about their problems.

3.It is open 3 days a week.

4.You can look at pictures and examples of his writing.

5.He wrote poetry and plays in a new style.


一、1~5 BCCCB 6~10 DCBAB

二、1.The writer gives us four/4 suggestions.

2.Because we can learn to know the different periods of foods and know how to cook them at the right time.

3.We can turn it into small pieces.

4.It can keep foods fresh and store the cooked foods and the remaining foods.

5.Because doing this helps reduce food waste.


一、1~5 BBDCA 6~10 CADDC

二、1.There are five/5 members in this family.

2.She has a bad⁃looking yellow face, big white eyes and blue hair.

3.He spends all his free time watching TV and eating doughnuts.

4.It started in 1989.

5.Because the Simpsons are like a real family.


一、1~5 BABDD 6~10 CCBAB

二、1.He was born in Poland in March,1810.

2.He was famous as a musician/pianist.

3.The listeners thought the music was so good that they were all greatly interested.

4.Chopin played in the concert.

5.When the lights were turned off, Liszt left his chair and let Chopin take his place to play the piano.


()1.beach 2.for 3.watch/see 4.the 5.It

6.good/great/nice 7.end 8.because 9.well


二、1.a 2.bad/unhealthy 3.stays 4.Because 5.For

6.as 7.exercises 8.tired/sleepy 9.on/playing


()1.spent 2.were 3.with 4.when/while

5.luckiest/best 6.a 7.her 8.so 9.home


()1.in 2.everything 3.home 4.to/with 5.the

6.spend 7.same 8.less 9.plant


()1.students 2.draw 3.a 4.However 5.hand

6.his 7.poor 8.asked 9.again 10.to



Module 1

一、1.correct/right 2.mistake 3.improve

4.advice/suggestions 5.sentences 6.understood

7.possible 8.letters 9.forget 10.radio

二、1.agree with you 2.as loudly as possible/you can

3.Watching films and listening to songs

4.to make mistakes 5.How/What about going

6.afraid to go out/of going out 7.write down

8.look them up 9.Is there anything new

10.advised; to eat

Module 2

一、1.population 2.wide 3.countryside 4.getting

5.islands 6.umbrella 7.University 8.north

9.hills 10.Millions

二、1.is as busy as 2.has a larger population

3.is in the south of 4.What is the population

5.In fact/As a matter of fact 6.is famous for

7.are much wider and cleaner 8.has a population

9.such as 10.am sure

Module 3

一、1.stadiums 2.passed 3.missed 4.boring 5.coach

6.pity 7.mind 8.training 9.careless 10.matter

二、1.cheer me on 2.as early as possible/we can

3.a chance of 4.were late for school

5.lost to 6.is more difficult than 7.plenty of time

8.to warm up 9.so that 10.will play against

Module 4

一、1.crowded 2.However 3.park 4.classmates

5.closest 6.journey/time 7.outside 8.booked

9.except 10.farthest

二、1.the same as 2.Remember to be careful

3.all the time 4.a bit / a little hungry 5.because of

6.the most crowded way to travel by train

7.the second longest 8.is one of the most popular players

9.is close to 10.doesnt cost as much as

Module 5

一、1.common  2.acts 3.described 4.novels

5.actresses 6.named/called 7.twentieth 8.magic

9.college 10.society

二、1.in the end 2.give a warm welcome to

3.How far;from; to 4.sent; to 5.plan to leave

6.decided not to go 7.offered to help 8.took place

9.hopes to be a doctor 10.one of the greatest writers

Module 6

一、1.situation 2.research 3.southwest 4.neck

5.feeding 6.develop 7.thinnest 8.notice

9.growing 10.snakes

二、1.live in peace 2.took away 3.At last 4.find out 5.will go back 6.(in order)to make 7.to protect the animals in dangerto protect the endangered animals 

8.think of 9.will help you look after/take care of

10.to set up

Module 7

一、1.fell 2.rabbits 3.holes 4.follows 5.Suddenly 6.pocket(s) 7.deeper 8.landed 9.dry 10.field

二、1.didnt go to the tea party 2.once or twice 3.run after

4.get out/come out 5.was sleeping

6.was sitting with her sister 7.with a watch

8.took some money out of his pocket(s)

9.was sitting in a tree; smiling at

10.too dark; to see anything

Module 8

一、1.pale 2.appeared 3.threw 4.corner 5.risk

6.bit 7.worse 8.climbing 9.fridge 10.pain

二、1.pay attention to listening to

2.When the weather is fine/When it is fine

3.took a photo of 4.While my wife was singing

5.as soon as we got to the office 6.ride a bike side by side

7.got to/ arrived at; in time 8.As usual 9.change/turn to 10.hurried to

Module 9

一、1.local 2.birth 3.solved 4.reports 5.pupils

6.noise 7.growing/increasing 8.huge 9.quiet


二、1.closed down 2.It took them;to finish/ They spent; finishing 3.hang on a minute 4.Two fifths;go to school

5.pick them up 6.are preparing for 7.There are billions of 8.It is clear that 9.too much rubbish/litter 10.her fourteenth birthday

Module 10

一、1.wet 2.might 3.thicker 4.skating

5.joking/kidding 6.southeast 7.miles 8.terrible/bad

9.ice/snow 10.probably

二、1.from time to time 2.compared with

3.What will the weather be like 4.all year round

5.travel around 6.had better not go 7.probably rain 8.might go 9.It is possible; to walk

10.Although; lives alone

Module 11

一、1.chopsticks 2.serious 3.gifts/presents 4.tastes

5.surprise 6.examples 7.experiences

8.differences 9.immediately 10.gentlemen

二、1.for the first time 2.For example 3.get to know

4.How about having afternoon tea 5.not just ; but(also)

6.wait in line 7.push her way onto 8.must be careful

9.has her hair cut 10.do some cleaning

Module 12

一、1.imagine 2.trouble/difficulty 3.harmful 4.covered

5.medical 6.Earthquakes 7.warned

8.inside 9.under 10.windows

二、1.at the bottom of 2.first aid 3.must lift up

4.make sure 5.shout/call for help 6.didnt find out

7.keep clear of 8.moved; to 9.should keep calm

10.warned me not to be late



一、1~5 BDDBB 6~10 DABAD

二、1.Surabaya is Indonesias second largest city.

2. People there can exchange trash for free bus tickets.

3. Nearly 16,000 passengers take part in it each week.

4. A bus can collect up to 250 kilograms of trash every day.

5. The project encourages people to travel by bus, which helps reduce plastic waste.


一、1~5 BACCD 6~10 AACDB

二、1.Tonys first thing to do in China is to visit the Great Wall.

2.Xian is one of the Four Great Old Capitals of China.

3.Hell stay in Xian for three days.

4.Shaolin Temple is the birthplace of Chinese Kung Fu.

5.Giant pandas win the love of people all over the world.


一、1~5 CABAA 6~10 BDBCC

二、1.Over 30,000,000 people live in Greater Tokyo now.

2.They are very tall and modern.

3.People /They began to build the city again after World War II.

4.The best way to go to the city from other parts of Japan/It is by train.

5.Because they can learn Japanese culture and try Japanese food.


一、1~5 BBCDC 6~10 DAAAA

二、1.Yes, they do.

2.It was fine.

3.The shark attacked her only once.

4.It took her about fifteen / 15 minutes to get to the beach.

5.She won first place in a surfing competition in Hawaii.


一、1~5 DCBBA 6~10 DDDAC

二、1.They are fourteen/14 years old now.

2.He is going to be a football coach.

3.His football team will practise four/4 times a week.

4.Joes band will probably play in clubs in New York.

5.Joe and the band/They will travel around the world by car.


()1.about 2.difficult/hard 3.English 4.the

5.spend 6.other 7.keep/write 8.radio/Internet/phone

9.newspapers 10.wish/hope

()1.When 2.voice 3.talk 4.name 5.angry

6.to 7.a 8.says 9.face 10.two

()1.weather 2.an 3.bought 4.river 5.mouth

6.them 7.After 8.big 9.saw 10.was

()1.shopping 2.drove 3.parking 4.later 5.best

6.both 7.what 8.an 9.mine 10.fast/quickly

()1.a 2.some 3.no 4.on 5.was 6.what

7.sun 8.stay/lie/sleep 9.cried/shouted/said



热点话题1 传统文化

1~5 ACDBC 6~10 BBACD 11~15 BCEGA

热点话题2 人与动物

一、1~5 BBACC 6~10 CDDCC

二、1~5 DABAC 6~10 ACADC

热点话题3 安全与救护

一、1~5 BADCB 6~10 CABCD

二、1.all 2.moved 3.what 4.on 5.a 6.Luckily

7.temperature 8.dangerous 9.at 10.his


Module 1综合能力检测

一、1~5 ABCAC 6~10 BCAAC 11~15 CACBA

16~20 CABCC 21~25 ACBBA

26.hospital 27.two weeks 28.8: 30 29.buildings


Module 2综合能力检测

一、1~5 AABBB 6~10 AABAC 11~15 BCCAB

16~20 BBCAB 21~25 CBACB

26.south 27.800 28.boats 29.Cool

30.1.2 million

Module 3综合能力检测

一、1~5 BACAB 6~10 CABAC 11~15 ABCBA

16~20 BBBCA 21~25 BCACB

26.New York 27.village 28.sang 29.four/4 oclock

30.two/2 days

Module 4综合能力检测

一、1~5 ACCBB 6~10 BACCB 11~15 CCABB

16~20 BBABA 21~25 CABAB

26.studying 27.movies 28.tennis 29.maths

30.funny stories

Module 5综合能力检测

一、1~5 CAACA 6~10 CBBAB 11~15 BBAAA

16~20 CBAAB 21~25 ACACA

26.April 27.Japan 28.sports hall 29.8:45 am


Module 6综合能力检测

一、1~5 ABABC 6~10 CCCAC 11~15 ABCBA

16~20 BBAAA 21~25 CBBAA

26.cinema 27.next to 28.floor 29.candy 30.teeth


一、1~5 BACAA 6~10 ABCAB 11~15 ABBBB 

16~20 CBCBC 21~25 ABBCC

26.September 27.English 28.1925 29.second

30.the US

Module 7综合能力检测

一、1~5 BAABC 6~10 CBBCA 11~15 CACCB

16~20 CBABA 21~25 ACBCA

26.morning 27.month 28.computer games

29.library 30.Go to bed

Module 8综合能力检测

一、1~5 AACBA 6~10 CABAC 11~15 CCABA

16~20 CCCAB 21~25 ABCBB

26.Cloudy 27.A snake 28.Thursday 29.cinema 30.head

Module 9综合能力检测

一、1~5 CCBBA 6~10 BABCA 11~15 CCBAC

16~20 ABCBC 21~25 BBCBC

26.train 27.water 28.plane 29.hotel 30.boat

Module 10综合能力检测

一、1~5 ACABA 6~10 BACBA 11~15 BABBC

16~20 BAABB 21~25 BCCCC

26.Cloudy 27.England 28.13 29.east 30.Windy

Module 11综合能力检测

一、1~5 BAACC 6~10 ABCBC 11~15 ACCAA

16~20 BBBBC 21~25 CAACA

26.August 27.south 28.Rainy 29.Canada 30.chips

Module 12综合能力检测

一、1~5 BBACA 6~10 BAABC 11~15 CBCAB

16~20 CBAAC 21~25 ABBAB

26.Saturday 27.maths 28.aunt 29.piano 30.time


一、1~5 CABAB 6~10 ABAAC 11~15 BBABB

16~20 AABAC 21~25 CAABB

26.First aid 27.French 28.England

29.Thursday 30.sports hall


Module 1综合能力检测

二、31~35 CDBCC 36~40 DDAAB

三、41~45 BCDAC 46~50 BACDB

四、51~55 ABCAD 56~60 DABBC 61~65 CAGEB

五、66.spelling 67.it 68.before 69.Second 70.look

71.one 72.a 73.different 74.three 75.what


76.The writer tells us five/5 ways of learning English.

77.We can read books for free in our local library.

78.It is talking with someone in English.

79.Yes, it can.

80.We can practise our listening skills by watching popular English TV shows and films.


Dear Wen Qi, 

Im happy to hear from you.I know you have two problems about English learning.You dont understand what the teacher says in class and you cant communicate with your classmates in English.Youre afraid of making mistakes.Heres some advice for you. 

First,you should try to improve your vocabulary by listening to English songs and watching English news on TV.You should also read English every day.Second, dont be shy or afraid of making mistakes when you speak English.Its a good idea to talk with your classmates in English as much as possible.Third,you can also keep a diary in English every day.

I hope my advice can help you do better in English.



Module 2综合能力检测

二、31~35 DBBBB 36~40 BCADB

三、41~45 BCADA 46~50 CBBBA

四、51~55 DABBC 56~60 DCBBA 61~65 EGCBA

五、66.a 67.than 68.for 69.weather 70.having

71.stay 72.lucky 73.time 74.so/and 75.day


76.It is warm (in the Philippines in winter).

77.The writer went to America last winter.

78.The writer saw snow for the first time in California.

79.The writer ran, made snow balls and took photos(in the snow).

80.The writer stayed in the park the whole day.


My home town

My home town is a beautiful village in the north of China.It is more than 80 years old and famous for its good apples. 

The village changes a lot now.Houses are bigger and taller than before.And the streets are wider.A river is in front of our village and the water in it is much cleaner.There are some clubs in the east of the village.People can do some exercise or relax themselves after work there.

Welcome to my home town. 

Module 3综合能力检测

二、31~35 BDCBD 36~40 ABCCC

三、41~45 BACAA 46~50 BACBD

四、51~55 CACBB 56~60 DBBCA 61~65 FEDBG

五、66.take 67.such 68.Sports 69.especially

70.swimming 71.in 72.while 73.women

74.because 75.them


76.It will be held on the playground of Hensley School.

77.It is15.

78.No, it isnt.

79.It is at 6:00 pm,August 24, Sat.

80.They are S.H.E.and JAY CHOU.


Dear Mike, 

Are you free this Sunday afternoon?There will be an exciting basketball match between Hensley School and Mayfair School at 4:00 pm this Sunday on the playground of Hensley School.The tickets for us students are quite cheap.It costs only 15 each.I want to invite you to watch it together.

Here are the reasons why we will join in this activity.First, watching the match is relaxing.Second, it can help us improve our basketball skills.

Please write to me soon.Im waiting for your reply.



Module 4综合能力检测

二、31~35 BABBD 36~40 BAADD

三、41~45 CDABA 46~50 CBACD

四、51~55 CBCDA 56~60 CABCB 61~65 CFEDA

五、66.without 67.fastest 68.took 69.slower

70.They 71.to 72.visit 73.spend 74.by 75.a


76.The writer went to school by train or by bus in the UK.

77.The writer works in a small village in the countryside.

78.No, they arent.

79.There are three /3 good points(about trains in France).

80.It tells the differences between trains in France and the UK.


National Day is coming.The students in my class are going on a holiday.Here are our ways to travel. 

Twenty of us like to travel by train.They think its the safest and most comfortable way.Ten choose to take a plane because they think it is fast and exciting though it costs too much.Only five want to go travelling by coach because it is cheap.

My favourite way is traveling by train.It is the most convenient and it isnt as expensive as taking a plane.

Module 5综合能力检测

二、31~35 DCBAB 36~40 CBACD

三、41~45 ABCBC 46~50 AACBC

四、51~55 BBCBB 56~60 ABABA 61~65 EAFCD

五、66.girls 67.an 68.interested 69.write 70.called

71.make 72.came 73.of 74.them 75.especially


76.Lao She is the writer of Teahouse./The writer of Teahouse is Lao she.

77.It happened in a teahouse in old Beijing.

78.It tells us the story of Wang Lifa and his customers.

79.It starts in 1898 during the Qing Dynasty.

80.He taught Chinese in London from 1924 to 1929.


O.Henry is a famous American short story writer.O.Henry is his pen name. He was born in the west of America in 1867 and died in 1910.As a young man, he worked in a bank and for a newspaper. He was put in prison and stayed there for three years in his thirties, though he had done nothing wrong.It was there that he began his writing. After he was set free, he settled down in New York City and became a famous writer. He wrote about 300 short stories, and some of them have been translated into Chinese. His novels are very popular all over the world. 

Module 6综合能力检测

二、31~35 CCDDA 36~40 ABADC

三、41~45 BABAB 46~50 CCBBC

四、51~55 BCDAB 56~60 DBACB 61~65 CDEFA

五、66.or 67.water 68.through 69.without

70.camel /animal 71.on 72.has 73.wants

74.the 75.leaves


76.They come from Africa and Asia.

77.An elephant eats about 140 kilos of food a day.

78.Because people are taking away their land and forests./Because people cut down many trees.

79.People get their long teeth.

80.There are about 3,000(elephants in the wild now).


How to protect tigers

Nowadays tigers are becoming fewer and fewer.They are in danger.

People are killing them to get their meat and fur.Tigers are our good friends.Its illegal to kill them.So we should take good care of them and offer them clean water and fresh food.It is also a good idea for the government to set up more nature parks for them.

I think if we love and protect animals, our life will be better and better.Lets act together.


二、31~35 CDCDB 36~40 AABDC

三、41~45 CABDC 46~50 BABCD

四、51~55 AABDB 56~60 CBADC 61~65 CDABG

五、66.study 67.for 68.because 69.needs 70.fastest

71.other 72.first 73.The 74.of 75.news


76.We dont need to understand everything at once.

77.Its natural to make mistakes when we learn something new.

78.I/We can improve my/our writing by keeping a diary every day.

79.We can practise English with our classmates after class.

80.Three/3 ways of learning English are mentioned in the passage.


Dear friends, 

Im glad to be here to tell you about how I learn English.First,I listen to the teacher carefully in class.And I also take notes.I try to use the new words to make sentences.After class,I often watch English programmes on TV.I also listen to English on the radio and read English magazines and newspapers.I think they are good ways to improve my English.

Thats all.I hope everybody can learn English well.Thank you. 

Module 7综合能力检测

二、31~35 DDAAC 36~40 AACCA

三、41~45 BACCA 46~50 DBDAC

四、51~55 ACDBC 56~60 BCBDD 61~65 EAFCD

五、66.but 67.beautiful 68.see 69.except

70.dressed 71.clothes 72.a 73.wearing

74.heard 75.cheated


76.The writers family had a holiday from July 10th to 12th.

77.They felt excited.

78.They went to the beach on Saturday morning.

79.It was rainy./It rained heavily.

80.They stayed there for three/3 days.


  I had a trip to the countryside with my family one day in my summer holiday.

It was sunny.In the morning,we climbed the hill.On the hill we flew kites.We also planted trees.At noon,we enjoyed the food we took in a big tent.In the afternoon,we visited a big farm.We fed hens and ducks.We also saw lots of baby pigs there.

What a great day! All of us felt tired but really happy.

Module 8综合能力检测

二、31~35 BBBCC 36~40 DDBAA

三、41~45 BADAD 46~50 BCBAC

四、51~55 ACDCA 56~60 DACBA 61~65 CBADF

五、66.right 67.safe 68.careless 69.much 70.riding

71.look 72.wear 73.across 74.not 75.for


76.It happened on the afternoon of May 28th.

77.It happened on Nathan Road.

78.Because the two drivers had driven too fast and carelessly.

79.Two policemen came to control the traffic.

80.No, they didnt.


  With more and more cars coming into our families,we are happy that it has greatly improved our life.Unluckily,it has also brought many problems,such as traffic jams and traffic accidents. 

Traffic safety is everybodys business.We must obey the rules.For example, we must walk on sidewalks.When we cross the zebra⁃crossing, stop and look left and right,and then go across fast.Dont play football on the road.Drivers mustnt drive their cars after drinking.

If we obey the traffic rules,we can be safe driving on roads and walking on sidewalks.

Module 9综合能力检测

二、31~35 DDCBA 36~40 CCADD

三、41~45 BABAC 46~50 DAADA

四、51~55 BDCAA 56~60 ACCDD 61~65 CEFAD

五、66.the 67.Secondly 68.longer 69.how

70.cause 71.something /things 72.However 73.is

74.problem 75.over


76.Maria wrote the letter.

77.She went back to school two weeks ago.

78.It is about 1.37 billion.

79.People prefer boys to girls in less developed areas (in China).

80.Yes, it is.


Problems caused by the increasing population

  Nowadays,the population of the world is becoming larger and larger.With the increase of the population of the world, there are more and more problems.For example,there isnt enough food for everyone in the world and many people are out of work.The traffic is heavy and the cities are too crowded;the air and water get dirty 

China is a big country of agriculture with the largest population in the world.There are still many people living below the poverty line.Although China is developing quickly and peoples living conditions are improving greatly,we still have a long way to go.

Module 10综合能力检测

二、31~35 CDABB 36~40 DAACC

三、41~45 BCABD 46~50 BABDC

四、51~55 CCBAB 56~60 DADBC 61~65 DFAEG

五、66.it 67.how 68.ways 69.fact 70.lower

71.rain 72.about 73.too 74.and 75.in


76.Because Lhasa/the city lies so high in the mountains.

77.The writer woke up at 8:00 yesterday.

78.It was snowy and freezing cold(at about 10:20 am).

79.The writer had drinks at an open air teahouse in the old town.

80.The writer went back to the hotel by taxi.


Dear Han Bing, 

  Im glad to hear that you will come to my home town.Let me tell you something about it.It is a small town in the southeast of Shandong Province.The best time to visit here is in spring because the weather is warm and dry.Sometimes its a bit cool at night. 

Here we can do many kinds of activities.One of the most interesting activities is to fly kites in the field.And we can enjoy the beauty of nature at the same time.

I wish you to visit my home town soon.Im sure you will have a good time here.


Li Liang 

Module 11综合能力检测

二、31~35 DBBCB 36~40 BCBAD

三、41~45 CDABC 46~50 ABCBD

四、51~55 BBACD 56~60 ABCAA 61~65 BFADE

五、66.what 67.the 68.with 69.pet(s) 70.its

71.as 72.saying 73.Age 74.Dont /Never 75.or


76.They use chopsticks.

77.It is a sign of friendship and politeness.

78.The dishes/They are placed on the table in China.

79.No, it isnt.

80.Li Xue/She is from South Korea.


Dear Li Ming, 

  Im glad to hear that you will come to South Korea next month.There are many special traditions in South Korea.They are very different from yours. 

For example, when you meet someone for the first time, you should bow to him or her.Then you will exchange information cards with each other.When you take a subway, you must stand in line and had better not talk loudly.If you want to visit somebody, you need to take a present.In a word, you should remember the saying,When in Rome,do as the Romans do.

I hope you will have a good time here. 

Yours truly, 

Li Xue 

Module 12综合能力检测

二、31~35 BBDCC 36~40 BDDAA

三、41~45 DCDAA 46~50 BADCC

四、51~55 CBBAD 56~60 DCBBD 61~65 CEGAF

五、66.cross 67.or 68.careful 69.If 70.stop

71.longer 72.a 73.way 74.left 75.is


76.They are from No.1 Middle School.

77.Amy Young talked about classroom safety.

78.We should drink some water/water after playing sports.

79.We have a fire emergency response practice in September every year.

80.Three/3 students talked about school safety.


How to Keep Safe in School

Do you know that our school life could be dangerous if we are not careful enough? For example,one day, two students ran after each other in the hallway.Suddenly, one of them fell down and hurt his leg because of the wet floor.As a result,he had to stay in hospital for two weeks. 

I think students should always walk but not run in the hallways.The teachers had better warn the students to keep safe in and after class,and try to stop them from running.

I hope all the students pay attention to their safety in school.


二、31~35 BABDD 36~40 CCBAB

三、41~45 BADDB 46~50 CDABC

四、51~55 DCDBB 56~60 BBCAC 61~65 AECFG

五、66.us 67.with 68.fell 69.up

70.stopped 71.angry 72.bottle 73.If

74.the 75.trouble/need


76.The writer is talking about food safety problems.

77.Because she was poisoned(by nitrites).

78.Because they are safer.

79.They are more worried about food safety.

80.They feel quite afraid(about poisonous foods).


Eating Safely

Nowadays,many people are more and more worried about food safety because there are many food safety problems in the world.How to eat safely? Here are my suggestions.

First,wed better eat at home and try not to eat out.Second,we should cook the food in a proper way;some uncooked food is bad for us.Third,its safer to buy fresh food;we mustnt buy the food stored for a long time or out of date.

If you can follow the advice,I think you can eat healthily and safely.


Module 1 How to learn English

Unit 1 Lets try to speak English

as much as possible.

1.look up 2.make a mistake 3.write down

4.agree with sb.

Unit 2 You should smile at her!

1.ask for 2.advice sb. to do sth. 3.smile at

4.worry about 5.be afraid to do sth. 6.try to do sth.

Module 2 My home town and my country

Unit 1 Its taller than many other buildings.

1.pretty good 2.be famous for 3.on the coast 4.in fact 5.in the 1980s 6.one day 7.remember to do sth.

8.be busy with sth.

Unit 2 Cambridge is a beautiful city

in the east of England.

1.come from 2.such as 3.in the east of 4.part of

5.be popular

Module 3 Sports

Unit 1 Nothing is more enjoyable than

playing tennis.

1.plenty of 2.cheer…on 3.fan club 4.warm up

5.not at all 6.miss doing sth. 7.mind doing sth.

8.be sure about

Unit 2 This year we are training more carefully.

1.be very pleased at/about/with  2.so that

3.be confident of  4.have a chance of 5.play against

Module 4 Planes,ships and trains

Unit 1 He lives the farthest from school.

1.far from 2.all the time 3.be late for

4.by taxi / bus / train / coach 5.a bit 6.so much

Unit 2 What is the best way to travel?

1.stay outside 2.wait for 3.because of 4.be careful

5.the same as

Module 5 Lao She Teahouse

Unit 1 I wanted to see the Beijing Opera.

1.in the end 2.no idea 3.offer to do sth.

Unit 2 It describes the changes in Chinese society.

1.at the beginning of 2.take place

Module 6 Animals in danger

Unit 1 It allows people to get closer to them.

1.in danger 2.at last 3.think of 4.take away

5.in peace 6.look after 7.get interested in 8.get close to

Unit 2 The WWF is working hard to

save them all.

1.in order to 2.set up

Module 7 A famous story

Unit 1 Alice was sitting with her

sister by the river.

1.by the river 2.in a tree 3.tea party 4.once or twice

Unit 2 She was thinking about her cat.

1.think about 2.look into 3.take…out of

Module 8 Accidents

Unit 1 While the lights were changing to red,

a car suddenly appeared.

1.in time 2.fall off  3.pay attention  4.side by side

Unit 2 I was trying to pick it up when it

bit me again.

1.pick up 2.take photos 3.take out 4.on ones way home

5.in pain

Module 9 Population

Unit 1 The population of China is

about 1.37 billion.

1.talk about 2.population increase 3.make notes

4.the population of 5.one fifth 6.hand on

7.more than

Unit 2 Arnwick was a city with 200,000 people.

1.close to 2.close down 3.not…anymore

4.local school 5.all over the world 6.too much

7.for example

Module 10 The weather

Unit 1 It might snow.

1.quite a lot 2.as well 3.had better do sth. 4.get doing

5.between…and 6.come on

Unit 2 The weather is fine all year round.

1.all year round 2.compare to 3.all day/year

4.good places to visit 5.from time to time

Module 11 Way of life

Unit 1 In China,we open a gift later.

1.a chess set 2.video game 3.do some cleaning

4.bad luck

Unit 2 In England,you usually

drink tea with milk.

1.for the first time 2.get to know 3.have afternoon tea

4.stand in a line 5.touch sb. on the shoulder

6.push ones way

Module 12 Help

Unit 1 What should we do before help arrives?

1.first aid 2.at the bottom of 3.lift up

4.make a sound 5.first of all 6.find out

7.make sure 8.cover…with

Unit 2 Stay away from windows and

heavy furniture.

1.have little/no idea about 2.power lines 3.jump out of

4.be careful of 5.street lights 6.keep clear of

7.stay/move/run away from


