
发布时间:1714253764   来源:文档文库   
[Full Client Name Reg Caps] Procedure: [Control of Nonconforming Service Proc Title] Rev. [Rev Number] Procedure: [Control of Nonconforming Service Proc Title] 1.0 SUMMARY 1.1. 1.2.
This procedure defines the requirements for identifying, processing and dispositioning nonconforming service. Noncon form ing service can be discovered at any time, by any pers on or orga ni zati on, in cludi ng employees, the customer, regulatory authorities, etc. 1.3.
The [who?] is resp on sible for impleme ntati on and man ageme nt of this procedure. 2.0 REVISION AND APPROVAL
[Rev Number]

Date Nature of Changes Approved By
[Procedure Approver

[Date of Issue]

Original issue.

Nonconforming service is any service provided to customers which is found to not conform to requirements. These requirements may be customer requirements, statutory/regulatory requireme nts, or any other requireme nt deemed by [Short Clie nt Name]. 4.0 CONTROLLING NONCONFORMING SERVICES 4.1.
Whe n noncon form ing services are discovered by employees, this shall be docume nted on the Nonconforming Service Report (NSR. If the nonconforming service is reported by a third party, including a customer, the appropriate employee shall capture the information provided by the third party on the Nonconforming Service Report, including referencing any applicable notes, emails, or other docume ntati on. 4.2.
The Noncon formi ng Service Report is sent to the [who?] for review and in itial con firmati on of the noncon forma nee. If it is determ ined the noncon forma nce did not occur, this can be no ted
and the NSR closed without further acti on. If the issue is con firmed, the procedure shall con ti nue. 4.3.
The [who?] shall the n docume nt details of the NSR and con duct a root cause an alysis, utiliz ing other personnel and resources as necessary. The [who?] may delegate this responsibility, if needed. 4.4.
The [who?] will then oversee a disposition of the nonconforming service. This may include a refund, providi ng new services, providi ng corrected services, or other acti ons. All such acti ons shall be docume nted on the NSR form. [Full Client Name Reg Caps] Procedure: [Control of Nonconforming Service Proc Title] Rev. [Rev Number] 4.5. If customer approval is sought for the disposition, this shall be recorded on the NSR; if the customer approval is provided in ano ther docume nt or email, this shall be reference on the NSR in stead.
The [who?] will present service quality trend data to top management as part of periodic Man ageme nt Review Meeti ngs.



