《信息科技英语翻译》期末考试 B卷参考答案

发布时间:2018-07-01 15:09:17   来源:文档文库   

《信息科技英语翻译》期末考试 B卷参考答案


1. 当代翻译界普遍认同的翻译标准为:忠实、通顺

A. 信达雅 B. 传神说 C. 忠实、通顺 D. 化境说

2. 翻译中所谓的“通顺”,即指译文的语言应通顺易懂,符合译语表达的规范。

A. 原文 B. 译文 C. 原语 D. 译语

3. 信息科技英语的翻译标准应该是:准确规范、通顺易懂、简洁明晰

A. 传神、化境 B. 准确规范、通顺易懂、简洁明晰

C. 忠实、通顺 D. 意美、形美、音美

4. 信息科技英语翻译中所谓的规范,就是译文要符合所涉及的科学技术或某个专业领域的专业语言所表达的规范。

A. 专业语言 B. 非专业语言 C. 专业技术 D. 非专业技术

5. 要做好科技英语的翻译工作,通常要求译者应具有较高的英语水平、汉语水平、科技知识水平和翻译理论水平。

A. 口头表达能力 B. 书面表达能力 C. 汉语水平 D. 思维能力

6. 信息科技英语文体的特点是第三人称多,被动语态多,专业名词、术语多,非谓语动词多,长句子多。

A. 主动语态 B. 被动语态 C. 情态动词 D. 虚拟语气

7. 信息科技英语翻译中意译法几乎是很少用的译法。

A. 直译法 B. 意译法 C. 合译法 D. 分译法

8. 所谓顺译就是按照原文相同或相似的语序进行翻译。顺译可以是完全顺译,也可以是基本顺译。

A. 语法 B. 句法 C. 词语 D. 语序

9. 英语句子中有些词如果硬是要译成汉语,反而会使得译文晦涩难懂;如果不译出来,则会使译文更能通顺、准确地表达出原文的思想内容。

A. 译文/原文 B. 原文/译文 C. 原文/原文 D. 译文/译文

10. 名词译法中所谓的直译,就是把原文中名词或名词短语本身的含义翻译出来。

A. 转译 B. 互换 C. 直译 D. 意译


1. 名词的增译多数是为了使译文更符合汉语的表达方式与习惯。(

2. 有时不定冠词可以放在某些名词(如:day, week, year, month等)之前,和名词一起作状语,此时不冠词不应译为“每一”或“一”。(

3. 在代词的翻译中,所谓还原,就是把代词所代替的名词、名词词组的意思翻译出来。(

4. 英语中不定代词虽较多,可其用法和意义不容易混淆,译者对此可略加了解。(

5. 在科技英语翻译中,数词与不定代词相似,其用法相当于形容词和名词。(

6. 在形容词前加上定冠词用来表示一类人或物时,可将该形容词转译为名词。(

7. 副词译法中所谓的“上”和“下”字法,就是在翻译时,在译文的副词短语后加译“上”字或“下”字,尤其是在翻译表示程度、状态的副词时。(

8. 英语的介词主要有两大类,即单个介词和短语介词。就其语法功能而言,单个介词和短语介词是不一样的。从宏观上来讲,介词的译法主要有直译、转译和省译三种。(

9. 从英语连词本身的含义和功能来看,可分为简单连词、关联连词、分词连词和短语连词四大类。(

10. 在翻译谓语动词时,首先应考虑到英语一词多义的特点,准确分析谓语动词所表示的概念,正确选择其在英语原文句子中的词义。(


1. After the war much of this knowledge was poured into the developing of the computers.


2. While this restriction on the size of the circuit holds, the law is valid.


3. This is “good” ozone because it protects us from the sun’s UV rays.


4. Strength is an inherent property of a material or of a mechanical element.


5. If the bearings were not lubricated, they would rapidly overheat.


6. The velocity of light is as great as that of radio waves in vacuum.


7. When the electricity increase to 3 times, so does the coulomb force.


8. The leads of the new condenser are shortened by five times.


9. The computer system can make the internal surface grinder automatically operative.


10. Bubble memories are not expensive, consume little power, are small in size, and highly reliable.


11. To understand better matter and energy is the natural world is the purpose of chemistry.


12. Normally the whole mass of the atom is concentrated in the nucleus.


13. If necessary, the shaft and housing can be used for raceways instead of separate inner and outer races.


14. Solids expand much less than liquid or gases.


15. Warm-blooded creatures do not need to depend on the sun for body heat.


16. Ordinary movements would be impossible without friction available.


17. For all its great potential, the wide use of optical communications will not come overnight.


18. As we have mentioned above, coal production and use is accompanied by serious environmental problems.


19. The design is likely to be accepted on the condition that the cost is reasonable.


20. Phosphorus has an undesirable effect on steel in that it imparts brittleness.



1. 段落一

I just want to say to this plenary session that we are running short on time. And at this point, the question is whether we will move forward together or split apart, whether we prefer posturing to action. I'm sure that many consider this an imperfect framework that I just described. No country will get everything that it wants. There are those developing countries that want aid with no strings attached, and no obligations with respect to transparency. They think that the most advanced nations should pay a higher price; I understand that. There are those advanced nations who think that developing countries either cannot absorb this assistance, or that will not be held accountable effectively, and that the world's fastest-growing emitters should bear a greater share of the burden.


2. 段落二

We also face the specter of nonlinear “tipping points” that may cause much more severe changes. An example of a tipping point is the thawing of the permafrost. The permafrost contains immense amounts of frozen organic matter that have been accumulating for millennia. If the soil melts, microbes will spring to life and cause this debris to rot. The difference in biological activity below freezing and above freezing is something we are all familiar with. Frozen food remains edible for a very long time in the freezer, but once thawed, it spoils quickly. How much methane and carbon dioxide might be released from the rotting permafrost? If even a fraction of the carbon is released, it could be greater than all the greenhouse gases we have released to since the beginning of the industrial revolution. Once started, a runaway effect could occur.



《《信息科技英语翻译》期末考试 B卷参考答案.doc》
