
发布时间:2021-02-06   来源:文档文库   
【篇一】期待的英语口语高级表达 1非正式
I can't wait to … 我迫不及待地想要... I'm excited about … 我对...感到激动万分
I'm counting downs the days until … 我度日如年...
I'm waiting impatiently for … (informal and formal 我已经等不及...(非正式或正式 I'm longing to … 我渴望...
Please feel free to contact me anytime. (both informal and formal
请随时与我联系。(非正式或正式 I have high hopes of … 我对…抱有极大的希望。 I simply can not wait to … 我就是等不及... 2正式

I anticipate … 我期待...
I await the opportunity to … 我等待时机...
I fondly anticipate … 我开心地期待着...
I'm eagerly anticipating … 我对...翘首以盼。
Your prompt reply would be appreciated. 如能即时答复,不胜感激。
I await … with great expectation. 我对...满怀期待。
I have high expectations of … 我对...拭目以待。 I hope to … very soon. 我希望尽快...
Thank you in advance for your speedy reply. 提前感谢您的快速回复。
Thank you in advance for your response. 提前感激您的回复。

anticipate; await; expect; wait in hope; look forward to 例句:
We are expecting you to make a decision . 我们期待你作出决定。
I grew to await it with a nameless dread . 我心头发生了无名的恐怖,期待着。
There was an expectant stir from the audience . 观众中传出了一阵期待的骚动。
The porter expects baksheesh from you . 那脚夫期待你付小费。
They are looking forward to her coming . 他们期待她的来访。
She went to meet him with an air of expectancy . 她去见他时带着有所期待的神情。
I have been keenly looking forward to this visit . 我一直热切期待实行这次访问。
I am expecting him to arrive soon . 我期待他很快就来到。
We have a feeling of expectancy . 我们有一种期待感。

I await your response. 我期待你的回复。
1. I hope we win the tournament this year. 我希望我们能赢今年的比赛。 2. I hope so too. 我也这么希望。
3. What do you want for Christmas this year? 今年圣诞节你想要什么(礼物? 4. I wish it would stop raining. 我希望这雨能停下来。
5. I was thinking about going to that new place. 我在考虑去那个新地方。 6. I want to be a doctor. 我想做个医生。
7. I trust that all will be well. 我相信一切都会好的。
8. I believe things will get better. 我相信事情会好转的。
9. I could really use a drink right now. 我现在很想喝点东西。
10. I hope she feels better.

11. Their only desire is for a new home. 他们的期望是有个新家。
12. He’s the best hope for the team. 他是全队的希望。
13. I keep hoping that things will get better. 我一直都希望事情会好转。 14. I have to have that car. 我得拥有那辆车。
15. I need to be alone. 我需要/想一个人呆。
【篇四】期盼用英语口语怎么说 anticipation long
look forward to 例句:
All right , it ' s the moment we ' ve all been waiting for.
Looking back , we had no idea what to expect. 回首过往,我们已没什么值得期盼的了。

L ' m talking of the thing that makes us the same - - 我要谈的是我们双方都期盼的. .
People hope the light , city needs civilization 人民期盼着光明,城市期盼着文明。
We hope to hear from the fighting temptations. 我们非常期盼听“挑战诱惑”的音乐。
They ' re waiting . do you want to eat with us 他们都期盼着你不和我们一起吃饭吗?
Here , it is your leisure family where you hope 这里就是您期盼的商务,休闲之家!
I am eager to be the first to visit the city 我期盼成为第一个参观那个城市的人。
We are basketball with you at school next time 我们期盼着和你下次在学校打篮球。


