
发布时间:2020-05-24 11:02:26   来源:文档文库   



Everyone has their own like or admire people, I also have their own admire people! You see her medium height, white skin, cocky nose, willow like eyebrows, and a pair of big eyes embedded in her face. She is my dear mother.


I admire my mother because she is my “Family English teacher”. I remember when I was six years old, my mother would study English with me in class and help me to make English notes. When I met the phonetic symbols and grammar I didnt understand, she would give me a new “direction” and explain it to me until I understood it. My mother often said to me, “children, there should be good ways to learn, not rote.” Other childrens parents let their children learn English by memorizing words first, but their mother said, “lets start from the phonetic alphabet first. Dont underestimate the English phonetic alphabet. It looks like Chinese pinyin. As long as you learn the phonetic alphabet, it can make you read the words and write them when you can read them.” Mom is right. Its admirable. Since I learned the phonetic alphabet, I have made great progress in memorizing words. English learning is no longer a problem for me. My English scores are always in the top of the class. What I said is right!

我佩服妈妈------因为妈妈还是一名非常敬业的家庭全能保育员 常听妈妈说:小孩子正是长身体的时候,要早吃饱、午吃好、晚吃少,这样才能美丽健康。每天天还没亮你准能看到妈妈在厨房忙碌的身影,无论春夏秋冬从不知劳累。我还非常佩服妈妈的饭菜手艺------虽说跟厨师比不了,但是看着经妈妈的手做出来的一道道美味佳肴,经常馋得我直流口水。你看我的身高体重,在我们班女生中绝对排行前几名。妈妈不但饭菜做得好吃,而且还心灵手巧、非常勤劳,你看爸爸和我身上的毛衣,都是妈妈下班陪我做作业时织的,穿在身上又美观又暖和,被我和爸爸称之为幸福牌毛衣。有这样一个让我佩服的妈妈在身边,真的很幸福。

I admire my mother - because she is also a very dedicated “family all-around carer”. I often hear from my mother that “when children are growing up, they should eat early, eat well at noon and eat less at night, so that they can be beautiful and healthy.” You can see your mother busy in the kitchen before dawn every day, no matter how tired she is in spring, summer, autumn and winter. I also admire my mothers cooking skills very much. Although I cant compare with the chef, I often envy my saliva when I watch a delicious dish made by my mothers hands. Look at my height and weight. Im definitely in the top of the girls in our class. Mom not only cooks delicious food, but also is smart and hardworking. Look at the sweaters on dad and me. They are all knitted by mom when she accompanies me to do my homework after work. They are beautiful and warm. They are called “happiness brand sweaters” by dad and me With such a mother I admire around, Im really happy.


This is my mother --- the person I admire most, a good mother who loves working and cares about me. How do you like her?


