
发布时间:2020-12-19   来源:文档文库   

村寨cūn zhài 撵走niǎn zǒu 扛起káng qǐ 驿路yì lù 迷茫mí máng 陡峭dǒu qiào 露宿lù sù 竹篾zhú miè 简陋jiǎn lòu 悠闲yōu xián 修葺xiū qì 晶莹jīng yíng 折损zhé sǔn 香菌xiāng jùn 麂子jǐ zi 恍惚huǎng hū

cūn zhài niǎn zǒu káng qǐ( yì lù(

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mí máng dǒu qiào lù sù( zhú miè( jiǎn lòu yōu xián xiū qì( jīng yíng zhé sǔn xiāng jùn j ǐ zi huǎng hū 初中英语语法专项练习一——名词
一、( 1 She was very happy. She in the maths test. A. makes a few mistake B. made a few mistakes C. made few mistakes D. makes few mistake ( 2 We need some more____. Can you go and get some, please? A. potato B. potatos C. potatoes D. potatoe ( 3 _____are____for cutting things. A. Knife/used B. Knives/used C. Knife/using D. Knives/using ( 4 What big____ the tiger has! A. tooth B. teeth C. tooths D. toothes ( 5 Please remember to give the horse some tree___. A. leafs B. leaves C. leaf D. leave ( 6 -Can we have some ___? -Yes, please. A. banana B. oranges C.apple D. pear ( 7 On the table there are five____. A. tomatos B. piece of tomatoes C. tomatoes D. tomato 二、( 1 They got much ___ from those new books. A. ideas B. photos C. information D. stories ( 2 He gave us____ on how to keep fit. A. some advices B. some advice C. an advice D. a advice ( 3 When we saw his face, we knew___ was bad. A. some news B. a news C. the news P. news ( 4 What___ lovely weather it is! A. / B. the C. an D. a 仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除 谢谢2

三、( 1 -Would you like___tea? -No, thanks. I have drunk two____. A. any, bottles of orange B. some, bottles of orange C. many, bottles of oranges D. few, bottle of oranges ( 2 He is hungry. Give him ___ to eat. A. two breads B. two piece of bread C. two pieces of bread D. two pieces of breads ( 3 It really took him:___ to draw the nice horse. A. sometimes B. hour C. long time D. some time ( 4 I would like to have___. A. two glasses of milk B. two glass of milk I C. two glasses of milks D. two glass of milks ( 5 Can you give me ____? A. a tea B. some cup of tea C. a cup tea D. a cup of tea ( 6 Please give me ___ paper. A. one B. a piece C. a D. a piece of ( 7 John bought___for himself yesterday. A. two pairs of shoes B. two pair of shoe C. two pair of shoes D. two pairs shoes 四、( 1 -How many ____ have you got on your

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