
发布时间:2023-12-30 10:01:23   来源:文档文库   

1. Asked for help 1. 寻求帮助

At first, asking questions felt like navigating through a field of landmines. I felt like taking one false step and I could derail all of the work I had put in up to that point. 一开始,问问题就像穿越一片地雷。我觉得我犯了一个错误,我可能会破坏我到那时为止所做的所有工作。

But once I relaxed into my new role and saw what other people on my team were doing, it became clear to me what types of questions were helpful and which were just me being too much in my own head. That made it easier to ask direct questions with confidence, rather than resorting to the old "this may be a stupid question, but " trap. 但一旦我放*来,开始做我的新角色,看到团队里其他人在做什么,我就明白了什么类型的问题是有用的,而这些问题都是我自己想得太多的。这使得人们更容易自信地直接提问,而不是求助于“这可能是一个愚蠢的问题,但——”的陷阱。

2. Read the wiki 阅读维基

Many startups have a wiki, a website where employees can quickly access everything from procedural information, like how to expense items to the company, to basic things like how each team contributes to company goals. 许多初创公司都有一个维基百科网站(或百度网站),在这个网站上,员工可以快速获取一切信息,从程序信息(比如如何向公司支付项目费用)到基本信息(比如每个团队如何为公司目标做出贡献)。

Finding the right phrases and keywords, by paying attention at orientation as well as asking my manager and employees who'd worked at the company for a while, helped me access the information I needed on the wiki. And checking for timestamps was vital to this process, since working at a startup means adapting to an ever-changing landscape of policies and processes. I bookmarked pages I'd need to
access on a regular basis, like the office floorplan, and vital information about my team, which turned out to be enormously helpful, too. 确定合适的短语和关键词,通过关注方向,以及询问我的经理和在公司工作了一段时间的员工,帮助我在维基上获取我需要的信息。检查时间点对这一过程至关重要,因为在初创企业工作意味着要适应不断变化的政策和过程。我把需要定期访问的页面都加了书签,比如办公室的平面图,以及关于我的团队的重要信息,这些信息后来也变得非常有用。

3. Leaned in to using new tech 3. 首选使用新技术

Every company has its own way of doing things, and that usually means you have to learn how to use a new system or product to get things done. For me, one new bit of tech was Slack, a chat service that lets you keep in touch with everyone in the company without clogging up their inbox. Regularly using it also helped to foster positive relationships between me and my coworkers. 每个公司都有自己的做事方法,这通常意味着你必须学会如何使用新的系统或产品来完成任务。对我来说,新技术之一是Slack,这是一种聊天服务,可以让你在不阻塞收件箱的情况下与公司里的每个人保持联系。经常使用它也有助于促进我和同事之间的积极关系。

4. Set up 1:1s with people on my team 4. 和我的团队里的人建立1:1的关系

When you're just starting out in your career, it's useful to talk to people on your team to find and close your inevitable gaps in knowledge and ask the silly questions that might be frowned upon once you've been working together for a week or so like, "What exactly is your job here?" 当你刚开始你的职业,与你的团队成员聊天有助你发现及缩小不可避免的知识差距;一旦你已经一起工作了一个星期左右,也可避免问一些可能会让人不悦愚蠢的问题。比如,“你到底是做什么工作的呢?”

5. Paid attention to best practices 5. 关注实践。

Taking cues from my coworkers, in emails, Slack messages and at meetings, was essential to success at my company. In doing so, I was able to discern the do's and don'ts for that workspace, rather than having to make mistakes and possibly annoy my coworkers and editor. 在我的公司里,从同事那里得到启发,无论是在邮件中,还是在会议上,都是成功的关键。通过这样做,我能够辨别出工作空间的“该做什么”和“不该做


