
发布时间:2023-08-25 01:58:49   来源:文档文库   
Top 10 Cheapest Places To Live In Europe. 欧洲拥有世界上最经济和最奢华的城市
Europe is home to the cheapest and most expensive cities alike. 去年 欧洲的通货膨胀率几乎为零
Last year, Europe’s inflation rate was literally at 0%, 大多数必需品和服务的价格甚至在下降
with prices of most essential goods and services even falling. 随着美元对欧元的汇率提高
While the US dollar gained against the Euro, 带着美元的游客会更加幸运
if you held a greenback you would be fortunate as a traveler. 加拿大或澳大利亚货币会差一点
Not so much if you had Canadian or Australian dollars. 所以 2017年是你重新考虑欧洲旅游计划的最佳时机
So, 2017 would be a great year to review your travel plans to Europe, 因为经济实惠的城市更便宜了
with the cheapest cities being even cheaper. 下面为您介绍十大实惠城市 助您畅游欧洲
Here are the top 10 cities you can make it happen under a budget. 10 克罗地亚的萨格勒布 日均花费32美元62美分 10: Zagreb, Croatia, USD 32,62 a day. 萨格勒布多年来以安静著称
Zagreb has over the years earned its reputation as a quiet town, 大概因为它是旅客的中停站
mostly because it is usually a stopover. 克罗地亚以其独特的海岸线而闻名
Croatia is known for its exotic coastline,
所以萨格勒布作为内陆城市 得不到应有的关注
so Zagreb being inland, it did not get the attention it deserves. 这个被低估的城市 美丽而又便宜
The underrated city is beautiful and at the same time cheap to live in. 当地货币克罗地亚库纳兑美元的比率差不多为5:1
Local currency the Croatian Kruna is almost 20 weaker than the dollar. 试想一下 吃喝方面可以低到140克罗地亚库纳
With that in mind, meals and drinks cost as low as 140 HKR. 最便宜的旅馆 比方说Brit Hostel Zagreb
The best and cheapest hotels example the Brit Hostel Zagreb 一晚只需60克罗地亚库纳
costs only HKR 60 a night.

You will spend a minimum $32 a day 一天只要32美元
if you decide to live cheapest in this lovely city. 9 波兰的华沙 日均花费31美元97美分 9: Warsaw, Poland, USD 31,97 a day. 二战中 华沙遭受严重破坏
After the World War II, Warsaw was in disarray. 战后 老城区经过重建恢复了往日的繁华
The Old Town was rebuilt to its former glory just after the war and it is looking good. 你可能以为这个大城市的生活成本一定很高
You would expect this big city to be expensive to live in, 但事实并非如此
but the figures beg to differ.
Food drinks and entertainment will cost you a mere 77 Polish Zlotych. 一家好的旅馆每晚不会超过35兹罗提
A good hotel will not cost you more than 35 Zlotych a night, 观光胜地的门票价格也不超过23兹罗提
and the attractions the city has to offer will not cost more than 23 Zlotych. 折算成美元的话 日均花费最少只需32美元
A quick conversion to USD will result to an average $32 daily spending at a minimum. 8 捷克共和国的克鲁姆洛夫 8: Český Krumlov, Czech Republic, 日均花费31美元24美分
USD 31,24 a day.
This is one of the many hidden gems Czech Republic has to offer. 四周被美丽又曲折的河流环绕着
This historic Old Town is perfectly framed by an awesome meandering river 晚上 河里倒映着城市的夜景 美轮美奂
that gives a perfect reflection of the city at night. 这里的生活成本很低 居民希望
The city is so cheap the residents would wish 这样的财政政策能再延续一个世纪
nothing changes fiscally for the next century. 在市中心
At the heart of the town,
it will cost you just 380 Czech Krona to eat, drink and enjoy yourself. 一个像梅林旅馆这样的好旅馆 一晚也只需252克朗
A good hotel, like the Hostel Merlin costs 252 Krona per night, 日均总花费只需30美元
while daily average spending stands at just over $30. 7 匈牙利的布达佩斯 日均花费30美元73美分


