大学生饮食消费权益维护意识分析 - ―以山西师范大学为例

发布时间:2022-12-03 21:53:57   来源:文档文库   
大学生饮食消费权益维护意识分析 - ―以山西师范大学为例

大学生饮食消费权益维护意识分析 ―――以山西师范大学为例
近年来,大学生群体逐渐扩大,大学生消费水平逐渐提高,但大学生群体是一个年轻的消费群体,消费权益被侵犯的问题屡见不鲜,其中饮食消费权益维护意识是关乎大学生身体健康与发展,对于大学生的健康成长起着关键作用。随着市场经济在我国的全面展开,金钱至上的思想的蔓延,一些不法商家使用假冒伪劣产品蒙骗消费者,近年来的三鹿毒奶粉事件即为食品安全事件的典型案例之一。大学生由于其特殊性,更易成为问题食品的受害者。所以,如何保障大学生消费者的饮食消费安全,提高大学生的饮食安全消费维护意识,是目前亟待解决的问题。本文采用样本分析法,以山西师范大学为例,通过对山西师范大学学生饮食消费环境研究与饮食消费权益维护意识分析,调查了我国大学生消费饮食消费情况,分析了大学生饮食消费权益维护意识,探索在当前教育环境下增强大学生饮食消费权益维护意识的对策与方法。 【关键词】大学生 饮食消费 权益维护 意识分析
Diet consumption rights consciousness of College
-- Taking Shanxi Normal University as an example
Abstract In recent years, college students gradually expanding, college students' consumption level rises gradually, but the student population is a young consumer groups, consumer interests are infringed It is often seen. problems, including maintenance consumer rights consciousness is related to diet health and development of college students, plays a key role for the healthy growth of College students. With the expansion of market economy in China, the idea of money first spread, some illegal businessmen use the fake and shoddy products to deceive consumers, in recent years, the Sanlu milk powder incident is one of the typical case of food safety incidents. College students because of its special nature, are more likely to be victims of food issues. So, how to protect college students consumer food consumption safety, to improve the students' diet consumption safety maintenance of consciousness, it is the urgent problem. Through sample analysis, taking Shanxi Normal University as an example, through to the students of Shanxi Normal University, food consumption and environmental research and food consumption rights consciousness analysis, survey of consumer food consumption situation of university students in China, analysis of the college students diet consumer rights consciousness, exploring in the current educational environment to enhance college students consumer rights maintenance diet strategies and methods of consciousness.


《大学生饮食消费权益维护意识分析 - ―以山西师范大学为例.doc》
