
发布时间:2018-09-17 03:38:23   来源:文档文库   











  第四百零二条 托人以自己的名义,在委托人的授权范围内与第三人订立的合同,第三人在订立合同时知道受托人与委托人之间的代理关系的,该合同直接约束委托人和第三人,但有确切证据证明该合同只约束受托人和第三人的除外。



  第四百零三条 受托人以自己的名义与第三人订立合同时,第三人不知道受托人与委托人之间的代理关系的,受托人因第三人的原因对委托人不履行义务,受托人应当向委托人披露第三人,委托人因此可以行使受托人对第三人的权利,但第三人与受托人订立合同时如果知道该委托人就不会订立合同的除外。受托人因委托人的原因对第三人不履行义务,受托人应当向第三人披露委托人,第三人因此可以选择受托人或者委托人作为相对人主张其权利,但第三人不得变更选定的相对人。







  Interpretation of Article 403 of the PRC Contract Law

  第四百零三条 受托人以自己的名义与第三人订立合同时,第三人不知道受托人与委托人之间的代理关系的,受托人因第三人的原因对委托人不履行义务,受托人应当向委托人披露第三人,委托人因此可以行使受托人对第三人的权利,但第三人与受托人订立合同时如果知道该委托人就不会订立合同的除外。

  受托人因委托人的原因对第三人不履行义务,受托人应当向第三人披露委托人,第三人因此可以选择受托人或者委托人作为相对入主张其权利,但第三人不得变更选定的相对人。 委托人行使受托人对第三人的权利的,第三人可以向委托人主张其对受托人的抗辩。第三人选定委托人作为其相对人的,委托人可以向第三人主张其对受托人的抗辩以及受托人对第三人的抗辩。

  Article 403: Where the agent concludes a contract with a third party in his own name and, at the time of concluding the contract, the third party has no knowledge about the agency relationship between the agent and the principal, if the agent fails to perform its obligation towards the principal due to reasons attributable to the third party, the agent shall disclose the third party to the principal and the principal may on those grounds exercise the rights of the agent against the third party, unless the third party would not have entered into the contract with the agent if at the time of its conclusion he had any knowledge about the principal.

  If the agent fails to perform its obligation towards the third party due to reasons attributable to the principal, the agent shall disclose the principal to the third party and the third party has an option on those grounds to claim against either the agent or the principal. However, once selected, the third party may not change the person against whom he claims.

  If the principal exercises the rights of the agent against the third party, the third party may set up against the principal the defences which he has against the agent. If the third party opts to claim against the principal, the principal may set up against the third party the defences which he has against the agent as well as the defences which the principal has against the third party. 法条文义解释



  This clause provides for the client's right of intervention, and options of the third options.


  The principal's right to intervene means the right of the principal to replace the agent and be involved in the contract relationships between the agent and a third party. The following conditions shall be satisfied for the exercise of right of intervention by the principal. First, the agent has entered into the contract with the third person in its own name, and the third person does not know the agency relationship between the agent and the principal. Second, when the third party fails to fulfill contractual obligations, indirectly affecting the principal's interests, the agent shall disclose the third Person to the principal. Third, the principal may exercise the right to

  intervene due to the disclosure by the agent. If the principal exercises the right to intervene, it shall notify the agent and the third person. After receiving the notice, the principal shall replace the agent, and the contract shall be binding on the principal and the third party, unless the third party would have refused to enter into the contract if it had known the principal at the time of concluding the contract. Fourth, the principal may also refrain from exercising the right to intervene upon the disclosure by the agent, and the agent shall handle any issues arising from the breach of contract by the third person.


  规定委托人的介入权、第三人的选择权,有利于解决因代理产生的合同纠纷,有利于贸易代理制度更好地为经济建设服务,但委托人的介入权、第三人的选择权是有条件的,不能滥用。 With respect to the third party's option, in the contract relationship between the agent and the third person, in the event of any failure to perform its obligations by the agent due to any reason attributable to the principal, the agent shall disclose the principal to the third person, and the third person may choose to claim its rights to either the principal or the agent. That means the third person may choose to request the principal to bear the liability for breach of contract, or may request the agent to bear the liability for breach of contract, provided that the third person may choose only one liable party and the choice may not be altered once made. The provisions of the principal's right of intervention and the third party's option are conducive to resolving contract disputes arising from the agency relationship and enable the trade agency system to better serve economic construction. Nevertheless, the principal's right of intervention and the third person's options are conditional and may not be abused.


  This provision provides for the right of the principal and the selection of the counterpart by the third party when the third party has no knowledge about the agency relationship. If the third person has no knowledge about the agency relationship between the agent and the principal at the time the agent and the third party enter into the contract, in the event of any failure to perform the contractual obligations by the third person, the agent shall disclose the principal to the third person, and the agent may therefore exercise the rights of the agent against the third person, unless the third person would have refrained from concluding the contract if it had any knowledge about the principal at the time of entering the contract with the agent



