
发布时间:   来源:文档文库   

Zhang Hai: Good morning Mr Mo, it's a pleasure to meet you again. 张海:早上好,莫先生,我很荣幸再见到您。
Mo: Nice to see you, if you work hard,skys the limits here. 莫:很高兴见到你,好的开始是成功的一半。希望你前途无量。 Zhang Hai: Thanks, shall I meet my colleagues? 张海:谢谢,我能见见同事吗? Mo: Sure, come with me. 莫:当然可以,跟我来。 Mo: Yi Di, I would like you to meet our new comer, Zhang Hai, he just graduated from Qinghua University. 莫:易迪,我向你介绍一位新同事张海,他刚刚从清华大学毕业。 Yi Di: Nice to meet you. 易迪:很高兴见到你。 Zhang Hai: I am new to the working world and would appreciate your guidance. 张海:我没有什么工作经验,请你多指教。
Yi Di: That's all right, I will try my best to assist if you need any help. 易迪:别客气,如果需要帮忙,我会尽力的。 Zhang Hai: Great! 张海:太好了。 Mo: Well, as other guys are still not in, I'll introduce you to them later. 莫:其他人还没来,我晚些时候介绍给你。 Zhang Hai: All right. 张海:好的。
交通是办公室中经常会谈论到的话题,交通好不好可关系到上下班的辛苦程度。我们来看一个关于交通的对话: Burt: Why are you so late? 勃特:你怎么来这么晚? Kevin: I don't even want to talk about it. My car broke down.
凯文:我都不想说了。车坏在路上了。 Burt: What happened? 勃特:怎么回事? Kevin: The engine seems to be busted. It's driving me crazy! 凯文:发动机好像坏了,我快疯了! Burt: Wow. Have you thought about getting a new car? 勃特:哇,没想过买辆新车吗? Kevin: Yeah, I've thought about that, but I can't afford a new car. I'm broke. 凯文:想过,但是现在买不起呀,我破产了。 Burt: Maybe you can lease a car. It doesn't cost much. I know Toyota is running a promotion. 办公室会话:迟到
Rosie: Sorry, I overslept. My clock didn't go off this morning. 罗茜:对不起,我睡过头了。闹钟早上没响。
同事之间一起吃顿饭可以很好的协调关系、沟通感情,比如 Donald Debra1
Let's eat out, shall we? 唐纳德:我们出去吃,怎么样? Donald: Don't worry about it. It's my treat.
生活中,工作中难免会有一些让人生气的事情,在职场中,人们是怎么谈论的呢?我们来看下面几段小对话吧。 1 Clara: What happened just now, Mark? You weren't very kind when you were talking with Ted. What do you have against him? 克拉拉:马克,刚才怎么回事?你和泰德说话的态度不是很好啊。你对他有什么不满吗?
Mark: I just don't like him at all.

职场几乎不会有零压力的时候。和同事、朋友多聊聊天,有助于缓解压力,帮助你更好地面对工作。 Brian: Steve, you look pale. What happened? 布莱恩:史蒂夫,你面色苍白呀。怎么了? Steve: I didn't sleep a wink last night. 史蒂夫:我昨晚根本没睡觉。 Brian: Did you have something on your mind? You look so concerned! May be I can help you. 布莱恩:你在想什么事吗?你看起来很专注啊。也许我可以帮帮你。 Steve: Well, I'm under a lot of pressure. My boss is very pushy. He assigned me three projects. Now the
deadlines are near and I still haven't finished all of my projects.
史蒂夫:我最近压力很大。我老板太严格了,一下让我做三个项目。现在期限就要到了,可我一个都没做完呢。 Brian: Is there anything I can do to help you? 布莱恩:我能帮上什么忙吗? Steve: Well, I guess no one can help me but myself. For the moment, I just need someone to talk to so that I can relieve my stress. 史蒂夫:哎,我想我只能靠自己了。现在我只需要一个可以说话的人,让我缓解一下压力。
1. In the middle of something? 正在忙吗? 2. 2. What are you up to? 你正在作什么?
3. 3. Can you just give me a ballpark figure? 能不能给我一个大概的数字.
4. 4. Bottom line: We have to turn into profit by 2002. 最重要的是: 我们必须在 2002 年前转亏为盈.
5. 5. The new CFO was sent to bring the company out of the red. 这位新的财务长被派来把公司从赤字中拯救出来.

6. 6. Shelly just called in sick. Shelly 刚打电话来病休.
7. 7. I just heard that seven people are going be laid off next month. 我刚听到公司下个月要裁七位员工.
8. 8. He suggested we should go to eat after my graveyard shift. 他建议说我们可以在我的大夜班之后一起去吃东西. 9. 9. I am only a regular 9-to-5er.
10. 10. I refuse to work overtime during the weekend. 我拒绝在周末时加班. 11. 1.Folder 文件夹 12.

13. A:How do you arrange your documents ['dɔkjumənt, 'dɔkjument] for each project? 14.

15. B:I put them in separate folders. 16.

17. A:你怎样保存每个项目的文件? 18.

19. B:我把它们放在不同的文件夹里。 20.

21. 2. LAN cable/line 网线 22.

23. A: I stay in the same cubical with June, but we have only one LAN line. 24.

25. B: I'll call IT to get another one for you. 26.

27. A:我和朱恩在一个格子间,可我们只有一根网线。 28.

29. B:我会给信息部打电话,让他们再给你装一根。 30.

31. 3.Notebook 笔记本 32.

33. A: Do you have a notebook? 34.

35. B: You mean the notebook computer or the real notebook. 36.

37. A: Who uses notebook any more? I'm referring to the computer. 38.

39. B: OK. Unfortunately I don't have a notebook computer. 40.

41. A:你有笔记本吗? 42.

43. B:你是说笔记本电脑还是真的笔记本? 44.

45. A:现在谁还用笔记本啊,我是说电脑? 46.

47. B:哦,很遗憾,我没有笔记本电脑。 48.

49. 4.Paper clips 纸夹,长尾夹 50.

51. A: Do you have paper clips? [klip] 52.

53. B: Wendy may have some. Check with her. 54.

55. A:我有纸夹吗? 56.

57. B:温蒂可能有几个,问问她。 58.

59. 5.Papers 纸张 60.

61. A: Why do we always run out of copy papers? 62.

63. B: Because we have limited on how much we can use. 64.

65. A:我们的打印纸怎么总用光啊? 66.

67. B:因为我们限制用纸了。 68.

69. 6.Answering machine 电话应答机 70.

71. A:I found that the ansering machine is not popular in China. 72.

73. B:Right. Most of us do not have it in the office. 74.

75. A:我发现在中国,电话应答机不是很流行。 76.

77. B:是的,我们大部分人都没在办公室里安装 78.

79. 7. Battery 电池 80.

81. A: My phone is not showing caller IDs. 82.

83. B: The batteries are probably dead. 84.

85. A:我的电话没有来电显示了。 86.

87. B:可能是电池没电了。 88.

89. 8.Binder 活页夹 90.

91. A: May I have a couple of blinders? 92.

93. B: Sure. I will get you a few. 94.

95. A:给我几个活页夹好吗? 96.

97. B:当然可以,我给你找几个。 98.

99. 9.Computer disk 计算机磁盘 100.

101. A: Can I have a computer disk? 102.

103. B: We don't have any floppy disks any more. I have only CDs. 104.

105. A:我能要些计算机磁盘吗? 106.

107. B:我们这不再用软盘了,我只有CD 108.

109. 10.Drawer 抽屉 110.

111. A: Where did you put your U-disk? 112.

113. B: In the first drawer on the left. 114.

115. A:你把U盘放在哪了? 116.

117. B:左侧第一个抽屉。 118.

119. 11.Printer cartridge 打印机硒鼓 120.

121. A:The printer cartridge needs to be changed. 122.

123. B:Can you do it? 124.

125. A:打印机的硒鼓得换了。 126.

127. B:你能换吗? 128.

129. 12. Projector 投影仪 130.

131. A: Jean, could you find a projector for me ? 132.

133. B: No problem. 134.

135. A:珍,你能帮我找个投影仪吗? 136.

137. B:没问题。 138.

139. 13.Stapler 订书器 140.

141. A: My stapler is not working. 142.

143. B: Yours is the cheap stuff, take mine. 144.

145. A:我的订书器坏了。 146.

147. B:你的是便宜的那种,用我的。 148.

149. 14.Sticky note 可粘贴留言条,易事贴 150.

151. A: Did you leave a sticky note for Wendy? 152.

153. B: I did. I put it on her computer screen. 154.

155. A:你给温迪写留言条了吗? 156.

157. B:是的,我粘在她的电脑显示屏上了。 158.

159. 15.Tape 磁带,胶带 160.

161. A: Do you have tape? 162.

163. B: Yes, take it. I have another one. 164.

165. A:你有胶带吗?

166. B:有,拿去吧,我还有一个。 1You're in the pink! 要想说人气色好,"You look fine!"当然不错,可如果你说"You're in the pink!"就妙得多了。实际上,在英语口语中,巧妙使用一些表示颜色的词能使得句子非常形象生动。 2He is bouncy. 要表达"他精力充沛",美国人通常说"He is bouncy." 而不说"He is energetic"。牢记一些日常对话中的句式是你生活中一把必备的钥匙,如:久仰,"I get mind of you.""I heard a lot about you."轻松得多。 3Did you get lost? 有人开会迟到了,你若对他说"You are late."听起来像是废话。若说"Did you get lost?"则更能让他感到歉疚,可千万别说成"Get lost!",那可是让人滚蛋的意思。 4Do you have the time? 别人征求你的意见,问能否开窗户等,你要是说"You can do that."就有点土了,用一句"Do you have the time?"就好多了。实际上,问他人的姓名、地址都可以这么用,"May I have your name?"要比"What's your name?"礼貌得多,不过警察例外。 5I would rather not say. 别人问你不愿公开的问题,切勿用"It's my secret, don't ask such a personal question."回答,一来显得你没有个性,二来也让对方觉得你气短。你可以说"I would rather not say."(还是别说了吧 6It's on the tip of my tongue. 有时候,你想说什么,可是想不起来,你可以说"Well…""Let me see.""Just a moment.""It's on the tip of my tongue."等。相比之下,最后一个句型是最地道的。 7. While I remember…
交谈时,你可能会转换话题,不要只说"By the way"实际上,"To change the subject""Before I forget""While I remember""Mind you"都是既地道又受欢迎的表达。
8. I got it. 遇到你不懂的问题时可别不懂装懂,"I know"可能是被中国人用得最多,而最不被美国人接受的一句话。当一个美国教师向你解释某个问题时,你如果连说两遍"I know",我敢保
证他不会再跟你说什么了。用"I got it."就顺耳得多,要是不懂就说"I'm not clear about it."。不过如果你会说"It's past my understanding.""It's beyond me.",你的教师一定会惊讶不已的。
9. The meeting was scheduled for two hours, but it is not over yet. 会议原定两个小时,不过现在还没有结束。
10. Would you care to see it/sit down for a while? 你要不要看/坐一会呢?
11. I'm supposed to go on a diet/get a raise. 我应该节食/涨工资。
12. I'm afraid that it's not going to work out. 我恐怕这事不会成的。
13. Do you mind if I take tomorrow off? 你介意我明天请假吗?
14. It really depends on who is in charge. 那纯粹要看谁负责了。
About e-mail This is the standard English E-mail form for you.(以下是英文邮件的格式)

Dear Sir/Madam, ---------------------- 称呼(Salutation ----------------空行
How are you? ---------------------- 信件内容(Content I’m writing to let you know that … Looking forward to hearing from you. ----------------- 空行
Yours sincerely ----------------- Yours faithfully, Best regards, Best wishes… Name(Mrs./Mr. ----------------- 落款 ( Your name
Please try your best to make sure that everybody can understand what you write.(所有内容请顶格写,尽量使信件内容简单、明了、易懂哦~

2. Task 工作,任务
Will you finish your task soon? ( 你能很快地完成你的任务吗? Official 官方的,正式的
She received several official letters this morning. 今天早上,她收到了好几封公函。

3. Appoint 任命;指定
They appointed him chairman. (他们任命他为主席。 I was appointed to a business trip. (我被派去出差。 Appointment 约会,预约
May I schedule an appointment with you? (我可以跟你约个时间吗?)
Sorry, I have an appointment right now. I have to go.( 不好意思,我还有个约会,得先走了。 一般来讲, date是指情人之间的约会。

4. Confirm 确认,证实
The news confirmed my resolution. 这条消息加强了我的决心。 Attachment 附件
Do not read mails and attachments. 不要阅读来历不明的邮件和附件。 Please confirm if you got the attachment. 请确认您是否收到了邮件附件。

5. Negotiate 谈判,商议,讨论
Lets negotiate the price. 我们讨论一下有关价格的问题吧。 Administration 行政
Her main responsibility is manage bank related activities and office administration. 她最主要的工作是负责银行方面和行政方面的事情。

6. Arrange 安排
I would like to arrange a meeting with you. 我希望我们俩能安排见个面。 Personnel 职员;人事的
The company’s main problem is the shortage of skilled personnel. 公司最主要的问题是人才的缺乏。

7. Item 项目;条款
Let us go on to the next item on the agenda. 让我们继续讨论议程上的下一个项目。 Catalogue 目录,样本
Please send me your catalogue. 请把你们的产品目录寄给我。

8. Specific 特性,特殊的,明确的
Could you be more specific? 您能不能再具体点。 Detail 细节;详细说明
You can see more details by going to our website. 详情请上我们的网站查询。

9. Launch 发射,开始
This magazine launched last week. 这杂志是上星期才发行的。 Agenda 议程
Whats on todays agenda? 今天的议程是怎么安排的?

10. File 文件;档案
I attached the files as you requested. 我把你要的文件用附件发送给你了。 Put this letter in the main file. 把这封信放在主要文件夹中。 Request 要求;请求
How can I request my paycheck? 我该如何申请我的薪金支票呢?

11. Click 点击;

On the File menu, click Save . 在文件菜单,点击保存。 Data 数据;

Very little data is available. 现有的资料十分不足。

12. Quote 报价,引用
The price they quoted was very low. 他们报的价很低。 Reserve 贮存,保留,延期
He still reserved his opinion on some points. 在一些问题上,他仍然保留自己的意见。

13. Letter 信函 E-mail 电子邮件 Fax 传真
Memo 备忘录
Formal report 正式报告 Slide presentation 幻灯片 Proposal 建议书,方案

14. 客套话:

It is with great pleasure that I write this letter. 我以非常愉悦的心情给你写这封信。
Thank you for your kind consideration of the following request. 非常荣幸地请您考虑一下以下的建议。

Please note that the deadline is on April 1. 请在41日前完成这件事情。 I look forward to hearing from you. 等待你的答复。

We did not have the item in stock. 我们还不了解存货的情况。 Please send them by express mail. 请用快递邮寄。
I would like information 我想知道关于…的信息。 Very direct: This needs to be done today. 这事需要今天做完。 Less direct: Please do this today. 请在今天以内完成。
Indirect: We need this tomorrow, so I’d appreciate your getting it done as soon as possible. 这是我们明天需要的,所以我希望你尽快做完,谢谢!

迂回的语言:Could you please send them to me? 你能寄给我吗? I would appreciate it if you would verify that 麻烦你核实一下…

We regret that we do not have the item in stock. 非常抱歉,我们没有存货的情况说明。 Then, today you need to remember two words which are appreciate and deadline.
Appreciate 感激,欣赏 Deadline 底线,最后期限


