
发布时间:2019-09-14 18:37:11   来源:文档文库   


  都市交通拥挤的高中英语作文篇1  How to Solve the Problem of Heavy Traffic?  Nowadays, people in many big cities are plaining about the heavy traffic. It has seriously influenced people's daily life and economic development. To solve the problem, some pieces of advice are put forward. Some people suggest that more streets and roads should be built. In this way,  the traffic density can be redncedi hence speeding up the flow of buses and cars.But the new roads and streets will be filled with many cars and buses soon.  Some people advise to limit the number of bikes and cars. This can decrease the traffic flow. But on the other haad, this will affect the consumption and make buses more crowded.  In my opinion, the number of private cars should be put under control. And at the same time, buses should have their own special routes which cannot be used by other vehicles. Besides, underground train and city train should be developed quickly.  如何样解决交通拥挤咨询题  现今,许多大都市的人们都在抱怨交通拥堵。它差不多严峻地阻碍了人们的日常生活和经济进展。为了解决那个咨询题,人们提出了一些建议。  有人建议修建更多的道路。通过这种方法,能够减小交通密度,因此公共汽车与小汽车的速度就能够提上来。然而不久,新的道路又将被更多的公共汽车与小汽车所塞满。  有人建议限制自行车和汽车的数量,这能够减少交通的流量。然而另一方面,这会阻碍消费并使公共汽车更加拥挤。  我认为,应该操纵私家车的数量。同时,公共汽车应该有自己的线路,这些线路不能被其它交通工具所占用。此外,应快速进展地铁和都市铁路。  都市交通拥挤的高中英语作文篇2  Traffic congestion has long been a problem of great concern and plaint in big cities. It has caused a lot of inconvenience to people's life and work. The first cause is the great increase in the number of private cars. Cars take up more space but they carry fewer people. Some private car drivers, ignoring traffic regulations, drive only for the sake of their own convenience, blocking the way of other public transportation vehicles. The second cause is the slow and inefficient construction and improvement of the roads and streets. With a large population and numbers of automobiles increasing, some roads still remain unimproved, which will surely lead to problems. Let all of us act now to solve it.  长期来交通拥塞一直是大都市最关怀和抱怨的咨询题.已造成人们生活和工作的非常大不便.首要缘故是私家车数量的大量增加.小汽车占用了更多空间,但他们却携带非常少的人.一些私家车司机无视交通规则,开车时只图自己的方便,挡住了其他公共交通工具的道路.其次是缓慢而低效的建设及对道路和街区的完善.随着人口越来越多和汽车数量的成倍增长,而道路依旧保持原样,无疑会导致咨询题的产生.让我们所有的人现在就采取行动来解决它.


