
发布时间:2018-06-29 23:46:29   来源:文档文库   


头盘/沙拉 Appetizer/salad

花仁牛肉 Peanut tossed cured beef sinew

手撕兔 Steamed rabbit tossed vegetables

麻油鸭 Duck tossed sesame oil sauce

凉拌泥蒿 Mud Artemisia tossed sesame oil

红油层层脆 Pork ear with chili oil

透味卤藕 Cured lotus root with sesame

沾酱黄瓜 Baby cucumber with dips

港式泡红椒 Pickle red capsicum

华都夫沙拉 Wardolf salad

泰式凤爪沙拉 Thai chicken feet salad

沙拉吧 Salad bar

黄瓜 樱桃番茄 甜蚕豆 甜玉米 马蹄 胡萝卜丝 三种生菜(罗沙口.苦细叶.球生菜)

Cucumber, Cherry tomato, Honey bean, Sweet corn, Water chestnut , CarrotLettuce(Lossa red, Fritter, Icebery)

汁酱 Dressing

千岛汁 薄荷汁 法汁 黑醋汁

Thousand island dressing. Mint dressing. French dressing. Balsamic vinaigrette

汤类 Soups

芸豆肚片汤 Pork tripe and white board bean soup

意大利蔬菜汤 Minestrone

热菜 Hot food

香辣基围虾 Spicy shrimp stew with cucumber

当红蒜香鸡 Roasted chicken with garlic flavour

XO酱爆墨鱼仔 Wok-fried baby cuttle-fish with“XO”sauce

金牌无锡骨 Sweet & sour pork spare-rib

猪颈肉茶树菇 Pork neck sautéed mushrooom

黑椒牛仔骨 Wok-fried beef rib with black pepper sauce

黄焖元子 Braised pork ball with black fungua

白灼广东菜心 Blanched Cantonese choy sum

剁椒蒸牛蛙 Steamed frog with pickle red chili

雪菜小黄鱼 Braised fish with pickle vegetables

照烧鸡扒 Chicken Teriyaki

泰式红咖喱鸡 Red curry chicken “Thai”stly

三巴酱炒鹅肠 Wod-fried goose giblet with chili sambal

马拉盏炒芥兰 Sauteed kale with shrimp sauce

辣椒糕炒青口 Mussel sautéed chili paste & basil

黑椒牛柳炒意面 Spaghetti sautéed beef & black pepper sauce

丝苗米饭 Steamed rice

日本料理 Japanese Cuisine

三文鱼, 北极贝, 北极虾, 兰花蟹,青口, 扇贝

Salmon, North pile scallop, North pile shrimp, Crab, Mussel, Scallop

刺生汁酱 Sashimi Dressing-


Japanese Kikkoman soy sauce Red vinegar Chinese vinegar Wassabi Pickle ginger

寿司台 Sushi Station

加州蟹籽卷 California roll

日式海苔卷 Japanese seaweed roll

金大根芝麻卷 Radish & sesame roll

鳗鱼手卷 Teriyaki eel maki roll

三文鱼寿司 Salmon sushi

厚蛋烧寿司 Omelette sushi

开胃小菜 Snacks

中华海藻 , 腌海螺 , 辣白菜 , 泡萝卜

Japanese seaweed , Marinated whelk abalone , Kim che , Pickle radish


三文鱼酸奶 Smoked salmon with yoghurt

鸡蛋木司 Egg mousse

芝麻香蕉球 Banana & black sesame ball

芝士火腿三文治 Mini sandwich

烧烤车 Carving Station

烧鸭 Roasted duck

水果台 Fruit Station

西瓜 , 哈密瓜 , 甜橙 , 黄河蜜瓜 ,

Watermelon , Honeydew melon , Orange , Green honeymelon ,

甜品台 Desserts

摩卡蛋糕 Mocha cake

黑森林蛋糕 Black forest cake

绿茶蛋糕 Green tea cake

林茨蛋糕 Linzer cake

芒果西米蛋糕 Mango sago cake

蓝莓慕斯蛋糕 Blue-berry mousse cake

草莓慕斯蛋糕 Strawberry mousse cake

苹果派 Apple pie

水果塔- Fruit tart

草莓芝式蛋糕 Strawberry cheese cake

巧克力金字塔 Chocolate cake

香橙瑞士卷 Orange swiss roll

面包台 Bread Station

软包 硬包 意大利面包 全麦芝麻包 杂粮包

配有盐份的黄油 无盐份的黄油

Soft roll Hard roll Italian bread Whole-wheat sesame bread Mixed wheat bread

Served with portion butter & portion unsalted butter

酒水 Beverage

红茶,果汁,可乐,雪碧 雪花啤酒

Black tea , Juice , Cola , Sprite Snow beer


