
发布时间:2021-01-09   来源:文档文库   

:2204 第一部分 交际用语(共计10.每小85 2
下面的小对话.判断答话是否恰当,恰当的选A (Right.不恰当的选B (Wrong,并将答案写在答■纸上。
L Excuse mefcould you tell me the way to the park? Of coursei I will show you the way. R Right B. Wrong 2. How much does the Oat cost a month? The cheapest one is on the tenth floor. :A Right B. Wrong 3. What time does the Swimming Pool close? At five pm. A Right B. Wrong 4. Whm's the weather like in Shanghai today? It's miny. A. Right B. Wrong 5. How old are these students? They arc about 16 years old. A. Right B. Wrong 第二部分 国汇与结构(共计30.每小诡2
6 20题:阅读下面的句子,A.BC三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最隹选项并在答耳出所选项的字母符号. 6. I usually get up ________ six o'clock. at B.Jin C. on 7. He studies French in ___ __ language schooL a Be the
8. I think the parks are lovely. So I. A. am B. do Ct have 9. My housewarming party is ________ Mary's. A. different from B. diffcrtut C as different as 10. What about Wednesday evening next week? Sorry* _________ then. A. ! will be too busy B I will be free C. 1 will be fine
II. ________ children has his brother goi? A. How many C. How about 12. The area is too diriy. Yest I ngrec< _____________ A. not cleon enough C. clean not enouRh 13.
_ arc you 11 m from Nanjing. A.What C. Where 14. Would you like to _______ a reservation for dinner in the resuurunt thi> evening? A. make C. hold 15. Who ore thoNc ________ ? Do you know their nnmes? A. man C. men 16. Should I rake *omc medicine? No. you _________ to tnkc any medicine. A. «hould not C. have not 17. Billy is ________ thin Ben. A. AN nttractivc C. very attractive 18. ______ you got any family? A. Do C. Has 19. 1 work in ________ IT Department of __________ large bank. W the, A L thr• the
20. She lectures ________ Chinese. A. from C. with 第三部分 句型变换(共计15分,每小3分)
21 25小踊:报据括号里的提示或利用括号里的同塔改写下列句子,并将答案弟在答题 纸上. 21. They arc waiting for Mary.(用 who 对划线部分提何〉
22. There are some interesting books tn this booknion?.(改为一般疑何句) 23. My son wants to watch TV after dinner every day.(改为否定句 21. His father often goes to school by bike.(对划线部分提何〉 25. The meeting will take two hours.改为反义疑何句)

B. in B. an« the B. Have B. more ^tractive B. don*t need HB H. give B. When B. not enough clean H. How much
26- 30 »««下列短文,从/VB.C三个选项中选出一个正** .并在答H蛾上写出所逸 项的字母符号. Xiunyunt I hMvc most of the thing I need. We don't need to buy Any rice• and we donf1 need any pcn»t
Aluryi We nerd wmc orange»9 How ninny da we need to buy? Xiauyun t Four Are rnough* And we need nomr ersrn. Mury i How much cream do we need lu buy for four people? Xiaoyati t Two CArtona? Mury i OK. And lychcr^ Two tins? Xianyan How mnny lychccs do you get in ■ tin?
Mary t I don*! know. Let *• get A big tin. We ol«o need tome minernl water. X iaoyan 4 And the prawns. How tnnny prawnii? Mary i One big packet will do. I aho need to get some vegetables for next week potatoc5i carrots* onionSv and M citbl>Age. Phcre9 a H little greengrocer nlonR the road. Why don't wc go there first? 26. How many oranges docs XiaoyAn want to buy? A. One> C. Four 27. Do they need any cream? A. Yes> they do. C. The text does not tell UR< 28. How mnny prawns du they want to buy? A. A packets C. Three packets. 29. Who would like to have some veRetablciA. Xiaoyan. C Shopkeeper. 30. Which is not included (包括)in the shopping lilt? A. Rice and ps
C. lychees and minerAl water. 第五部分 翻译(共计25分,《J88 5分)
31 35越:英母汉。将下列英文句子副I译成中文,并将答案写在答@侬上。
How about playing football tomorrow afternoon? 32. 1 prefer wntching TV to liBtcning TO music. I etl worned about my exam next wedu 34. We will make a decision before the 30th September# He i* good at web design• much better than hrr>
11 Potatoes and coffee. B. Mnry B. Two packets. B. No# they don't. B. A kilo. 试题答案及评分标准

I. A
2. B
3. A 4 A 5. A
累二郃分 ftM^,30分)
6. A U. A 16. B
LA 12. A 17. H & B 13. C 18. B 9, A 14. A
19. A 10. A 15. C 20. H 第三那分 句型变换分.15分)
2L They arc waitinR or Mary.(用 who 对刎线邢分提问)
22. There nrc some intereMing bookti in thi» bookstorc> (改为一般疑问句) 23. My «on wuriK to wwich fV1 ftftrr dinner every doy.(改为否定句) 2\ His father often goer> to Jichool by bike.(对削线部分提问) 25. The mrriing will take two hour% 改为反义缺问句
2L Who are they waiting or? 22. Arc there any IntermtinH bookn in thin bookstore? 23< My *on doesnF t wani to watch TV nter dinner every day. 24. How dors his hthcr often go to school? 25. The mrrting will take two hotirN*wonft it? 第四部分 MijtatMiQn i,2。分) 2

27. A 28. A 29, B 30> A 第五卿分 ■保(佃5.25分)
3L How about playing football tumorrow uflrrnoon? 32. I prrfrr watching TV to listening to rnuHic 33. I feel worried about my exam next week. 3L Wc will mnkr B dcciNion before the 30th Srptcnibrn 35. He is good Mt web-design> much better than hen ,考答案, 31 .明天F午去跚足球倍么样? 32. 与听音乐相比,我更电视. 33. 在担心下周的考试. 34. 我们将在930号之前做出决定. 35. 他值长网页设计.而旦比他推於相务,


