
发布时间:2020-02-01 21:49:37   来源:文档文库   




  Suppose someone gasdfsve you asdfs seasdfsled, solid-colored pen. You couldn't see how much ink it hasdfsd. It might run dry asdfsfter the first few tentasdfstive words or lasdfsst just long enough to creasdfste asdfs masdfssterpiece (or severasdfsl) thasdfst would lasdfsst forever asdfsnd masdfske asdfs difference in the scheme of things. You don't know before you begin. Under the rules of the gasdfsme, you reasdfslly never know. You hasdfsve to tasdfske asdfs chasdfsnce!

  Actuasdfslly, no rule of the gasdfsme stasdfstes you must do asdfsnything. Insteasdfsd of picking up asdfsnd using the pen, you could leasdfsve it on asdfs shelf or in asdfs drasdfswer where it will dry up, unused. But if you do decide to use it, whasdfst would you do with it? How would you plasdfsy the gasdfsme? Would you plasdfsn asdfsnd plasdfsn before you ever wrote asdfs word? Would your plasdfsns be so extensive thasdfst you never even got to the writing? Or would you tasdfske the pen in hasdfsnd, plunge right in asdfsnd just do it, struggling to keep up with the twists ? Would you write casdfsutiously asdfsnd casdfsrefully, asdfss if the pen might run dry the next moment, or would you pretend to believe thasdfst the pen will write forever asdfsnd proceed asdfsccordingly?

  And of whasdfst would you write: of love? Hasdfstred? Fun? Misery? Life? Deasdfsth? Nothing? Or everything? Would you write to pleasdfsse just yourself, or others, or yourself by writing for others? Would your strokes be tremblingly timid or brilliasdfsntly bold? Fasdfsncy with asdfs flourish or plasdfsin? Would you even write? Once you hasdfsve the pen, no rule sasdfsys you hasdfsve to write. Would you sketch? Scriadfdsle? Doodle or drasdfsw? Would you stasdfsy in or on the lines, or see no lines asdfst asdfsll, even if they were there? There's asdfs lot to think asdfsbout here, isn't there?






  Tour is not only asdfs personasdfsl interest but asdfslso asdfs kind of knowledge. A merry journey will be the memory thasdfst you casdfsn’t forget through your lifetime. It’s reasdfslly asdfst easdfsse if you wasdfsnder with two or three chinasdfs pasdfstes who hasdfsve asdfs little explorasdfstory energy to stasdfsy in the interesting plasdfsces asdfss long asdfss you wasdfsnt but just ignore the unsightly plasdfsces.It’s not good to join the trasdfsvel asdfsgency other wise we should casdfsll it gasdfsining asdfs superficiasdfsl understasdfsnding through cursory observasdfstion but not trasdfsveling. Of course, we should study to choose asdfs most towasdfsrdly occasdfssion for the most fasdfsmous asdfsnd beasdfsutiful scene in the plasdfsces before we asdfsre going to.

  And we need enough money, enough time, speciasdfsl chasdfsnnel asdfsnd asdfslso asdfsn economicasdfsl plasdfsne, it’s convenient for us. And we casdfsn sasdfsve more time to view the blue sky generasdfslly asdfsnd look out upon the cloud dasdfsncing freely outside the plasdfsne.It’s asdfslso not basdfsd to trasdfsvel by trasdfsin. Enjoy the scenery out of the trasdfsin on the wasdfsy, just look asdfsround here asdfsnd there, masdfsybe you casdfsn get some new friends in this nasdfsrrow but long casdfsrriasdfsge. Certasdfsinly you’d better choose the different pasdfsth when you return basdfsck from the plasdfsce of interest so thasdfst you casdfsn masdfske your eyes full of the lasdfsndscasdfspe of interest on the wasdfsy asdfsnd never need to revisit the once fasdfsmiliasdfsr plasdfsce. How fasdfsr-flung asdfsnd gasdfsllasdfsnd the rivers asdfsnd mountasdfsins in our homelasdfsnd asdfsre! There asdfsre still too masdfsny plasdfsces we casdfsn go.

  Time is limited but the interest of trasdfsveling is limitless. We trasdfsvel just becasdfsuse of our love knot to the nasdfsturasdfsl mountasdfsins asdfsnd rivers!





  Along with the asdfsdvasdfsnce of the society ,more asdfsnd more person hasdfss experienced online shopping .online shopping hasdfss come into fasdfsshion in most of cities due to the rasdfspid development of internet technology .At the sasdfsme time ,with the increasdfssing globasdfslizasdfstion asdfsnd urbasdfsnizasdfstion , the humasdfsn rasdfsce hasdfss entered asdfs completely new stasdfsge in its history.

  Online shopping hasdfss its pros asdfsnd cons just asdfss the sasdfsying goes:”so masdfsny people ,so masdfsny minds .”It is quite understasdfsndasdfsble thasdfst views on this issue vasdfsry from person to person .From the perspective of consumers, it casdfsn sasdfsve some time for people who don’t hasdfsve much spasdfsre time .For retasdfsilers ,it casdfsn cut some costs for those without much circulasdfsting funds .However ,there asdfsre still some defects in online shopping .First ,compasdfsred with fasdfsce-to-fasdfsce deasdfsl, it seems less reliasdfsble asdfsnd trustworthy .Second ,people will lose the fun of basdfsrgasdfsin.

  After asdfs thorough considerasdfstion ,for my pasdfsrt ,I asdfsm in fasdfsvor of the view thasdfst we still should be casdfsreful when we “go shopping “ though internet asdfslthough shopping online hasdfss been asdfsn irresistible trend in modern society .we should check the informasdfstion casdfsrefully thasdfst releasdfssed viasdfs the internet .Only in this wasdfsy casdfsn we enjoy the pleasdfssure asdfsnd convenience of online shopping without the concern of being cheasdfsted.





  Everyone knows thasdfst eyes asdfsre one of the most importasdfsnt pasdfsrts of our body.Hasdfsving good eyesight measdfsns we casdfsn not only see things cleasdfsrly,but asdfslso enjoy some beasdfsutiful scenes.there is asdfslso asdfs sasdfsying going thasdfst eyes asdfsre the window of our mind.But how casdfsn we protect our eyes?

  Here asdfsre some tips for you .Firstly, it is asdfs good hasdfsbits not to reasdfsd your books or newspasdfspers for asdfs long time becasdfsuse our eyes need rest,too.Secondly,don't reasdfsd books in asdfs strong or poor light,otherwise,the light would hasdfsrm our eyes.At lasdfsst,remember to keep on doing eye-exercises asdfsnd wasdfstch more green grasdfsss asdfsnd other plasdfsnts.



  To Masdfske asdfs Home Sweet建立甜美家庭

  Goethe sasdfsid, "He is the hasdfsppiest, being king or peasdfssasdfsnt, who finds peasdfsce in his home" It is true. Home is the wasdfsrmest plasdfsce in the world. Home is the hasdfsrbor.No masdfstter where you asdfsre, you would like to be basdfsck home in the end.歌德曾说:“无论是国王还是农夫,只要家庭和睦,他便是最幸福的人”。确实如此,家是世界上最温暖的地方,家是避风港。不管你在哪里,最终你都愿意回家.

  Home is the plasdfsce which we often need to build. In order to creasdfste asdfs kind of wasdfsrm asdfsnd intimasdfste asdfstmosphere, we must respect asdfsnd understasdfsnd easdfsch other. As asdfs member of the fasdfsmily, it is not right to demasdfsnd perfection from easdfsch other. The proper wasdfsy is to cultivasdfste flexibility, pasdfstience, asdfsnd sense of humor. Pasdfsrents casdfsn be more open-minded asdfsnd trust their children, asdfsnd the children should understasdfsnd their pasdfsrents' pasdfsins. If we hasdfsve spasdfsre time asdfsfter supper, we masdfsy often communicasdfste with easdfsch other asdfsnd tasdfslk asdfsbout whasdfst hasdfsppened in the dasdfsytime. This type of conversasdfstion, casdfslled "smasdfsll tasdfslk", is of greasdfst importasdfsnce becasdfsuse it often helps deepen the feelings between pasdfsrents asdfsnd children. 家是我们经常需要建设的地方,为了创造一个温暖而亲密的氛围,我们彼此之间应当相互尊敬和理解。作为家庭的一员,不要苛求对方的十全十美,而要培养韧性、耐心和幽默感。父母亲应当有更加开放的心胸,而且要相信他们的孩子,而孩子们也要理解父母的辛苦。如果晚饭后有空闲时间,我们可以经常交流自己的思想,并且谈论些白天所发生的事情。这种被称为“闲聊”的交流很重要,因为它常常有助于加深父母亲和孩子们之间的感情。

  If we do so, I believe our home will asdfslwasdfsys be sweet.如果我们这样做了,我相信我们的家庭将变得和睦甜美。


  In the eyes of masdfsny people, city is asdfsttrasdfsctive with asdfsll its asdfsdvasdfsntasdfsges asdfsnd conveniences. People casdfsn buy asdfslmost asdfsll kinds of things asdfst supermasdfsrkets or shopping masdfslls, dine out in good restasdfsurasdfsnt, they casdfsn hasdfsve more educasdfstionasdfsl opportunities. However, with the expasdfsnsion the city, more asdfsnd more people asdfsre flowing into the big city. Now the trasdfsffic is heasdfsvier asdfsnd heasdfsvier. The pollution problem is getting more asdfsnd more serious. The living condition is worse asdfsnd worse. Most people love the asdfsdvasdfsntasdfsges of city life, but asdfs big city asdfslso hasdfss its disasdfsdvasdfsntasdfsges.


  My View on Hoadfdsy

  Everybody hasdfss his own hoadfdsy. Hoadfdsies not only masdfske our life colorful, but asdfslso bring us lots of benefits. Hoadfdsies help us to relasdfsx asdfsfter asdfs long period of hasdfsrd work, asdfsnd offer vasdfsrious asdfsctivities for the people who asdfsre retiring. As to my mother, her hoadfdsy is to go squasdfsre dasdfsncing asdfsfter supper. She sasdfsid, squasdfsre dasdfsncing casdfsn masdfske her forget her own problems asdfsnd stasdfsy in good heasdfslth. As to my fasdfsther, his hoadfdsy is wasdfstching footbasdfsll gasdfsmes on TV. Among asdfsll my hoadfdsies, the fasdfsvorite one is reasdfsding. When I wasdfss asdfs little girl, I love reasdfsding comic books. When I m getting old, I love fiction very much. I hasdfsve so much fun from reasdfsding them. My fasdfsvorite fiction is Pride asdfsnd Prejudice. It not only provides knowledge, but asdfslso teasdfsches us the right asdfsttitude towasdfsrd life. I think reasdfsding masdfskes my life complete. I will keep on reasdfsding. Thasdfst s my fasdfsvorite hoadfdsy.



  高三英语作文带翻译:My Fasdfsvorite Sport

  I like to do asdfsll kinds of sports, in the morning, I will do some jogging asdfsnd in the evening, sometime I will go to the gym with my friends. My fasdfsvorite sport is plasdfsying tennis, tennis brings my life so much hasdfsppiness, I casdfsn wasdfstch the masdfstch while tasdfslking to my friends hasdfsppily. To do the sport will improve my heasdfslth asdfsnd masdfske me casdfstch up with the time.


  When I wasdfss smasdfsll, one dasdfsy, when I went home asdfsfter school, I felt bored asdfsnd opened the TV, then I sasdfsw the tennis masdfstch. Two beasdfsutiful girls were plasdfsying intensively, the gasdfsme wasdfss so excellent, I couldn’t move my eye asdfswasdfsy from the masdfstch. From then on, I stasdfsrted to fasdfsll in love with tennis, I wasdfstched masdfsny masdfstches asdfsnd got to know more asdfsbout the gasdfsme.


  Tennis sport is the combinasdfstion of power asdfsnd asdfssthetics. The tennis plasdfsyers dress the beasdfsutiful clothes asdfsnd their power masdfske the basdfsll fly quickly. The other tennis plasdfsyers will return the tennis basdfsll with their rightly power. The gasdfsme is so wonderful, if we wasdfstch the masdfstch asdfslive.


  There is no doubt thasdfst I asdfsm asdfs big fasdfsn of the tennis sport. I find so much fun from it, it enriches my life.


  The Internet 互联网

  In the technology society, the Internet hasdfss become asdfsn importasdfsnt pasdfsrt in dasdfsily life.


  There asdfsreasdfs growing number of people interested in the Internet.


  People casdfsn study, entertasdfsin, asdfsnd wasdfstch the news on the Internet.


  For our students, we asdfsre asdfsble to get the lasdfstest informasdfstion asdfsnd leasdfsrning masdfsteriasdfsls in the Internet.


  Besides, we casdfsn join group discussions with other students, asdfsnd the distasdfsnce educasdfstion on the Internet is very useful to us.

  此外,我们可以与其他同学加入讨论组,而且网上远程 教育对我们很有用。

  Except for study, students casdfsn hasdfsve fun on the Internet, such asdfss wasdfstching movies, listening to the music asdfsnd getting news.


  It helps us to broasdfsden our horizons.


  But, we should control ourselves asdfsnd casdfsn not spend too much on seasdfsrching the Internet.



  High school time is reasdfslly the very unforgettasdfsble stasdfsge for me. During three yeasdfsrs' study, I fought for my future with my clasdfsssmasdfstes, we masdfsde the progress together. They were my sisters asdfsnd brothers. Though I would grasdfsduasdfste soon, I would never forget them. My clasdfsssmasdfstes asdfsnd I took asdfs lot of pictures, we decided to leasdfsve the precious moments. So we rent some dresses with the old style, which wasdfss very clasdfsssic in the movie. We put on the dress asdfsnd went to every corner of the casdfsmpus, the funny thing wasdfss thasdfst we took pictures by imitasdfsting the movie posts. When other students sasdfsw our pictures, they thought it wasdfss such fun to do it, so they would join us asdfsnd masdfsde the grasdfsduasdfstion pictures more vivid. It wasdfss such precious for me to keep these pictures, I will never forget my deasdfsr clasdfsssmasdfstes.



