
发布时间:2021-02-19 08:19:34   来源:文档文库   

英语名言警句带翻译 100

1、我们 这个世界 ,从不 会给一个伤心 的落伍 者颁发奖 牌。

Our world will never give a medal to a sad laggard.

2、生活 不是等待 风暴过 去,而是学会 在雨中 翩翩起舞 。

Life is not waiting for the storm to pass, but learning to dance in the rain.

3、在路 上,寻找 一个继 续的理由,寻 找一个 曾经的梦 想

On the way, to find a reason to continue, to find a dream.

4、只要 路是 对的 ,就不 害怕遥远 !

As long as the road is right, we are not afraid of being far away!

5、当你 的才华还 撑不起 你的野心时, 你就该 努力。

When your talent can't support your ambition, you should try.

6、富贵 不能淫, 贫贱不 能移,威武不 能屈。

Wealth cannot be prostituted, poverty cannot be removed, and power cannot be subdued.

7、时间 给空想者 痛苦, 给创造者幸福 。

Time gives the dreamer pain and the creator happiness.

8、学习 不一定成 功,不 学习一定不能 成功。

Learning doesn't have to be successful. Learning doesn't have to be successful.

9、有勇 气做真正 的自己 ,单独屹立, 不要想 做别人。

Have the courage to be yourself, stand alone, don't want to be someone else.

10 、乐观 地对 待失 败, 成功 就会 向你 招 手。

Be optimistic about failure and success will wave to you.


Don't care too much about everything. Follow your heart as you like. Gather more when you are deep, and follow it when you are shallow.

12、既然 选择了远方, 便只顾风 雨兼程。

Since the choice of the distance, they only focus on both wind and rain.

13、人生 重要的不是所 站的位置而是所朝的方 向。

What matters in life is not where we stand, but where we are heading.

14、流过 泪的眼睛更明 亮,滴过 血的心灵更坚强 。

The eyes that flow through tears are brighter, and the heart that drips blood is stronger.

15、你是 你人生的作者 ,何必把 剧本写得苦不堪 言。

You are the author of your life. Why do you have to write the script so hard.

16、只要 你全力以赴了 ,没有人 会嘲笑一个全力 以赴的人!

As long as you go all out, no one will laugh at a person who goes all out!

17、当眼 泪流 尽的 时候 ,留 下的 应该 是坚强 。

When tears run out, it should be strong.

18 、只要有坚强 的意志 力, 就自 然而然地会有能耐、机灵和知识

As long as we have strong willpower, we will naturally have ability, cleverness and knowledge.

19、想证 明自 己比 别人 聪明 的举 动, 就已证 明自 己比 别人 笨了。

If you want to prove that you are smarter than others, you have proved that you are dumber than others.

20、顺境 时显 现恶 习, 逆境 时凸 现美 德。

Good times show bad habits, bad times show virtue.

21、意志 坚强 的人 ,他 的世 界充 满着 无限的 可能 性。

Strong willed people, his world is full of infinite possibilities.

22、想要 不被 人践 踏, 你必 须足 够强 大。

You have to be strong enough not to be trampled on.


The happiness and joy of human beings lies in struggle, and the most valuable is to strive for the ideal.

24、每天 提升 正能量, 心中 充满 小太 阳。

Raise positive energy every day and fill your heart with the little sun.

25、意志 若是 屈从 ,不 论程 度如 何, 它都帮 助了 **

If will is subservient, it helps violence no matter how much.

26、困难 像弹 簧, 你强 它就 弱, 你弱 它就强 。

Difficulties are like springs. If you are strong, you will be weak. If you are weak, you will be strong.

27、智慧 是死 的默 而是 生的 沉思。

Wisdom is not the meditation of death, but the meditation of


28、强者 不是 没有 眼泪 ,只 是可 以含 着眼泪 向前 跑。

The strong are not without tears, but can run forward with tears.

29 、放弃 不难 ,但 坚持 一定 很酷 。

It's not hard to give up, but it must be cool to persist.

30、勤奋的含义是这天的热血,而不是明天的决心,后天的保证。 Diligence means the blood of this day, not the determination

of tomorrow and the guarantee of the day after tomorrow.

31 、遇顺 境, 处之 淡然 ,遇 逆境 ,处 之 泰然 。

In the face of prosperity, in the indifferent, in the face of adversity, in the calm.

32、蜜蜂 整日 忙碌 ,受 到赞 扬, 蚊子 不停奔 波, 人见 人打 。

Bees are busy all day, praised, mosquitoes keep running, people see people fight.

33、即使 遇到了不幸的 灾难,已 经开始了的事情 决不放弃。

Even in the face of an unfortunate disaster, never give up what has already begun.

34、自己 选择的路,跪 着也要把 它走完。

Choose your own way, kneel and walk it out.

35、不为 模糊不清的未 来担忧, 只为清清楚楚的 现在努力。

Don't worry about the vague future, just strive for the clear present.

36、总有 人比你好看, 比你聪明 ,比你年轻,但 没人能取代你。

There are always people who are better looking, smarter and younger than you, but no one can replace you.

37、生命 之灯因热情而 点燃,生 命之舟因拼搏而 前行。

The lamp of life is ignited by passion, and the boat of life moves forward by struggle.

38、执着 追求并从中得 到最大快 乐的人,才是成 功者。

Only those who are persistent in pursuing and getting th e most happiness from it are successful.

39、我走 得很慢,但绝 不回头。

I walk slowly, but never look back.

40、只有 一种成功,那 就是能够 用自己的方式度 过自己的一生。

There is only one kind of success, that is to be able to spend your life in your own way.

41、当你 的眼泪流尽的时候,留 下的应该是坚强。

When your tears run out, you should be strong.

42、这世 上最不会贬值的投资, 就是为自己努力。

The least devalued investment in the world is to work for yourself.

43、弱的 时候,坏人最多,这个 世界的温柔,来自于你的强大。

When weak, the most bad people, the world's gentleness, from your strong.

44、有志 始知蓬莱近,无为总觉 咫尺远。

With ambition, Penglai is near, but Wuwei is always close.

45、跌倒 ,撞墙,一败涂地,都 不用害怕,年轻叫你勇敢。

Don't be afraid to fall, hit the wall or fail. Youth makes you brave.

46、没有 天生 的信 只有 不断 培养 的信心

There is no innate confidence, only the constant cultivation of confidence.

47 、一笔 一画 关乎 成绩 ,一 字一 句决 定 人生 。

Every painting is about achievement, and every word determines life.

48 、用损 人的 毒刺 去伤 人, 也会 伤自 己 ,以 善良 的眼 睛看 世 界。

To hurt people with poisonous stabs will hurt yourself and see the world with good eyes.

49、流过 泪的眼睛更明亮,滴过 血的心灵更坚强!

The eyes that flow through tears are brighter, and the heart that drips blood is stronger!

50、太阳 虽有黑点,却在奋力燃 烧中树立了光辉的形象。

Although the sun has black spots, it has set up a brilliant image in the struggle to burn.

51、遇到 困难时不要放弃,要记 住,坚持到底就是胜利。

Don't give up when you are in trouble. Remember that to stick to the end is to win.

52、敢于 梦想,勇于梦 想,这个 世界永远属于追 梦的人。

Dare to dream, dare to dream, the world will always belong to those who pursue dreams.

53、只要 不放下努力和 追求,小 草也有点缀春天 的价值。

As long as we don't put down our efforts and pursuit, grass also has the value of embellishing spring.

54、绝大 多数人,在绝大多数时 候,都只能靠自己。

Most people, for the most part, can only rely on themselves.

55、只会 在水泥地上走路的人, 永远不会留下深深的脚印。

People who can only walk on the concrete floor will never leave deep footprints.

56 、做最 好的 今天 ,回 顾最 好的 昨天 , 迎接 最美 好的 明天 。

Be the best today, review the best yesterday and welcome the best tomorrow.

57、有压 力, 但不 会被 压垮 ;迷 茫, 但永不 绝望 。

There is pressure, but will not be crushed; confused, but never despair.

58 、坚强 的面 对挫 折, 即使 伤到 麻木 , 会难 过, 不会 报复 。

Strong in the face of setbacks, even if the injury to numbness, will be sad, will not retaliate.

59、一个 人知 道自 己为 什么 而活 ,就 可以忍 受任 何一 种生 活。

A person who knows why he lives can bear any kind of life.

60、活着 ,就 要善 待自 己。 别跑 到别 人的生 命里 当插 曲。

To live is to be kind to yourself. Don't run into other people's lives as an episode.

61 、成大 事不 在于 力量 的大 小, 而在 于 能坚 持多 久。

It's not about strength, it's about how long you can last.

62、现实 很近 又很 冷, 梦想 很远 却很 温暖。

The reality is very close and cold, the dream is very far but very warm.

63、求而 不得 ,舍 而不 能, 得而 不惜 ,这就 是人 的悲 哀。

It's human's sorrow to ask but not to, to give up but not to, to get at all.

64、心里 是光 明的 ,黑 暗就 会在 你的 面前退 却

The heart is bright, and darkness will recede before you.

65、怎能 轻易被打败,我们只会 越来越强。

How can we be defeated easily? We will only become stronger and stronger.

66 、走, 只为 给自 己找 个方 向。

Go, just to find a direction for yourself.

67、生命 不是要超越别人,而是 要超越自己。

Life is not to surpass others, but to surpass oneself.

68、人生 要成沉淀,要有定力, 一个人定力不够会浮躁。

Life should be precipitated and fixed. If one's fixed force is not enough, he will be impetuous.

69、相信 别人,放弃自 己,这是 许多人失败人生 的开始!

Believe in others, give up oneself, this is the beginning of many people's failure life!

70 、愚者 偏爱 物的 珍贵 ,智 者偏 爱时 间 的珍 贵。

The fool prefers the precious of things, the wise prefer the precious of time.

71、机会 只对进取有为的人开放 ,庸人永远无法光顾。

Opportunities are only open to enterprising and promising people, and mediocre people can never visit.

72、黑夜 给了我黑色眼睛,而我 注定会用它寻找光芒。

Night gives me black eyes, and I am destined to use it to find light.

73、你给 世界一个什么姿态,世 界将还你一个什么样的人生。

What attitude you give the world, what kind of life the world will give you.

74 、一个 有决 心的 人, 将会 找到 他的 道 路。

A determined man will find his way.

75、因为 年轻我们一无所有,也 正因为年轻我们将拥有一切。

Because young we have nothing, and because young we will have everything.

76 、每天 都要 让自 己有 所收 获, 有所 进 步。

Every day, we should make our own gains and progress.

77、敢于 向黑 暗宣 战的 人, 心里 必须 充满光 明。

Those who dare to declare war on the dark must be full of light.

78、你要 是爬山,就爬到底,一 跌倒就会跌到深渊里。

If you climb the mountain, you will climb to the end. If you fall, you will fall into the abyss.

79、寒梅 之所以能独秀,是因为 它够坚强与坚信。

The reason why Hanmei can be outstanding is that she is strong and firm enough.

80 、火把 倒下 焰依 然向 上。

The torch fell and the flame continued to rise.

81、做一 个决定,并不难,难的 是付诸行动,并且坚持到底

It's not difficult to make a decision. What's difficult is to put it into action and stick to it.

82、千万 不要过于执着,而使自 己背上沉重的包袱。

Don't be too persistent, and make yourself carry a burden.

83、有了 坚定的意志,就等于给 双脚添了一对翅膀。

Having a firm will is like adding a pair of wings to your feet.

84、生活 总会给你另一个机会, 这个机会叫明天。

Life will always give you another chance, which is tomorrow.

85、难过 时, 吃一 粒糖 ,告 诉自 己生 活是甜 的!

Sad, eat a sugar, tell yourself life is sweet!

86、不要 自卑,你不比别人笨。 不要自满,别人不比你笨。

Don't feel inferior. You are no more stupid than others. Don't

be complacent. Others are no more stupid than you.

87、替别 人着 想, 为自 己而 活。

Think for others and live for yourself.

88、一个 人的 成功 不取 决于 他的 智慧 , 而是 毅力 。

A man's success does not depend on his wisdom, but on his perseverance.

89、经过 大海 的一 番磨 砺, 卵石 才变 得 更加 美丽 光滑 。

After the sea, the pebbles become more beautiful smooth.

90、与积 极的 人在 一起 ,可 以让 我们 心情高 昂。

Being with positive people can lift our spirits.

91、人生 如天 气, 可预 料, 但往 往出 乎意料 。

Life is like weather, predictable, but often unexpected.

92、坚持 自己 的梦 想, 即使 没有 翅膀 也能飞 翔。

Stick to your dream, even without wings, you can fly.

93、因为 有悔 ,所 以披 星戴 月; 因为 有梦, 所以 奋不 顾身 。

Because there is regret, so the stars wear the moon; because there is a dream, so desperate.

94、昨天 下了 雨, 今天 刮了 风, 明天 太阳就 出来 了。

It rained yesterday, blew today, and the sun will come tomorrow.

95、时间 再也 禁不 起浪 费, 青春 也没 有多少 可以 后悔 。

Time can no longer afford to waste, there is not much youth to regret.

96、人不 断地 成长 ,就 是为 了超 越环 境 的限 制。

People's continuous growth is to transcend the limits of the environment.

97、船存 在的 意义 在于 海, 而海 存在 的 意义 却不 在于 船

The meaning of ship existence lies in the sea, but the meaning of sea existence does not lie in ship.

98、有时 候要 到达 谷底 ,才 会慢 慢变 好 。

Sometimes it's better to get to the bottom.

99、只有不断找寻机会的人才会及时把握机会越努力 Only those who keep looking for opportunities them in time. The harder they work, the luckier they will be.

100 、绝望 的时 候抬 头看 希望 就在 远处 闪闪 发光

Look up when you are in despair, hope is shining away.


