
发布时间:   来源:文档文库   
1 查莉成长日
3 才九个月大
are. S01E01Good luck Charlie S01E01 看看你 Hi, Charlie, there you are. 2 Charlie 多可爱啊 Nine months old and look how cute you 4 再看看我也多可爱 And look how cute I am. 5 我是你的姐姐 TeddyIt's your big sister Teddy here, 6 我在拍视频日记 And I'm making this video diary 7 来帮你立足于我们这个 To help you survive our... 8 特别的家 Special family. 9 看来老爸已经教了你怎么吃香蕉了 Oh, hey. Looks like dad taught you how to eat bananas. 10 这是妈妈 Oh, and there's mom, 11 今天早上看起来最可爱了 Looking lovelier than ever this morning. 12 没心情拍 Not in the mood. 13 好了 我觉得你已经吃够香蕉了 Okay. I think you've had enough bananas. 14 我们改吃点甜豌豆吧 So we're switching to sweet peas! 15 你会喜欢吃的 快看 妈妈认为它们很美味哦 You're gonna love them. Look, mommy thinks they're so yummy. 16 非常聪明 一定要让妈妈先尝 懂吗 Very smart. Always make mommy try it first, okay? 17 那是你的大哥 PJOh, and there's your older brother PJ 18 通常在最后一分钟赶今天的家庭作业 Doing today's homework at the last minute as usual. 19 这不是今天的家庭作业 It's not today's homework. 20 这是昨天的家庭作业 This is yesterday's homework. 21 你可能有机会和你哥哥 There's a chance you two will be 22 一起念高中哦 in high school together. 23 那是爸爸在准备明天的工作 Oh, and there's dad preparing for another day's work. 24 他靠杀虫来赚钱 He kills bugs for a living. 25 宝贝 拜托 我们已经说过这个了 Honey, come on. we've been through this. 26 我不是杀虫 I don't kill bugs. 27 我是害虫防治专家 I'm a pest control specialist. 28 一样啊 Either way... 29 现在你已经见过所有家庭成员啦 So now you've met the whole family. 30 忘记某人了吧 Forgetting somebody? 31Gabe 不是 不是的 我没有忘记你 Gabe! no no no. I didn't forget about you. 32 你是压轴的 I was just saving the best for last. 33Charlie 那是你的小哥哥 GabeGharlie, that was your younger older brother Gabe. 34 你想对 Charlie 说点什么吗 You want to say something to Charlie? 35 你毁了我的生活 You ruined my life. 36 好了 看来 Gabe 还需要点时间 Okay, so it's tak ing Gabe a little bit Ion ger 37 来适应你 因为你就是个惊喜 To get used to you. You were kind of a surprise. 38 惊喜应该是好事啊 I thought surprises were supposed to be good. 39 And... cut. 40 大家听着 Okay, gang, listen up.

41 我今晚要回医院工作 I'm going back to work tonight at the hospital 42 这是 Charlie 出生后我第一次上班 For the first time since Charlie was born, 43 所以我想让你们全都待在家 So I want everyone to stay at home 44- 帮你爸爸照顾宝宝 - 等下 不行 - and help dad with the baby. - Wait-- no, mom. 45 我今晚不能待家里 I'm not gonna be here tonight. 46 我已经和人约好去图书馆学习了 I have a study date at the library. 47 你的意思是借学习之机 Don't you mean "studly" date... 48 Spencer 约会吧 With Spencer? 49 留着亲你的枕头吧 Oh, save it for your pillow. 50 我很抱歉 Teddy 但是你得重新安排你的计划 I'm sorry, Teddy, but you're just gonna have to reschedule. 51 但是 But, dad-- 52- Bob - 爸爸现在也不管用了 - Bob! - Uh, dad's not available right now. 53 妈妈 别误会我的意思 Mom, don't take this the wrong way, 54 但是你们为什么非得生第四个宝宝 But why did you guys have to have another baby? 55 那个嘛 因为三个孩子太好养了 Well, because three kids was just too easy. 56 胆小鬼才只生三个 Three's for quitters. 57Teddy 你不至于去和 And Teddy, you know better than to schedule 58 一个我从来没见过的男生约会“学习”吧 a study date with a boy I've never met. 59 拜托 作为爸爸,有责任 Come on. as dad, it's my responsibility 60 知道我孩子的每个生活细节 to know every detail of my kids' lives. 61 是吗 Oh yeah? 62 我上的是哪个学校? What school do I go to? 63 以某个总统命名的 Um-- the one named after that president. 64 对了 我得开车送你们去学校了 Hey, you know what? I've got to drive you kids to school. 65- 我们走吧 - 等下 我还没吃早饭呢 - Let's go. - Wait, I haven't had breakfast yet. 66- 快点 我们走 - 一天中最重要的一餐
- Come on, let's go. - Most important meal of the day 67- 我从没吃到过 - 我们走吧 - Never got it. - Let's go! 68- 我还得载你去罗斯福小学呢 - 是林肯小学 - I've gotta get you to... Roosevelt? - Lincoln. 69 记住了 Got it. 70 71 生活搞得一团糟 Day's all burnt toast 72 就要迟到 爸爸在叫 Running late, and dad says 73 我左脚的鞋子有没有人看到 Has anybody seen my left shoe 74 我闭上双眼 咬口早餐 I close my eyes, take a bite 75 跳上车子 放声大笑 Grab a ride, laugh out loud 76 就在这里 我们的家 There it is up on the roof 77 我也曾这样生活 我已经顺利走过 I've been there, I've survived 78
所以听取我的建 So just take my advice 79 宝贝 不要放弃 80
可是我知道你会有世界有很多疯狂无奈 Hang in there, baby, things are
crazy But I know your future is bright
81 宝贝 不要放弃 Hang in there, Baby

82 不要怀疑 There is no maybe 83 一切终会如你所愿 Eveything turns out all right 84 生活有悲有喜 Sure life is up and down 85 可是请相信我 坚持就有好结果 But trust me, it comes back all around 86 你会喜欢将来的你 You're gonna love who you turn out to be 87 宝贝 不要放弃 Hang in there, Baby 89 老公 我去上班了 Bob honey, I'm leaving for work! 90 这是 Charlie 的生活安排 Okay, honey, here's Charlie's schedule. 91 这上面写着什么时候喂她 It tells you when to feed her, 92 什么时候换尿布 什么时候睡觉 When to change her and when to put her down. 93 宝贝 尽管放心 Sweetheart, would you relax? 94 一切尽在全能老爹的掌控之中呢 Big daddy's got this all under control. 95 好了 不要以为你的烧烤围裙上写着全能老爹 Okay, just because that's on your barbecue apron 96 你就当真了 Doesn't make it true. 97 如果 Charlie 哭闹了 她的橡胶鸭子可以让她安静下来 Now if charlie gets fussy, her rubber ducky will calm her down. 98 它们到处都是 拜托你小心点 They're all over the place. Please be careful- 99- 它们到处都是 - 亲爱的 - They're all over the place. - Honey... 100 你似乎忘记了我已经一把屎一把尿 You seem to forget I was fully involved 101 养育了三个孩子 in the raising of three kids. 102 是吗 我生日是什么时候 Oh, yeah? When's my birthday? 103- 5 12 - 11 23 - July 12th. - November 23rd. 104 记住了 Got it. 105 祝你好运 CharlieGood luck, Charlie. 106 拜拜 Mwah! Bye. 107 拜拜 Bye. 108 爸爸 Hey, dad? 109- 什么事 - 我有个家庭作业的问题问你 - Yeah? - I have a homework question. 110 说吧 Okay, fire away. 111 一般人能舔到自己的腋窝吗 Can the average human lick his own armpit? 112- 可以 - 谢了 - Yeah. - Thanks. 113 那是什么作业 科学问题吗 So what was that, like a science question? 114 不是
Nope. 我来开门 I'll get it. I'll get it. 其他115 我来开门 人都不许碰 I'll get it. Nobody else get 116 我来开门 it! 你好 - Hi. - Hi. 117- 你好 - 118 好啊 Hi! 119 我是 Teddy 的爸爸 I'm Teddy's dad. 120 很高兴见到你 先生 Nice to meet you, sir. 121 Spencer 和我要学习了 Uh, Spencer and I are studying 122- 我们得准备明天的生物测验 - 真的吗 - for our biology test tomorrow. - Are you, now? 123 是的 没错 所以请大家离开好吗 Yes. yes, we are, so can everyone please leave?
124 你不用 Not you. 125- Teddy - 什么事 - Teddy. - Yeah? 126 我记得你妈说过不许约会学习的 I thought your mom said no study date. 127 是啊 不能在图书馆 Yeah, at the library. 128 Oh, right. 129 那么你和她说了在家里学吗 Okay, so then you've talked to her about this? 130 我当然说了 Of course I did. 131 我的意思是 我非常确定我说过了 I mean, I'm-- I'm pretty sure I did. 132 只不过我每天和不同的人 It's just I talk to so many different people 133 说不同的事 about so many different things. 134 你们家怎么有个这么巨大的虫子? Why is there a giant bug in your house? 135 朋友 那个 That, my friend, 136 叫做沙螽 is the jerusalem cricket, 137 外行通常管它叫马铃薯瓢虫 Better known to the layman as the potato bug. 138- 我是个害虫专家 - 又来了 - I'm an exterminator. - Here we go. 139 你看过我在本地有线电视台做的广告吗 Hey, have you seen my ad on local cable-- 140Bob 赶走了所有害虫” "Bob's bugs be gone"? 141 是吗 我们怎么才能赶走 BobYeah, how do we make Bob be gone? 142 好吧 你们要做家庭作业 Okay. you've got homework to do. 143 我要去换尿布了 I've got a diaper to change. 144 她的 不是我的 Hers-- not mine. 145 我还没老到那地步呢 I ain't that old! 146 我还是上楼去吧 I'm gonna be upstairs. 147- Gabe 出去 - 好吧- Gabe-- out. - Okay, fine. 148 不过有个帅哥什么时候来啊 But when's that hot guy getting here? 149 出去 Out! 150- 小孩子 - - Kids. - Yeah. 151 惨了 我把书忘在学校了 Oh man, I left my book at school. 152 没关系 我们看一本就行 Oh, that's okay, we can just share mine. 153- 可以吗 - 完美 - Is that okay? - Perfect. 154 Good, 155 因为这都只是为了学习 Cause I'm all about the learnin'. 156- 我去拿铅笔 - 我有
- Let me just grab a pencil. - Oh yeah, I might have one. 157 我想我把铅笔忘在学校了 I think I left my pencils at school. 158 我也是 Me too. 159 女士们 先生们 Ladies and gentlemen! 160有请PJ和感应乐队 PJ and the Vibe! 161 看来你就住在那个怪小子 PJ 的隔壁啊
Wow, sounds like you live right next door to that weird PJ kid. 162 他不在隔壁 Hmm. Yeah, he's not next door. 163 他在楼下 He's downstairs... 164 而且他是我哥 And he's my brother. 165 抱歉 Oh! oh, I'm-- I'm sorry. 166 我也是 Yeah, me too.
167 等下 等下 等下 Wait wait wait! stop stop! 168Emmett 开头你应该用强拍的
Emmett, you were supposed to open with the downbeat. 169 哥们 我是打击乐器 Dude, I'm percussion, 170 让我“打击” Let me "percush"! 171 拜托了 两位 For crying out loud, guys! 172 你好嘛 What's up? 173 你们能小声点吗 我们正在学习
Can you please turn it down? We're trying to study. 174 不能 妹妹 在摇滚乐里只有一种境界
No can do, sis. There's only one level in rock 'n' roll. 175 那就是响亮 And that is loud! 176 我想我们可以体谅一下你妹妹
Whoa whoa. I think we can accommodate your little sister. 17 拜托 Excuse me, 178 这个组合可是叫 PJ 和感应乐队
But the band is called PJ and the vibe. 179 “感应”就没发言权吗 So what, the Vibe doesn't get a say? 180 我就是感应 I-- I'm the vibe. 181 是啊 了解了 Yeah, I got that. 182 所以你和我产生心灵感应了哈
Oh, so you got my vibe, huh? 183 我还是回去吧 I'm gonna be over here. 184- 关小声点 - 你不能阻挡我对艺术的追求
- Turn it down now. - You will not censor my art. 185 我不会安静的 I will not be silent! 186hey! 187 如果再逼我下来的话
If I have come down here again, 188 这个会插在某个地方
this gets plugged into somewhere else 189Okay? 190 对了 她和谁一起学习呢
Yo, who's she up there studying with anyway? 191 是不是又一位美女
Is there a second fine lady in the house? 192 是她迷恋的男生 Some guy she's totally into. 193 我不敢相信她居然对我不忠
I can't believe she's cheating on me. 194 她没有对你不忠 她都不知道有你这个人
She's not cheating on you. She barely knows you exist. 195 不对 我们只是关系进展比较慢而已 No, see, our relationship is just developing slowly. 196- 你们没关系 -

- No, there is no relationship. - Yes, there is. 197- 没有 是你的幻想 - 不是 - No, it's all in your head! - no, 198 才不是 因为连我妈都知道我们的关系 it's not, 'cause even my mum know about it 199 好了 我们学到哪儿了 Now then, where were we? 200 其实 我记得你刚才坐得更近些的
You know, actually, I think you were a little bit closer. 201 好了 细胞呼吸作用 All right-- cellular respiration. 202- 你介意吗 - 一点也不 - Do you mind? - not at all. 203 趁这个时候 While we're at it- 204- 你们干嘛呢 - Gabe- What are you doing? - Oh! gabe! 205- 你想怎么样啊 - 吃晚饭 - What do you want? - Dinner! 206 一整天都没人给我做饭 Nobody's fed me all day! 207 我也算这个家的一员 对吧 And I am still part of this family, right? 208 冰箱里还有个吃了一半的三明治
There's a half-eaten sandwich in the fridge 209 自己去吃吧 Knock yourself out. 210 好了 所有兄弟都搞定了
All right. Now my brothers are all taken care of. 211- 太好了 - 不会再有人打搅我们了
- Good. - And there will be no more interruptions. 212- Teddy - 天呐 - Teddy! - Oh, god! 213- 你想干嘛 - 我需要你 - What do you want?! - I need you 214 照看下宝宝 to watch the baby for a sec. 215 No! 216 No! 217 不准告诉你妈 Nobody tells mom! 218 到这儿来 CharlieCome here, Charlie. 219 好了 Oh, yes. 220- Charlie 没事 - 但是我有事 - Charlie's fine. - Ooh! But I'm not. 221 TeddyUh, Teddy, 222 PJ 去发动油门
Tell PJ to fire up the bug truck, 223 我想我得去趟医院
I think I gotta go to the hospital. 224 还有 Teddy 接下来你得照顾下宝宝
Oh, and Teddy, you're gonna have to watch the baby. 225 好吧 No! Okay. 226 放松点 十分钟后就到医院 Relax, be the hospital in 10 mintues 227 知道了 拜托尽快 Okay, just please please hurry.

228 我的屁股在燃烧 Oh, wow! My butt is on fire! 229 真是见鬼了 That is so weird! 230 上周 Emmett 和我写一首歌 Last week, Emmett and I wrote a so ng 231 就是这句话 With that exact same title. 232 那太好了 儿子 但是请你别唱了 That's great, son. just please don't sing-- 233- 的屁股在燃烧 - 234 烫的面积和轮胎一样大 别唱了 - My butt is on fire! ? 235 别唱了 Stop it! 236- 拳打甲壳虫 - 239- 你想玩认车牌游戏吗 240 密歇根州(车牌)
Michigan. 241- 也许我该走了 - - Maybe I should go. - no! 242 她马上就喝完这瓶了 Um, she's almost done with bottle 243 然后她就会睡觉了 And then she'll go right to sleep. 244 我们就能约会 --- 学习了 Then we can studly-- I mean study. 245 我们学到哪儿了 Now, uh, where were we? 246Okay. 247- - 什么是细胞呼吸作用 - Yeah. - What is cellular respiration? 248 就是葡萄糖及其他化合物 That's when glucose and other compounds 249 发生氧化反应释放化学能 oxidize to produce chemical energy, 250- 还有水和二氧化碳 - - water and carbon dioxide. - Mm-hmm. 251 也被称为屁 Also known as poop. 252 老天 Oh, boy. 253 忍着点 老爸 Hang in there, dad. 254 屁股火区扩散了 Wow! Butt fire spreading. 255- 医生在哪里 - 我去找找 - Where's the doctor? - I'll go see. 256 等等 等等 等等 Okay, wait wait wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. 257 等等 我们不要让妈知道我们在这 是不 Wait. wait. We don't want mom to know we're here, right? 258 所以小心点 So please be careful. 259 不要引人注意 Just try and blend in. 260 老爸 拜托 Dad, come on. 261 这么帅怎么可能不引人注目 It's hard for this to blend in. 262 那就想个办法 Just figure something out. 263 想个办法 "figure something out." 264 想个办法 "figure something out." 265 妈妈 Mom! 266 你是医生吗 You're the doctor? 267 是的 Yes. 268 我是 I am. 269 我是医生 I am doctor... 270 Chandrasooleewan 医生 Shh-- Chandrasooleewan. 271- 你是印第安人吗 - 我们更愿意被称为美国原住民
- Are you Indian? - We prefer to be called Native American.
- Stop it. It's the size of a 你在干嘛 - Punch buggy! - Ow! What are you doing?! - 不想 - Hey, you want to play license plate 237238 拜托你好好开车啦
Could you drive, please?!
272 你真的是个医生吗 Are you sure you're a real doctor? 273 你看起来太年轻了 You look kinda young. 274 你说话口气跟我老婆一样 You sound like my wife. 275 好了 Okay, uh-- 276 你哪儿出问题了 What seems to be the problem? 277 有个鱼钩扎在我嘴唇上了 I have a fish hook in my lip! 278- 怎么搞成这样的 - 我爸不擅长钓鱼
- How'd this happen? - My dad is not a very good fisherman. 279 我爸不擅长下楼梯
Hey, mine's not a very good walking-down-the-stairs man. 280 那么 So-- 281 我猜你得有九十七磅吧 I'm guessing you're a 97-pounder. 282 乖宝宝 Hush, little baby 283 快睡觉 Go beddy-bye 284Teddy 想吻那个很帅的男孩 Teddy wants to kiss a really cute guy. 285 怎么样了 How's it going? 286 不错 孩子快睡着了 Well, we're getting there. 287 啧啧啧 看看这是谁啊 Well well well. What have we here? 288Emmett 你怎么还在这儿 Emmett, why are you still here? 289 我在找厨房 Well, I was looking for the kitchen, 290 但是我好像不小心进了舞厅 But I seem to have stumbled upon the ballroom. 291- 你好 - Teddy 我是你隔壁的 Dabney 夫人 - hello? - Teddy, it's Mrs Dabney from next door. 292 我没看见你的猫 No, I have not seen your cat. 293 我打给你是因为你弟弟 I'm calling about your brother; 294 他要把我家都吃空了 He's eating me out of house and home 295Gabe 离我的馅饼远点 Gabe! Step away from the pie! 296 知道了 我马上来 Okay, I'll be right there. 297 等下 Spencer 我两分钟后回来
All right. spencer, I'll be back in like two minutes. 298 千万别走 Emmett 出去走走 Don't go anywhere. emmett, go somewhere. 299 你对我的女朋友有何居心 So what do you think you're doing with my girlfriend? 300 她才不是你女朋友 She's not your girlfriend 301 好吧 也许我们两个该到门外 Okay, maybe me and you need to step outside... 302 这样你就能送我上自行车了 So you can walk me to my bike. 303 你是来给我做海绵擦浴的吗 You here to give me my sponge bath? 304- PJ - 妈妈 - PJ? - Hey, mom. 305 你在这做什么 What are you doing here? 306 我告诉你我不会做什么吧 I'll tell you what I'm not doing here- 307 我不会给多毛的人做擦浴的
Giving sponge baths to big hairy guys. 308 所以 妈妈 有什么事吗 So, mom, what's-- what's the happs?

309 什么 What's-- 310 亲爱的 Hey, honey! 311- Bob - 干的漂亮 儿子 - Bob! - Nice work, son. 312 好了 到底出什么事了 Okay, what's going on here? 313 爸爸摔下楼梯了然后屁股开花了 Dad fell down the stairs and broke his butt. 314- 那时没抱着孩子吧 - 抱着呢 - You weren't holding the baby, were you? - Um, yes-- 315 然后没有 再然后又抱着了 Then no, then yes again. 316Bob 你答应过我这个孩子不能再摔了 Bob, you promised me you weren't gonna drop this one! 317 亲爱的 听着 这只是个小意外 Honey, look, it was just a little accident. 318 顺便说句 我那一接太精彩了 Oh, and by the way, for the record-- an amazing catch! 319 我就知道我犯了个大错误 I knew this was a huge mistake. 320 我不应该回来工作的 I never should've gone back to work. 321 宝贝 没事的 Sweetheart, this is all gonna be okay. 322 才不会没事 No. no, it's not. 323 这也太难了 我做不来 It's too hard. I can't do this. 324 我意思是说 我怎么会天真到以为我可以一边全职工作 I mean, what made me think I could go back to work full time 325 一边照顾好四个孩子 326 我是个糟糕的母亲 327 你不是的 328 听着 如果know! 330 你们两个冷静点好
331 你们是很棒的父母 332 Teddy Gabe 在都很不错啊 Teddy, gabe and me turned out pretty good. 333 是的 别难过了 Yeah, come on. 334 我们还是做对了不少事情 We've got to be doing something right. 335 我是说 快看 我们的儿子当医生了 I mean, hey, look at this-- our son's a doctor. 336 我是认真的 我们两个都得忙工作 I'm serious. With both of us working, 337 可怜的小 Charlie 就又没人照顾了 Poor little Charlie doesn't stand a chance. 338 放心吧 没人会让你一个人照顾孩子的 Come on, no one's going solo on this. 339 我们几个小孩都会帮你的 All us kids are gonna help out. 340 不管 Charlie 成长过程中出了什么差错 And if charlie gets a little messed up along the way, 341 我们会一起承担责任的 We can all share the blame. 342Chandrasooleewan 请到手术室 Dr Chandrasooleewan to the operating room. 343 真是忙个没完啊 It never ends! 345 我很抱歉 Dabney 夫人 但是你 Sorry about that, Mrs Dabney, but you 346 也许不该让他进门的 probably shouldn't let him in. 347 我没让他进啊 他自己从猫洞里爬进来的
I didn't let him in. He crawled through the cat door. 348Gabe 你有什么要对 Dabney 夫人说的吗
Gabe, is there something you want to say to Mrs Dabney? 349 Yeah. 350 你明天晚上打算做什么? What are you fixing tomorrow night? and take care of four kids? No no, you're not. 我才是个糟糕的父亲 Look, if anything, I'm a horrible father. Would you guys chill? You're great 真要说, 329 我知道 I I'm a terrible mother.
351352 修理猫洞 The cat door. 353 我会保证锁好它的 Gonna make sure it's locked. 354 好了 我想我们要走了 Okay. I think we're done here. 355- 晚安 - 是的 - Good night. - It is now. 356 好了 我们回家吧 All right, let's go. 357- 你在干嘛 - 现在你突然 - What are you doing? - Oh, so now you're suddenly 358- 对我感兴趣了 - Gabe 你是我弟弟
- interested in me? - gabe, you're my little brother. 359 我从来都没对你感过兴趣 I've never been interested in you. 360 我开玩笑呢 I'm kidding. 361 到底怎么了 What's going on? 362 自从这个宝宝来到世上 Ever since the baby arrived, 363 每个人都总是忽略我 Everyone's been ignoring me. 364 我觉得我是隐形的 I feel like I'm invisible. 365 我就是个窝囊的排行中间的孩子 I'm just the loser middle kid... 366 就像你一样 Like you. 367 当个排行中间的孩子并没有让我变得窝囊啊
Just because I'm a middle kid doesn't make me a loser. 368 那是什么让你变得窝囊了 Then what does make you a loser? 369 我不窝囊 拜托 I am not a loser. Okay? 370 我本来也是最小的 And I was a baby once. 371 然后你来到了这世上 And then you came along. 372 开始我也不开心 And I was not happy about it. 373 但是后来我看到你在 PJ 身上撒尿 我就想 But then you peed on PJ and I thought, 374 给这个孩子一个机会吧 "Hey, give the kid a shot." 375 听着 总有一天你会像我看待你那样 Look, someday you're gonna feel the same way 376 看待 Charlie a bout Charlie that I feel about you. 377 那么 你怎么看待我的 Well, how do you feel about me? 378 这么说吧 Let's put it this way-- 379 全校最帅的男生现在就在我们家里
The hottest guy in school is at our house right now, 380 而我现在却和你在一起 And I'm here with you. 381 看她多可爱啊 Look how cute she is. 382 我已经开始对她有好感了 I am warming up to her already! 383 好了 Charlie 已经睡着了 Gabe 在玩电子游戏 Okay, Charlie's asleep, Gabe's playing a video game

384 我们终于可以独处了 And we are finally alone. 385 大家好 Hey, everybody! 386 我尾骨撞伤了 I have a bruised coccyx. 387 拜托 Oh, come on! 388 这个词搞笑 That's a funny word. 389 尾骨 Coccyx! 390 医生给他开了止痛药 The doctor gave him pain medication. 391 是我放屁了吗 不好意思 Was that me? Sorry. 393 其实 是接我的人来了 394 当然是了 Of course it is. 395 很高兴见到你 小伙子 396 晚安 宝贝 Oh, good night, sweetheart. 397 晚安 先生 Good night, sir. 398- 晚安 - 晚安 - Good night. - Good night. 399 尾骨 Coccyx! 400 这就是爸如何抢走我的初吻的 So that's how dad got my first kiss 401 还有你的第一次飞翔 And how you flew for the first time. 402 但是好消息是 But the good news is-- 403 没有好消息 Nah, there is no good news. 404 我收回刚才那句话 Spencer 给我发短信了 I take that back! It's a text from spencer! 405 他约我明天一起出去 He wants to hang out with me tomorrow night 406 去他家 At his house! 407 我要去洗你吐在我衣服上的脏东西了 Oh! I've gotta go wash your puke out of my jacket. 408 对了 还有一件事 Oh, and, uh, one more thing-- 409 当你到了我这个年龄 遇到一个帅哥 When you're my age and you meet a cute boy, 410 不管什么情况 千万不要 Do not, under any circumstances, 411 带他来家中 ever ever bring him home. 412 因为如果你这么做的话 那么 Cause if you do, well-- 413 祝你好运 CharlieGood luck, Charlie. 414 太舒服了 Oh, that's wonderful. 415 真是太感谢你帮我擦澡了 Thank you so much for doing this. 416 如果我不能为我的病人服务 Hey, if I can't be there for my patients, 417 那我还装什么医生 What kind of pretend doctor am I? 418 那么 你有没想过剃毛 So, uh, do you ever think about shaving-- 419 全身 Like, everywhere? 420 我剃过啊 上周 I did-- last week. It's good to meet you, son. I'm a little numb down 392 我那个地方还有点麻木
there. Uh, actually,


