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代数 名词 数词

1 在使用两个以上的人称代词时 顺序是:第二人称 第三人称 第一人称 2 everyone后面不可以跟of短语 every one 就可以

3 以‘名词/动名词+介词(短语)/形容词/副词/动词不定式’构成的复合名词,它的复数形式是将作为主要部分的名词或动名词变为复数 直接来源于短语或以可数名词结尾的复合名词的复数形式是将最后一个构词部分变为复 以‘man 或者woman+名词’构成的复合名词的复数形式是将两个组成部分全变成复数 以不可数名词结尾的复合名词无复数形式 如:homework 4 物质名词一般不可数,但用于表示‘各种不同品种’时 几乎都可做可数名 如:different teas 5 当抽象名词前后有修饰语表示‘某一种’或‘某一方面’的抽象概念时 前可加a/an 6 名词所有格要点:
必须用’s的场合 1 s属格用于表示时间,度量衡,价值的名词之后 2 作为一个整体的词组在最后一个词加’s , 人或物为两人共有,在第二个名词后加’s, 复合名词在最后一个词后加’s 3当所有格后面的名词是人们熟悉的建筑物, 如商店,住家,教堂,医院等,常省略
当被修饰的名词后有同位语时,必须用’s 当用来表示类别或属性时,要用’s childrens shoes

1 名词后跟有后置修饰语或同位语时 2 以定冠词加分词或形容词表示一类人时

7 如果dozen/score/hundred/thousand/million前有基数词以表示确切数目时,都不能用复数形式 如果用来表示很多有不确切的数目时,须用复数,而且后面加of
8 表示顺序的两种方式:
1‘名词+基数词’,不用冠词,如Chapter four 2 the+序数词+名词‘ the Fourth Chapter 9 倍数增减的表示法 1 倍数+形容词/副词比较级+than 2倍数+as+形容词/副词+as 3 倍数+ 4 动词+百分比或倍数 5 动词+to+数词 6 double/triple/quadruple+名词 7 动词+by+数词/百分比/倍数

10 分数分子为基数词,分母为序数词 分母除了在分子为一的其他情况下为复
11 百分比后接名词时加of 形容词 副词 1 前置修饰语的排列顺序
冠词前的形容词(all both such -----冠词,指示形容词,所有格形容词,不定形容词(a an the this your his any some----基数词(one 序数词first---- 表示性质,状态,质量的形容词good useful----表示大小,长短,形状的形容词----表示年龄,新旧,温度的形容词----表示颜色的形容词----表示国籍,产地,区域的形容词----表示材料,用做形容词的名词----动名词,分词

2.后置修饰语 由前缀a-构成的形容词 3.形容词修饰由some-,any-,every-,no-,-body,-one,-thing等组成的复合不定代词时,必须后置


5.有些形容词本身就有‘比...年长’‘比... 优等的意思 这些形容词后面用介to而不用than 6much too 作为副词短语修饰形容词或副词,不修饰名词 7more 不能用来修饰比较级

8.与名词连用的more of a .../as much of a.../more of a....意为更像.... 9as much of a...意为称得上,less of a 意为算不上 10none other than(不是别人,正是)=no other than 11any/sone/everyother连用时,其后若用可数名词,一般为单数 情态动词

1can 用于否定句cannot(helpbut表示不能不,只能(but后跟不带to动词不定式)
2must 表示禁止,一定不要时的否定式为mustnt 当它表示有把握的推断 意为一定 准是时 它的否定形式为cant
3need doing=need to be done 这个句型表示被动意味

4need not have done sth 表示本来没有必要做某事 (经常考) 虚拟语气

从句 主句

1与过去事实相反 had+过去分词 should(第一人称)would(其它人称)+have+过分
were would/should/could/might+动词原型

should/were+be would/should/could/might+动词原
2It is (high/about/thetime.........谓语动词用过去式 指现在或将来的情况 表示早该做某事而现在已经有点晚了

3It is the first(second/thirdtime后的that从句中,谓语动词要用完成体来表示一种经验

4as if/though 的虚拟要点
1.对当时事实的假设,从句谓语用过去式,be动词一律用were 2.对过去事实的假设,从句谓语用过去完成式 3.对未来事实的假设,从句谓语用would+动词原型 另:
1)虚拟语气的考点为:would ratherthat从句+一般过去时:It is vital necessary important urgent imperative desirable advisable natural essentialthat+动词原形;It is timeabout timehigh timethat+一般过去时:proposalsuggestionthat+动词原形;lestthatshould+动词原形;if onlythatwould+动词原形。
2)状语从句的考点为:非if引导的条件状语从句,此类句子多用at timesprovidedso long asin caseonce等来替代ifeven ifsonow that
for all等引导的让步状语从句;justhardly...when引导的时间状语从句;more thanas...asnot so much asthe same asas much as等引导的比较状语从句。

2.习惯用法如:confess toset aboutbe used todoingbe supposed tohavemake sb.+do等。

3.由同一动词构成的短语如:comegosetbreak等构成的短语。4.单个的动词,抽象名词,形容词和副词多以近义词、同义词的形式出现。5.介词短语在句中作状语如:in terms ofwith the exception ofin vain等,另外还应注意rather thanother thansuch asnonenothingbut等词在考题中的出现。
1 不可数名词的量化表示
: many, a good/great manya good/great/large number of 修饰不可数名词: much, a great deal of, a large amount of 两者都可修饰: a lot of, lots of, plenty of, a great/large quantity of, quantities of, a large sum of

advice, baggage (luggage, damage, equipment, furniture, homework, information, news ...

5 thing代词
something of 若干、多少、有些anything but 并不,根本不nothing but 不过,只有something like 有点像or something 类似 Mr. Smith is an engineer or something. She is nothing but a dancer. He was anything but pleased when he heard this. 1 修饰词的词序
限定词 + 一般描述性形容词 + 表示大小、形状的形容词 + 表示年龄、新旧的形容词 + 表示颜色的形容词 + 表示国籍、地区、出处的形容词 + 表示物质材料的形容词 + 表示用途、类别的形容词或名词1 So, such So +adj. + a +noun. Such +a+adj. +noun. 1by/between/up to/till +过去时间、sinceby the time/when +表示过去发生情况的从句,主句用过去完成时。如:We had just had our breakfast when an old man came to the door.
2by +将来时间、by the time/ when +谓语动词是一般现在时的从句,主句用将来完成时。如:
By the time you arrive in London, we will have stayed in Europe for two weeks.
(3by nowsince +过去时间、in/during/for/over/the past/last few(或具体数字years/days/months,主句用现在完成时, 但在it is +具体时间since/before这一句型中,主句更多的时候不用完成时。如:
The changes that had taken place in air travel during the last sixty years would have seemed It is
(4It is the +序数词/形容词最高级+that的定语从句中,谓语动词常用现在完成时。如:
It isnt the first time that I have found myself in an embarrassing situation. (5no soonerthan, hardly/scarcelywhen…句型中,主句常用过去完成时。
3 完成进行时指动作在完成时的基础上还要继续下去。如:
The company has been promising a rise in salary for ages, but nothing has happened. 8. 动名词
1 必须接动名词做宾语的动词 牢记下列要求接动名词做宾语的动词:

acknowledge, advocate, anticipate, appreciate, avoid, admit, confess, consider, delay, deny, enjoy, escape, excuse, fancy, favor, finish, forgive, imagine, involve, justify, mention, pardon, practice, postpone, recallrecollectrisk, resist, suggest, tolerate如: 4 there be 非谓语动词的用法
The students expected there to be more reviewing classes before the final exams.(expect要求接不定式做宾语
(2做目的状语或程度状语时用for there to be做其他状语用there being如: For there to be successful communication, there must be attentiveness and involvement in the discussion itself by all present.

(for there to be…在句中做目的状语
It isnt cold enough for the 4 常用虚拟形式的句型
would rather would as soon as though suppose had rather would sooner as if supposing If only It is (high time that(从句中动词只用过去式 (4lest/for fear that/in case 从句谓语用(should+动词原形
2 表示虚拟语气

(1neednt have+过去分词,表示做了不必做的事,译为“其实没必要……”如:
As it turned out to be a small house party, we neednt have dressed up so formally. (2should /should not have +过去分词,表示应该做某事但实际上未做,或本不应该做但实际上做了, 译为“本(应该……”如:I regret having left the work unfinished; I should have planned everything ahead carefully. (3ought to have+过去分词,表示动作按理该发生了,但实际上未发生,译为“该……”,与should的完成式含义类似。如:
The porter ought to have called the fire-brigade as soon as he saw the fire in the stock, which went up in smoke. (4could have+过去分词,表示过去本来可以做但却未做,译为“完全可以……”如:
What you said is right, but you could have phrased it more tactfully. (5may/might have + 过去分词,表示过去可以做但实际未做,译为“(那样也许会……”。如:
It might have been better to include more punchy statistics and photos of equipment in the introduction to further assist first-time office automation managers. 3 几个情态动词常考的句型
(1may/might (just as well“不妨,最好”,与had better相近。如:
Since the flight was cancelled, you might as well go by train.
(2cannot/canttoo “越……越好,怎么也不过分”。注意这个句型的变cannotover…。如:
You cannot be too careful when you drive a car. The final chapter covers organizational change and development. This subject cannot be overemphasized. (3usedntdidnt use toused to (do的否定式。
(4should 除了“应该”一层意思外,大纲还规定要掌握其“竟然”的意思。如: I didnt expect that he should have behaved like that 5. 倒装结构
1 下列否定词及含有否定意义的词组修饰状语时,若置于句首,句子的主谓要部分倒装
never, no, neither, not only, hardly, scarcely, little, seldom, rarely, not until, nowhere, at no time, on no account, in no respect, in no sense, by no means, in no way, no longer, no less, no more, no sooner than, under no circumstances, in vain, still less如:
Not only is its direct attack on their discipline, it bypasses the essence of what sociologists focus on. Under no circumstances should we do anything that will benefit ourselves but harm the interests of the state. 2 only修饰状语开头的句子,句子的主谓要部分倒装
Only when you have obtained sufficient data can you come to a sound conclusion.
3 以下列副词或短语开头的句子,句子的主谓要部分倒装
often, so, well, to such a degree, to such an extent, to such extremes, to such a pointmany a time如:
So involved with their computers do the children become that leaders at summer computer camps often have to force them to break for sports and games. 4 以下列副词开头的句子,句子的主谓要全部倒装
(1出于修辞需要,表示方向的副词:out, down, in, up, away, on。如: Down jumped the burglar from the tenth floor when he heard someone shouted at him. (2出于习惯用法:here, there, now, thus, hence, then。如: Now is your turn. There goes the bell. 4 原因状语从句的常考知识点
(6(1in that引导原因从句时,有时翻译成“是因为”“就在于”
(7(2now that表示 “既然” ; seeing that, considering表示“鉴于”“考虑到 19.反意疑问句

1)反意疑问句的陈述部分谓语有have to时,附加疑问句通常用助动词do You have to study hard, don't you? I dont have to get up early, do I? They had to obey the rules and regulations of the school, didnt they? She didnt have to do it herself, did she?

They needn't make such a loud noise, need they? He needs the money for his sons education, doesnt he?
3)反意疑问句的陈述部分为had better时,附加问用助动词had
You had better go at once, hadn't you? Wed better call off our appointment, hadnt we?
4)反意疑问句的陈述部分为would rather时,附加问句用情态动词would
You'd rather not do it, would you? She would rather die than surrender to the enemy, wouldnt she?
5)反意疑问句的陈述部分为used to时,附加问句用助动词did You used to stay up late every evening watching TV, didnt you?
6)反意疑问句的陈述部分为ought to时,附加问句用助动词should.
She ought to go by plane, shouldn't she? We ought not to laugh at others mistakes, should we?

must domustn't must be—随人称用系动词一般现在时 must have donedidn't

We must book the ticket in advance, mustnt we? (必须) She must be in the office, isnt she? (肯定)对现在事情的肯定猜测。
He must have done his homework, didnt he? (肯定)对过去事情的肯定猜测。

8)反意疑问句的陈述部分是wish时,附加问句用情态动词may I wish to shake hands with you, may I?
9I think (suppose宾语从句结构,附加问句反意从句分两种情况; ⑴前肯定句,后用否定句。
I think that he is serious, isnt he ?
⑵前有否定句,后面附加问句用肯定(I don't think I dont suppose that she is serious, is she? 上述主从复合句主句主语是第一人称以外的人称时,反意主句。 They think Mary will pass the examination, dont they?
10)陈述部分主语是"I"时,附加问句的人称分二种情况: I hope that, don't you?
I can't believe it, can you?
I will be 14 tomorrow, aren't I? I am interested in it, aren't I? 11)感叹句后的附加问句指人时,根据人称、数决定用什么指代。指物时,根据单复数决定,用it /they指代。

What an interesting story, isn't it? What a funny man, isn't he? How silly they are, aren't they? 2)陈述部分主语是everythingnothingsomething等时看作单数,附加问句用it指代。
陈述部分主语是everyoneeverybodynobodysomebodysomeoneno one anybodyany one等时看作复数,附加问句用they指代。 陈述部分主语是不定代词 one时,附加问句用one指代。


