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Scene I ( 战争中李翔之父与胡人首领正在进行殊死搏斗
General(将军)Li G: Go back to your land! This land doesn't belong to you. It’s ours! Head of Hu H: Yours? (回头对兵,由甲乙丙客串 Hey, he said it’s their land! (兵大笑 We just want to get our land back! G: Go to HELL!(去死吧)
H: Hahaha~ Poor man, you’re dying, you know? Fire! Kill them all G: Ah~~~~(受重伤 My son, Li Xiang, will kill you himself! (

Scene II (花木兰拿着绣花的东西打瞌睡
Father F En~~ good good~ my daughter is doing just the right thing! Mulan, time for lunch~ have a rest! Mulan M: (继续打瞌睡 Zzzzz…… F: Mulan~ Mu… (发现木兰在打瞌睡 Mulan M: (被惊醒 Oh dad? Look I’m doing embroidery~ (低头胡乱绣两针 F: And this is your work? (拿起木兰手里的东西,两人定格

N: This girl is Mulan, the heroine of the story. K: But it seems that she’s not good at doing girl’s stuffs. N: Actually, she’s much braver than you think.

Leader of Soldier L: Ouch! Hey, be careful! Is this the Hua family? This is the imperial edict. Your family must send a male to the battlefield to protect our motherland! (下场
F: What? M: Dad, What’s an imperial edict? You look so pale, are you OK? What’s up?
F: Nothing. (背对木兰 Oh, what shall I do? I really want to go to the battlefield to protect my motherland, but I’m too old to fight! And my son is too young. He’s even too weak to hold a sword! M: (假装有什么东西 Oh what’s that? F: (上当 What? M: (强过圣旨, What? (声音颤抖着 My father is dying. He’s too old to go to the war! But My brother is too young (随便指个人. What can I do? Passer-by A B C(路人甲乙丙): What can she do? M:What? But I’m a lady! I can’t go to the army!
Passer-by A: Why not! You look like a man~ M: (气愤地 What do you mean? Wait. After all, it’s the only way to save my dad!(沉思状)

Scene II| (士兵报道,人头攒动,形形色色的人都来参军。有人插队
L: Hey, don't cut in. Line up. (木兰进入队伍当中,李翔走过来,士兵领队急忙站起来 L: Attention! This is our general, Li Xiang! (大家鼓掌
Li Xiang #:I just want you to follow three "A"s. Tell them what three "A"s are. L: The three "A"s are(想半天,吞吞吐吐的)"Apple, airplane, and… and adult video?" #: (气愤的)No! No! No! How many times should I tell you? The three "A"s are "Action, ability, and agility."-----understand? All: Yes, sir! #: Good!....Dismiss
L: Soldiers, follow me! (带领士兵跑步
All: (Running M: Ouch! (摔倒,掉队
L: Hey! Are you out of breath for running just one kilometer? You are so weak! Soldier A: Look! He is so thin and weak. How can our country depend on him? Soldier B: (表示赞同 Soldier C: (表示同情
#: Hey, men! There is no time for you to chat! #: Are you O.K.? M: (觉得很没面子 I'm all right! #: (对着木兰喊 Go to see the doctor and then take a rest under the tree. M (停下脚步,自言自语 He’s really a good guy. Which girl will be lucky enough to marry him? #: Hey, soldiers. It's time for dinner. All: Oh....food! Food! (木兰挤不进去
#: (叹气,表惋惜 I have to say, they are right, you’re too weak… #: (拿出一份吃的 This is for you. M: Thank you. Sir! #: Go and enjoy your meal. M: (拿着吃的,感激 He is really a good man. Mulan, don’t let him down! Do your best to become stronger!

Scene IV L: Sir! Sir! Our enemies (敌人)are coming back again. #: What? Hey, soldiers! Take up your weapon and follow me. It's time to fight. All: Fight! (大家都拿起兵器,木兰拿了一把剑 (李翔和胡人首领
#: Do you still remember General Lee? You killed him ruthlessly. I'm his son, Li Xiang.

H: (不屑地 I've killed too many people. How can I remember such a guy? It doesn't bother me to kill one more so that you can see your father in the hell soon. #: (气愤地 You! You talk too much! Now it is my chance to take revenge on you. H: You? (哈哈大笑 Impossible! #: Watch out, I'll kill you all! (打架,李翔受伤被绑
H: See? You're still a little kid. How can you kill me? I said it’s impossible!
M: Impossible is nothing! Let me save you Sir! (拔剑,失败,再拔,由于剑太沉东倒西歪,歪打正着刺中胡人首领
H: Ah~~~~~~~~~~~ M: Oh! Oh my god! I’m sorry, I don’t mean to… H: It’s… It’s impossible. M: How are you…
H: I’m fine thank you, and you?
M: Are you sure you are OK? How are you? H: I’m fine thank you, and you? M: …
H: My English teacher taught me this… I can’t believe I’m killed by a normal soldier! Ah… (
M: (无比沉痛、自责)I killed a person? I’m a murderer! #: (咳嗽,提示自己的存在
M: Oh, I’m sorry... Are you OK? (给李翔松绑
#: Thank you Mulan! M: (低下头,温柔的)Li, my love, I'm sorry. #
Why did you say sorry? And you said you love me? Are you a gay?
M: No. In fact, I am a Woman. #: (生气)You deceived me! What’s more, according to the law, a woman can't join the army. What you have done is a big crime! Have you ever thought of that? Mulan: I know, but for my old father and young brother, I have to make such a decision. I’m really sorry.
#: I see. I can understand how hard it is for a girl to do such thing! I’ll try my best to save you! Scene V (皇宫
Empire (E: My brave(勇敢的)soldiers. Congratulations! You, Li Xiang, I’m proud of you, for my country has such a general like you. And I’m sure your father will be proud of you, too! And you, Hua Mulan, (变得很严肃 you deceived everybody! (木兰低着头 #: (想替木兰解释 But…

E: Just listen to me! (继续对木兰说 you hided the truth that you are a girl, you tried to lie to me! (提高音量 As a result (停顿,突然很和蔼, you save the country! She is our heroine! (大家欢呼)
M: (松口气 Thank you. E: Thank me? I should thank you! Thank you for saving the country!

Scene VI
#: Though this is a sudden proposal, would you marry me? M: Oh~~I'm so glad to hear that. But I have to go back home to ask my father first. Will you go to my hometown with me? #: Of course, my dear. M: Let's go.
M: Father, I'm back. F: Mulan, it's really you? M: Yes. It's a long time. F: Who is the gentleman? M: This is General Li. F: (发现他们关系不一般 Oh? Is he just a “General Li”?
#: Sir, can I have the honor to ask your permission to marry your daughter? F: En~~~ Just one thing: Take my daughter seriously. #: I promise! F: When are you going to get married? #: Soon. F: How soon? #: How about now? All: Great! (婚礼,集体)

The End~~


