My mother 我的母亲 英语作文

发布时间:2020-05-31 23:33:25   来源:文档文库   

我的母亲 英语作文

My mother

What can one say about their mother? One may talk about her positive and negative characteristics(个性). There are so many great trait(特性,特质,性格) I love and admire about my mom, that it would be difficult and unfair to write about just one. Being strong, generousadj. 慷慨的,大方的;宽宏大量的;有雅量的) and optimisticadj. 乐观的) are all some great personality traits, which my mother possesses (vt. 具有).

Ever since I can remember, my mother has been a strong individual. She raised my brother and I financially, emotionally, physically and spiritually adv. 在精神上地)by herself. My mom gave her all, by that I mean, she worked two jobs to make sure her children ate properly and that they had the essential amenitiesn. 令人愉快的事物) to grow happily and successfully. Another way she supported us was with love and care.

She always encourage me by simply saying, "Complaining is a useless way to solve problems, but becoming active on the issue is a great way to conquervt. 攻克, 征服) it.

My mother's heart is at its purestadj. 纯的;纯洁的) when giving. I witnessed my mother chip in and pay for people's rent, car notes, and buying them groceries. Although my mother's intentions were good, occasionally, her generosityn. 慷慨, 大方, 宽容) has been taken advantage of. One time a close friend of the family, came to my mother in desperate need. He asked her to loan him a large amount of money, with the agreement that he would pay back in either monthly or weekly installmentsn. 安装;分期付款;部分;就职). My mom never did see the money that was due to her. Despite the incident she still gives and encourages others to give, whether is it a donation (n. 捐赠;捐款,捐赠物), or volunteering your time in your community.


chip in ((口语))

(1) 捐助 [企业等] , [] [to, for]

~ in to charity


We each chipped in (with a dollar) for the gift.

我们 (各出一美元) 凑钱买那件礼物

(2) 各自提出 [自己的想法等] [with]

They chipped in with suggestions for the party.


(3) (对议论、谈话) 插嘴,加入 [意见等] [with]

~ in with a complaint [remark]

due《源自拉丁文“负 () 的”的意思》



1 a. <支票等>应付给的,到期的

the ~ date ( 支票的) 支付日期

fall [become] ~ < 支票等> 到期

The bill is ~ on the lst of next month.


b. 该支付[给…][to]

the amount ~ to him


The balance ~ (to) me is $100.


2 a. 正当的,当然的,相称的,适当的

receive the ~ reward of one's deeds



《My mother 我的母亲 英语作文.doc》
