
发布时间:2021-03-10   来源:文档文库   
Lesson 1 A puma at large 逃遁的美洲狮
Mrs. Stone had spe nt the whole morning pick ing blackberries in the coun tryside n ear her home. It was nearly lunch time, so she decided to return for lunch. She was just pick ing up her basket whe n she heard a no ise in the bushes. Then she saw an ani mal which looked like a cat. She knew it was not a cat because it was so large. The animal sudde nly tur ned round to look at her and she thought it was going to come towards her and perhaps attack her. She dropped her basket and screamed loudly. Heari ng the sound, the ani mal disappeared into the bushes, after which Mrs. Stone picked up her basket and ran all the way home.She told her n eighbours that she had see n a puma in the coun tryside, but they did not believe her. She also teleph oned the police but they did n't believe her either. (148 words Less on 2 Thirtee n equals one 十三等于一
A sticky bus in ess We were used to heari ng our church bell strik ing the hours in our small village. For as long as anyone could remember, the bell had struck the hours day and night. However, one ni ght the church bell rema ined sile nt and the n ext morning we saw that the clock had stopped at exactly one a.m. Our clock was clearly damaged, but no one could expla in how this had happe ned. Armed with a torch, our vicar climbed in to the church tower to see what was going on. He heard a loud buzz as he went towards the clock and in the torchlight he found it had bee n inv aded by bees. He was lucky they did n't sti ng him! He shone his torch into the great bell and saw that it was full of wax and hon ey. No won der it was n't work ing! A bee keeper was called in to deal with the situatio n. He immediately removed the quee n bee to one of his bee hives and the other bees followed. The clock was clea ned and was soon work ing aga in. We not only enjoyed heari ng it strike the hours day and night, but we enjoyed eating the honey as well.(195 words Less on 3 An unknown goddess 无名女神
After walk ing round the an cie nt city, the archaeologists discovered an an cie nt temple. This temple had obviously bee n a place of worship because it contained a sacred room. On en teri ng the sacred room, the archaeologists found the clay fragme nts of fiftee n statues, each of which was a goddess which had once bee n pain ted. After this, workme n bega n digg ing and soon discovered the head of a statue among rema ins dating from the fifth century B.C. They also found the body of this statue among remains from the fifteenth century B.C. The archaeologists carefully put the fragme nts together. They were ast oni shed to find that the figure was a goddess. The goddess was a moder n-look ing woma n. She had her hands on her hips and she was wearing a full-length skirt. Although the archaeologists tried very hard to identify her, they were un able to find out her n ame. (143 words Lesson 4 The double life of Alfred Bloggs 阿尔弗雷德.布洛格斯的双重生活
Nearly caught One morning Alf and three other dustmen were collecting rubbish in Merton Street and they stopped outside Mrs. Frost's house.
Though Alf did n't know it, his wife was visit ing Mrs. Frost at the time. She and Mrs. Frost were old frie nds, though Mrs. Frost had n ever met Alf. Alf was just gett ing out of the dustcart to go into Mrs. Frost's backyard when he saw his wife leaving Mrs. Frost's house. He quickly retur ned to the dustcart and hid in the driv ing cab in. While he was hiding, his fellow dustmen helped him by collecting Mrs. Frost's rubbish. Meanwhile, Alfs wife and Mrs. Frost talked on the doorstep. It looked as though their conv ersatio n would n ever end! At last Mrs. Bloggs said goodbye to Mrs. Frost. She waved to one of the dustme n whom she recog ni zed and she went towards the dustcart to greet him. The dustma n waved back and gave her a big smile as the dustcart drove off. Mrs. Bloggs stood on the paveme nt and watched the dustcart disappear dow n the street. Then she bega n to walk home. 'It's all right, Alf, ' his frie nd said.
She can't see you now. Than ks, Jim, ' Alf said. ' That was a lucky escape! ' (200 words Key to Letter writing A possible an swer address date Dear Mrs. Frost, It was nice to meet you at Sele na's party last week. You mentioned you had a copy of ' Who's Who' . I am writing to ask if I could borrow it for a couple of days. I'm doing some research on politicians and this book contains a lot of information. I promise I will take good care of it and return it to you as quickly as possible. I look forward to heari ng from you soon. Yours sin cerely, sig nature (80 words Lesson 5 The facts 确切数字
The jour nalist coun ted the nu mber of steps as he wearily climbed up to the high wall surro unding the preside nt's palace. On arriv ing at the main gate, he sat dow n to get his breath back. He then produced a tape measure in order to measure the wall. While he was busy measuring the wall, a policeman approached him and asked him what he was doing. Though the jour nalist expla ined he was a reporter and his editor had asked him to find out the exact height of the wall, the policeman refused to believe him. He was arrested and sent to pris on because the police thought that he might be a spy or might eve n want to assass in atethe preside nt. When the journalist in sisted he was innocent, he made things worse for himself. This proved to the police that the man certai nly was guilty and deserved to stay in pris on in defi nitely. (149 words Key to Letter writing A possible an swer address date Dear Jack, Many con gratulati ons on your rece nt marriage! Quite by cha nee I happe ned to read about your weddi ng in our local n ewspaper and I was thrilled
with the n ews. Your wife sounds really charm in g. I gather that you will both be moving to our area, so we'll soon be n eighbours. I hope you'll be very happy and ril be able to see you soon. I look forward to see ing you aga in and meet ing your wife. My kin dest regards to you both. Yours sin cerely, sig nature (79 words Less on 6 Smash-a nd grab 砸橱窗抢劫
They got away Seeing the thieves' car join the traffic on Piccadilly, Mr. Taylor took a taxi and followed them. The taxi driver drove at full speed whe n Mr. Taylor told him what had happened.
There was n't too much traffic at this time of the morni ng so there was a mad chase through the streets of London. For a short time, the thieves' car was on the wrong side of the road and hit another car, but it did not stop. Two policemen in a police car watched in amazeme nt as the two vehicles went past, both break ing the speed limit. Lights on and horn blaring, the police car chased both the speeding cars. Mr. Taylor's taxi stopped when the traffic lights turned red. The thieves ignored the traffic lights and got away. Meanwhile, the police caught up with the taxi at the traffic lights and the taxi driver was charged with speeding. They refused to let the driver off, even though Mr. Taylor carefully explained the situation. However, the police in formed ano ther police car of the chase and ten minu tes later the thieves' car was found aba ndoned in a side street. The thieves had escaped on foot and disappeared among the crowd. (200 words Key to Letter writ ing A possible an swer (body of letter only You won't believe what happe ned to me on Tuesday morning! I was walking down a busy street near Piccadilly when I saw a man smash the win dow of an an tique shop and run off with an expe nsive vase. Other passers-by saw him, too, and we all chased the man down the street, shouting StopThief! Stop! Thief! ' We man aged to catch the man, but unfortun ately the vase got broke n. ril tell you the full story whe n we meet n ext week. (80 words Lesson 7 Mutilated ladies 残钞鉴别组
Jane ope ned the ove n door and saw that her meal was ready to serve. She took the food out of the ove n and in doing so, no ticed somethi ng stra nge in side the ove n which she could n't recog ni ze. So she went to find Joh n and told him about it. In dismay, Joh n quickly expla ined that he had put his wallet containing the day's tak ings into the ove n for safekeep ing. They both rushed to the ove n and saw that the money had bee n destroyed At first, they did n't know what to do. Joh n wan ted to throw the money away, but Jane would n't let him. 'It's best not to disturb the wallet, ' Jane said. all the money is there, even if it has been destroyed ' Jane told John to go and see h bank man ager for advice, so the n ext day Joh n took the wallet and the ashes to the ban k (150 words
Key to Letter writing
A possible an swer (body of letter only
Thank you aga in for your won derful hospitality! It was a real pleasure to see you again after such a long time. I'll never forget your kindn ess duri ng my stay. I particularly enjo yed our visit to the local market and our long walks in the countryside. I also enjoyed your company and the excellent food and wi ne. You're a perfect host! I hope you will be able to visit me before long and look forward to seeing you soon. Less on 8 A famous mon astery 著名的修道院
One very cold morning, a monk took two St. Bernard's dogs out for exercise. He immediately no ticed that the dogs were very restless. Suspect ing a traveller might be in difficulty, the monk returned to the monastery to organize a search party. The two dogs led four monks through the snow. Two of the monks pulled a sledge beh ind them, in case they n eeded it. There had bee n very high winds the previous ni ght, but now everythi ng was still and visibility was bad because there was a heavy fog. Moreover, the temperature had falle n to -20.The dogs led°the monks towards the Pass and as the monks got n ear, they heard cries in the dista nee. The dogs soon found a man who was trapped un der the snow and immediately dragged him out. The man was alive, but froze n stiff. The monks strapped him to the sledge and took him back to the mon astery. The man was unconscious, but he soon recovered in the warm atmosphereof the mon astery where he was give n ple nty of hot drinks and food. Whe n the traveller was able to speak, the monks liste ned with in terest as he told them what had happe ned the previous ni ght. (200 words Key to Letter writing A possible an swer(body of letter only I hear you'll be tak ing a holiday in the Alps, which rm sure you'll enjoy! I went there last year and stayed in the Berg Hotel high in the mountains not far from Zermatt. The hotel has fine views across the valley and I warmly recommend it. You'll love the healthy mountain air and enjoy every comfort at moderate prices. I'm going there aga in this year. I look forward to heari ng all about your holiday whe n you get back. (79 words Less on 9 Flying cats 飞猫
Huma n beings like to keep dogs and cats. Dogs are submissive and faithful to their masters, but cats like to be in depe ndent. Cats are especially lovable whe n they are still kittens. As kittens they like to play by chasing anything that moves. That's how they learn to hunt mice, birds, in sects and other small creatures. A lot of people keep cats so they can have a pet . As kitte ns grow into cats, they like to stay in doors. They like regular meals and enjoy sleeping in front of a nice fire. However, they also like going out. During the day time and at night they like to go hunting. Sometimes during the night they have fights with other cats. Cats are very clean animals. You often see them wash ing themselves. Huma n beings are fasci nated by their behaviour because cats are domestic animals, while at the same time they enjoy their independence. (150 words Key to Letter writing A possible an swer(body of letter only
I'm afraid I have to report a little accident: my baby tore some of the pages from the book you kin dly lent me. I am very sorry that this happe ned. I had left the book on a low table, but the baby got hold of it and tore several pages. However, I was able to buy another copy and I'm sending it to you by separate post. Please let me know when it arrives. My kin dest regards to you all. (80 words Lesson 10 The loss of the Titanic 泰坦尼克 号的沉没
Aba ndon snip The Tita nic bega n to sink, slowly at first. The order to aba ndon ship was un expected, so passe ngers and crew were completely un prepared. It was the middle of the ni ght. Some people were asleep in their cab in s.Others were on deck admiri ng the brillia nt ni ght sky and the gia nt icebergs rising above them. Others were eati ng and dancing in the wonderful ballrooms on the ship. The immediate effect was panic and con fusi on. People bega n rushi ng in all direct ions, won deri ng what to do n ext. The cold was in describable and many passe ngerswere still in their night clothes. Members of the crew came up from below and began to lower the lifeboats. It was a case of women and children first, but it soon became obvious that there were n't eno ugh lifeboats for every one, so people jumped overboard into the freezing water in order to save their lives. Some of those swimming in the water struggled to get into the lifeboats, but most of them were already full. The Titanic sank rapidly, carrying many people down with it. There were cries of despair from people in the water as they watched the lifeboats movi ng away and were left to drown in the icy ocean.(200 words Lesson 11 Not guilty 无罪
When the Customs Officer asked the traveller if he was carry ing any thi ng valuable, the man said that he had nothing to declare. The Officer asked the man to ope n his suitcase. Although the case contained only a suit and some dirty clothes, it was very heavy. This made the Customs Officer suspicious, so he removed all the clothes from the case. The case was soon empty and whe n the Officer lifted it, he found that it was still very heavy.The Officer exam ined the case carefully and saw that the bottom was very shallow. He pressed the base hard and removed the bottom part of the case which contained a quantity of emeralds and other precious stones. While the Officer was looking at an emerald, the man tried to escape. For a moment the man disappeared among the pass ing holiday travellers, but he was soon caught and placed un der arrest. Key to Letter writing A possible an swer(body of letter only Thank you for your letter ask ing me to lend you some money to start a new bus in ess. rm very sorry that I can't help you at the mome nt. I not only have a great many expenses of my own, but I'm in debt myself. Why don't you ask our friend Jim Clark? I know Jim is kee n to in vest in bus in ess and might be able to lend you some mon ey. I wish you every success in your new bus in ess ven ture. (80 words Less on 12 Life on a desert isla nd Shipwrecked 荒岛生活

The ship went dow n and every one was drow ned. I was the on ly one who man aged to jump into the sea. I clung to a pla nk in the water for several hours till I was washed up on a desert isla nd. I slept on the beach for a very long time----1 can't remember how long. Whe n I woke up, I was hungry and thirsty, so I decided to explore the isla nd. It was unin habited, but I found plenty of fruit which had fallen from the trees. I lived on coconuts and pin eapples and there was ple nty of fresh spri ng water. I tried to hunt wild ani mals with my bare han ds(small pigs and other creatures, but I failed to catch anything. So I spe nt my days swimmi ng in the warm clear water and lyi ng in the sun. One after noon while I was lying on the beach as usual, I saw a boat on the horiz on. I sig nailed with my white shirt and shouted as loudly as I could. Fort un ately ,some one on the boat saw me and I was rescued. Of course, I was pleased to get back to civilizati on, but I was very sorry to leave this isla nd paradise. (200 words Key to Letter writ ing A possible an swer(Purpose and Con clusi on only We have a wonderful view from our hotel window. Just below us is a beach which stretches for a couple of miles and beyond it clear blue water. We can be sure of brilliant sunshine every day. We look forward to spending our holiday swimming, eat ing and sleep ing! We all keep thinking of you and wish you were with us. (60 words Lesson 13 'It ' s only m是我,别害怕”
Mrs. Richards immediately went upstairs and took off her costume. She felt sorry for the poor man from the Electricity Board, but at the same time she was rather amused. Suddenly, there was a knock at the front door and Mrs. Richards opened it at once. The electricity man had returned, accompanied by a policeman, so she invited both in. The man told Mrs. Richards that he had tried to read her metre and that there was a ghost in the storeroom. Though Mrs. Richards expla ined that she had dressed up as a ghost, he refused to believe her. She told him to ope n the storeroom door, but he was too frightened, so she opened it herself. While the electricity man and the policeman were looking for the ghost in the storeroom, Mrs. Richards fetched her costume. She showed it to both men and only the n did they believe her. (150 words Key to Letter writing possible an swer (body of letter only You can't imagi ne what happe ned to me the other day whe n I was check ing the electricity metres in Orm ond Road! I went to check the metre of one of our customers and got a terrible shock. I'm convin ced the house is haun ted because a ghost lives in the storeroom. As soon as it saw me, it came towards me and I fled! This is really a true story and I'll tell you all about it when we meet.(78 words Less on 14 A no ble gan gster 贵族歹徒
Hawkwood defeated News that Hawkwood and his men were approach ing caused panic among villagers who prepared to defe nd their farms. Hawkwood had a bad reputati on among farmers because they knew he would not hesitate to kill them and to burn their farms.
The farmers fought very hard, eve n though they were poorly armed. With their sticks and spades, they were no match for Hawkwood's well-armed soldiers who had horses, swords and bows and arrows. During the battle, a great many farmers were killed. After Hawkwood destroyed their farms, he sent a message to theprinee of the city-state demanding a large amount of protection money. He said that if this money was paid, he would go away and cause no more trouble. However, if it was n't paid, he would inv ade the city. To Hawkwood's amazeme nt, this dema nd was refused, so he and his men invaded the city. As a result, many buildings were destroyed and thousa nds of people were killed, in clud ing quite a few of Hawkwood's soldiers. The city people fought very hard un til Hawkwood and his men were fin ally drive n off. Because the city people defe nded themselves so well, Hawkwood n ever attacked them aga in. He and the prince eve n became frie nds. (200 words Key to Letter writing A possible an swer (body of letter only I am writing to you about the talk I agreed to give at the local library in two weeks' time. I regret I have to can cel this talk. I apologize for the inconvenien ce, but I am being sent abroad by my firm and will be away for three weeks. I'll be back on June 24th. I will be happy to give my talk on a later occasi on. I look forward to heari ng from you and to arra nging a new date. (80 words Less on 15 Fifty pence worth of trouble 五十便士的麻烦
I was walk ing along the street whe n I saw a crowd ahead of me. I could hear people shouting and making a noise. On arriving at the scene, I saw a small boy on the pavement with his arm in a drain cover. A lady carrying a large bar of soap and a saucepan of water knelt down beside the boy. She asked the boy if he was in pain and he said he was n't. Then she rubbed his arm with butter, but he could n't get it free. Mean while, some one had telepho ned the fire brigade. The boy had beg un to cry, but when he saw the firemen, he cheered up. At first, the firemen decided to cut through the drain cover, but they changed their minds and rubbed the boy's arm with a special type of grease. The boy was soon free and though his arm hurt, he was smili ng. Key to Letter writing A possible an swer (body of letter only I know you're going to be eight years old in ten days' time! rm not quite sure any more what boys of your age like these days. I'd like to get you something you really like. For example, perhaps you'd like a computer game, or a model car, or a pair of rollerblades, or something else. Let me know what you tike best and I'll post it to you so it arrives on your birthday. Write to me soon. (79 words Lesson 16 Mary had a little lamb 玛丽有一头小羔羊
Not so black Dimitri was surprised to find that the lamb had turned white. He took a close look at it and recog ni zed it as his own. This discovery immediately led to an angry scene between Dimitri and Aleko. Dimitri repeated his accusation that Aleko had stolen the lamb, but Aleko still denied any theft. During the viole nt argume nt, Dimitri said the rain had proved that the lamb had bee n dyed black and he recognized it
immediately as the one he had given to his wife. When Aleko fin ally admitted he had stole n the lamb, Dimitri called the police. Aleko was arrested and Dimitri took his lamb home. The story caused a lot of exciteme nt in the village. The villagers did n't ofte n have the opport un ity to talk about such an importa nt eve nt and they were greatly amused by what had happe ned. Some thought Aleko had bee n very clever. Others thought he had bee n extremely stupid. Others said God had sent the rain to punish Aleko for his crime and to prove he was a thief. They discussed the eve nt at great len gth for a long time, as there was n't much else to talk about in a village where nothing much ever happe ned. (199 words Key to Letter writing A possible an swers (two in troduct ions 1 A prize you have won: You know I entered a competition some time ago and I'm sure you will be really pleased to share my good n ews. (22 words 2 An exam in ati on you have passed: Yesterday the postma n delivered a large brow n envelope containingmy exam results and I was very nervous when I opened it. The agony is over! (25 words Less on 17 The Ion gest suspe nsion bridge in the world 世界上最长的吊桥
The bridge I know best is called the Sydney Harbour Bridge. It joins either side of Syd ney Harbour. From far away it looks like a great arch, but whe n you get n ear, you can see a great deck un der the arch. It is made of steel and supported by two towers. If you stand on the bridge early in the morning, you can see the Parramatta River to the west and the open sea to the east. At this time everything is quiet. During the day, however, the harbour becomes busy with small boats and large ships moving in all directi on s. I enjoy sta nding on the bridge at ni ght whe n you see the magn ifice nt Opera House looking like a great sailing ship. In the darkness you can see the city lights. In the stillness the traffic and the movement of the sea are the only sounds that can be heard. (150 words Key to Letter writing A possible an swer possible an swer (body of letter only Here are a few direct ions ahead of your visit n ext week. To be here for lunch, take the 12.15 train from the main station and get off at West Hill. From there you can get a 27 bus just outside the station and get off at Park Avenue. When you come out of the station, take the first road on your left. My house is nu mber 36 which is clearly marked. I look forward to see ing you n ext week. (79 words Less on 18 Electric curre nts in moder n art 现代艺术中的电流
An in teresti ng exhibiti on Recently I went to the Royal Academy in London to see the summer exhibition. The work of many artists was on display and the exhibiti on aroused a lot of public in terest. Crowds of people filled the galleries. The pictures were, with a few exceptio ns, mai nly by relatively unknown artists. Many of them were traditi onal pictures of Ian dscapesa nd portraits .I particularly liked a picture of an old farmhouse by a stream with a few sheep in a field. The strangest picture I saw was an untitled abstract painting by a
well-known modern artist. It con sisted of swirls of differe nt colours which had bee n rubbed into the can vas with the artist's fin gers. The picture looked a mess, but was also very effective, attracti ng a lot of comme nt. I could n't help overheari ng what people said, things like 'I could paint a picture like that with my eyes shut ' or ' Look how perfect the sun set is in that pain ti ng. I'd love to own a picture like that ' , andTbereris no doubt it was an excellent exhibition because there were so many differe nt styles on display. There was someth ing to suit every one, but only if you could afford the high prices! (200 words Key to Letter writ ing A possible an swer(purpose of letter on ly Thank you so much for your kind in vitati on to the exhibiti on, the Ancient Xi'a n and Terracotta Army ' ,now on at the British Museum in London.l'd love to join you and look forward to see ing you aga in .I'm particularly in terested in this exhibiti on because it has bee n so well received and I've heard so much about it.I t's a unique opport unity to see it. I'll meet you at the entrance to the exhibiti on at 2.15 on Thursday, 24th. Lesson 19 A very dear cat 一只贵重的宝贝猫
In a bar one ni ght, Mr. X was talk ing to a workma n who told him that he ofte n worked in Mrs. Ramsay's flat.The workman added that Mrs. Ramsay was wealthy and she lived alone with her cat. Every day, Mr. X stood outside Mrs. Ramsay's block of flats. As the cat took a short walk every eve ning, he saw that it had regular habits.He found out as much as he could about Mrs. Ramsay and lear nt that she loved this cat very much. One eve ning, as the cat was leav ing the block of flats, he kid napped it. He took the cat to a secret address. During the n ext three days,he walked past Mrs. Ramsay's flat on several occasi ons and no ticed that no other cat ever appeared. Now he was sure he had the right cat,so he wrote a letter in which he stated his dema nds. (150 words Key to Letter writing A possible an swer(body of letter only I have n't bee n in touch since I left school. After pass ing my exams, I did a two-year course in bus in ess studies. At the end of it, I applied for a job with a local building firm and got a job immediately.I like it very much becauseI work in an office,but get out and about a lot as well .I hope to be promoted soon. Thank you for all your help and advice while I was at school. (80 words Lesson 20 Pio neer pilots 飞行员的先驱
My flight across the Channel It was early mornin g. I looked around, but there was no sig n of Latham, so I decided to go on a test flight first. At 4.15, I took off and flew over Calais for fifteen minutes. Whe n I Ian ded there was still no sig n of Latham. At 4.45 I took off again. This time I was determined to fly across the Channel. When I looked dow n there was no sig n of the ship below, which was supposed to be follow ing me, I sudde nly felt alone and was worried whether I was flyi ng in the right directi on. All I could see was sea and sky. I could
feel the high winds aga inst the pla ne and the engine got very hot. Fortunately, it began to rain and the rain cooled my engine. Sudde nly, I could see land ahead. Dover! I flew over Dover, looking for somewhere to Iand. I saw a field below and brought the plane down. I was still sitting in the cockpit, hardly able to believe the flight was so successful---- just thirty-seven minutes to cross from Calais---- when a British policeman arrived. He smiled broadly at me and said, Good morning! ' I smiled back and said, Bonjour! ' (200 words
Key to Letter writing
A possible an swer (body of letter only
I just thought rd tell you about my first flight! At this moment, we are flying at 30,000 feet and at five hundred miles an hour. Below I can see a few clouds and miles of coun tryside. I could n't imag ine it would be so beautiful! I was nervous when the plane took off, but rm all right now. We'll be arriving at our destination in three hours and forty minutes. I'll tell you all about the flight whe n I see you. (80 words Lesson 21 Daniel Men doza 丹尼尔门多萨
The first fight The first fight betwee n Humphries and his pupil Men doza, after a quarrel, was held at Stilt on and attracted a lot of atte nti on. At the time, Richard Humphries was the most eminent boxer in En gla nd and had many supporters. But the young Men doza had his supporters, too. The atmosphere before the fight was electric. Half of the people there made bets on Humphries, the other half bet on Mendoza. When the two fighters entered the ring, there was a lot of shout ing and cheeri ng. The referee called both fighters to the middle of the ring, spoke to them and the fight started. At first, both men were very wary. After all, this was a fight between teacher and pupil, so they knew very well what the other could do ---- and they were fighting with bare fists. Each of the boxers fought well for most of the match,but in the end Humphries was too strong and too experie need for the young Men doza. He kno cked him down once: Mendoza got up. He knocked him down again, and although Men doza tried to get up, he just could n't.The referee coun ted ten and that was the end of the match. Whe n Men doza got up, he was very an gry, but eve ntually con gratulated Humphries. However, his defeat made him determined to go on and fight his teacher again so that he could fin ally become champi on. (229 words Lesson 22 By heart 熟记台词
Six short weeks A couple of years ago, a new play called The World Tomorrow was going to be show n in our local theatre. There was a great deal of advertising for it and there was con siderable public in terest, mainly, I think, because the cast contained a nu mber of famous actors and actresses. Most actors and actresses are usually n ervous on the first ni ght of any play, and no one really knows what can go wrong or how the audie nee will react. In the case of The World Tomorrow, no one forgot their lin es, but the play was not well received. It was a comedy, so it was supposed to be funny, but n obody laughed----not in the right places any way----a nd people eve n walked out before the end. The cast suspected that they would get bad reviews the follow ing day, and they did. One review described it as thesaddest comedy ve ever seen' another thought it was themost professi on ally acted disaster we have ever see n on our local stage '
In spite of the reviews, however, the play still ran for six weeks. The last performanee, on the last Saturday evening, attracted a small audienee, and the actors struggled through to the end. At the end of six terrible weeks, however, there was one final mome nt of relief. Whe n the last line was spoke n: Our six short weeks have haste ned to their end, ' the audie nee saw the funny side of it and laughed. Eve n the actors and actresses laughed. (248 words
Less on 23 One man' s meat is ano ther man ' s po& n所爱
Sn ails, sn ails, sn ails! The sn ails had escaped from the paper bag and they were everywhere----on the walls, on the ceili ng, on the carpet, and eve n on the large hall mirror. Whe n we bega n to look carefully, we found that they were eve n in coat pockets in the clothes hanging on the clothes hooks in the hall. It was disgusti ng! Sn ails move slowly, but it's amaz ing how far they can travel in a couple of hours! It took Robert and me ages to collect them. He fetched a pair of steps for me and ladders for himself, and we collected them in two buckets. There were snail marks everywhere, too, and it took hours to clear up the mess----remember, there were several doze n of them. Sn ails may not be fast, but we had bee n talk ing for a couple of hours, and they can travel. Eve n now I am sure we did n't find them all: some are still crawli ng round Robert's house. The ones that we did not find were lucky! Robert was amused, but I was n't. He decided to cook the sn ails and in vited me to stay. I said before that I did n't fancy the idea, so I left him to his meal for on e. I just could n't look at the sn ails and have n ever bee n able to face them since the n. (220 words Key to Letter writ ing A possible an swer (body of letter only It was really nice to see you last week after such a long time. I was so pleased that you are well and that you have a good job now. I'm hoping that we can get together again soon, so how would you like to come and spend a weekend with me and my family here in the country sometime in the next mon th or two? You've n ever bee n to our house before, but I'm sure you would enjoy it. Please let me know what you thi nk. I look forward to heari ng from you. (94 words Less on 24 A skelet on in the cupboard 家丑
A weeke nd with Sebastia n Now that George had expla ined about the skelet on, I felt better, but I still did n't want to sleep in the room with a skeleton hanging in the cupboard. I asked George to remove him, but he refused. There's no where else to put him, ' said George, have to stay. '
I could n't disagree of course, but the mome nt I lay dow n to sleep, I knew it was going to be an uncomfortable night. In the end, I decided that I would take Sebastian somewhere for the ni ght and bring him back up to my room early in the morning. So I
took him out of cupboard and walked around the house with him trying to find somewhere to put him. George's maid was just going to bed as I walked along the landing. She saw Sebastia n appare ntly walk ing around, screamed and fain ted. She had obviously woke n Carlt on who appeared from his bedroom and, when the girl had regained consciousness, expla ined everythi ng to her. He accused me of being stupid and sent me and Sebastia n back to our' room where I hung him up in the cupboard again. Imagine my surprise when I picked up one of Carlton's detective stories two years later. There I was, with Sebastian the skeleton,as the main characters in one of his stories for the whole world to read. Still, he did n't use my real n ame, so I should be glad of that! (240 words Key to Letter writing A possible an swer (body of letter only I have n't writte n to you for some time, but felt that I should before con tact ing you by teleph one or coming to the surgery. I have not bee n feeli ng at all well lately. I have bee n feeli ng tired all the time and have started to go to bed early most ni ghts to get more sleep. Eve n the n, after a good ni ght's sleep, I still feel as if I could sleep Ion ger. I've take n vitamin tablets and thin gs, but they have n't done any good, so rd like to make an appo in tme nt to see you as soon as possible. (97 words Lesson 25 The Cutty Sark 卡蒂萨克”号帆船
Ships of the past Men have always wan ted to cross water. Thousa nds of years ago, men made simple dug-out canoes so that they could cross rivers or go out into lakes to fish. At first, the n, man's earliest boats were small and simple and were powered and steered by paddles or oars. When men wan ted to travel greater dista nces, across very large lakes or small seas, for example, boats n eeded to be larger. We have all see n pictures of an cie nt ships with rows of oars at each side and slaves to row them .In fact these galleys were just a larger versi on of the sin gle-ma n row ing boat, still made of wood and very much the same desig n as very early boats. Early ships might have bee n primitive, they might have bee n made of wood and might have bee n powered through the water with oars, but they man aged to cross ocea ns. The Viking ships that invaded Britain hundreds of years ago also reached North America. Later sailing ships, like those that Columbus sailed in, the galleons that formed the Spanish Armada or those that Nels on sailed in, were an adva nee. But perhaps the greatest developme nt in the history of ships was whe n steam engines replaced sails. For cen turies, ships had depe nded on the wind to sail across the seas and oceans. At last, with an engine to drive a propeller, seamen did not have to rely totally on the weather. From the n on, ships like the Great Easter n could be larg'
safer and more mano euvrable in the water. (254 words Key to Letter writing
A possible an swer (body of letter only
Since we set sail from Southampt on a week ago, the voyage has bee n awful. We have seen no sunshine, it has been raining all the time and the winds have been blowing hard. I have bee n seasick since we left.
This is only a small ship and there are only about fifty other passengers. Three or four have visited me and in troduced themselves. They are all sympathetic becausethey have all bee n on lots of cruises before. Tomorrow I want to go up on deck. We are calli ng in to our first port, and I can't wait to get onto dry land aga in! (103 words Lesson 26 Wan ted: a large biscuit tin 征购大饼干筒
The last questi on The other eve ning I liste ned to a quiz show on the radio which was orga ni sed by a firm of soap manufacturers. A member of the audience was invited to answer ten questi ons to win mon ey. He could take a money prize after each correct an swer or go on to a more difficult question. Each new question was worth twice the last question. The man was very n ervous in front of the audie nce, but he got the first questi on right. Then he slowly answered all the questions correctly----spelling questions, history questi ons, gen eral kno wledge, mathematics, •…The audie nce was gett ing very excited as the questi on master got to questi on nu mber 9. And your ninth question, he said, isworth £ 1,024. Here it is. Which nineteenth-century sailing ship won a race from Shanghai to England? 'It was the Thermopylae, ' the man said con fide ntly. She beat the Cutty Sark. Correct, ' said the questi onm aster, and the audie nce went mad. The questi on master had to ask them to be quiet. 'Anchere is your tenth and last question, the host said, ' whichs worth £ 2,048 exactly. Advertisement how do you spell it? ' The man paused and then said: ' Ithink this is a trick question. I can spell advertisement , but I can also spell Con gratulatio ns! ' (239 words Key to Letter writ ing A possible an swer (body of letter only How are you? I hope you are keep ing well. I know I have n't writte n rece ntly but I have some good n ews. I have man aged to find a job n ear you and want to move to your n eighbourhood. Naturally I need to find somewhere to live. As you live in the area, would you mind helping me to find some accommodation? I'm looking for a flat or even a small house to rent for at least six mon ths. I look forward to heari ng from you as soon as you can find somethi ng for me. (92 words Less on 27 Nothi ng to sell and nothing to buy 不卖也不买
Tramps are parasites The majority of adults in society con tribute to society by worki ng. They work, earn money and pay taxes for the thi ngs we all n eed——hospitals, schools, public tran sport, the fire brigade, law and order and so on. We don't expect childre n or very old people to work and pay taxes. But every one else should. So why should people like tramps and beggars be differe nt? Tramps say all they want is their freedom. Well, they may be free, but their freedom is paid for by it -T.TJheanswer is “I
'You're absolutely right, the host said, ' and you have won £ 2,048!
every one else in society. There are many un employed people who simply cannot get a job----but they would work if they could. And many beggars are people who have turned to beggi ng because they cannot find a job. Tramps are not like them. Tramps lead a very selfish way of life and it is a way of life that shows an unwillingness to assume responsibility for others. The rest of us have a home, childre n, work, and so on. But not tramps! Tramps are lazy parasites on society, and if we all had their mentality, society would not exist, for them or anyone else. Although we might in some ways be envi ous of tramps, and although we might envy their freedom, how many of us could be as selfish as them? How many of us could say I'm going to live exactly as I want, and damn the rest of society! ' ? I coul Key to Letter writing A possible an swer (body of letter only I know I wrote to you only a few weeks ago, but I'm writing this time to ask if you can help me. Do you think I can get a job in the UK for a few mon ths? I don't mind doing almost anything----as long as it's not too hard. I could work in a hotel or a restaura nt, for example, but I could n't work on a buildi ng site! I need money to help to pay for a holiday that I am planning to take next year in Australia. But a visit to the UK would also help me improve my En glish.(103 words Less on 28 Five pounds too dear 五镑太贵
The barga in The writer had only just got rid of a man who was trying to sell a diamond ring when ano ther man approached him with some expe nsive pens and watches. When he held them up for the writer to look at, the writer showed quite a lot of in terest. Can I see one of the pens? ' the writer asked the man. They all looked genuine. The man han ded the writer one and said: 'It's a beautiful pen, sir. ICs5wplrtht you can have it for £ 30.'
When the writer offered him just £ 5, there was an argument about the price, but eve ntually the man said: ' You can ha^elO ,fsir. That's the least I can take. '
As the writer walked away shrugging his shoulders, the man follow ed him. 'dan't really do it, sir---- rm almost giving it away, ' he said, ' but you cin5have it for The writer was obviously very pleased. He gave the man £ 5, took the pen, and the man disappeared quickly into the crowd. The writer was extremely pleased: he had bought a very expensive pen for just £ 5.What a bargain! Later, back on board ship, the writer discovered why the man had bee n in such a hurry to get away: you could n't fill the pen with ink and it just did n't work! It was n't such a I! barga in ' after al Key to Letter writing A possible an swer (body of letter only I am writi ng to you because I have heard that you want to sell your CD player. Most of my friends have one, so I have wan ted to buy one for some time. I've looked at new on es,
but I can't afford one, and my pare nts won't lend me the mon ey, so I would like to buy yours. Perhaps you can tell me someth ing about it. Can you tell me how old your mach ine is, what condition it is in and how much you are asking for it. Have you also got any CDs that you'd like to sell with it? (101 words Lesson 29 Funny or n ot? 是否可笑?
The gasma n An aunt of mine lives in a small village in the country and tells this story of what happe ned to her on ce. In order to un dersta nd the story, you should know a little about life in an En glish village. For example, people ofte n enjoy after noon tea together, they still leave doors uniocked, and certain tradesmenare used to delivering goods and, with permissi on, leav ing them in side the own er's house. One day my aunt had in vited some frie nds round for after noon tea. She had put some cakes in the ove n to bake, and had gone upstairs to do some clea ning. Whe n she fini shed, she decided to have a bath before her frie nds arrived. She was just about to get into the bath whe n she sudde nly remembered the cakes. She wrapped a bath towel round her, went down to the kitchen and took the cakes out of the oven. Just then, there was a knock on the back door. She was sure it was the baker, who would ope n the door, come in and leave the bread on the kitchen table. She pani cked, dashed into the cupboard un der the stairs and closed the door. Then, horrified, she heard footsteps coming to the cupboard. The door ope ned and there stood the gasma n who had come to read the meter----which was in the cupboard. My aunt blushed and said, 'I'm veryIsoaryexpecting the baker. '‘ Oh,' the gasman said. ' Sorry, madam. ' He closed the door gently and left. (250 words Key to Letter writ ing A possible an swer (body of letter only I'm writing to see if you can help me. I've looked everywhere here at home, but can't find my overcoat any where. I have an idea I left it at your house whe n I came to see you about a fortni ght ago. It's quite a new coat, it's dark blue with a black collar, and there may be a pair of my gloves in one of the pockets. Could you look for it and let me know if I left it there? If so, I will come and collect it as soon as I can. (94 words
Lesson 30 The death of a ghost 幽灵之死
The ghost of En dley When I came in to work one morning I noticed that work had been done overnight-some hay had been cut and the cowsheds and other buildings had been clea ned, so I decided to stay up all the n ext ni ght to try to solve the mystery. (I did n't tell Joe and Bob, of course. I hid in the barn and waited. Obviously I fell asleep because I suddenly woke up to find that it was dark. I went straight to the cowshed and found that it had already bee n clea ned. Then I went out to the Felds where I could just see a figure work in g; I could n't see whether it was a man, or a woma n, or perhaps a ghost. I was scared, so I rushed back to the farmhouse and woke up the others. We all went out to the fields to see who it was, but when we got there, there was no one there. Whe n I was in the fields before, I did n't know what or who the figure was. But now I was sure it was a ghost so I immediately decided not to work at Endley Farm any Ion ger and han ded in my resig nati on. Whe n I told my story to the villagers, many of them still did n't believe me, eve n though they knew that somethi ng stra nge had bee n going on at En dley Farm for years.(230 words Key to Letter writing A possible an swer (body of letter only I have already written several letters to you in the past few weeks, but I have heard nothing from you. Do I have your correct prese nt address? Just a few pieces of news about me and the family. I am just about to take my final exams and the n I hope to leave school and go to college or uni versity. My brother has a new job and my sister is gett ing married n ext year. I would love to hear from you aga in. Please write as soon as you can and let me know all the latest news about you and your family. (102 words Lesson 31 A lovable eccen tric 可爱的怪人
A true ecce ntric Mr. Chew is a man who has lived in our small tow n for years. He is a large man (some would say fat ' ,he has a round face, a big black moustache and a bald head. He always wears the same clothes----black trousers, a white shirt and a red waistcoat, and is always polite to every one he meets. He owns an antiques shop near theriver, and he lives over the shop ' . No one knows where he gets his things, but there are always lots of diffecent interesting antiques in the shop win dow every week. Mr. Chew is interested in politics, too. Every week he puts up strange notices in his shop window to passers-by. Usually the no tices are trying to make people save a local building or stop a plan to build a road through the town. Every time there is a national electi on, he automatically sta nds for parliame nt and gives speeches almost every day in the town park saying what he would do if he were Prime Minister. (He usually says he would make sure that an tiques dealers did not have to pay In come Tax and that no cars should be allowed in to our little tow n at all. Every year he gets a few votes, but not eno ugh to worry the serious can didates. For most people Mr. Chew is a harmless ecce ntric, and every one likes talk ing to him. After all, he is some one who adds colour to the dull rout ine of their daily lives.
Key to Letter writing
A possible an swer (body of lever only I was extremely sorry to hear that Joh n had passed away. Unfortun ately, I did not eve n know that he had bee n seriously ill. Otherwise I would have writte n to him. As you know, John and I were at university together and used to write to each other as ofte n as we could. We also used to meet at least once a year with others for an anni versary dinner. We shall miss him. If there is any way I can help, please do not hesitate to ask me. You know that you can always phone me or write me a no te. (100 words Lesson 32 A lost ship 一艘沉船
The last day The journey has gone well so far. We are now on the way to Russia and hope that we shall arrive with no more problems. But we are watch ing the sea and sky. The convoy successfully fought off an air attack early this morning. No ships were lost and we man aged to shoot dow n three en emy aircraft before they broke off the attack. At 10 a.m. this morning we were attacked by a U-boat. This was the first time we had been attacked and for most men on board this was the first time they had been in action at sea. We were fortunate, but the ship ahead of us, the Dauntless, was torpedoed and sunk. After the ship sank, there were hundreds of men in the sea. We picked up as many survivors as we could in the Karen. In fact in the end we picked up 720 men, which meant that 50 men lost their lives in the attack on the Dauntless. The Karen was packed with men, many crowded on the ope n decks, whe n we tur ned and attacked the Uboat. Depth charges were dropped and the U-boat was put out of actio n. It is now 3.15 p.m., the light is already beg inning to fade and storm clouds are gathering. We are about to be attacked by a second U-boat, this time from the north. The capta in has just announ ced ——(239 words Key to Letter writing A possible an swer (body of letter only March 14th, 1943 Dear Un cle Charles, I am writing to you from the first ship that I am serving on as an officer. The ship is a cruiser and her n ame is the Karen. We are saili ng in convoy to Russia with ten other ships. We have already bee n at sea for three days and should reach Russia by the end of the week. The voyage has bee n good so far, but there is always a dan ger that we shall be torpedoed by an en emy submarine. We all pray that this will not happen and that we shall reach our dest in ati on safely. [The letter stopped here.](99 words Less on 33 A day to remember 难忘的一天
Mistake n ide ntity We have all experie need days whe n everyth ing seems to go wrong. Thi ngs certai nly went wrong for Ray, a friend of mine, one day last mon th. It all started, as these things do, with a simple ease of mistake n ide ntity'. Ray had bee n shopp ing and was loaded with parcels when he got back to the
multistory ear park to look for his ear. He knew he was on the correct level, but he could n't see his car any where.
Then, suddenly, while he was looking, he saw one exactly like it. It was a red Nissan.
It was exactly the same as his own car, and naturally he mistook it for his own. Still holdi ng the parcels, he felt in his jacket pockets and found his key. He tried to ope n the driver's door, but the key just would n't tur n. He could n't un dersta nd it In the end, he forced the lock - and naturally broke the key. At that point he dropped the parcels as well. This infuriated him. The only way he could get into his car was to break a win dow, so he deliberately smashed the wi ndow of the car. As he was putt ing his hand in, the owner came back and saw him. The owner rushed towards Ray, held him aga inst the car, and called a policema n on his mobile phone. Whe n Ray was arrested, he tried to expla in, but the police did not believe him - un til they found Ray's car on a level below! (246 words Key to Letter writing A possible an swer (body of letter only Thank you very much for your letter of 23rd July offeri ng to buy my Toyota Corolla for £ 2,500. As I said in my advertisement, the car is in very good condition and has a low mileage for its age, so I wan ted to sell it for £ 2,750 or n earest offer. I am therefore writi ng to accept your offer officially and to make arran geme nts for the sale. If you can come to my house next Saturday morning with the money, I shall have the car and docume nts ready. Please teleph one me to discuss any further details. I look forward to hearing from you. (104 words Less on 34 A happy discovery 幸运的发现
An an tique shop The Antique Shop ' has been in the little street near the church for years. As you look at it from across the road, it draws you towards it. It has one large window display designed to attract all sorts of customers. There is expensive glass, porcelain and jewellery to attract people with a lot of mon ey; there is sec on d-ha nd furniture, modern silver and other things (hardly antique! to attract those with not so much. When you enter the shop, a little bell rings and the owner, a little grey-haired old lady called Mrs. Century, comes out from a room at the back and greets you like a lost relative! She greets every one the same and always with a smile. The shop sells all kinds of an tiques. There are shelves full of old books along the back of the shop. There are two large tables in the middle of the shop covered with pieces of glass and porcela in. Then, around the walls on the floor are large pots, brass statues and things. There are lots of painting on the walls, too. At the weekend, the shop usually has five or six customers in it at one time. You might find a professional antique collector, a holiday couple and a young mother (with child in pram looking for a cheap an tique for her husba nd's birthday. We all like looking for unusual things and hope to find a bargain one day. You might find one in Mrs. Century's Antique Shop ' . (249 words
Key to Letter writing
A possible an swer (body of letter only Later this year I am going to spe nd a month in North Africa with some frie nds. Since I know it will be hot, and since I know you went to Egypt two years ago, I am writing to ask your advice about what we should take. I realizx that it will be very hot, but I don't know what we should wear. Should we wear shorts, san dals and short-sleeved shirts? Or should we perhaps wear lightweight jean s, l on g-sleeved shirts and perhaps walk ing boots for visit ing famous sights? There are some girls in the group. Can you give me some advice for them, too? (105 words Less on 35 Justice was done 伸张正义
A burglary that went wrong
There is a large jewellery store in the tow n that I have ofte n wan ted to rob. A few weeks ago I started pla nning the theft and kept a close watch on the shop. I no ticed when people went in and out, when they started and finished work, and so on. And I no ticed the chi mn eys, too. One ni ght I climbed on to the roof of the store and looked for a way in. One of the chi mn eys seemed wide eno ugh for me to get in, so I started climb ing dow n. Very soon, however, I got stuck and had to climb out aga in. I did n't give up. I looked around, found ano ther chi mney that looked quite wide at the top and climbed dow n that one. Aga in I got stuck. This time, however, I was really stuck. I could climb neither up nor down. At first I struggled to try to free myself, but I could n't get out. Then I started to get scared and started sweat in g. I tried to calm myself by quietly counting and thi nking of pleasa nt thi ngs. But nothing worked and fin ally I started shout ing for help. Nothi ng happe ned, everyth ing was dark and sile nt, and I got more and more frighte ned. I think I went to sleep becauseI suddenly realized that light was shining down the chi mn ey. I shouted and shouted. Eve ntually I heard tapp ing and was fin ally freed by fire fighters who had smashed a hole in the chimney. (240 words Key to Letter writing A possible an swer (body of letter only The last time we met was about a month ago and I remember we parted in an ger: well, at least I did. You will remember that we had an argume nt and I came home say ing that I would n ever speak to you aga in. Naturally since the n I have had time to think about the situation and I am writing now to apologize for acting the way I did and for say ing the things that I said. Perhaps we could meet again very soon. Please write and let me know what you think. Lesson 36 A cha nee in a million 百万分之一的机遇
The past When the war finished, Franz Bussmandid everything he could to get information about his brother Hans. With no information, he reluctantly assumed his brother was dead, and gave up the search. With no family, and having been unable to find his brother, Franze found it difficult to settle dow n. Over the years he moved from place to place and from job to job, n ever stay ing very long in one place. Whe n he met Anna (now Mrs. Bussma n, he was work ing as a waiter in a hotel. He and Anna got
married and Franz settled dow n at last. He moved from the dinning room into the kitche n of the hotel and became a cook. But this did not last very long. He was talk ing to a frie nd one day, a taxi driver, who suggested that they should go into part nership. So they did, and Franz became a taxi driver. He and the frie nd drove taxis themselves, but they also soon owned four more taxis and employed four drivers. He visited his home town once to visit his old house, but it was a sad visit. There was a large modern block of flats where his family house used to be. And although he spoke to some of the apartme nt own ers, no one remembered him or his family. Now that he has fin ally found his brother Hans, he and Anna are pla nning to in vite Hans to come and live n ear them and work as a taxi driver in the compa ny. (250 words Key to Letter writing A possible an swer (body of letter only For the past few days I have bee n ill and, on the advice of my doctor, have had to spend some time in bed. I am therefore writing to inform you that I shall unfortunately be absent from work for the next few days. Naturally I hope to return to work as soon as possible. In the meantime, however, there is one thing that should be attended to in my absenee. Before I fell ill, I was in the process of check ing the proofs of the new brochure and would be grateful if some one could complete the job. I look forward to seeing you in a few days' time. (109 words Lesson 37 The Westhaven Express 开往威斯特海温的快车
A disastrous train journey
When I fin ally boarded the train, I was look ing forward to a pleasa nt journey to the village of Slowleigh where my friends live. I sat in my seat, got out a book and was already readi ng whe n the train started. According to the timetable, the train was due to arrive in Slowleigh at 4.30. I had been so in terested in my book that I had a shock whe n I looked at my watch. It was almost 4.30. I closed my book and waited for the train to slow dow n. It did n't. In fact, the train was going very fast ---- and that was Slowleigh, was n't it?! The train went straight on. I asked the other passe ngers why the train had n't stopped and they told me it was the express to the city. I did n't believe it Then the ticket collector came along. He looked at my ticket and I tried to explain, but in the end I had to pay the full fare to the city. By the time we arrived in the city it was six o'clock. The journey had lasted two hours and I was miles away from my original destination. I rang my friends and said I would get a fast train back. Then I checked the timetable: there was no fast train back to Slowleigh, on ly a slow one, at 7 o'clock. By the time I fin ally reached Slowleigh Station, it was nine o'clock at night. My pleasant little train journey had taken 4.5 hours!(250 words Key to Letter writing Apossible an swer (body of letter only I have just heard that Joanna has given birth to a baby girl. Congratulations to you both! You must both be very proud pare nts and I bet she looks like Joa nna! You've heard all the old jokes, so I won't repeat them ---- except to say that I know you will have some sleepless ni ghts from now on!
I hope that Joa nna and your new daughter are both well. You must let me know what she weighs and who she really looks like. I hope to be able to visit you all very soon. Let me know whe n I shall be welcome. All my love (104 words Less on 38 The first cale nder 最早的日历
Study ing the past Future historians will have plenty of sources from which to learn about twentieth-century man. Not only will they have the written word, they will also have films, videos, audio cassettes,CDs and CD-ROMs. In fact, they will have so much source material that they will hardly know where to start! If they study all the material available, they will be able to build up a complete social and political history of our time. They will know exactly how we dressed, what we ate in every different country and they will know exactly what our homes were like. They will know what our tow ns and cities were like and what forms of en terta inment we enjoyed. In fact, they will not only learn about our forms of entertainment, they will be able to enjoy a lot of them, too ——our music, plays, musical shows, video games, our art, our literature, And thayiwttbbead and see the n ews day by day as it happe ned. They will learn in detail the way we fought our wars ---- the way we used jet fighters, helicopters, ships and tan ks. They will be able to lear n every detail of great mome nts in history, and everything about leading figures of the time as well as the lives of ordinary men and wome n. In future, the study of history will provide interest and excitement for a lot of people, the past will be brought to life and history will no Ion ger be bori ng.(249 words Key to Letter writing A possible an swer (body of letter only We have been writing to each other now for about five years and, although we have excha nged lots of photos of each other and our families, we have n ever met face to face. At last there is a chance for us to meet. I will be visiting Canada with my parents next year and naturally I want to come and see you. I just can't wait to meet for the first time. We are pla nning to fly to Can ada early in April, but can you please let me know if there is any time when you and your parents will be away?(102 words Less on 39 Nothi ng to worry about 不必担心
Bruce rema ined un perturbed
It was typical of Bruce to announce cheerfully ' that there was no oil in the engine! For the rest of us, it was a disaster. We all got out and began shouting at him and then at each other. What could we do? We were sta nding in the middle of a very large pool up to our an kles in water with a car that was useless. We tried to push it, but of course it was absolutely impossible. All we man aged to do was to push it deeper into the soft mud. In the end we all walked to next village where we tried to get a taxi so that we could take some oil (a nd petrol back to the car. We could n't find one driver who would take us over the rough road. Fort un ately there was a small garage and we paid a large sum of money to the garage owner to rent a jeep. With a can of oil and an extra can of petrol we all climbed in and set off. Whe n we eve ntually got back to the pool, we attached a rope from the jeep to the car and pulled the
car out of the water. We were not surprised to find that the engine was badly damaged, and would not eve n start with the oil we had brought back. Disaster aga in, but Bruce was un dismayed! (230 words Key to Letter writing
A possible an swer (body of letter only I am having a great holiday here in T ............ . Pat and I have done all the typical tourist thi ngs and have see n most of the sights. However, I'm afraid we are both running out of money ---- and we both have to pay our hotel bill at the end of the week. Pat has man aged to get some more through his bank, but I would be very grateful if you could send me another $ 250 through the Lan dmark Bank. (78 words Lesson 40 Who s who 真假难辨
Arrest the police! The policeman who accompanied the workman to the pay phone still did not realize that they had bee n the victims of a practical joke. When he and the worker returned to the scene of the hoax right outside the university gates, the other workman was still quarrelli ng with the police and resisti ng arrest. Following the worker's call to the police station, it was not long before more police arrived on the seene ---- and it is at this point that the story becomes very complicated! The workmen told the police who had just arrived that the first lot of policemen were actually students dressed up as policemen. The second lot of police therefore threate ned to arrest the first lot of police, but before they did so, they asked for their identity cards. The first lot ignored this request and said that they really were policeme n, but that the workme n were stude nts. The workers had to prove their iden tity, too, they said. None of them had to prove their ide ntity by show ing ide ntity cards, because at this point two or three of the policemen started laughing, and then the workmen started laugh ing, and in the end they were all laughi ng. They fin ally realized that they had all bee n victims of a hoax ---- and not one of them could remember what the stude nt had looked like. After all, ' said one workma n,
they all look the same to me. '(
Key to Letter writing
A possible an swer (body of letter only Thank you very much for your last letter. It was really good to hear from you aga in and to read about the long trip you intend to make and your offer to take me with you. Yes, I would love to come. You are going to visit a part of the country that I have never been to, so naturally I'd like to come along. And I shall of course share the expe nses ---- petrol, food and accommodati on, and any other expe nses. However, you did n't say how much you think the trip will cost, so perhaps you could let me know. Less on 41 Illusi ons of pastoral peace 宁静田园生活的遐想
I have n ever un derstood city-lovers. For me a city is a place to visit for a few hours, to go shopp ing, to see special exhibiti ons, shows, plays and films. But it's not a place to live in, eve n though thousa nds do. Usually they are tied to the city by their jobs or perhaps eve n by family.
There are so many advantages to living in the country. It is quiet and more healthy. There is far less traffic on the roads and the air is so much fresher. I nstead of buying everyth ing in packets from a supermarket, i n the country we can always buy fresh food from farms or village shops every day ---- milk, fruit, fresh eggs, vegetables and meat. And we don't have to look at Usby •••'labels to see whe n we must use something by: we know that everything is fresh. And the people in the country are always so polite and friendly too - as long as you obey the unwritten rules of the coun tryside, that is. On the other hand, there are so many advantages to living in a town or city. The first thing most country people notice is the noise and dirt. It must be the traffic, but many country people find it difficult to breathe in the city. And it is stressful, too: people always seem to be in a rush, and they are so ofte n rude and unfrien dly. There are so many advantages to living in the country that it is a mystery to me why some country people say they would like to live in the city. In fact, I just cannot un dersta nd how anyone can eve n con sider liv ing in the city. (282 words Key to Letter writing A possible an swer (body of letter only I was very pleased to hear that you are coming to the city for a few days n ext mon th. I thi nk it's good for you to see occasi on ally what life has to offer! And there is so much you will be able to do! Of course I can put you up. You know you don't really n eed to ask. As long as I am going to be here (and I will be during the time you want to visit, you can always use my guestroom. Let me have your exact dates and I will make sure the guestroom is ready. (100 words Less on 42 Moder n caveme n 现代洞穴人
One day last summer Rob, a frie nd of mine, decided to go out for a day on his own. He took a day off work and went to the beach. He walked round the headla nd a mile from the tow n and found a deserted beach. He could n't believe it there was no one else there. He spe nt a marvellous relaxi ng day there swimmi ng, sun bathi ng and reading, and for the whole day he was the only one on the beach. Then, late in the after noon, he decided to pack up and go home. He took his time drying himself, changing and packing his things into the shoulder bag he had brought with him, and the n bega n to walk towards the headla nd. As he was walking along the beach, he suddenly realized that the tide was coming in: it was coming in very fast, and he began to get a little worried. He walked faster, but soon the tide had reached the headla nd and there was no way that he could walk around. He looked round and saw a cave in the cliff. As he hoped to climb up in side it, he went in. Unfortun ately, he just could n't see a way out, so he started back. It was too late: the tide was coming in the cave and as he looked down from the point he had reached, the sea that was already coveri ng the floor of the cave and beg inning to rise up the chimney in the cave. He turned round and started climbing again ---- and eve ntually found a smaller chi mney that he man aged to climb up to reach the top of the cliff. He had n ever bee n so frighte ned in his life. He promised himself that he would n ever do it aga in. (292 words
Key to Letter writ ing
A possible an swer (body of letter only I am writ ing to say how sorry I am that I did n't in vite you to my party last Saturday ni ght. It was n't un til the middle of the eve ning that I realized you were n't there, and by then it was too late to do anything. You may not believe this, but your name was the first on my list of guests for the party when I prepared it on my computer. I can only assumethat whe n my sister prin ted it off and sent the in vitati ons, she did n't no tice your n ame was miss ing. (92 words Lesson 43 Fully in sured 全保险
It was the biggest pie dish in the world and, floati ng on the can al, looked very in vit ing. It had been anchored to the side of the canal after it had been launched and was as big as many of the boats on the can al. It was about eightee n feet long and about six feet wide, and the sides were about three feet high. When a number of teenage girls and boys came along the canal path early in the eve ning, they thought the dish looked fasc in ati ng. There were about ten of them and they all jumped or climbed into the dish one by one. The first thing that happe ned was that they started slipp ing and slid ing everywhere and all fell dow n in the bottom of the dish because it was so smooth. They all laughed a lot. Then one of them turned on the large portable radio that he had brought with him and some of them started dancing. (At least there was no one near the canal to complain about the no ise. Sudde nly the dish bega n to move in the water. It went dow n one side, and the n dow n one end, and the tee nagersmoved to the other end. Then it started dipp ing that end and they all slid into a pile. At that point the rim of the dish reached the level of the water. Once that happe ned, the tee nagers could n't climb back up to the other end, and the water started pouri ng in .It capsized in minu tes and sank in seve n feet of water. Fort un ately they all man aged to swim to the bank and were safe. The tee nagers may not have done much damage, but if they had n't held their party on the dish, it would n't have sunk and the in sura nee compa ny would n't have had to pay to salvage it from the can al. (306 words Key to Letter writing A possible an swer (body of letter only I have just lear ned from an article in last week's local paper that you and Jane were invo Ived in a car accide nt. I was really very sorry to read the n ews. If I had known earlier (from your family or from a frien d, I would have con tacted you both earlier. However, the main thing is that you are both OK. Whe n you and Jane have recovered completely from the experie nee, I would like you to come over and see me for an eve ning. Please accept my very best wishes. (89 words Less on 44 Speed and comfort 又快捷又舒适
Compositi on All forms of travel have adva ntages and disadva ntages. Flying has many advantagesthat regular international travellers will tell you about, but it has many disadva ntages. Whe n you travel by trai n, you turn up at the railway stati on, buy a ticket to your destination, go onto the platform and get on the train when it arrives. With travelling by air, booking itself is a major problem. Immediately you are faced with choices because differe nt airli nes offer the same flights for
differe nt prices. Person ally I n ever know which to choose. And then there's the real time. When they tell you that it is a two-hour flight, add at least five hours to that. Remember first of all that you have to get to the airport (by car, bus, coach or train. Then you have to check in----usually at least an hour before take-off ---- go through customs and passport con trol, and the n wait in the departure lounge (bored out of your min d! un til your flight is called. Board ing, takes at least half an hour, and then you sit in the aircraft waiting to take off. At the other end, after
your flight, aga in you are subjected to customs and passport con trol before wait ing for your luggage before you catch your tran sport from the airport to your real desti nati on. On the flight itself you are squashed in, often sitting next to strangers who might have strange or bad habits, such as an irritating cough. They always give you a meal, but airli ne food ofte n tastes like plastic and there is rarely any choice. There are just two small toilets for hun dreds of people and there is the con sta nt drone of engines and the hum of the air-c on diti oning system. For some travellers, top, there is a con sta nt sense of dan ger: Will we arrive safely?---- Will any of the engines fail? ----What if there's a mad hijacker on board?
Flying has many disadvantages but millions will still go on flying.(329 words
Key to Letter writing
A possible an swer (body of letter only
En closed is a ticket for a performa nee of Shakespeare's Hamlet at the Cen tre Theatre n ext Saturday eve nin g. It's a prese nt from me and, no, I have n't gone mad! Three mon ths ago I saw an advertiseme nt for this particular performa nee and immediately booked a ticket for it. Now, I suddenly find that I must go home to see my family, so I will not be able to attend the performanee. As I know you enjoy going to the theatre so much, and I know you are study ing Hamlet for an English exam, I thought you would be able to use it ----Enjoy the performa nee. (103 words Less on 45 The power of the press 新闻报道的威力
There is a well-known expression in English to describe rising from poverty to a state of being very .It does n't rich or wealthy: it's called going from rags to riches mean that a person has been living in rags and then becomes extremely rich. The expressi on is not quite right to describe what happe ned to Joh n, but not far wrong. Joh n's life had bee n very ordinary and certa inly lacked exciteme nt. He was 25 years old, but he did n't takepart in any sport, he did n't have a girlfrie nd and he did n't drive a car. I nstead he went everywhere on his bicycle. In fact he led a pretty bori ng life, but he was happy. Then one day a frie nd suggested he do the football pools. (In En gla nd this is a way of winning a lot of mon ey. If your predict ions corresp ond to real football scores, you can win lots of mon ey. Joh n did the football pools and won a milli on poun ds. He went mad with the mon ey. He bought a new car and a big house.A nd the n he met a girl and married her. It was all too quick. Very soon they started argu ing and soon they got a divorce. Now Joh n is alone aga in, and liv ing in his big house as a sad milli on aire. The less on of the story is this: n ever liste n to the advice of a frien d. If Joh n had n ever done the football pools, he would n ever have become a sad milli on aire. On the other hand, he is now able to give a lot of money to charity ---- to help people less fortunate than himself. (271 words
Key to Letter writing A possible an swer Dear Sir, I write with refere nee to the article which you published in your paper two days ago about the Swifts and their four new children. It may be a little unusual for a woman to give birth to quads (or quadruplets, to give them their proper n ame, but surely the eve nt did not deserve a full page with photos! A short paragraph would have bee n eno ugh: we did not n eed to know the ages of the pare nts, the father's job, and so on. Surely there is a lot more important news from around the world to fill the pages of your n ewspaper. Yours faithfully, (105 words Lesson 46 Do it yourself 自己动手
Friends have often told me that one of the simplest plumbing jobs in a house is changing the washer on a dripping tap. We had a dripping tap in the kitchen. It had bee n dripp ing for weeks. I did n't want to call in a plumber because they charge a lot of mon ey, so I decided to do it myself. Surely it's a fairly easy job, I thought. What can go wrong? I really did not think that it would be difficult. I knew that the first thing I had to do was to turn off the water at the mai ns. Un fortun ately, I could n't find where to turn off the water. Was it under the sink in our kitchen? Or was it outside somewhere? Eventually I found it under the kitchen sink on a pipe coming up from the ground that I had n ever no ticed before. When I had turned off the mains tap, I turned on the kitchen tap until it stopped running. So far, so good! Then I gaily embarked on the task of un screw ing the tap and taking off the old washer. Whe n I tried to put the new washer on, however, I realized that I had a problem. Whatever I did, it just would n't go on. So I cut it a little and it went on with no problem. Then I put everything back together and turned on the mains. I was so pleased with myself ---- until, five minutes later, the tap started dripp ing worse tha n ever. As a result of the experienee, I have made a decision. I will never attempt to change a washer again, and I will call in a professional for any plumbing, building or electrical job that ever n eeds doing in the house. (291 words Key to Letter writing A possible an swer (body of letter only When we last met two years ago, I told you about the trouble I was having at work and you gave me some very valuable advice. I was worried about promotio n, and you told me to work hard and be patie nt. I am writing now to thank you and to say that you were absolutely right. In fact, I really can't tha nk you eno ugh. I have worked hard over the past two years, and I have waited. And now I have just heard that I am going to be promoted n ext mon th. I am going to be head of my sect ion in the departme nt. (104 words Less on 47 Too high a price? 代价太高
It has often been said that yoiare what you eat ' But what does that mean? It certa inly does not mean that if you eat eno ugh carrots, you will beg in to look like one! It means that you will be healthy if you eat healthy food, and your health will not be so good if you eat junk food ' . And obviously it applies to some people, but not to
others. A friend of mine is mainly a vegetarian, she eats mostly fruit and vegetables, with some fish, and she is extremely healthy. She eve n has a meal occasi on ally with fried eggs, fried bac on and chips , but it does n't seem to do her any harm. Basically she eats a diet which is 90% healthy. So, I suppose, she is what she eats. There is a problem, however, and it is this. Your physical health is not simply the result of what you eat and drink: it is also partly a result of your own metabolism, the amount of exercise you take and the general way you live (your lifestyle, if you like. If you eat healthy food, but sit at a desk all day and then sit all evening watching televisi on, the n of course you can't expect to be really healthy. I eat well, I thin k. I eat fresh meat, fruit and vegetables whe n I can. I do not eat much fatty food, I do not eat much prepared food (froze n meals and very rarely have a fried meal. I take regular exercise, particularly walk ing and cycli ng, and I don't drink much alcohol. But I still weigh 150 poun ds, which is too much for my age and height. Key to Letter writing A possible an swer (body of letter only You have often said that you would like to visit the UK. Well, here's your chanee! I have just see n an announ ceme nt in the uni versity office ask ing for n ames of stude nts from othercountries that we students could recommend for a free month's holiday course here in Edi nburgh duri ng the next summer holidays. Basically, it will be a free En glish Ian guage course with free accommodati on. You would have to pay for your own air fare here and back. Naturally, I would make sure that I would be here in Edi nburgh duri ng your time here. Let me know what you thi nk. (100 words Lesson 48 The sile nt village 沉默的村庄
When we reached the stream where we had stepped out of the ferry and where the boatma n said he would wait, there was no one. There was no boat and no boatma n. At first we were surprised and thought that we had perhaps mistake n the place where he said he would wait. We walked along the bank of the stream for a few hundred yards in one direction, and then in the other.He was definitely not there. I was worried that the villagers would be coming dow n the mountain after us, but we could n't see anybody, and the only noise was the noise of the running stream. We called across the stream to attract the attention of anyone on the other side, but nothing happened. It seemed that we were stra nded. We sat dow n on the bank of the stream and just looked at each other. Come on,' I said. We've been in worse situations than this. What about that time we got lost in the forest in Germany, and the time the car broke down in Australia? You're right, ' she said, cheeri ng up. There is someth ing we can do. '
And, since I certai nly could n't thi nk of anything better, we did just what she suggested. We both took off our shirts, tied our personal belongings in them (purse, money, passport, keys and so on, tied the shirts round our waists, and waded into the water until we had to swim. And we swam to the other side, where we squeezed out our shirts and put them on again wet. Then we walked back to our small hotel in the town. Perhapsthe most surpris ing thi ng was that whe n we walked into the hotel still wet from our swim across the stream, no one said a word! (301 words
Key to Letter writing
A possible an swer (body of letter only
I am writing to congratulate you on the occasion of your eighty-fifth birthday. I have bee n trying to imagi ne all the things that have happe ned duri ng your life and all the questio ns I could ask you. You must remember the Second World War (1939-1945. What do you remember about it? And what about the Coronation of Elizabeth H , and Kenn edy's assass in ati on, and the Gulf War, and the death of Prin cess Dian a,a nd lots of other events like that? You must tell me all about them sometime. Once aga in, many con gratulati ons on your 85th birthday! (96 words Lesson 49 The ideal serva nt 理想的仆人
Domestic serva nts still exist, but no wadays, in stead of worki ng for rich old ladies, they only work for members of the royal family, aristocrats, film stars, pop stars, successful bus in essme n and other rich and famous people, and there are really very few of them. The great age of domestic serva nts is past. There are many reas ons why there is such a small nu mber of domestic serva nts now. The first thing, of course, is that there are very few families that own big houses that need domestic servants. Many of the large country houses in Britain that need serva nts have bee n bought by an orga ni sati on called the Nati onal Trust and many of the people who help to run these properties are volun tary. They are certai nly not servantsand they believe that they are helping to preserve the heritage of Great Britai n. The houses that are still owned privately are now run much more efficiently than they used to be, and very few en terta in guests as they used to do. In stead, they ope n their gates to the general public, and so they need the same staff that major entertainments n eed. True, such large houses have some domestic staff, but they employ many other people who would n ot like to thi nk of themselves as domestiwaiieeva nts '
and waitresses in their caf6s, cleaners, car park attendants, ticket collectors, guides, office staff, and so on. I am pers on ally pleased that there are so few people in domestic service now. Most of us work for some one else, it's true, but the whole idea of being a serva nt ' , a servant 'is, an idea connected more with past centuries than the twentieth or twen ty-first cen turies. (279 words
Key to Letter writing
A possible an swer (body of letter only
Thank you very much for your cheque which I received at the end of last week for my 21 st birthday, It was extremely kind of you and is far more tha n I deserve. Naturally you would like to know what I intend to do with the money. For some time now I have wan ted to buy a computer, so I am going to buy one that takes floppy disks and CDs, and one that has games and that I can use to send e-mail messages. Once aga in, many many tha nks for the mon ey. (94 words Less on 50 New Year resoluti ons 新年的决心
Are New Year resoluti ons made to be broke n? I think so. Some people are serious about them of course,but most know that they won't succeed in keep ing them. That's probably why they make wresoluti ons such as 'I must be polite to Aunt Harriet they only see Aunt Harriet twice a year! ----or ' I must cut down on my smoking '
whe n they only ever have a cigarette after a family lunch on Sun days! Such resoluti ons, then, are not only ridiculous, but hardly resoluti ons at all!
The last time I ever made a list of resolutions was five years ago. I remember now that I resolved always to do my college work on time, to keep my room tidy, to have nothing to do with the girls in the nearby girls'college, to write home at least once a week, to wash my dirty clothes regularly and to have a haircut once a mon th. What was I th inking of?! For most college stude nts such resolutio ns would be impossible ----and of course they were for me! I kept three of the resolutions for a week, and a girlfriend from the nearby girls' college helped me to keep two more (the ones about keeping my room tidy and wash ing my dirty clothes regularly! for ano ther week.After that, I gave up in despair. In stead, I resolved just to try to be just a little bit more tidy and a little more thoughtful, gen erally. I don't bother to make New Year resoluti ons any more since I have proved to myself and others that I can't keep them. There seemsto be little point in breaking habits which have take n years to establish.(279 words Key to Letter writing A possible an swer (body of letter only It is about a mon th since I last wrote to you. At that time I was study ing in a Ian guage school. However,s ince the n I have left the school and man aged to find a job. Before I left home, I know that I promised I would write to you once a week ---- and I had every inten ti on of doing it. I'm sorry I have n't writte n as ofte n as I promised, but I do not always have very much news. I'll write and tell you all about the job next time. I really will try to write more often in future. (100 words
Lesson 51 Predict ing the future 预测未来
Predicting what computers will be like in 20 years' time or what they will be able to do is a guess ing game. If Leon Bagrit could not predict everyth ing, what cha nee have I got? However, because predicti on is just a calculated guess, I will try! The developme nt of the computer since the 1960s has bee n very fast. From large mainframe computers which filled whole rooms to small lap-top computers which you can carry in a shoulder bag or large handbag, it has taken only forty years. Computers are already smaller, more powerful and cheaper tha n they have ever bee n. So what might happe n in the n ext twenty years? Let's speculate. In twenty years' time it's possible that many people will be doing their everyday shopp ing by computer. The virtuafeality ' shop we available through your TV set. You will be able to walk through ' your supermarket on scree n, click or tick what you want, and then order it ---- and it will be delivered. In education, most students could be using computer-notebooks which make notes for them as they listen to a lecture or watch a dem on strati on experime nt. In the world of travel, aircraft already have computer systems that will control auto-pilot. In twenty years' time, computers could actually pilot aircraft ---- with no need for a real, live human pilot at all. Computers already help doctors diag nose disease and other health problems, and help in the control of body systems during operations. What else might they do in the future? They might actually control certain kinds of surgery (brain surgery, for example where the huma n hand cannot always keep still eno ugh, and power computer-operated limbs. So there are some ideas. But who knows what might really happe n? No one. No one can see into the future. We shall just have to wait and see. (307 words Key to Letter writ ing A possible an swer (body of letter only As you are coming in tomorrow after I have left, I thought I should write you a few no tes. You already have a set of keys, but I have also left a set of keys with our n eighbours opposite, Joh n and Jane Smith. If you n eed any thi ng, please ask them. You won't have to bother about the post because I have asked the Post Office to keep all our mail till we come back. Everyth ing else is as I told you, but please remember to leave the an swerpho ne on whe n you go out and write a list of messages for me. Enjoy yourself, but please look after the house. (108 words Lesson 52 Mud is mud 实事求是
For me, a day's shopping is the best way I think of to pass a day away from college or work. I have bee nlooking forward to a day out shopp ing for weeks becauseI have wan ted to get some new clothes for ages, solast Friday I took a day off. I got up at the usual time (as if I were going to work or college because for me shopp ing is as serious aswork. Before I left the house I made sure I put on a good pair of walk ing shoes and the n caught the bus in tothe centre of the tow n. Some people visit all the shops in the hope that they will find what they want at the prices they want topay. Not me: rm one of those shoppers who has a list of purchases -and with a fairly good idea of howmuch I want to pay.
The first thing I wan ted was somethi ng to wear to a frie nd's weddi ng n ext month - and I did n't want topay very much. I found just what I wan ted in the sec ond shop I visited. And in the sec ond shoe shop I visited, I found a pair of shoes that would go with the new clothes and which I could wear to work afterwards. With inan hour I had bought the most importa nt things on my shopp ing list. I was so pleased! But then came the most difficult part of the day. The third thing on my shopping list was Birthday presentfor Pat ' . I like to give her a present but it is always so difficult. This year, I decided, I would buy her a book. Do you know how long I spe nt in one large book shop? Two hours! And eve n the n I did n't get her a bookalthough I bought three for myself! By the time I got home, it was six o'clock. I was absolutely exhausted, but pleased that I had man aged tobuy two thi ngs on my list. (337 words Key to Letter writing A possible an swer (body of letter only Did you hear reports of the thun derstorm in our area a week ago? We were caught in the middle of it. We were woken in the middle of the night by thunder and lightning. We went dow nstairs where mymother made coffee and tea. The n the wind started howli ng and it started to pour with rain. When we lookedout of the windows, we could hardly see any of the n eighbouri ng houses, and water was flood ing dow n the road. Sudde nly there was a crash on our roof. We did n't realize how bad the damage was un til the follow ing morning whe n we found that the chimney had fallen through the roof. (110 words Lesson 53 In the public in terest 为了公众的利益
What does a policeman actually do? It is not an easy job to describe. After all, a policeman has a numberof jobs in one. A policeman often has to control traffic, either on foot in the centre of a tow n, or in a police caron the roads. In deed, in Britai n, he might be in the Traffic Police and spe nd all, or a lot of, his time driv ing upa nd dow n main roads and motorways. A traffic policeman has to help keep the traffic moving, stop speed in gmotorists and help whe n there is an accide nt. A policeman has to help keep the peace, too. If there is a fight or some other disturba nee, we expect thepolice to come and assess the situatio n and restore order. And they often have to deal with situations at greatrisk to themselves and their own safety. We expect the police to solve crimes, of course, so an ordi nary policema n, eve n if he is not a detective, will often have to help look for and arrest criminals. And who do we call whe n there is an emerge ncy - an air crash, a fire, a road accide nt, or a burglary? Wecall the police. So a policeman has to be prepared to face any un pleasa nt emerge ncy that may happe n in themoder n world. The police do an absolutely n ecessaryjob, they do it extremely well and I support them, but I do not envypolicemen. I do not think that I could ever do the job of a policema n. (296 words Key to Letter writing A possible an swer Dear Sir or Madam, I am writ ing to you to compla in about the sta ndard of postal services in our district. We used to
receive post regularly at special times of the day and post used to be collected regularly from post boxes at the same times every day .In the past few mon ths, however, the service has deteriorated. We nolon ger receive post regularly and it would seem that post is collected from post boxes at any time of day. I look forward to heari ng from you. Yours faithfully, (100 words Less on 54 In sti net or clever ness? 是本能还是机智
According to my dictionary, pests ' are smak ansectls that harm or destroy food supplies ' . But for me, they are more tha n that: they are in sects and small ani mals that spread disease and damage property, too. Whatever they do and however you defi ne them, pests have bee n a major problem to man through out history. Man has tried to con trol or exterm in ate these creatures, but n ever with very much success. In some ways, in sets are the worst pests. An ts, locusts and beetles damage property, woodwork, crops and harvest, and in this century we have sprayed crops with insecticides and pesticides to protect them from in sects. The problem now is that there are some in sects that have become immune to pesticides. Rats and mice eat our food supplies too and spread disease, and people have tried to kill or catch them with pois on or traps. But aga in, they are still with us. We have n't man aged to extermi nate them. Let's not forget, however, that for farmers, certain birds are pests ' ItocBritain, seagulls, pige ons and other birds ofte n fly dow n in their hun dreds (or eve n thousa nds to pick up seeds whe n farmers are pla nting crops. Years ago, farmers used to sta nd scarecrows in the fields to frighten away birds, but I'm not sure how effective they were. We have tried differe nt thin gs, the n, to con trol pests, and we have man aged to hold some pests in check. However, some are a big problem, both in the major in dustrial nations and in the Third World. While locusts are a terrible problem in countries like Suda n and Ethiopia, rats are still a problem in most large cities in the world. We might con trol pests to a certa in exte nt, but we shall n ever get rid of them. (292 words Key to Letter writing A possible an swer (body of letter only It seems ages since we went on holiday together, so I thought I would write and ask how you are. I am keeping well and working hard at college. I came back from our holiday really refreshed and readyfor this term. And we really bad a good time, did n't we? I particularly remember the day you brought yourcamera and took lots of amusing photos. Have you had them developed yet? If so, I'd love to see them. write and let me know what you are doing now. Did you start that new job? I look forward to see ing the photos. All best wishes, (105 words Less on 55 From the earth: Greeti ngs 来自地球的问候
Do you remember ET in the film ET, the Extraterrestrial? If you do, you will know that the com mon picture of extraterrestrials is that they will look rather stra nge - for in sta nee, they might have big eyes and funny feet and be a stra nge colour - but they will still somehow look like living creatures from
earth. At the same time, of course, we believe that they will probably have in credible powers - like ET's power to he a lin juries and to come alive again. Many scienee - fiction stories and films have shown aliens or extraterrestrials like this. They may somehow look like strange earth creatures, therefore, but they are ben evole nt. But what if extraterrestrials - beings from other pla nets - are creatures with in credible intelligence and with no form, that is, with no body form like earthly creatures? They might be almost ' livinthoughts 'o w would we greet them? How would we deal with them? And what if they are not benevolent? In other words, what if they really want to take over the earth? There are stories that extraterrestrials or alie ns have already crashed on earth in spacecraft (flyi ng saucers and that scie ntists have studied them. There are eve n more fantastic stories that scientists are already learning from extraterrestrials new kno wledge which will help us build in credible spacecraft to fly to other pla nets and bey ond. Stories like that must surely be just rumours. Perhaps one day we will know if there really are extraterrestrials out there in space, and if there are, we will know what they look like and what they think of us. Will they really be little green men? Or will they begiants? Or Perhaps they will be so small that we can hardly see them? Will they be friendly? Or will they want to take over the earth? Who knows? One thing is certain. If we were ever to discover that there are extraterrestrials out there, the discovery would completely change our view of the uni verse and ourselves. (329 words Key to Letter writing A possible an swer (body of letter only Many tha nks for the en closed travel guide which you lent me a month ago and which I am retur ning as promised. As we are thinking of going to Greece for a holiday, the book was extremely useful. We were able to read about main la nd Greece as well as all the differe nt isla nds, and we think that we know where we would like to go. We will probably fly to Athens for two or three days and the n go to Cephal onia, one of the isla nds off the west coast. Whe n we have made all the arran geme nts, we might line to borrow the book aga in Write soo n. (105 words Less on 57 Back in the old country 重返故里
There is a house in another part of my home town that I would love to own. It is called the White House ' , like the Preside nt's house in Washi ngton! I think you could easily describe it as a
mansion ' and it is magnificent. I have no idea how muchit i worth, but that does n't worry me. I admire the house and have always admired it. I do not have to imag ine what the house is like in side because I have, stra nge as it may seem, actually bee n in side. About three years ago the owner held an exhibiti on of sculptures and paintings in the house. The exhibits were distributed throughout the house so that all the visitors had a cha nee to see the house. When you go in through the large heavy green front door, you find yourself in a large entrance hall with a shining black and white marble floor, rooms leading off from it in all direct ions, and a large ope n staircase lead ing up to the first floor. There is a large dining room on the right and a large sitting room on the left. Both rooms have big win dows that look out on to the front law n. There are always peacocks on the front lawn, and there are two large oak trees where you can sit in the shade on hot summer days. At the back of the house is a large kitchen, a laundry and work room and a games room. Upstairs
there are six bedrooms and four bathrooms. I think there are four bathrooms, but I can't quite remember. The house is full of beautiful an tique furn iture and all the rooms are decorated in a classical style ---- lots of light blue and light green paint with white doors, and quite a lot of gold decorati on. The whole thing may sound like a dream, but one day it will be reality. One day I will own my ideal house. (322 words
Key to Letter writing A possible an swer for letter (b Flat 605 6/F,
35 Dado ng Street, Guan gzhou, Guangdong 510065 P.R.C. 10th September, 20-- Dear Charlie, Thank you very much for your prese nt which arrived just before my birthday. It was very kind of you. Now that I have my own copy of the Thesaurus ' , I will naturally be able to make a lot of use of it. And I think that some of my friends will want to use it too! My family and I are well and look ing forward to a short holiday n ext mon th. It will be the first holiday that we have had for two years. Please remember me to your pare nts and sisters. All best wishes. Write soo n. (99 words Lesson 58 A spot of bother 一点儿小麻烦
There is nothing like your first visit to a foreig n coun try. Whatever you may have heard, or whatever you have read or see n, you still don't really know what to expect. You will hear and read a new Ianguage, you will be surrounded by a completely differe nt culture, and everyth ing will seem new and stra nge. My first visit abroad was three years ago when I went to the UK. I had booked to attend a short English Ianguage course in London with a friend of mine. After a very long flight, we Ianded at Heathrow Airport and were met by a representative of the A1English Language School. She welcomed us and took us to our accommodation. We were staying with a small English family. At first everything was so strange ---the food, the furniture in their home and the way they live, everything! But after three or four days we both bega n to enjoy our stay, and of course we made lots of frie nds at the school, which was only half a mile away. There are so many thi ngs to lear n whe n you are in En gla nd. For example, one day my friend and I were sightsee ing in London and stopped to ask an En glishma n the way. Excuse me, ' I said. Where is Albert Hall? ' I thought my English was just right. Oh,' he said, you mea n the Albert Hall! ' Yes, ' I said, where is the Albert Hall? ' He the n expla ined how to get to the Albert Hall, but I did n't realize the word was so importa nt in En glish! It is impossible to overestimate what you get from foreign travel. Going to the UK made me realize
how small the world is, it made me see how important travel is, and it helped me to understand what foreign visitors feel like when they visit China forthe first time. (317 words
Key to Letter writ ing
A possible an swer for letter (a I know that we had arran ged to spe nd a day in tow n n ext Tuesday. I thought that I had better write and tell you that I shall unfortunately not be able to see you. The reas on is that I have bee n ill for the past two weeks with some kind of infection. It's a little like flu, but seems to be worse. Can I suggest in stead that you come and visit me one day? Almost any day will suit me, but it might be best if you ring first. (89 words Less on 59 Collecti ng 收藏
There was a knock on the window. At first it was hardly noticeable, almost as if a branch on the large oak tree outside had brushed aga inst the win dow. It was repeated, and the n there was sile nee. I got up and looked out of the win dow. I could n't see an ybody and my dog had n't started bark in g. It was mid-after noon, about three o'clock and I had bee n liste ning to the radio and readi ng a book. The house sta nds on its own, dow n the end of a long lane in the middle of the coun tryside, so it is very Ion ely. I have few n eighbours, but the n eighbours I have are very good, eve n though we don't see each other very ofte n. I had got so n ervous rece ntly that I had to sum mon up eno ugh courage to uni ock the front door and go outside. There was no one there. True, there was a light breeze and the wind was shak ing the bran ches of the oak tree, but the only other sound was the noise of the traffic on the main road a mile away. For one moment I thought I saw some one hid ing beh ind the fen ce, but no thi ng moved, so I thought I must be wrong. I came back in and settled down by the fire with my book. Then there was a knock on the window, this time louder. It was a real knock with a human hand, no doubt about it ----well, certa inly not the branch of a tree ---- and my heart started poundin g. I looked up and there, outside the window, was the little girl from down the lane. Her mother had sent her down to see if I was all right, and she had decided to play a trick on me!(292 words Key to Letter writing A possible an swer for letter (a I was very pleased to hear you are coming to see me after all this time. However, as you have never been here before, I thought I'd better give you some directi ons. You will be coming out to High tow n on the un dergro und. As you come out of the station, turn left and walk along the High Street for 200 metres. Turn left into Green Street, then our road is the first on the right. Our apartment block is on the left. I'm enclosing a rough map, so I'm sure you'll find the apartment with no problems. All best wishes, (100 words Less on 60 Too early and too late 太早和太晚
A piece of paper was blowing in the wind. When I saw it, I was sitting in the park eating my
sandwiches. It was floating across the surface of the park lake, not large, about half the size of a
postcard, and I wondered when it would drop into the water. But it did n't. As it got n ear to the surface, it rose aga in and the wind took it over the bank towards some trees. Even then I thought that it looked very light ---- perhaps tissue paper or toilet paper, maybe ---- because it almost fluttered, like a butterfly. But then aga in, perhaps it was n't. Perhaps it was just ordi nary paper that had got a bit wet. I fini shed my san dwiches, threw my waste paper into the bin n earby and set off back towards the trees and my office. I was not look ing forward to the after noon. As I walked round the edge of the lake, the piece of paper flew up again in front of me. It began to annoy me, and intrigue me ---- because when it flew up, I noticed that it was pink with some writing on it. It flew away and I chased it. It dropped down and I had nearly reached it when the wind took it again. I ran after it once more and it landed aga in some metres in front of me. I fin ally caught up with it and put my foot on it to stop it flying away aga in. This time I held it firmly with my foot until I could lean down and pick it up. I looked at it and realized what it was: a lottery ticket ---- a little wet, and one cornerwas torn, but it was a lottery ticket. I could see that the date on it was about six weeks before. It was probably worth nothing, but I decided to take it home and dry it. It was worth something! When I checked the numbers with the winning numbers six weeks before, I had four the same. The piece of paper 50'34/feworolrth Key to Letter writing A possible an swer for letter (a (body of letter only I am writing to inform you that I shall unfortunately have to be absent from school from Mo nday, 13th to Thursday, 16th July. The reason is that an uncle of mine has just died and we have to attend his funeral. As he lived a long way away, my family is travelli ng there on Mon day in order to atte nd the fun eral on Tuesday. My pare nts the n have to atte nd to certa in matters before we travel back on Wedn esday. I sin cerely hope that, i n view of the situati on, you will grant me leave of abse nee for these four days. (97 words 纯的课本内容,并不能满足学生的需要,通过补充,达到内容的完善


