
发布时间:   来源:文档文库   
h 目录 Contents
1. Greetings 打招呼 2. Introductions 介绍/引见 3. Gratitude 感激 4. Apologies 道歉 5. At the Airport 在机场 6. On a Plane飞机上的实用英语 7. In a Restaurant 在餐馆 8. Booking a Room预订房间 9. Asking the Way问路
10. Departure and Farewell 分手和告别 11. Making a Telephone Call打电话 12. In a Department Store在百货商店 13. Likes and Dislikes 喜欢和不喜欢 14 Hopes and Desires 希望与期望 15. In a Barber's 在理发店 16. At a Bank 在银行 17.Identifying 辨别 18.About Visits 关于拜访
19.Talking About Activities 谈论活动
20. Talking About Daily Activities 谈论日常生活 21. Opinions and Plans意见和计划 22. Appointments 约会 23. Seeing a Doctor 看医生 24. At the Banquet在宴会上
25. Working with the Foreigners 工作中的交流用语 26. Field English工程建设现场英语 27. Common Words 常见专业词汇

1. Greetings 打招呼
Basic patterns 基本句型 1. Hello 你好。
2. Good morning. 早上好。 Good afternoon. 下午好。 Good evening. 晚上好。 Good night. 晚安。
3. How are you doing?
你好吗?/您工作还顺利吧?(侧重于问工作方面) 4. Not bad. 还不错。 5. Whats up?
怎么啦?/ 有什么新鲜事发生吗?
6. Its nice to meet you./ Nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你。
7. Its nice to see you again. 很高兴再次见到你。
8. I’m surprised to see you again. 想不到在这见到你。 9. Long time no see. 好久不见了。 10. How have you been?
h 11. Hi, there. 嗨,你好。
12. How are things with you? 你最近还好吗?
13. Whats going on with you? 你最近在干什么?
14. What are you doing here? 你在这里干什么? 15. Hey. 喂。 初次见面用语:
: -How do you do? 你好! : -How do you do? 你好! 比较熟悉的人之间用语: : (1 -How are you?你好吗?
-Fine, thank you, and you? 好,谢谢!你呢? (2-How is everything? 一切都好吗?

(3-How are you doing? 你好吗?/您工作还顺利吧?(侧重于问工作方面)
: -Im fine. / Not bad. / Im just great. / Just so so./ Very well, thank you!/ Everything is fine.
我很好/不错/非常好/一般/非常好,谢谢/一切都好。 Dialogue 对话
1: Good morning. 早上好。
: Good morning. Do you think it will rain today?
早上好。 你觉得今天会下雨吗? : Yeah, maybe. Its hard to tell.
: I hope not. I am going to the beach this afternoon.
我希望不要(下雨) 今天下午我准备去海滩。
: Maybe you should check the weather forecast first. h
h 也许你应该先查查天气预报。 :Good idea. I think I will. 好主意。 我会的。
: Well, I hope you have a good afternoon. 那我希望你过一个愉快的下午。 : You too. 你也一样。
2Bill: Hello.
比尔:你好。 Leslie: Hello, Bill. 莱斯莉:你好,比尔。 Bill: How are you doing? 比尔:你近来怎么样?
Leslie: Not bad. Work is going well. 莱斯莉:还可以。工作挺顺利。
Bill: Oh, is it? Thats good to hear. 比尔:噢, 是吗? 听你这么说真好。 Leslie: What about you? 莱斯莉:你呢?
Bill: I’m doing okay, although my car is in the shop. 比尔:还好。只是我的车在维修。 Leslie: Oh, really? Thats too bad. 莱斯莉:噢,真的吗?那太糟了。

h 2. Introductions 介绍/引见
Basic Patterns 基本句型
1. (1 Please allow me to introduce myself.
请允许我介绍一下自己。 (2 Now let me introduce myself. 让我介绍一下自己。
(3I would like to introduce myself. 我想要介绍一下我自己。
2. Hi, I am Robert. 嗨,我是罗伯特。
3. My name is Thomas, I am the manager (project manager, deputy project manager, chief engineer, chief economist, a technician, a foreman, a worker. 我叫托马斯,是这儿的经理(项目经理、项目副经理、总工程师、总经济师、技术员、工长、工人)。 4. (1 I didnt catch your name. 我还不知道你的名字。
(2 I didnt get your name. 我还不清楚你的名字呢! 5. May/ Can I have your name? 请问贵姓?
6. Meet my friend. 来见见我的朋友。
7. This is my brother, Thomas. 这是我哥哥,托马斯。 8. Come say hi to my parents. 来和我父母打个招呼。 9. Have you met my sister? 你见过我的姐姐了吗? 10. Have we met before? 我们以前见过面吗? 11. Do I know you? 我认识你吗? 12. Im new around here. 我刚到这一带.
13. Id like to introduce you to my boss. 我想把你介绍给我的老板认识。 Dialogue 对话
1AMYI’m Amy. And you are?h
h 艾米:我是艾米。你是?
BETHMy name is Elizabeth. You can call me Beth. 贝思:我的名字是伊利莎白。你可以叫我贝思。 AMY: Oh, that is my mothers name. 艾米: 噢,那是我妈妈的名字。
BETH: Really? Im named after my grandmother. 贝思:真的吗?我的名字是来纪念我的祖母的。
AMY: Actually, Amy is not my real name. Its Amanda. 艾米:事实上,艾米不是我的真名。我的真名是爱曼达。 BETH: Why do you go by Amy? 贝思:你为什么用艾米这个名字呢?
AMY: I dont know. Ever since I was young, that is what people have called me. 艾米:我也不知道。我很小的时候,大家就那样叫我。 BETH: Thats interesting. 贝思:那真有趣。

2 TONYHi, there. Are you Tina? 托尼:嗨,你是蒂娜吗?
TINAYes, I am. How did you know my name? 蒂娜:是的,我是。你怎么知道我的名字? TONYIm friends with your roommate Bob. 托尼:我是你的室友鲍勃的朋友。 TINAOh, I didn’t catch your name. 蒂娜:哦,我还不知道你的名字呢。 TONYYeah, Im sorry. My name is Tony. 托尼:是啊,对不起,我的名字是托尼。 TINAPleased to meet you, Tony. 蒂娜:很高兴见到你,托尼。h
h TONYSame here. 托尼:我也是。
3. Gratitude 感激
Basic Patterns 基本句型 1. Thanks. 谢谢. 2. Thank you.谢谢你。
3. Thank you very much. / Thank you so much. / Thanks very much.非常感谢。 4. Thank you a thousand times. / A thousand thanks. 多谢。 5. Thank you from bottom of my heart. 衷心感谢。 6. Thank you for your help.谢谢你的帮助。
7. You are so kind. / You are so nice. /Its very kind of you! / Its very nice of you!
你真好,你太好了。 8. Thanks a lot. 多谢。
9. This is a big favor. 这是个大忙。 10. I cant express how grateful I am. 我无法表达我的感激之情.
11. You dont know how much this means to me. 你不知道这(个忙对我有多重要.
12. Thank you for everything you have done.感谢你为我做的一切。 13. Im indebted to you. 我很感激你。
当你请别人帮忙,但是出于某种原因别人没能帮你时,你也同样要表示感谢。 1 Thank you all the same. 仍然谢谢你! 2 Thanks, anyway. 无论如何,我还要感谢你。 对感谢的回答:
1. Youre welcome. 不用客气。 2. Not at all. 不用谢。 3. No problem. 不用谢。 4. Thats all right. 没关系。h
h 5. Thats OK. 不用谢,没关系。 6. Don't mention it. 别再提了。 7. Its my pleasure. 我很乐意。 Dialogue 对话
1MARK: Steve, did you finish the report?
马克: 史蒂夫,你完成那份报告了吗? STEVE: Yes, its right here, Mark. 史蒂夫: 完成了,就在这儿,马克。 MARK: Thanks. 马克: 谢谢. STEVE: No problem. 史蒂夫: 不用谢。
MARK: Were there any difficulties for you? 马克: 你做报告时遇到过什么困难吗?
STEVE: It was tough to get it done promptly, but it was not too bad. 史蒂夫: 要把它迅速完成是有点困难,但也不是太麻烦。 MARK: Thats good to hear. Keep up the good work. 马克: 听到你这样说真好。继续保持这股劲。

2SONYA: Can I help you? You seem lost. 桑娅:我能帮你吗?你好像迷路了。 ALIYeah, actually I am. 阿里: 是啊,事实上我是迷路了。 SONYA: Where are you trying to go? 桑娅:你想要去哪里呢?
ALIIm trying to find Clay Street. Do you know where it is? 阿里:我想找陶土街。你知道在哪里吗?
SONYA: Yes, it s about two blocks up and then go left. Youll see it. 桑娅:知道,过前面两个街口然后向左拐。你会找到的。 ALIThanks a lot.h
h 阿里:谢谢。
SONYA: Dont mention it. Good luck. 桑娅:不用谢。祝你好运。
4. Apologies 道歉
Basic Patterns 基本句型
1 Sorry. / Im sorry. 对不起。
2 Im very sorry. / Im so sorry. 非常抱歉。 3 Im sorry to trouble you. 对不起打扰您了。 4 Im sorry to have taken so much of your time. 对不起占用您太多时间了。
5 Im sorry to have kept you waiting. 对不起让您久等了。
6Im sorry I was late for class today. 很抱歉我今天上课迟到了。 7I apologize. 我道歉。
8Please accept my apology. 请接受我的道歉。 9Its all my fault. 这都是我的错。 10I beg your pardon. 求你原谅我。 11Please forgive me. 请原谅我。 12. You can blame me for this. 这都怪我。 13Ill take the blame. 这都怪我。
1 It doesn't matter. 没关系。 2 Its nothing. 没什么。 3 Never mind. 别放在心上。 4 Don't worry.
Don't worry about it. 别担心。 5 Don't bother about it. 别再想它了。h
h 6 Thats all right. (Don't think any more about it. 没什么大不了的。(别想得太多。
7 Thats OK. (Don't let it bother you. 没事。(别想得太多了。 Dialogue 对话
1MARK: Im sorry about that last pass.
马克: 我为刚才那一球说声对不起。 STEVE: Yeah, that was a pretty bad throw. 史蒂夫: 是啊, 那一球投得可真糟 MARK: I think I need a rest. 马克: 我想我需要休息一下。
STEVE: Is something wrong? Are you hurt? 史蒂夫: 是不是有什么事? 你受伤了吗? MARK: I hurt my shoulder yesterday. 马克: 我昨天弄伤了肩膀。
STEVE: Well, you shouldnt be playing ball. 史蒂夫: 那你不应该出场。 MARK: Youre probably right. 马克: 也许你是对的。
STEVE: Hey, I’m sorry for criticizing you. I didnt know you were hurt. 史蒂夫: 嗨,我刚才还批评你, 真对不起。 我不知道你受伤了。
MARK: It doesnt matter. No problem. I’ll be as good as new in no time. 马克: 没关系。 没问题的。 我马上就会生龙活虎的。 STEVE: I hope so. 史蒂夫: 希望如此。


5. At the Airport 在机场

Surname (Family name First name Sex 性别 Male Female Birth date 出生日期 Nationality 国籍
Passport No. 护照号 Issue at 签发地
Issue Date (On 签发日期 Expiry date 有效日期至 for stays of 停留期 Visa type(class 护照类型
Country of Origin(Country where you live 出发地 Destination country 目的地 City where you boarded 登机城市 在机场:
1. air ticket 飞机票 ticket office 售票处 How much is the ticket? 机票多少钱? 2. Customs Service Area 通关区 goods to declare 报关物品 nothing to declare 无需报关
Do you have anything to declare? 你有报关物品吗? I have some goods to declare. 我有些东西需要报关。 I have nothing to declare. 我没有东西要报关。 3. passport 护照 visa 签证h
h passport control immigration 护照检查处 May I see your passport? 我可以看你的护照吗? 4. check-in 登机手续办理
What time can I check in? 什么时候可以办理登机手续? board,board a plane, get into a plane 登机
When can I board the plane? 什么时候可以登机? 5. departure time 起飞时间
May I inquire about the departure time? 请问飞机什么时候起飞? 6. boarding passboarding card 登机牌 This is your boarding pass. 这是你的登机牌。 7departure gate, gate 登机口 departure lounge 休息室
Your flight is boarding at Gate 6. 您的飞机在6号门登机。 8. luggagebaggage 行李
checked baggage 通关行李,托运行李 baggage claim area 行李领取处 baggage tag 行李牌 luggage cart 行李车 9. entrance, in 入口 exit, out 出口 10. first class 一等仓 economy class 经济仓 在飞机上: 机内设备:
lavatorywashroomtoilet; W.C.water closet; rest room盥洗室、厕所 Men's; Gent's; Gentlemen's男厕 Women's; Lady's女厕 Occupied使用中 Vacant空闲
Steward (Stewardess 男(女)空服员
h 用餐:
rice米饭, noodle面条, bread面包, beef牛肉, chicken鸡肉, fish, instant noodle方便面; drink饮料, tea, green tea绿茶, red tea红茶, coffee咖啡, water, hot water热水, ice water冰水, spring water矿泉水, cola可乐, juice果汁, orange juice橙汁, apple juice苹果汁, tomato juice番茄汁, milk牛奶, beer啤酒,red wine红酒,cocktail鸡尾酒
1.需要什么饮料吗?/ 您想喝点儿什么吗? What kind of drinks do you want? What would you like to drink? Anything to drink? 2. 我想要些喝的。
I would like / I’d like something to drink. Can I have something to drink? 3. 午餐/ 晚餐您要什么?
What would you like for lunch / dinner? 4. 您用餐完了吗? Have you finished? Are you through?
5. 我可以收走了吗?(收拾餐具
May I clear the table? (clear 在此是“收拾餐具”的意思。 May I clear the plates off the table? 6. 请您收拾一下桌子吧! Clear the table, please! Dialogue 对话
Airline worker: hello. Thank you for flying with skyway airlines. How are you taday? 航空公司工作人员:你好。感谢你乘坐天路航空公司的航班。你今天好吗? Irene: I’m fine, thank you. 艾琳:我很好, 谢谢。
Airline worker: May I see your ticket, please?
h 航空公司工作人员:请出示你的机票好吗? Irene: Yes, here you are. 艾琳:好的,给你。
Airline worker: I see youre flying to Chile. Do you have your passport with you? 航空公司工作人员:我看到你飞到智利去。 你身上带了护照吗? Irene: Yes, I do. Do you need to see it? 艾琳:带了。你要看吗?
Airline worker: Yes, I do. Okay, thank you. Do you have any baggage to check? 航空公司工作人员:是的。 好了,谢谢。你有什么行李要验吗? Irene: Just this suitcase. My shoulder bag is carry-on luggage. 艾琳:就这个箱子。我的挎包是随身携带行李。
Airline worker: Has anyone else packed this bag for you or handled it after you packed it?
航空公司工作人员有没有别人帮你收拾这个包,或者你收拾好这个包后有没有人动过它? Irene: No, I packed it myself. 艾琳:没有,我自己收拾的。
Airline worker: Alright then, just fill out this baggage ticket for your suitcase. 航空公司工作人员:那好吧,请填好这张箱子行李标签。 Irene: Do you have a pen? I think I packed mine somewhere. 艾琳:你有钢笔吗?我想我的钢笔不知道放在什么地方了。 Airline worker: Certainly. There you go. 航空公司工作人员:当然有,给你。
Irene: Thank you. Are your metal detectors safe for camera film? 艾琳:谢谢。你们的金属探测器不会损坏相机内的胶卷吧? Airline worker: Yes, they are. Just put your suitcase here. 航空公司工作人员:不会的。请把你的箱子放到这里。 Irene: Okay. I guess thats it.h
h 艾琳:好的。我想就这些了吧。
Airline worker: Your flight departs in one hour. You may go up to the departure waiting area if you like and wait there. Boarding will begin in about 30 minuter. Have a nice flight.

6. On a plane在飞机上
Basic Patterns 基本句型: 1. How much …… 用来提问价钱
How much is the fare for the ticket? 机票多少钱? 2. May I inquire about the departure time? 可以问一下飞机的起飞时间吗? 3. What time can I check in? 我应该什么时候去办登机手续? 4. When can I board the plane? 我什么时候能上飞机?
5. When is the plane due? 飞机什么时候到达? When does the flight land? 航班什么时候着陆? 6. May I see your ticket? 能看看您的机票吗? 7. May I see your passport? 能看看您的护照吗? 8. This is your boarding card. This is your boarding pass. 这是您的登机牌。
9. Do you have anything to declare? 有需报关的物品吗? 10. I have some goods to declare. 我有一些报关物品。 11. I have nothing to declare. 无需报关。
12. Your flight is boarding at Gate 6.
h 您的航班在6号门登机。
1Where is my seat? 我的座位在哪里?
2Can I put my baggage here? 我能将手提行李放在这儿吗?
3The plane is taking off. Please fasten your seat belt / safety belt. 现在飞机要起飞了。请系好安全带。
4If you need the stewardess for anything, push the call button. 如果您有事要找空姐,请按这个呼叫键。 stewardess /飞机着陆前安全演示用语
Please return your seat and table to its up-right position. 请将您的坐椅和桌子回复成直立。
Please remain seated until the plane has come to a complete stop. 飞机完全停止前请勿离座。 Dialogue 对话
Oliver: Hey, buddy. Are you doing okay? 奥利弗:嗨,伙计,你没事吧? Lee: Yeah. Why?
OliverYou just look kind of nervous and pale. 奥利弗:你看起来有点紧张,脸色有点苍白。
Lee: Oh, I just get nervous before flying. It doesnt make any sense, I know. :噢,我只是做飞机前有些紧张。 我知道,这听起来挺荒唐的。 OliverMy uncle gets like that. 奥利弗:我的叔叔也会这样。
Lee: Once I’m on the plane, I’ll take some sleeping pills. That relaxes me. :一旦上了飞机,我就会吃一些安眠药。那就会使我放松下来。 OliverDo you get airsick? 奥利弗:你会晕机吗?h / 空姐,机上女服务员

h Lee: I don’t think so, but I’m asleep for most flights. :我不晕机,不过大多数做飞机的时候我都睡觉。
OliverI get airsick everytime. I have to take pills for that. 奥利弗:我每次都晕机。我得吃晕机药。 Lee: We both sound like drug addicts. :我们两个人听起来都像吃药吃上瘾一样。
OliverI know. Its pretty bad. Do you want some water? 奥利弗:我知道。真是挺糟的。你要喝水吗?
Lee: Yeah, actually that would be really nice right now. :好的,实际上,现在喝点水对我确实挺好的。 OliverHere you are. Finish this bottle. 奥利弗:给你。把这瓶喝完。 Lee: Thanks. Whats your name? :谢谢。你叫什么名字?
OliverOh, I’m sorry. I’m Oliver. And you are? 奥利弗:噢,对不起。我叫奥利弗。你呢? Lee: I’m Lee. Nice to meet you. :我叫李。很高兴认识你。


7. In a restaurant 在餐馆

Basic Patterns 基本句型 1. Waiter! 服务员(请过来! 2. May I have a menu, please? 我想看一下菜单? 3. May I order, please? 我可以点餐了吗?
4. Can I have the same dish as that? 我可以点与那份相同的餐吗?
5. I'd like/I'll have... 我想要吃. . . 6. Check, please! 结帐! 7. May I take your order, sir? 您要点菜吗?
8. Here is the menu.给您菜单。
9. What would you like to have, coffee or tea? 您要喝咖啡还是茶?
10. Here is the bill. Please sign it. 这是您的账单,请签字。
11. Your bill comes to US$ 15.
h Dialogue 对话
如果服务员没有过来,喊他过来时 Customer: Waiter! 顾客:服务员(请过来!
Waiter: May I take your order, sir? 服务员:您要点菜吗?
Customer: Yes. May I have a menu, please? 顾客:我想看一下菜单? Waiter: Here is the menu. 服务员:给您菜单。
Customer: I'd like/I'll have ... Can I have the same dish as that? 顾客:我想要吃/ 我可以点与那份相同的餐吗? (after the dinner/吃完饭后
Customer: Waiter, the check, please. 顾客: 服务员,请把账单拿来。 Waiter: Your bill comes to US$ 15. 服务员:您的账单总共是15美元。 (paying the bill/付帐
Waiter: You're welcome to stay with us next time. 服务员:欢迎您下次再光临我们的饭店。 Appendix(附录
(1 Service hours are: (餐厅)供应时间是:
7:00a.m.to 9:00a.m.for breakfast. 早餐7点到9点。
11:30a.m.to1: 30p.m.for lunch. 午餐11点半到1点半。
6:30p.m.to 8:30p.m.for dinner. 晚餐6点半到8点半。h
h (2 I'd like/I'll have ...这是两句最重要的短语!使用"I'd like …"或是"I'll have …" 在点菜或是点饮料的时候。例如, "I'd like the some noodles and some tea,"或是"I'll have
(3 Check, please! 当你准备要走时,捕捉到服务生的注意同时说, "Check, please!"作为你用餐短小而简单的结束语。
(4 a hamburger and some tea.一个汉堡包和一杯茶(手指着菜单也总是能让人明白的!) Dialogue 对话
Rita: This soup is incredible! Have you tried yet? 丽塔:这汤美味极了!你以前尝过吗?
Gwen: I did the last time I was here with my husband. 格温:上次我跟我丈夫来这里时尝过。
Rita: Youve been here before. Why didnt you tell me? 丽塔:你以前来过这里。 为什么你没有告诉我呢?
Gwen: I thought I had. I come here often. The chef here is very famous, I think. 格温:我以为我告诉过你了。我经常来这里吃饭。我想这里的大厨非常出名。 Rita: Really? Who is it? 丽塔:真的吗?他是谁?
Gwen: I cant remember his name. Its an Italian name. Ive been trying all night to remember.
格温:我记不起他的名字了,这是一个意大利名字, 我曾经花一个晚上来记它。 Rita: Oh, wait. I think I read something about him in the paper last week. 丽塔:噢,等等。 我想上星期我在报纸上读到过关于他的文章。
Gwen: Yes, thats the one. I still have the newspaper article at home. 格温:没错,就是他。我家里报纸上仍有那篇文章。
Rita: I read that he used to work for a restaurant in New York. 丽塔:我从文章上知道他以前在纽约的一家餐馆工作。 Gwen: Why did he come out here? 格温:那为什么他会到这里来呢?h
h Rita: He has a family. He thinks New York City isn’t good for a family. 丽塔:他有家室了。他认为纽约市对家庭不大适宜。 Gwen: Is that what the article said? 格温:文章里是这么说的吗?
Rita: Yes. I thought that part about his family was interesting. 丽塔:是的。 我认为文章中关于他家庭的那部分很有趣。 Gwen: Have you had the steamed duck here? 格温:你尝过这里的蒸鸭吗?
Rita: No. I was trying to decide what to order. Is that good? 丽塔:没有。我正考虑点什么菜。那道菜好吗? Gwen: Yes. I definitely recommend it. 格温:好,我极力向你推荐。
Rita: If you insist, then thats what I’ll order. What are you having? 丽塔:如果你说得这么肯定, 那么我就点那道菜吧。你要吃什么? Gwen: I’m going to have the steak. You wont regret it. 格温:我要吃牛排。点那道菜你不会后悔的。
8. Booking a room预订房间
Basic Patterns 基本句型
1. Id like to make a reservation.我想预订房间。 2. Are there any beds vacant? 有空床位吗?
3. Id like to book a single room for two nights, please. 我想订一个单人房间,住两晚。
4. Can I have a double room for a week? 我可以租用一间双人房住一个星期吗?
5. Can I book (reserve a room from May 1st till 7th? 我能不能预定一间房,从51日至7日?
6. I need a room for tonight? 我今晚需要一个房间? 7. May I see the room? 我可以看一看房间吗? 8. What is the price of this suite? 价格如何?h
h 9. I will take it. 我要这间房了。
11. Do you like a single room or double room? 您要单人房间还是双人房间?
12. A single room with a bath, if possible. 如果可能,要一间带浴室的单人房间。
13. What kind of room would you like? 你想要什么样的房间?
14. Id like a room on the sunny side, please. 我想要一间向阳的房间。 15. How long do you expert to stay? 您打算在这儿住几天? 16. How many people are in your party? 你们一行有多少人? 17. Do you require a deposit for a reservation? 预定房间要不要定金。
18. All our rooms are fully occupied (booked. 我们所有的房间都住满了。 Dialogue 对话
Front Desk: Can I help you, sir? 前台 我能为您服务吗?
Tom: Yes. I need a room for tonight? 汤姆 我今晚需要一个房间?
Front Desk: What kind of room would you like? 前台 还有空房。您需要什么样的房间? Tom: May I see the room? 汤姆 我可以看一看房间吗?
Front Desk: No problem, sir. 前台:没问题,先生。

(after seeing the room/看过房间之后 Tom: What is the price of this suite? 汤姆 价格如何?
Front Desk: It is US $ 150 per night. 前台 每晚150美元。
Tom: It is a little high. Then do you have anything less expensive?
h 汤姆 价格有点高。那么你们是否还有其他便宜一点的套房?
Front Desk: No, sir. So far it is the least expensive suite for tomorrow night. 前台 没有了,先生。到目前为止,这是能为明晚提供的最便宜的套房。 Tom: OK, I will take it. 汤姆 我要这间房了。
Front Desk: Now could I have your name, please? 前台 现在我能请问您的尊姓大名了吗? Tom: My name is Lee. 汤姆 我叫李。
Front Desk: Thank you, I got it. And how long do you expect to stay? 前台 谢谢,我记下了。另外您预计在此停留多久? Tom: About three days. 汤姆 大约三天。
Front Desk: All right. Have a good time tonight. 前台 好了, 祝您今晚过的愉快! Tom: thank you. 汤姆 谢谢!
9. Asking the way问路
Basic Patterns
1. Excuse me, How can I get to the.......? 请问如何前往……?

2. How can I get to the airport (bus station, train station, hotel XXX, police station?
请问如何前往机场(公车站、火车站、XXX 店、警局

3. Excuse me, madam. Could you tell me where the post office is? 对不起,女士,请问邮局在哪里? 4. It’s just around the corner. 转弯就是。
5. Excuse me, how can I get to the bus station? 对不起,汽车站怎么走?
6. You can take the bus and get off at the second stop.
h 你可以坐公共汽车第二站下。 7. Excuse me. Where is No.5 Street? 对不起,第五大街在哪儿?
8. Go straight ahead and turn left at the second crossing. 一直往前走,在第二个十字路口往左拐。
9. Excuse me. Can you tell me how to get to Mr. Hu's restaurant? 对不起,你能告诉我怎么去胡先生的餐馆吗?
10. Go on for about 100 meters. It's on your left side. You can't miss it. 往前走约100米,在你左手边,你不会错过的。 11. Which one is Mr. Jame's office? 哪间是詹姆司先生的办公室?
12. It’s Room 201 on the second floor. 二楼201房间。 13. Can I use the lift? 我能用电梯吗?
14. Sorry, it's broken. You have to use the stairs. 对不起,它坏了,你只能走楼梯了。 15. Where are the stairs? 楼梯在哪里呢?
16. Go along the corridor and it's on your right side. 沿着走廊走,在你右手边。 17. Thank you for directions. 感谢你为我指路。 请问附近 ...
1. Excuse me, is there ....... near by? 请问附近有没有 ...

2. Is there a bank (bus stop, store, hospital, toilet, restaurant, telephone near by?
请问附近有没有银行(公车站、商店、医院、厕所、餐厅、电话 厕所
toilet; W. C; rest room
h 男厕 men's; Gent’s; gentlemen's 女厕 women's; Lady’s Dialogue 对话
Kyle: Hey. Could you help me? 凯尔:嘿,你能帮我吗?
Brian: Sure. What do you need? 布赖恩:当然可以。你想要什么?
Kyle: I’m looking for an address. 524 Maryland Avenue. 凯尔:我正在找一个地址。 马里兰大街524号。 Brian: Let me think. Maryland Avenue? 布赖恩:让我想一下。马里兰大街? Kyle: Any ideas? 凯尔:想到什么了吗?
Brian: Oh, yeah, I know. It’s about one mile over that way. 布赖恩:噢, 是了,我知道了。 沿那边走大概一里左右。 Kyle: Do you mean to the northwest? 凯尔:你是指往西北边走吗?
Brian: Yes. Thats right. Its over by the new stadium. 布赖恩:是的。完全正确。 就在新运动场那一边。 Kyle: Could you tell me how to get there? 凯尔:你能告诉我怎么到哪儿吗?
Brian: Sure. You go up Monroe. Thats the street right there. 布赖恩:当然可以。你一直走到满乐路。 满乐路就在那。 Kyle: Okay. Got it. For how hong should I walk? 凯尔:我知道了。我要走多久?
Brian: Maybe 4 blocks. Then you take a right on Fulton. 布赖恩:大概4个街区吧。然后在富尔顿路那儿转右。 Kyle: Okay. I think I understand. 凯尔:好的,我想我明白了。
Brian: Then go down Fulton, for maybe half a mile. Youll see Maryland Avenue on h
your left.
h 布赖恩:然后沿富尔顿路一直走, 大约走半英里路,你就会看到马里兰大街就在左边。 Kyle: That sounds easy enough. Thanks. 凯尔:那听起来够简单的,谢谢。 Brian: No problem. Good luck. 布赖恩:没问题。祝你好运。

10. Departure and Farewell
Basic Patterns 基本句型 1. Bye! / Good bye! 再见! 回答语:Bye!/ Good bye! 再见! 2. See you! 再见! 回答语:See you! 再见!
3.See you later / tomorrow/ next time 呆会儿见。/ 明天见。/ 下次见。
回答语:See you later / tomorrow/ next time. 呆会儿见。/ 明天见。/ 下次见。 4. So long. 再见。 回答语:So long. 再见。

h “Bye”,“See you”和“So long”均是一般的告别用语,通常用于熟人、朋友之间。 “Goodbye”,“See you later / tomorrow/ next time.” 均是比较正式的告别用语,后面通常带有称呼套语。 委婉的告别用语:
1. (I’m afraid I have to go now. (恐怕我现在得走了. 2. (I’m afraid I have got to go now. (恐怕我现在得走了. 3. I’d like to say goodbye to every. 我得向各位说再见了. 4. Take care. 保重. 5. Keep in touch. 保持联系.
6. Take care of yourself, and don't forget to keep in touch. 7. I’ll look forward to seeing you soon / again. 期待与您下次再会.
8. Hope to see you again. 希望能再见到您.
9. Please give my regards to your family. 请代我向您的家人问好! Dialogue 对话
Stan: I have to get going. My wife is waiting. 斯坦:我必须走了,我的妻子在等着呢。 Bill: Oh, come on, have one more beer. 比尔:噢,来吧,再多喝一杯啤酒。
Stan: Sorry. You know how she gets if I keep her waiting. 斯坦:对不起。你知道,如果我继续让她等的话,她会怎么样的啦。 Bill: Are you going out tonight? 比尔:你今晚要出去吗?
Stan: Yes. We are going to see her parents. 斯坦:是的。我们要去拜访她的父母。 Bill: Youll miss the game. 比尔:你会错过比赛的。
Stan: Yeah, I know. Look, I’ve got to get out of here. 斯坦:是啊,我知道。瞧,我得离开这里了。 Bill: Okay, buddy. See you later.h
h 比尔:好吧,老兄。迟些见。 Stan: See you. 斯坦:再见。
Cultural Tips 文化小贴士: Goodbye的由来
GoodbyeGod be with ye.的缩写形式。也就是God be with you.意思是“愿上帝与你同在”,是人们分手时的道别语,间接理解为“愿上帝保佑你”。久而久之,就改写为“Good-bye”。最后变成了“Goodbye”这个缩写形式。这个Good实为God(上帝)的谐音,不能译为“好”。在现代英语口语中,“Goodbye”逐渐发展为“Bye-bye”,但是在较正式的场合中须使用Goodbye

11. Making a Telephone Call打电话

Basic patterns 基本句型
办公室电话最重要的就是礼貌,所以不论是接电话或打电话,都应该先报自己及公司的名字。 打电话:
1. Hello. This is ……(自报家门. May / Can I speak to …… 喂,我是……. 可以请……听电话吗?
2. Hello. This is ……(自报家门. I would like / Id like to speak to …… 喂,我是……. 我想找……听电话。 打电话自我介绍时,请注意: a. "hello"等于是中文的 “喂”,随时随地可用。 b. 打电话先行自我介绍是一种礼貌。电话中最常用" this is……"的形态而不是 "here is……""I am……",这是打电话需要注意的。 h
h c. “May I speak to……" 也可以换成是 "Can I speak to……" 请……听电话。 接电话:
接电话的开场白:拿起话筒的时候,可先用"Hello""Good morning""Good afternoon."等问候对方,并报上自己的公司名、部门名、姓名等. 1. Hello / Good morning. This is ……(姓名)of 15MCC. / 早上好,这里是中国十五冶的……。
2. Hello/Good morning. 15MCC (China No.15 Metallurgical Construction Co., Ltd. May I help you?
/ 早上好,中国十五冶。 我能为您做些什么?
3. Hello/Good morning. Here is Overseas Project Management Department of 15MCC. Can I help you?
/ 早上好,中国十五冶国外工程事业部。我能为您做些什么? 打电话的人要找的人就是你自己: 1. Speaking, please. 我就是,请讲。 2. This is he / she. 我就是。 3. This is ……speaking. 我就是。 告诉打电话的人要找的人在: 请您稍等一下。
1. Could you hold a moment, please? 你能稍等一会儿吗? 2. Can you hold on, please? 你能稍等一会儿吗?
3. Just a moment. He is on his way now. 请稍等一下。他马上来接电话。 4. 请稍等。
Hold a moment, please. Hold on, please.
Hang on a second, please.
Let me see if he/she is here. Hold a moment, please. / Hold on, please. / Hang on a second, please. 我去看看他/她在不在,请您稍等。 告诉打电话的人要找的人不在:
1. Im sorry. He/She is not here right now. 对不起,他/她现在不在。 2. Im sorry. He/She is out. 对不起,他/她出去了。h
h 3. Im sorry. Youve just missed him/her. 你刚好错过他/她了。 4. Would you like to leave a message? 您要留言吗? 5. Can I take a message? 有什么留言吗? 你打电话时被告之要找的人不在:
1. It’s nothing urgent. Thank you, good-bye. 没什么要紧事,谢谢您,再见。 2. I’ll call him/her again. 我会再打给他/她。 3. I’ll call back later. 我稍后会再打来。
Let me call back later again. Thank you. 我稍后再打电话来。谢谢你。 4. Please ask ……to call me back. 请……给我回电话。 Please have …… return my call.请……回电话给我。 Can I leave a message? 我可以留言吗? 打电话或接电话时听不清楚或听不懂对方说什么:

1Sorry, I didn’t catch you.对不起,我听不懂你说的。 2.Sorry, I didn’t understand. 抱歉,我听不懂。

3Sorry, I didn’t get what you said. 对不起,我没听懂你说的话。 4Im sorry, I couldn’t follow you. 很抱歉。我没听懂你的话。 5.I can’t hear you very well. 我听不太清楚。 6We have a bad connection. 通讯效果不太好。 发生上面的情况,你可以请对方再重复一遍,你可以说: 1. Pardon? 请再说一遍好吗? 2. Excuse me? 请再说一遍?

3. I beg you pardon? 能请你再说一遍吗?(此句有请求对方原谅及再说一次的意思) 4. Could you repeat that, please? 能请你再说一遍吗? 5. Would you say that again? 你能再说一遍吗?

1. Would you speak more slowly? 你能再说慢一点吗? 2. Could you speak up a little? 你能再大声一点吗?
h 3. Would you speak more clearly? 你能再说清楚一点吗? 4. Would you explain more for me? 可以为我解释一遍吗? 5. Please speak a little louder. 请讲大声一点。 6. Would you slow down, please? 请说慢一点好吗? 7. Hello. May I speak to Mr. Green? 你好,我找格林先生。 8. Just a moment. 等一会儿。 9. Hold on. 等一会儿。
10. He’s not in. May I take a message for him? 他不在,我能替他捎个口信吗? 11. Yes, please. 是的,麻烦了。 12. Would you answer the phone please? 你能接下电话吗? 13. I want to make a long distance call. 我想打个长途电话。 14. This is Mary Speaking. 我是玛丽。
15. Would you tell Mr. Green that I called? 你能告诉格林先生我给他打了个电话吗? 16. I must have dialed a wrong number. 我一定拨错号了。 17. I couldn't get through. 我打不通。 18. I have to hang up now. 我得挂电话了。
19. Would you call back tomorrow? 你能明天回个电话吗?
20. There’s something wrong with the phone. 电话出了点儿毛病。
21. I tried to call you, but the line was busy. 我试着给你打电话,但老占线。 Dialogue 对话
Pizza man: Thank you for calling Joes pizza. How may I help you? 比萨饼店的人:谢谢你打电话来乔氏比萨饼店。要点什么? Ted: Yes, can I place an order for delivery? 特德:是的,我能叫一个外卖吗?
Pizza man: Yes, you may. Go right ahead. 比萨饼店的人:是的, 可以。 请说。
Ted: I’d like two medium pizzas, both with olives and ham. 特德:我想要两个中份的比萨饼,两个都要橄榄和火腿。 Pizza man: Is that all?h
h 比萨饼店的人:就这么多?
Ted: I’d also like a 2 liter bottle of coke. 特德:我还要一瓶两升装的可乐。
Pizza man: Would you like any bread sticks? 比萨饼店的人:你想要一些面包棒吗? Ted: Sure. Thatll be fine. 特德:好的。
Pizza man: Your total comes to $17.80. can I have your address? 比萨饼店的人:总数是17.80美圆。你能告诉我你的地址吗? Ted: 1480 poplar drive. How long will it take? 特德:波波拉道1480号。要多久才能送到呢? Pizza man: It should be there within 45 minutes. 比萨饼店的人45分钟内应该会到。 Ted: Thanks. 特德:谢谢。
Pizza man: Thank you for calling Joe’s. Good night. 比萨饼店的人:谢谢你的来电。晚安。
12. In a Department Store在百货商店
Basic patterns 基本句型 1.look for 寻找 2.try on 试穿
3.fitting/dressing room 试衣间 Key Sentences:
1. What can I do for you? Can / May I help you? Is there anything I can do for you? May / Can I do something for you? 以上各句均可译作“我能帮您吗(您要什么?” 2. I’m just looking. 我只是随便看看。h
h I’m looking for . 我想买…… I'd like to buy … . 我想买…… 3. May I try it on? 我可以试一下吗? I want to try this on. 我想试试这一件。
4. Where is the fitting/dressing room? 试衣间在哪儿? 5. It fits me well. 很合身。

This is just my size. 这刚好符合我的尺寸。 A: How does it fit? 穿起来合身吗?

B: This is just my size. 这刚好符合我的尺寸。 6. It's too small / large for me.我穿着太小/大。 It's too short / long. 太短/长了。 It's a little tight / loose. 有点儿紧/松。

Do you have this in a larger / smaller size? 这一件有尺寸大/小一点的吗? A: Do you have this in a smaller size? 这一件有尺寸小一点的吗?

B: I'm sorry. We don't have that in your size. 对不起,我们没有您要的尺寸。 7. Can I exchange it if it doesn't fit? 如果穿起来不合身,可以来换吗? A: Can I exchange it if it doesn't fit? 如果穿起来不合身,可以来换吗? B: Sure. But just keep the receipt, please. 可以,但您得保存好收据。 8. How much is it? 多少钱?
9. Can you sell it for... ……(钱)你卖吗? Can you give me a discount?
Can you give me 20 percent discount? 10. I'll take it. 我要了。
11. Can you give me the invoice?可以给我发票吗? 12. Will you go shopping with me? 你跟我去买东西吗? 13. Here’s your change. 这是找你的钱。
14. I’ll go to pick up some odds and ends at the store. 我要到商店买些零碎的东西。
15. Excuse me, would you tell me where I can get some butter? 打扰一下,您能告诉我在哪儿能买到黄油吗?
h 16. May I have a look at the watch? 我能看看这块表吗? 17. May I try it on? 我能试试吗?
18. This is too small for me. Do you have a bigger one? 这个太小了,有大点的吗? 19. Do you have any more colors? 有别的颜色吗? 20. What’s your size? 你穿多大号? 21. It suits you to a T. 特别适合你。
22. it’s too expensive for me. 对于我来说太贵了。 23. Can you come down a bit? 可以再便宜点吗? 24. I’ll take it. 我买了。 25. How much is it? 这卖多少钱? 26. How much do I owe you? 我该付多少钱?
Dialogue 对话
Salesman: May / Can I help you? (What can I do for you? 店员 请问您要买什么?
Customer: Yes, please. I'm looking for a shirt. 顾客 我想买一件衬衣。
Salesman: This way please. Here are some shirts of new style. 店员 这边有一些新式的衬衫。 Customer: May I try this on? 顾客 我可以试一下吗?
Salesman: Surely. What size do you want? 店员: 当然可以,你穿多大号的?
Customer: Medium, please.extra large, large, medium, small, extra small 顾客: 中号的。(加大号,大号,中号,小号,超小号)
Salesman: Here's one in your size. This is a very beautiful shirt. 店员: 给,这是一件很漂亮的衬衫。 Customer: Where's the dressing room? 顾客: 试衣间在哪里?h
h Salesman: Just behind you. 店员: 就在你后面。
Customer: (Several minutes later. I'm sorry. It's a little large for me. Do you have
this in a smaller one?
顾客: (过了一会以后)不好意思。有点大了。有小一点的吗? Salesman: Let me check for you. Yes, we do. 店员 我给你换一件。
Customer: It fits me well. How much is it? 顾客 哦,这件很适合我,多少钱? Salesman: Fifty dollars. 店员: 50美圆。
Customer: It's too dear. Can you sell it for 40 dollars? 顾客: 太贵了,40美圆可以吗?
Salesman: I'm sorry. It has been 20% off.(已经打了八折) 店员: 不好意思,已经打了八折了。 Customer: Well, I'll take it. 顾客: 好吧,我要了。

13. Likes and Dislikes 喜欢和不喜欢
Words and Expressions:
喜欢:Like, love, feel like, be fond of, be crazy about, be attracted to 不喜欢:hate, loathe
Basic Patterns:
1. I like Chinese food.我喜欢中国菜。 2. I love dogs.我喜欢狗。
3. Do you like football? 你喜欢足球吗?
h 4. I’m crazy about pizza.我非常喜欢比萨饼。 5. I care about you a great deal.我很在乎你。 6. I am fond of Italian music.我喜欢意大利音乐。 7. Shes attracted to fast cars.她喜欢跑车。 8. I dont feel like cooking.我不喜欢烹饪。 9. I don’t like him.我不喜欢他。 10. I hate the Yankees.我痛恨美国北方佬。 11. I loathe the sight of you.我讨厌见到你。

12. He doesnt find his job very appealing.我并不觉得他的工作有趣。 13. She cant stand these people. 我受不了这些人。
Dialogue 对话 Scene 1:场景1
TIM: I’m hungry, but I dont feel like cooking. 我很饿,但我不想做饭。
ALICE: Do you just want to order some food. 你想叫外卖吗?
TIM: Sounds good to me. What do you want? 听起来是个好主意。你要点什么?
ALICE: I don’t know. Maybe Mexican food. 我不知道。也许墨西哥菜吧。
TIM: I dont really like Mexican food. Its too spicy. 我不怎么喜欢墨西哥菜,太辣了。 ALICE: How about Chinese? 中国菜怎么样?
TIM: Sure, I like Chinese food. Lets call that Chinese restaurant. 好的,我喜欢中国菜。我们打电话给那家中国餐厅吧。 ALICE: Great, I’ll get the menu. 太棒了,我去拿菜单。 Scene 2: 场景2h
h PAM: Oh, look at that puppy! 噢,看那只狗!
SALLY: I didnt know you liked dogs. 我不知道你喜欢狗。/Dislike
PAM: Are you kidding? I adore dogs. 你在开玩笑吧?我很喜欢狗。
SALLY: Did you have a dog when you were growing up? 在你成长过程中你没有养过狗吗?
PAM: Always. We always had dogs in my family. 一直都在养。我们家一直都养狗。
SALLY: My mom was allergic to dogs, so we never had any. 我妈妈对狗过敏,所以从未养过狗。 PAM: Thats too bad. I love dogs. 那太惨了。我很喜欢狗。

14 Hopes and Desires 希望与期望
Basic Patterns:
1. I hope we win the match this year. 我希望我们今年的比赛能赢。 2. I hope so too. 我也希望如此。
3. What do you want for Christmas this year? 今年圣诞节你想要什么?
4. I wish it would stop raining. 我希望这雨能停下来。 5. I was thinking about going to that new place. 我在考虑去那个新地方。
6. I want to be a doctor. 我想做个医生。
h 7. I trust that all will be well. 我相信一切都会好的。
8. I believe things will get better. 我相信事情会好转的。
9. I could really use a drink right now. 我现在很想喝点东西。
10. I hope she feels better. 我希望她感觉好些。 11. Their only desire is for a new home. 他们唯一的期望是有个新家。
12. Hes the best hope for the team. 他是全队最大的希望。 13. I keep hoping that things will be get better. 我一直都希望事情会好转。
14. I have to have that car. 我得拥有那辆车。 15. I need to be alone. 我想一个人呆一会儿。
Dialogue 对话 Scene 1: 场景1
Arthur: I wish it would stop raining.我希望雨会停。 Rose: Why is that? 为什么?
Arthur: So we could go out and play some ball. 那样我们就可以出去玩球了。
Rose: Yeah, I dont want to stay inside all day, either. 是啊,我也不想整天呆在家里。
Arthur: It doesnt look good, though. 可是看起来情况不是很好。
Rose: Youre right. I dont think this rain will let up. 你说得对,我觉得雨不会停。
Arthur: Maybe we can rent a movie. 或许我们可以租盒录像。
Rose: OK. If the rain doesnt stop soon, we should get a movie.h
h 好的。如果还下雨的话,我们就去租盒录像。

Scene 2: 场景2
Carl: Anyone up for a drink? 有没有人要喝点什么? Ray: Sure, I could use a drink. 当然有,我想要瓶饮料。 Carl: Me too, I really want a beer. 我也是,我真的想要点啤酒。 Ray: Where do you want to go? 你想去哪里?
Carl: I was thinking about going to that new place. 我想去那个新地方。
Ray: The one next to the post office? 在邮局隔壁的那个吗? Carl: Yeah, I hear it pretty cheap. 是的,我听说那里很便宜。 Ray: Well, what are we waiting for? Lets go. 好吧,那我们还等什么?我没一起走吧。 Carl: Sounds good, after you. 听起来不错,你先走,我随你后。

15. In a Barber's 在理发店
Basic patterns 基本句型 1. I want a haircut.
I’d like to have / get a haircut. I’d like a haircut. 我想理发。
2. Cut it short around, please. 请整个都剪短。 3. Dont cut it too short. Just trim it. 不要剪得太短,稍微修一修就行。
4. I want to part my hair on the left / right. 我想把头发左/右分。
I want to part my hair in the middle.
h I’d like my parting moved to the left/ right/ middle. 我想把我的头路移到左边/右边/中间。 5. No parting, please.
I dont want any parting. 请不要给我的头发分缝。
6. Trim a little off the top/ back/ sides/ sideburns, please. 头顶/后面/两边/两边的鬓角请再修掉一些。
Please shave off my beard. 请把我的络腮胡子剃掉。 Id like my moustache trimmed, please.我要修一修胡子。 I want a crew cut. 我想剪个小平头。 Id like to get a razor cut. 我想剃光头。 I want to make my head bald. 我想剃光头。
Dialogue 对话

A: Hi, Sir. Would you like a shampoo or a haircut? A:您要洗发还是剪发? B: Just a haircut. B:剪发。
A: How do you want it cut? A:你想怎么剪?
B: My hair is too long. Cut it short around, please. B:我的头发太长了,请帮我剪短一点。
A: I see. Would you like to have a shampoo, first? A:哦,你想先洗一下吗? B: Yes, please. B:好的。
A: (Half an hour later. Is this all right? A:一个小时后,你觉得怎么样?

B: Trim a little off sideburns, please. B 请把鬓角再修一下。
A: Is that to your liking, now?
h A 现在您称心了吗? B: Yes, thank you! B:谢谢!

16. At a Bank 在银行
Basic patterns 基本句型 1. current account活期账户 deposit account定期存款账户 checking-savings account支票储蓄账户 2. deposit slip/form 存款单 withdrawal slip/form 存款单 3. exchange rate 兑换率 exchange memo /form 兑换单 4. large bills /notes 大票 small bills /notes 小票 5. denomination n.面额

Key sentences: 1. A current account, please.请开一个活期存款账户. I want to open a deposit account. 我想开个定期存款账户。 2. What is the minimum deposit? 最低存款额是多少?
3. I would like to deposit / withdraw some money. 我想存/取些钱. I want to deposit / withdraw 1,000 kwachas.我要存/取1000元。 4.In what denomination? 要什么票面的? In 50-kwacha notes, please. 请给我五十克瓦查票面的。
Four fifties and ten singles, please. 请给我四张50元和十张1元的. 5. It is all the same to me. 随便。
6. Could you change some RMB into Zambia Kwacha for me? 你能帮我把人民币兑换成克瓦查吗?

7. What is the exchange rate for Zambia currency today? 今天赞比亚货币的兑换率是多少?
Dialogue 对话
Clerk: Good afternoon. May I help you? Mr. Li: Yes. Could you change some RMB into Zambia Kwacha for me? 你能帮我把人民币兑换成克瓦查吗? (Sudanese Pound苏丹镑
Clerk: Certainly, sir. How much would you like to change? 您要换多少? Mr. Li: Ten thousand yuan, please. By the way, what is the exchange rate for Zambia currency today? 一万元。顺便问一下,今天赞比亚货币的兑换率是多少?
Clerk: According to the present rate, 1,000 kwacha in cash is equivalent to RMB 1.76 yuan.
根据目前的牌价,1000克瓦查相当于1.76元人民币。 Mr. Li: OK. Here are the ten thousand yuan. 好的,我换1万元。
Clerk: Would you please show me your passport?
h 我看看您的护照好吗?
Mr. Li: Here you are. 给你。
Clerk: Thank you. You’ll have it right away. Will you please sign your name on this exchange memo? Here is your money. Please check it. Keep this exchange memo. You will need it to convert any money you have left when you leave Zambia. 谢谢,马上就还您。请您在兑换单上签名。这是您的钱,请点一下。把兑换单收好。在您离开赞比亚时,需要兑换余下的外汇兑换券时也许有用。 Mr. Li: Thank you. What exactly should I do with the Foreign Exchange Certificates left with me? 如果外汇兑换券用不完该怎么办?

Clerk: You have to go to money exchange counter in the bank, airport or railway station.
请到银行、机场或火车站的兑换处去兑换。 Mr. Li: Thank you. 谢谢! Clerk: You are welcome. 别客气。

17Identifying 辨别
Basic patterns 基本句型 1. What’s this? 这是什么? 2. It’s a pen. 是支笔。
3. Is this your handbag? 这是你的手提包吗?
4. No, it isn't. / Yes, it is. 不,它不是。/是的,它是。 5. Whose pen is this? 这是谁的笔? 6. It’s Kate's. 是凯特的。
7. Is that a car? 那是一辆小汽车吗?
8. No, it isn't. It's a bus. 不,那是一辆公共汽车。
h 9. What do you call this in English? 这个用英语怎么说? 10. What is the color of your new book? 你的新书是什么颜色的? 11. How big is your house? 你的房子有多大? 12. How long is the street? 这条街有多长? 13. What’s the name of the cat? 这猫叫什么名字? 14. Where’s the company? 那个公司在哪儿? 15. Which is the right size? 哪个尺码是对的? 16. What’s this? 这是什么?
17. It’s an air-conditioner. 这是空调。 18. Is this yours? 这是你的吗? 19. Yes, it's mine. 是的,是我的。 20. Where are my glasses? 我的眼镜在哪儿?
21. Do you know where I've put my glasses? 你知道我把眼镜搁哪儿了吗? 22. Over there. 在那边。 23. On the desk. 在桌上。
24. Is this your pen? I found it under the desk. 这是你的笔吗?我在桌下捡的。 25. No. Mine is blue. 不是。我的是蓝的。 26. Which is your bag? 哪个是你的包? 27. The bigger one. 大些的那个。
28. The one on your right. 你右边的那个。 29. Are these books all yours? 这些书全是你的吗? 30. Some of them are mine. 一部分是我的。 31. Who are you? 你是谁? 32. I’m Jim. 我是吉姆。
33. Who is the guy over there? 那边那个人是谁? 34. He’s Bob. 他是鲍勃。
35. Is that girl a student? 那个女孩是学生吗? 36. No, she isn't. 不,她不是。 37. What do you do? 你是做什么的? 38. I’m a farmer. 我是个农民。
h 39. What does he do? 他是干什么的? 40. He’s a manager. 他是个经理。
41. She must be a model, mustnt she? 她一定是个模特,不是吗? 42. I really don't known. 我真不知道。 43. I have no idea about it. 我一点都不知道。 44. Can she be a driver? 她可能是个司机吗? 45. Yes, I think so. 是的,我认为是。 Dialogue 对话
Ted: Are you having a good time at the zoo? 特德:你在动物园玩得开心吗?
Kevin: Yeah, dad. What is that animal? Is it a tiger? 凯文:开心,爸爸。那是什么动物?是只老虎吗? Ted: Its like a tiger. Its a leopard. 特德:它看起来像老虎,但它是一头豹子。
Kevin: It looks scary with those big teeth. Why does it have spots? 凯文:它的大牙齿看起来挺吓人的。他们身上为什么有斑点呢? Ted: Those spots help it hide in the jungle. 特德:这些斑点有助于它在丛林里藏身。 Kevin: What is that, dad? 凯文:那是什么,爸爸?
Ted: That’s monkey. The sign says that this is a spider monkey. 特德 那是只猴子。标牌上说这是只蜘蛛猿。 Kevin: Its funny looking. 凯文:它看起来很滑稽。
Ted: Theyre similar to people in some ways. 特德:它们在某些地方与人相似。
Kevin: I wish I could climb like a monkey. 凯文:但愿我能像猴子一样会爬树。 Ted: Sometimes I think you can. 特德:有时我觉得你可以的。h


