
发布时间:2023-02-24 01:43:59   来源:文档文库   

Unit5 Daily Activities Part A 公开课教案

一、教学目标 1)语言知识目标
1.学习单词bus, car和短语get into, get up, have breakfast, go to school 2.学习句型When do you...? 3.学习字母c在单词中的读音。 4.学唱歌曲:Its Time to Go to School. 5.功能:描述日常活动。 2)语言技能目标
1.能够认读和正确书写单词bus, car和短语get up, have breakfast, go to school 2.能够用句型When do you...?At....表达日常活动的时间。 3)情感态度
1.单词和词组卡片:buscarget uphave breakfastgo to school等。 2.纸质时钟、黑板奖励贴。 3. PPT和教学光盘。 三、教学过程 Step 1 Warming up 1. Greeting. 2. Sing a song What’s the time? 由歌曲引出时间。 3. 形成性评价 Step 2 Revision 1.复习时间。
游戏规则:教师展示米奇这个人物,由全班一起问: Mickey, Mickey, what’s the time? It’s… 来回答时钟上的不同时间。

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Step 3 Presentation (一)导入并揭示课题
1.教师将时钟上的时间拨到六点四十分,当学生说出时间后,教师说:“It’s six forty. It’s time to get up; brush my teeth, wash my face, have breakfast and I am ready to go to school. You see getting up, brushing my teeth, washing my face, having breakfast and going to school, they are all our daily activities. .”用动作帮助学生理解get up, brush teeth等意思,然后由此引出标题并板书:Unit5
Daily Activities Part A
1. 教师将时钟上的时间拨到六点四十五,当学生说出时间后,教师说:“Its six forty-five. I get up at forty-five.”用动作帮助学生理解get up的意思,然后板书:get up进行教学并操练。

2.教师出示食物图片说: Wow, there are many food here. Milk, bread and eggs. We call them forty-five breakfast. 板书breakfast并且教学。.教师将时钟上的时间拨到七点,当学生说出时间后,教师说:“It’s seven o’clock. I have breakfast at seven o’clock.”用动作帮助学生理解have breakfast的意思,然后板书:have breakfast

3.教师将时钟上的时间拨到七点二十五分,当学生说出时间后,教师说:“Look! It’s seven twenty-five. I go to school at seven twenty-five.”用动作帮助学生理解go to school的意思,然后板书:go to school 4. Say a chant : It’s time to get up 5: Game: 看谁反应快
游戏规则: 教师展示不同的时间的日常活动,让学生抢答,答对者所在小组得分。

6.初步感知课文,教学单词buscar以及句子The bus is full.Get into the car. 1)教师指着黑板上的时间说:“I get up at forty-five. I go to school at seven twenty-five. What about Sally? Lets watch the video together. 教师问:What are 2 / 5


