
发布时间:   来源:文档文库   
Directions For this part you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the importance of speaking/writing/reading ability and how to develop it You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words(注意写作要求)
(一)It cannot be deniedThere is no denying/doubtthat reading plays a key role in peoples growth and development in any era(年代 The 21th century is a time of knowledge explosion and reading ability becomes increasingly important。(开头引出话题)
(二)How to develop reading ability Based on this concrete and meaningful question some steps should be takenFirst and foremost the main growth in your reading skill and ability will come from reading as much as you can do Try to make a book list that you take interest in and make a practical planJust as the proverb goes that Dont bite off more than one can chew。” Furthermore a mastery(掌握精通) of some reading skills
is not only significant but also indispensable(不可缺少的) Some books are fit to do extensive(广泛的) reading while some others are suitable to do intensive reading(精读)In English study,intensive reading must be combined with extensive reading. Meanwhile other reading skills like skipping and skimming are also necessary。(中间段阐述如何采取措施/着重分析提升读书能力的措施)
(三)To conclude reading is to humans spiritual world what water is to fish Only through persistent reading can we enjoy the improvement of reading ability and learning ability(总结,再次申述阅读的重要性,进行总结概括)
本次四级考试作文难度适中,看得出来四级考试作文越来越和考研作文话题接轨。例如本次考试的话题reading ability 2015年考研写作一的大作文读书话题不谋而合。按照惯例,仍然是“三段论”,最多不要超过四段,除非提纲中有点明entitled字眼,否则标题可写可不写,但是写错一定会扣分。写标题时,要遵循写作格式,标题首字母和实词首字母大写,而标题中的虚词字母是小写的。


