
发布时间:2021-05-12   来源:文档文库   
paper review的一般写法
一篇Paper Review按照内容可以分为三个部分:

1.background 背景
2.problem/hypothesis 问题/假设
3.solution/argumentation 解决方案/论证
4.experimental test/conclusion 实验/结论

关于一些写Review的细节问题,可以查看这篇出自University of Massachusetts Lowell 的文章。里面列出了一些写Review的该注意的问题,不过比较凌乱。
此外,还有一点是需要注意的。写Paper Review要写得批判性,Critical,可是又不能写成Negative的。在我们评论别人文章的不足的时候,我们应该在后面加上一些可能的改进意见。如果是纯粹的批判对自己或对别人的改进没有丝毫的帮助。
Reviewers' comments:
Reviewer #1: Referee's report:
In the manuscript the authors represent the comparison of several equations of states and their applications to some alloys. They obtained the conclusion that the socalled Li equation has the best performance with the smallest fitting errors. I would recommend its publication in its proper form, however, after many important modifications.

1 The title "Four-Parameter Li Equation of state in Alloy" has to be modified. From what I learned from this manuscript, the authors mainly discussed the comparison of several different EOSs and their accurancies. I would suggest that th
e title is in such a form "Comparision o
f ....".
2 In abstract, the content has to be clarified.
A because both Li and 4-parameter Birch-Murnaghan EOSs are based on the four parameters, I think that the auothers need to show what is difference between these two EOSs.
B I can not understand "when the fitting energy vs. volume points are scattered in a wide scale or have a large number of data to fit". Does it mean that the obtained energy-vs-volume curves are not smoothing? In addition, a large number of data to fit should not be a problem for the application of various EOS. In terms of my experiences, the large number of data is better to fit EOS.
C Two sentences "Moreover, it is found that Li equation has the best performance among these exponential EOSs with the smallest fitting errors" and "The further comparison of the fitting the pressure vs. volume points shows that Li equation performs as the best one as well among the exponential EOSs." I am feeling very sad for these two sentences. They mean the same sentence.

3 English has to be polished in a more readable way, although the authors are Chinese speakers. I would suggest that the authors invite some persons to help them to polish the languange. In addition, many setences are repeated several times in the manuscript.
4 Page 3, in the second paragraph, the authors presented "Nevertheless, the accuracy at ultra-high pressure is remaining disputed." I guess that the author should show something more on this sentence. It is not clear. Why does the accuracy of these EOS remain disputed? Indeed, in the manuscript there are many similar sentences which are needed to be clarified. Here, I would not list one by one.
Reviewer #2: In the present manuscript, it was first proposed that the equations of
state (EOS could be classified into two groups, i.e. linear and exponential ones, and then these EOSs currently used in metals and alloys were compared in detail. Based on the comparison, the author concluded that Li equation presents itself much better performance that other EOS. Besides, the ultimate strength and critical volume were derived from the EOS for more than forties metallic compounds or alloys. The conclusion sounds considerably convinced and the manuscript is well organized. Though the present work is simple but it is very interesting and useful for the condensed matter physicist as well as the materials scientist. Therefore, I would recommend publishing it on the Modern Physics Letters B.
Minor revisions:

The present figures seem too faint. The author should redraw the figures so as that they could be decipherable easily.
Computational Materials Science, Manuscript No: COMMAT-D10-00972
“ Classification of equation …..” by X. Chang and Y. Kong

The authors have re-analyzed published data of EOS based on first-principles calculations. Historically, the validity of the EOSs proposed in literature has been analyze
d by various authors, and as such ther
e are numerous publications besides those cited in the manuscript, including a book [1], may be found.
By definition, EOS deals with P, V and T relations. They are classified as isothermal (or static and thermal EOS. In this paper, authors have considered only isothermal EOS. Issues related to thermal EOS were neglected either deliberately or inadvertently. Thermal EOS has been discussed at great length, see ref. 1-3.
The manuscript suffers from important drawbacks:
Even for isothermal or static EOS, a true test for the validity of EOS must consider vary large pressure range (see, ref. 4 for detailed discussion and wide variety of materials having different kind of bonding. For example, the authors did not even bother to consider gases like H2 and Ne, and metals like Ta and Pt. It is well established in literature that Vinet’s EOS works very well for a wide variety of materials and for up to high pressure i.e., validated by experimental
data. In contrast, the data considered in this manuscript (in Table 2, 3 and 4 are based on first-principles calculations, and usually they represent a rather small pressure range which is insufficient to test the validity of EOSs. In a small pressure range, all EOSs work nearly equally well! In other words, the authors must consider
experimental data over a wide range of pressure. In addition, it is equally important to consider metallic, covalently, ionic, and van der Walls bonded materials.
As a cursory search, experimental P, V and T data for 50 materials is summarized in ref. 5. This information may be useful to the authors!
In summary, this manuscript is a quick and cheap attempt of reinvent EOS, so is the paper by Shang et al (cited as Ref. 5 in References and Notes section. Therefore, the manuscript is NOT accptable for publication in Comp. Materials Sci.
1. O.L. Anderson, Equations of State of Solids for Geophysicists and Ceramic Science, Oxford Unversity Press, New York.
2. J. Hama and K. Suito, J.Phys.: Cond. Matter 8 (1996 67-81.
3. T.S. Duffy and Y. Wang, in Ultrahigh-Pressure Mineralogy: Physics and Chemistry of the Earth’s Deep Interior, Edited by R.J Hemley et al., Mineralogial Soc. America, Reviews in Mineralogy, 37 (1998 425-458.

4. W.B. Holzapfel, Physics of Solids under Strong Compression, Reports on Progress in Physics, 59 (1996 29-90.
5. M. Kumari and N. Dass, J.Phys.: Cond. Matter 2 (1990 7891-7895


