Final paper writing format sample 重要学术格式要求

发布时间:2014-03-01   来源:文档文库   
Title of Your Paper (居中,小四,Times New Roman FirstName LastName Course Title Instructor’s Name
The first paragraph is a brief introduction of your topic and how are you going to discuss the related issue. It should include a thesis statement --or in other words-- the main idea of your paper……….(两倍行距,正文,小四,Times New Roman每段第一行空六格,文章居左对齐

The first sentence of your second paragraph should be the main idea of this particular paragraph. Then you will elaborate on this idea in the rest of your paragraph.

The following paragraphs should also be like the second paragraph offering the other sub-points to support your thesis statement in the first paragraph. These sub-points when put together, should be able to provide a strong support for your thesis statement. At the end of the paper, you should have a concluding paragraph where you summarize your paper.
During your writing, you shall offer your opinions in YOUR OWN WORDSdo not copy and paste others opinions without acknowledging them---that’s called plagiarism—It is prohibited and the paper would be graded ZERO if it happens.

If you do need to quote others opinions in your writing, you should give the source. If you need a very short and direct quote, you put it in ―…..‖ and give the page number, for instance (Smith, 2009, p. 10. If you cite someone’s opinions in your paper, you also need to acknowledge it by giving the author’s last name and year like
this: Zhang (2010 discussed…‖…or ―according to Acee (2009 …‖ or in their book Bache & Kang (2011 found…‖. Then you are going to give the detailed information about the author at the end of your paper, in the Reference section. If you are quoting materials we used in class, quote Xiao & Wang (2003 other than those specified. Finally, your paper should have a minimum of 1500 words.

如果是网上材料,就写 Retrieved 具体日期 from …给出链接,如果没有作者,给出标题,然后写Retrieved 具体日期 from …给出链接,
如果是电子报纸,给出作者,日期具体到日,文章名称,然后写Retrieved 具体日期 from …给出链接。
例子: 见下页,references另起一页

References 肖惠云,王义(2003)。当代英国概况。上海,上海外语教育出版社。
Acee, I. (2009. Name of the paper. Journal Name, 28(2, 64-75. Retrieved December 11, 2013 from …..

Bache, A., &Kang, B. (2011. Book Name. Beijing: Foreign Language and Research Press. Belcher, J. E. (2013, December 11. Title of the article. Newspaper Name, Retrieved December 11, 2013 from
Simplifying the welfare system and making sure work pays, Retrieved December 11,
2013 from Smith, J. (2009. Name of the paper. Journal Name, 67(3, 115-125. Zhang, X. (2010. Book Name. Publishing Place: Publisher information.


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